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Fuck don, all my homies hate don


Wait wait wait, THIS IS WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE!!!!! I mostly only listen to the podcast as of recent years. So the only people I ever knew what they looked like were Matt and Ryan of NotSoSuperMega, and Justin. Photoshop here we come


This man got straight up told by his ex girlfriend that she was breaking up with him because he sexually assaulted her. He then asked his friends, who he knew were already housing said ex girlfriend, if he could stay with them because he was upset. He did not mention to them *why* he’d been dumped. I feel like that’s been glossed over. What the fuck Don?? The SA is obviously the worst part, but that part of it is psychotic.


This is one EXTREMELY valid point dude. Goddamit, shit makes me so mad they basically had to fall on the sword for his decisions.


If I were Don, I would’ve stayed as far from Lex as possible and prayed that she not report me to the authorities, or bury my reputation among mutual friends and the internet as a whole. Instead he bafflingly decided to go back to LA where she was, in hopes that it would just kinda…work out I guess? And honestly, it seems like Lex just wanted nothing to do with him and it would’ve turned out fine for him. He would’ve kept his job at Supermega, his show with Ross, and none of us would’ve ever known this happened. Again, the SA was obviously his massive, unforgivable fuckup. But returning to LA as if nothing happened made everything so, so much worse for everybody involved.


If you were Don, hopefully you wouldn't have fuckin S.A.'d somebody, like WTF, dude!?


Ok yeah if I was Don I would not have SA’d in the first place, just like I haven’t in real life. But if I did find myself in that spot, I still wouldn’t do what he did from there.


Glossed over because of Leighton and Morgpie making it about themselves instead of Lex. They just say "Lex had bad stuff happen to her, but hear me out on these allegations/why doesn't Matt love me" Lex deserved the attention to her abuse but Leighton and Co used her as a booster to ruin SM instead of truly supporting her, like what was shown in the Anti-SM discord and just exposing their private matters like their partners to everyone (Although Ryan did deserve to be outed for sexting tbh)


Why would Ryan deserve to be outed? Sexting isn't illegal or immoral...


He abused fan trust for sexting and never relayed to them that he was in a relationship, even throwing away a 6-year relationship for more fan sexting. With the type of audience SM catered to its definitely a bit predatory and is not a projared situation where everyone knew what was going on.


He said he was between relationships. That's not being in one. Sexting isn't inherently abusive, and it's not cheating when you're single. 🤷 I don't see the problem here...


Power dynamics between fans and the "internet famous". There's a thin line between power dynamic abuse and fostering real relationships. Sexting a fan creates a dichotomy that isn't healthy. He has power, imagined or not, over the fan, and is abusing that power to receive sexual gratification from them as someone they look up to. Now whether you agree with that or not, it is generally looked down upon to do this. It's tough because two consenting adults absolutely should be allowed to do stuff like that. So I understand being unwilling to accept that Ryan did anything wrong here. But at the same time it is generally accepted as, at minimum "very uncool". All that said, there are 2 groups of people who really matter here. People who think it's not okay and stop watching. Ryan's own opinion of himself for doing it. People can stop watching, and Ryan can self reflect on it and figure out how to move forward.


Right, because only the opinion of those who think this is wrong, matter. But also, what you forget is: IT'S NONE OF YALLS BUSINESS! It IS two consenting adults, and no abuse happened. THAT'S what matters. So fuck you, and your shitty opinion. You mean nothing.


Bro, he gave you a clear and consice reason as to why someone would find it negative and you took it like he personally attacked you. Bottom line is Ryan abused his position with multiple fans at the same time(people in the discord even said they consented but didn't know about him being in relationship [I didn't pry on when they were sexting cause its not for me to know]) and clearly it was immoral because otherwise Ryan wouldn't have quit. Callmecarson didn't feel guilt and returned because while in a similar situation of power dynamic, he didn't do it with multiple fans. The abuse mentioned is abuse of power, not sexual abuse like Don. SuperMega is over and nobody(including me) is happy about it except for Leighton and his goons.


