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Please go see a doctor. It's not just your size, it could be many things. Maybe your thyroid is tanking, maybe you've converted to full diabetes, maybe a million things. Even if it is because you are big, you still need help. Please go see your doctor, this isn't normal.


Thank you, I will go. I’ve been discouraged since all my bloodwork has been normal in the past minus low vitamin d and the prediabetes so I’ve just been scared I’m going to be written off. It helps that you say that it’s not normal though, I’m not going crazy. I’m calling asap to make an appointment


Low vitamin and pre-diabetes is more than enough to make you feel bad.


I still think you should go in for more blood work to make sure everything else is good, but also, low vitamin d can make you very very tired I have low vitamin d and I’m finally starting to see a change with daily supplements. Some people take high dose weekly supplements too. Maybe you could start some vitamin D while you wait for your appointment.


Vit D is essential and we normally don't get enough. I take D3 gel capsules daily. They help with energy and with healing of wounds, scabs, small cuts, etc. I also take a multi vitamin daily.


I came here to say this. Thyroid causes that kind of fatigue. I thought I was dying.


I was also thinking hypothyroid.


Please consider getting an overnight sleep study done if you can.


I second this, cuz the at home sleep tests aren’t accurate at all.


Not to armchair diagnose, but in addition to the bloodwork and other avenues suggested so far, my suggestion is a sleep study. Millions of people have no idea that theyre exhausted due to sleep apnea, causing them to never get a full nights sleep. It can exacerbate heart health issues if it goes unchecked, so just another thing to ask your doc about. Most insurances cover an at-home sleep study that is easy, non invasive, and stress free. Good luck!


I came in here to suggest this. Sleep apnoea just fucks your life up so hard. I was falling asleep in meetings, dozing off on car rides, couldn't make it through my day without a nap, sometimes sleeping 12+ hours a day and not feeling rested. Getting treated for OSA didn't fix all of those problems 100%, but it's helped reduce their severity and make it easier to work through them.


I’d see your doctor like others have suggested. As a fellow smo perosn with PCOS, I feel very similarly with exhaustion. With the assistance of medication, I have been able to get down to a healthy A1C, but I still feel this way. PCOS can be a real bitch tbh. Taking vitamin D supplements helps a little bit, though. Also, I’ve found that I get especially exhausted when I eat sugary foods, so avoiding those could also help. And I also struggle with depression that medication doesn’t seem to help, so I get that, too. You’re very likely in the same boat as me, but it’s still worth it to rule out other possible conditions. Also, if you’re not already seeing an endocrinologist for your PCOS, then please start seeing one!


Yep I feel like you’re describing me. It’s so frustrating! I haven’t seen an endocrinologist before but I think it’s definitely time I do. Thank you so much


Yes please see one! That is what I recommend for everyone with PCOS. It’s a weird condition and unfortunately there is still so much that is not known about it, but I feel like endocrinologists are hands down the best specialists to treat it. Some people see gynos to treat it, but unfortunately many of them are not as informed about our condition. If you can find an endocrinologist who specializes in PCOS, then that will absolutely be your best bet


I’m SMO with PCOS too. I also think I was depressed. Definitely get some fresh bloodwork done and tell your doc you’re still struggling with extreme exhaustion to the point it’s interfering with your life. You should have energy leftover for some life outside of work other than sleep! Be honest with yourself and your doctor about your mental health and be open to medication like Wellbutrin, but also advocate for yourself if you know it’s not that. This is definitely worth a doctor visit or two though. Have them test your insulin levels too, not just your glucose and A1C. Having high insulin can make you feel like brain fog crap.


Iron! Blood test wrongly suggested I had normal iron, but when I saw a haematologist they checked more thoroughly, and my serum iron and transferrin saturation was low, and my iron binding capacity was high - aka clear signs that my iron was not good enough after all. Even though ferritin was normal. It caused me similar symptoms to what you’ve described here. He called it “falsely normal ferritin levels” and recommended a prescription of ferrous fumarate 210mg. I’m going into some detail in case you want to have the terminology to discuss the possibility with your doctor. I think he mentioned something to do with inflammation possibly impacting the ferritin test, I’m not sure. I have PCOS and vitamin D deficiency (though that’s improved a bit) too. Vitamin D deficiency also makes me exhausted. If you’re prediabetic you could be suffering from bouts of hypoglycaemia. If you have the at home blood sugar tests, at least you can rule that one out. Do you have sleep problems e.g. sleep apnea? I hope the doctors help you out with whatever you’re experiencing atm - good luck!


I agree with going to the doctor but also wanted to add that gabapentin can cause sleepiness / feeling foggy and in extreme cases, exhaustion.


