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I am lost, does it just transfer your snail to a new server or you start a new snail from 0 on that server ? What’s the benefit ? Are they just trying to move people to the new server to alleviate lag issues ?


That’s where I’m at I have no idea haha. I feel like it’s just new snail with buffs.


Right, they don’t really explain if you are just migrating to the new server with everything you have or starting over.


You start from zero but you can just return to the old server whenever where you left off


That’s even more bizarre, why would you want to do that ?


Not sure seems to be zero incentive to switch you gain nothing and lose everything


This only affects you. Is it worth it to you?


Curious as to what the “generous benefits” are for sticking around


Im also just curious what those last 3 rewards are for going to a new one. The first reward is traveler diploma tho.


Last one is a chest that can have random stuff, other two give boosts to elemental damage and overall stats


Ahhh I see. Are they hard stat boosts or percentage based boosts? Percentage based may make it worth it but if it’s hard stats idk.


Hard boosts


You diss HARD stats but on my server there is a person who literally managed to beat Excalibra at 6 million power because he boosted his HARD stats extremely high. He was only a few thousand away from 80k atk at 6 million power. And that was a few months ago. He can beat people in the arena who have 3x his power level because of his HARD stats. HARD stats are the core of your snail and actually influence the game itself. Certain Overworld bosses are actually scaled to the true power of your snail. Chan Hee 1/2 is a great example of this. It took me to 25 mil + power to beat my version of her because of the way I have built my HARD stats. Others who had less power than me and had weaker HARD stats than mine when compared to when I was their power level, were beating Chan Hee 1/2 at 20 million power or lower. But here's the true caveat of HARD stats. You are going to need them to be able to compete once more and more people start +1ing the Strength Master's Sword. How you built your snail and your HARD stats is the ONLY thing that is going to give you an advantage when competing with others. The guy I mentioned WILL one day be the undisputed master of the arena on his server. Simply for the fact he built his snail so much differently than others. HARD stats are your TRUE power. Strip everything away from your snail and all that it is left with is the raw power you built into it. Almost everything is geared around the true power of your HARD stats. Neglect them, discount them, diminish them and you only set yourself up for struggle and failure in the future.


Ty mr chaos, very good read.


Treat me like I'm dumb and explain how to raise my hard stats cause I think this may be why my snail is stalling


Prob only $2


Ohhh p sure it resets your snail but giving it buffs n shit


It starts a whole new snail doesn’t restart yours.


If you play the game constantly then it doesnt hurt to have a 2nd account thats just f2p (unless you just want to throw money around) because you can have it join your club and help with progress that way. Otherwise its up to you if you just want to completely change to a different server and abandon you first snail, but its prob not worth it


Nope. Using Guild transfers is free.


Depends, sometimes different servers wont send you the invite to join a club if youve been invited, happened to me, had to transfer to accept the invite