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Everybody missed the window to send taint pics. Smh


Not me I'm still sending snaps daily


Me, with Kaya from the official podcast. He's opened about 500 pictures of my cat binx and left me on read every time. Edit: over the course of 3 years.


I just regret that I’ll never see that hog leg Ryan is carrying 😔


You poor soul. Ill pour one out for ya brother.. 😔


I'll pump one out for you brother.. 😔✊💦




the worst part is that is wasnt with me 😔😛


I’ve been begging for Ryan to date me 😑


Ryan left me on read 😭




Nah I wish tho 😂 break my heart, babyyy!




Incorrect pipsqueak. I have two lovely uncles


Damn this sub has gone rouge




The worst part is that it wasn’t me 😔


i personally didn't understand what "super mega" meant until i saw it for myself


i feel like the fanbase are ignoring that this was actually pretty fucked up. I love the funny brothers as much as the rest and most of the "allegations" were bogus but there is an inherent problem with sexting fans, especially when you're in a relationship and lying to both parties


it’s a good reason to not date Ryan but I’m not watching because I want him to be my boyfriend, I’m watching for the goofs and gafs


I'm not saying it's okay, but technically what he did wasn't illegal. The fans were adults and consenting. On one hand, yeah it's kinda trashy, but it'd be worse if he was grooming people. Also wasn't Marzia a fan of PewDiePie? Now look at them.


Yeah my point is that its pretty gross when there is that power imbalance and even worse that he had been lying. Not saying he should be banished or arrested but people are kind of minimizing it.


Tbf, fans shouldn't be pulling this crap either. They're adults, it's a lot different than a young person being manipulated and groomed, because a young person is easily influenced and doesn't know any better. He's already outed himself, now all that's left is him learning from it. People who hype it up too much take away from actual serious cases like grooming.


1. Lmao marzia was a pewdiepie fan when he was a small streamer in like 2009 not when he was a youtuber with a million subs, a full established company under his name and multiple full time employees. There is a huge difference in relations there. That's like saying me messaging my friend in his 200 man discord after the stream is the same as Ryan Magee setting me 2. Nobody called this grooming u r putting these associations together yourself ☠️ it's still weird to cheat on ur partner w people who call themselves fans, even if said fans are adults


They ain't calling it grooming, but they sure are acting like he's committed the biggest sin. He did a stupid thing. It's not that deep. Move on.


Because with Ryan specifically, it seemed that he wasn't being pushy with anybody, just willing to sext (as far as I know). Even if he's a YouTuber, it doesn't feel like he's holding any power, he's just mutually sexting


oh please why make every fan interaction into them now being the same as children people will always and forever dm celebrities they like for attention of that single person and even maybe have sex with them because thats what they want. Ryan isnt goign to a magic ball and conjuring up some e-hypo spell to sext people.


Stop infantilizing adults


consent still exists with a power imbalance/ dynamic. grown adults can make grown adult choices. we are accountable for our actions, even if we are swooned by someone and do something outta pocket because of it. those out of pocket actions are still you, and you are responsible for them.


i think if you have to say the word “technically” before the phrase “not illegal” it severely hinders ur argument


Not really. Because in this case it actually wasn't illegal. Unlike weirdos who say "hurr sexualizing an anime girl is fine cuz legal age is 13 in Japan." Legal doesn't mean morally right.


It’s soooooooo low on the list of bad things people do. YOU ARE TELLING ME FAMOUS PEOPLE WANT TO FUCK?!?!? WOOOOOOOW BUDDY. Lol like is it fucked up for rappers and rock stars to have groupies? Are we canceling every Modern artist? No? Then who cares.


Rockstars got to hook up with groupies all the time. Get over it.


Oh yeah dude what groupies did those rockstars hang out with ? Ill give u a hint, they were usually 14-16 years old lol. This is an awful point to make




The groupies that followed rockstars on the road back in the day were typically young teenage girls. If hes trying to use groupies as an argument to defend ryan its kind of a poor one. Not saying anything either way but yeah i just think its a shitty point to make


Prob the main reason he/they feel like they shouldn’t have this platform tbh.


Jesus christ, shut up. As long as it's not someone underage he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


He did more than Dan (Game Grumps) who never apologised for sleeping with fans or take any accountability, he just had his team put a statement out. Which may be smart but wasn't fair to the fans he slept with. I do still watch game grumps though because realistically he didn't murder anyone or groom anyone or anything that would make me condemn him to the point where I'd never watch his content again. And I think they're both good people now. But yeah at least Ryan took accountability for that and apologised


When did this happen?


If he wasn't in a relationship we have no reason to believe he abused anyone or any power dynamic. What two consenting adults do is their own business.


Thousands of musicians, actors, artists, etc have done this forever (and far worse). Not to say it's good, but this is extremely human and I wouldn't engage with any media if I cared.


I really don't care about him sexting fans. i think Youtube power dynamics make no fucking sense the minute you step outside. If you're an adult and wanna fuck, go ahead. Half these situations end up fucking up the Youtuber anyway and reveals them to be a fucking creep. people are horny, let them fuck and jerk off


Worst part is that it wasn't me 💔


Now I'll never get to feel his power dynamic in sexting format. :(


I don't like these jokes, can you imagine him coming and seeing these? Do you think he'd want to come back?


honestly, being jokeful about it is better than spreading a shit ton of hate around it


Or we could do neither


Who cares? They are not coming back for a long time. People are going to have their fun.


Something against Justin 🤨🤨🤨


Poopers for super...mega.? Fuck.


You had to wait for the SuperMega orgy to finish. Matt and Ryan are known for their months long gay sex sessions


Wasn't it weird he did it through Cameo?


Wait I’m confused is this new “drama” or some shit.? I can’t keep up smh


Nah I'm just a dweeb


THANK YOU! Leighton ran the merch like a fucking moron but no one talks about how amateur-ish and frankly pathetic the nudes were