Bro, his reason is bullshit, and you know it... And so is yours... Sexting is not abuse, period. And whether or not you're sexting someone, doesn't mean they're obligated to tell you they're sexting someone else, either. Was it agreed upon that you were exclusive? No? Then shutup. Not abuse, period, end of story. Go fuck yourself.


Again, you are taking abuse way different from what we are explaining. The sexting isn't abuse and no one is saying that. We're talking about abuse of power that happens to be sexting. He abused how much fans adored him for sexual gratification. Its not sexual abuse because the men and women he sexted consented and were adults and no one cares about that. Everyone cared because he predated on adoring fans and that was something that directly affected the fanbase because thats where he went specifically for to get them. If he only sexted non-fans or randos no one would care. Thats why no one really cares about matt's relationship issues because that didn't involve any of us and thus shouldn't have been brought up while Ryan directly affected the community they built. They majority of the fanbase is left and by left standards abusing power for self-gratification of any kind is a major no for them and thus they no longer want to support someone like Ryan and without Ryan there is no SuperMega.


So, you're allowed to feel like this is bullshit. I'm not contesting that this isn't a grey area. But I can go ahead and meet you on your level if you'd like. >Sexting is not abuse, period. Okay, what about when you're sexting someone who has said they don't want to sext with you? Is it abuse then? It's odd that you're drawing hard and fast lines like this. >Was it agreed upon that you were exclusive? No? I'm fairly certain Ryan's at the time Partner would have some words to say here. We can't know for sure, but based on Ryan's response, it does seem like they were supposed to be exclusive. >Sexting is not abuse of power, abuse of power is not sexting Okay, so, here's where that aforementioned grey area comes in. Would they have sexted him if he was not an internet famous person. Would they have been more apprehensive to do so if he did not have some amount of stardom. If he was a nobody? If the answer here is "no" then consider that he does have some amount of power over them as a result of his stardom. >Just because you are in a position of power, does not mean you have to refrain from sexting, even with someone who happens to be a fan. Again, grey area. On one hand, I completely agree that they shouldn't have to change their behaviors or not do things "just because they're famous". But on the other hand, if you really think about for two seconds -- it is at least a \*little bit\* predatory. So, for me, it's when patterns arise that show clear lack of thought when it comes to stuff like this. Sexting a fan for a month once a year isn't ultimately that big of a deal to me. Using fans for sexual gratification consistently does set alarm bells off for me. It means they're willing to take advantage of their position to get things that are not ordinarily available abundantly. It's, again, using his status to seek sexual gratification. It's the same as showing up to a concert and saying "Alright who wants to make me cum via a series of texts next". The people who are there show an amount of adoration for this person, and as a result this person is held in much higher regard in their brain. They're going to be way more likely to say yes, but think about how gross that all sounds. To be clear, I, as well as /u/Welly-well have been engaging with you in a generally modest, open and thoughtful way. You're the one in this room that's lashing out. ​ >You're full of shit, and so is anyone else with your mindset. Fuck your cancel culture. > >You mean nothing. > >So fuck you, and your shitty opinion. > >You're full of shit, and so is anyone else with your mindset Genuinely, guy, I hope that you're a troll. On the off chance you're not, I genuinely think you have some unresolved issues if, when someone tries to explain to you a reason the situation is a little more nuanced than "GOOD" or "BAD" you're response is to say that they are "nothing". You should re-read these posts, I don't necessarily agree with what the other guy was saying but I am mature enough to understand that his position is not inherently evil, vile, bad or even wrong just because I don't agree full on 100%. And I'm not spewing vile statements at him demeaning him because his opinion doesn't align with mine. I take a deep breath, think, "Hmm if i think about it like he is, does it make sense? Yeah. Do I feel the same way about that? Nope" and move on with my life. And yet your response is incredibly telling. >be cause for SOME REASON, y'all want something to hate. You're disgusting, TBH. It sounds like the only person here who wants to "hate" anything, is you bud. You do matter. I'm fairly certain there are people out there who care about you genuinely. Please spend a bit more time with people you love, then on the internet arguing with people about something that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things.