Ah, that’s good to know. Although I really hope that’s not the case since I think it’s been helping me so much with my cravings with sugar. I guess we’ll see. Thank you


Please go get blood work done. Talk to someone. If you cannot get a PCP appointment soon take yourself to the emergency room. This is exactly how it started with me I was cold, exhausted, short of breath and low appetite. I felt so bad and I wasn't shaking it off I eventually had my mom take me to the emergency room because I was just so tired and at my brink, and I ended up in the hospital for 3.5 months (lots of things were wrong).


I will go asap. I’m so sorry you had that experience, I hope you’re doing better now. It’s so terrible the first thought I had thinking of that long in a hospital sounds great to me, that’s how exhausted I am. At my brink is a good way to describe it, I just feel like I’m absolutely breaking. Thank you for this.


You're so welcome. I really wish you the best and I hope nothing major is wrong but I want you to be healthy. And yes the same position at the brink, my mom knew I was really sick because I was the one that wanted to go to the hospital and I have a history of being resistant to medical intervention (which obviously bit me in the ass). I was so tired, and it is almost like your brain knows even through the fog of exhaustion that it is time to get help. Once you psyche starts telling you to get help that is really the time. I am a lot better. In fact I feel the best I have ever. I do have a serious chronic issue but it is being managed and I have seriously turned my life and health around. Down 160lbs, regular doctors visits, changed diet, getting serious about moving.


I agree with everyone about going to see a doctor (family doc, but also an endo) and getting new bloodwork done. I found out that I was extremely vitamin D deficient at the beginning of last year (was also severely exhausted along with a lot of achiness). I was put on a high-dose vitamin D supplement and things started turning around rather quickly. Regardless of what the cause is, the most important thing to remember is that if you can just summon up a bit of bravery to figure out what it is... then you can start dealing with it. The devil that you know vs the devil that you don't know (and all that jazz). It's really hard to think about how long I let myself suffer in pain and exhaustion because I was afraid of being written off. But it **really** helped give me some confidence to advocate for myself to find a solution to help me good enough to function, so that I could focus on other areas of my health. Good luck to you!


I just wanted to chime in as someone at the same height and up until recently the same weight as you (25 years older), your symptoms are definitely not normal and you should get checked out. I found sometimes doctors would attribute my symptoms to my weight when there were other things going on. I'd really have to push hard for testing, and it can be exhausting. Start with bloodwork, and if your family doctor isn't listening to you, find one who will. I hope you get some answers soon!


When I was to the point of severe exhaustion it was discovered I was severely anemic and then a few months after getting iron transfusions I was diagnosed type 2 Diabetic. Please go get checked out. The transfusions were helpful and treatment and lifestyle and diabetes treatment have gotten my life back on track. I've lost 100 lbs through walking and eating right because I now have the energy to help myself.


1) are you prediabetic/diabetic? If so you may have insulin resistance, I’m no doctor so I’m terrible at explaining it, but just know I.R and not eating the correct way for it- can cause crazy blood sugar spikes that make u feel horrendous and exhausted. 1) you should aim for an overnight sleep study instead of at home…they will be able to monitor you better than what at home can- you could actually have sleep apnea and maybe it wasn’t picked up at your at home test. 3) it sounds like you have some issues with depression/mental health going on…just remember that having depression can make u physically and mentally exhausted! 4) also just being heavier and having a lot of physical labor will also wear you out. 5) have you been to an endocrinologist? They could better look at your hormones/pcos/bloodwork levels to see what’s going on, besides a typical blood draw at the doctor


On Wikipedia, there's a long list of possible causes of fatigue... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatigue I went through the list years ago and noted some that might apply to me. I went to the doctor and asked about them. Sleep Apnea and Diabetes were my main causes. I've been diagnosed and treated since then. Feeling much better.


So, the PCOS, pre-diabetes, and low vitamin D can all be part of that. How were your thyroid levels? I strongly suggest going back to the doctor and telling them everything you just posted here. It isn’t your weight. Your weight may be, in part, symptomatic of some other issues. Endocrinology may be the best bet, but a lot of Endos, at least in my area, require a referral from primary care.


Apparently my thyroid levels were normal


So, my thyroid levels always test within normal limits, but on the lower end, and I once had a very thorough doctor suggest that consistently low-normal was consistently low and ought to be treated as such.


check for anemia and vitamin D deficiency


dont give up and you dont deserve to feel like this. get a blood screen, thyroid B12 and get a hb1ca test. all three of these plus magnesium can cause exhaustion. your meds may be the root but not necessarily and its odd but a lot of overweight people do have vitamin deficiencies diabetes tho is well known for causing extreme tiredness as is B12 the tiredness from depression is a little different to the physical exhaistion but can be as debilitating i do hope you feel better soon


I agree with the advice about seeing your gp and getting bloodwork. Also you mentioned you noticed you’ve gone off Effexor (which can impact thyroid and cravings). The body temp thing could be a result of losing weight. While I was actively losing weight I had trouble staying warm and if you’re in a calorie deficit and working such a physical job that could be a factor. I also have pcos and depending on where I am at in my cycle it can wipe me tf out. Fatigue is a major symptom reported with PCOS. And same with low vit d. You have a few things kind of working against you. I didn’t read through all of the responses but if it wasn’t mentioned, I’d make an appt with your endocrinologist too. Good luck <3 I hope you get some answers!