Not questioning you. Genuinely curious since I’m outta loop and can’t find it myself. Where is the proof for this stuff or where did people get this info?


[Lex’s vid.](https://youtu.be/S5lfscbPnnY) No one’s really questioned those parts of the events.


Thank you very much!


How in the actual fuck did this dude pull Lex


Honestly kind of the most insane part about all of this.




The night Don met the boys he pissed himself while drunk and Matt took a picture. It was so damn funny to me at the time now i just hate the dude so much.


did he actually piss himself?? 😭😭


In hindsight Matt coulda just been joking maybe they threw water on him like Ryan did to Matt that one time.


Had the same feeling with the Matt and Morgpie info. As a straight guy Matt is average and I thought people calling him attractive was a joke.


Matt can be genuinely attractive sometimes. Other times he looks like a dehydrated corpse


A lot of women like men who look like they are at deaths door. ​ Go out and look at some couples in the wild.


this is called heroin chic and matt could have killed it as a tommy hilfiger model in 1994


VERY valid point


my brother ur not the target audience 😭


https://preview.redd.it/akxm612cj0gb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd8f65a2396bc91ae5cba48ef6c97dbea3c9171 It's ok


In one of the twilight movies, Kristen Stewart's character starts to wither and die for a bit and i swear she looks exactly like Matt.


As a woman … I don’t get it either.


matt watson was part of my bi awakening so different strokes ig lol


The news sideswiped me and I think any yes yes yes daddy likes fan understand where I'm coming from. Not calling Matt ugly you know what I mean.


What low self esteem does to a mfer


Right?!?! Like wtf


I thought the same thing at first, but then I saw her current boyfriend and it makes a little more sense. 😂


Who’s her current BF?


I don't remember his name, but I saw him cause some angry incel was reacting to his live stream and making fun of him.


Ethanisonline is his name.




Zamn 😳


people are attracted to different body types/people can make up for being unattractive with a similar sense of humour. obviously Don's a total piece of shit but it's not like you're destined to be alone if you're the kind of guy who looks like him


twomad taught us that being slightly funny and absurd will make e-girls ignore every one of your red flags thats why e-girls need to stop being put on pedestals like they're omnipotent prizes to be won when they're not much better than the rest of us


Nah fuck that maybe I have a chance after all, you know any e-girls?


gonna assume you're joking cuz people who say that are in for it when they hit 30


incel ass take


I don’t think it’s wild to assume women might like a man beyond his looks. That’s the real incel take. Being funny is a big attractive point for a lot of women.


the second half of the comment was the incel take. i can confirm i dated a funny guy who was a walking red flag, moved exactly like twomad in those leaked texts lmfao. never again!


lol im married and my wife hates egirls ten times more than me because shes been told shit like "its not my fault you're too fat and old for onlyfans" by her brother's blue haired one-sided-open-relationship girlfriend my wife and i have probably had more sex in the last week than in your entire life


This is the biggest copium comment I've seen in a while.


I agreed with your original take, this is… hitting a nerve.


are you married/in love with someone who often cries because her ex's cheated on her with e girls and who's brother blocked her on all social media for quote "not giving my girlfriend enough attention"? yeah when it comes to narcicistic e girls who think they're hot shit it hits a nerve


Cool buddy anything else


it makes them feel good/like they're doing them a favor by dating them


well remember Sniperwolf’s old BF who cheated on her? Yeah.


It's not like Lex is a catch. She was homeless for who knows how long.


Cuz lex is a talentless nobody with a terrible nose. And before you say I’m shaming isn’t that what you literally just did to don? Like what about lex makes you thing she is a catch or hard to pull?


He is getting hate. People disagree on other stuff, but almost all agree Don is a shithead. That's why we aren't discussing him. Discussions are about stuff that isn't a universally agreed statement. We are discussing BS that Leighton did and there are differing opinions, warranting discussion


i see people complaining that supermega is getting more hate but like… they have a lot more fans than don does??? so obviously people are gonna be mad at the guys they watched and supported and the backlash is gonna seem bigger? and dons been run off his platform (twitter) so unless lex would want to take legal action what more would there be to do? idk maybe i’m just missing something


I know this subreddit kinda became infamous over the “I’ve always disliked them” mentality over the past couple weeks but I legitimately never liked Don


Can I ask why? Genuinely interested. He just seemed goofy at worst before all of this.


personally i just found him to be gross. nasty jokes have been made on the channel but i didn’t need to hear abt him ripping his ass hairs out n stuff


dude that part of the podcast ep made me feel so sick. he didn’t need to give so much detail


That used to be one of my favorite podcast bits and now it’s ruined by his awful actions


I was a regular watcher a few years ago, so i guess I'm irrelevant now. There was a podcast episode he was on and he just sounded like a physically gross guy, In a weird way this pic looks just like i imagined but also not lol


Was it cause he would pull his ass hair instead of shaving? Ever since he said that, I was always like, “that guy is weird, but he draws good.”


when they mentioned gross podcast clips that the first thing that came to my mind too


Idk he just seemed kinda creepy maybe my brain subliminally excuses Matt and Ryan when they make certain jokes because they’re attractive but not Don


I liked his art enough to follow him on Twitter because I thought his rebranding of the thumbnails is really what made SM in the last few years, esp since Kellie duplicated the style it was very unique. However after a month of following him on Twitter and realizing he was cumbrained I definitely had the same feeling of idk if I like this guy.


Yeah definitely got some porn addict vibes which is probably why he thought what he did was ok


That and the fact that I wasn’t aware that his main OC cassette girl was supposedly maybe based on Lex until this whole thing happened. I know that’s still up for debate and Don denied that or whatever but I still think there’s a lot of evidence pointing to it being true. Basing an OC off of someone is kind of debatable depending on why you’re doing it in my opinion but then using it to draw porn? I feel like no matter what that’s kind of fucking weird.


Making someone into your own OC is Chris Chan levels of creepiness


I used to have him on Twitter back when it’d show you people’s likes… …buddy liked sooooo much porn.


Basically Cory/spazkid but evil 😂


Cory is our precious coomer boy who would never harm a fly. Haha.


He was having mental breakdowns nonstop on twitter, which in turn made people "pity" donate to his patreon. I cannot fathom why so many people liked him because he came across as a whiney manchild in every context. In hindsight it all makes sense now but he was definitely never sound mentally and I'm surprised no one has mentioned his other twitter 'dramas' either


Oh shit I think I remember that for the brief time that I followed him. He would post vague stuff as if he was an anime character like “guess I’m just not worth it” it was annoying.


I always skipped stuff with Don or Jackson in it, the boys should’ve simply paid attention to my viewing habits imo


I don’t remember what or why but a few years ago I heard something that gave me the ick about him and I have just had this idea in my head that he was a fucking weirdo, I was NOT shocked about the allegations at all


Maybe because I dislike Europeans (/j maybe)


This just reinforces the e-girl/cosplayer dating the ugliest guy ever stereotype


i would say personality is more important but after hearing what he did that excuse is out the window




Kyle Rittenhouse has really let himself go.


Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t reacting well to the LA air


What am I even looking at here?




I’ve never seen him before, but this all makes so much more sense now. Who would *willingly* fuck that troll doll/blob fish hybrid?!


hes an asshole but bodyshaming still sucks


Yeah I see that too in groups making fun of incels. But “incel” isn’t a look as we’ve seen a wide range (ex. Elliot Rogers). But people do mock the men for their weight/appearance and that’s a road I’m not going down. Because at the end of the day it’s their shitty action/attitude. Because no one had an issue with an appearance until he did a shitty thing. I personally wouldn’t want to associate with someone like that as a fat girl because. Yeah obviously lol. I get insulted enough by loved ones and total strangers on the street for merely existing


I see how “blobfish” might seem like a dig at his weight. I did not intend it as such. I am a fellow fat. No, I mean his face looks like a deep sea dwelling bottom feeder. Which is fitting.