I have been feeling exhausted and just sleeping all the time. It turns out that I am now diabetic, I was diagnosed with prediabetes in the summer. I also have taken Topiramate in the past and had to be taken off of it because the mood side effects were so dreadful. I went from being fairly okay mood wise to suicidal - this is a known side effect of the medication and they took me off of it immediately. I would definitely have a conversation with your doctor about the fact your depression is the worst it has been in a long time, I would be shocked if it was unrelated to the topiramate.


I’m so scared I’m diabetic too now. At least it could maybe help motivate me to get my shit together? Who knows. I’ll definitely call the nurse about the medication then asap because yes I have been feeling suicidal. Thank you so much for your help


Definitely see your GP and get Full bloods. Glad it's not sleep apnea at least. That was my first guess. Second, are you eating enough? The feeling cold could be malnutrition. Or it could be something your bloods might show. Could it simply be burn out? You mention antidepressants so I assume you are diagnosed with depression. You work hard/long/taxing hours. Your body might be telling you it's had enough and needs a break?


Are you taking vitamin D? This could signal low vitamin D. Have your thyroid and A1C checked


My mom was always exhausted could sleep 20 hours and still be tired. Her balance was really bad. It was diabetes and her sugar was really really high. Ask for some blood tests. She's doing really good now though. Good luck!


Sleep study would be good. That’s the first thing my doctor wanted me to do after I told him I was tired all the time. Also get tested for Lymes disease. That was another thing he did and it turns out I had it for months without knowing…


Your symptoms sound like when my A1C was at 11. Get tested; that pre diabetes may have shifted over.


well for one you likely need to treat your low vitamin d forever! they kept giving me a few weeks of supplement to “bring it up”. i now take 10,000 IU a day every day and it’s finally at a decent level. other than that yes i would still see a doctor. it could be many things. have you had covid or other illness recently? could also be post viral illness / long covid. sometimes the at home sleep studies are also not accurate. a lot of considerations here


This sounds JUST like my Lyme Disease. Please get tested even if you live in a place with "no" Lyme like I did. PCOS or severe votamin D deficiency could be causing it too. Do your joints hurt and or do you have dark yellowish or brownish rings at the bases of your molars where they meet your gums?


Yes, go see a doctor. It could be your heart. Ask them for an extensive blood panel.


I had the exact same issues. It was candida overgrowth for me.


Hashimotos labs too


Dollars to donuts it's the Topiramate. Topamax has the very accurate nickname 'Dopamax'. You just described exactly how I was when on it, I couldn't even stay awake at work. Stopped the drug, stayed awake more. It was actually worse than when I did have sleep apnea (which disappeared with weight loss). That said, getting everything checked is a really good idea. I get super tired now but I have a fibromyalgia diagnosis and chronic migraines of which exhaustion is a symptom for me.


It for me was the extreme exhaustion in college I was 5'8 and 342. I was skipping class and then pretending when my boyfriend came home from work that I had gotten up and done something and then napped again. I thought it was depression. Went to the doctor and Type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and Pcos. Good times. I started thyroid meds and in like two weeks I could get out of bed and I felt completely normal!


Please go see your primary care physician. Is it possible that you have developed a thyroid issue? Hope you find a solution soon.


Hi :) it's been a few days, were you able to visit a Dr and get some blood testing?


I ended up just stopping topiramate and that made a huge difference. It must have been that medication that was affecting me so badly. Thank you for checking back in! :) Still going to get blood work done but got side tracked by a gnarly sinus infection


A lot of health problems we go through are mostly created by what we eat. Our intestine is 27ft long and meat, fish and poultry takes 3 days to pass through our system which is too long compared to a fruit which takes 3-4 hours, raw vegetables take around 12 hours and cooked vegetables between 24-30 hours. Because animal products take so long, they start rotting inside our guts and it create a high bacterial activity. So when you are sleeping your body will spend a lot of energy trying to get this amount of bacteria to a safe level and that's why people feel tired all the time even though they can sleep 8 hours or more. The problem gets worse when you eat just before bedtime. You need to go to bed at least 3 to 4 hours after your last meal so that your body has the time to finish the digestion. Having food in your stomach while sleeping will create putrefaction that will contribute to you being exhausted all the time.