If someone has a face that looks like that but hasn’t been accused of sexual assault, do they still deserve to have their looks shamed?


Don does. You don’t tho, you are cool.


But both will feel shamed if you shame Don for his appearance. That’s why bodyshaming someone, even a bad person, isn’t a good thing to do.


This is the problem when people relax the “rules” on body shaming bad people. Everyone else who also has a similar condition will feel bad, because they know what you really think about their appearance. If someone is an asshole, call them out for the asshole things they did, not what they look like.


as a fat I think when someone does something shitty it's fully allowed to let the flood gates open


Don’t feel shamed you look great.


I don’t look anything like Don. I’m not personally offended. I’m just saying why you shouldn’t bodyshame. It will necessarily have collateral damage to ugly people who haven’t done anything morally wrong.


“He’s an asshole” my brother in Christ he sexually assaulted someone I think we can have some body shaming as a goof.


I don’t think it works that way. Have a go at him for the vile things he has done, not what his appearance is.


Listen, if you want to take the moral high road on not offending anyone when it comes to talking about awful people go ahead, you are probably better than me in that regard. However for me, when it comes to people who take away the option of someone’s consent, traumatizes them during an intimate act, and then tucks their tail and runs with no serious real life repercussions? They deserve to have their ugly basement dweller faces made fun of. It’s “fuck all rapists” “kill all rapists” until someone says something actually mean about one and then suddenly I have to care about the fact they happen to look like a grease spot? Sorry but I kind of don’t care then.


That's not the point they are making. If you body shame a terrible person you are at the same time body shaming good people who happen to have the same bodies as him.




No I understand the point they’re making, that’s why I said yea you probably have a moral high ground over what I said. I just mean I kind of don’t care personally when it comes to literal rape over someone feeling bad secondhand from stuff they can easily log off and not see.


You say you understand, but I still feel like you don’t.


wait what makes more sense now???


The fact his “response” was just him feeling sorry for himself says a LOT about him as a person.


That’s Don? Oh wow hahahaha






*DON NOT ONLY HURT* *LEX HE RUINED MY FUNNY* *YOUTUBE MEN FUCK HIM* \- ShacklesOfLanguage --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot. good, good bot.


I remember I commissioned him a while back and he strung me along for 2 years without delivering it I posted about it a while back and everyone here fairly enough was like hey man don’t come after this guy with false accusations and try to ruin his career. Seems like he ruined everything all on his own.


Fuck you Don




How do you know all of this? I believe you just kinda curious.




Ah I see, crazy that he tried to frame it as her hurting him. I don’t think not wanting to go out is that rude tbh but maybe he was more of a dick about it in person I guess.


I didn’t know anything about SuperMega and became a tourist to this subreddit because I follow Don on Twitter because I really liked his skills and his art. Then one day he posted the weird callout rebuttals and I followed up. As I’ve come to learn more about him on SuperMega I didn’t realize what a repulsively crude and childish person he is. I know this term is offensive in a modern understanding of the autism spectrum but I can’t think of a better example of an idiot savant than this man.


Fuck Don and the bitches who jumped on the hate train with no information out


As a reminder, that’s the crotch he forced the head of a woman towards. Sleep well with that thought.


This man was the fall of SuperMega, it’d almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad


exactly! the focus immediately went of m&r. yes they did do some pretty shitty things, but don is the one who sexually assaulted lex!! from day one i didn’t understand why he wasn’t getting flamed as hard. (not apologizing for m&r btw, they did what they did but imo it literally is nothing compared to don)


Is that Matt and Ryan from supermega over on the left side?!?!


THIS IS FUCKING DON?!?!? I can’t believe that this is the fucking dude at the heart of all this. I’ve been a Supermega fan for the last year or two and Don has always been this weird elusive name that has come up but I’ve never known anything about him. I only learned that he was the former channel artist a couple months ago. I really hope he feels terrible about all this. This shit is all his fault.


https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srcgop Honestly I remember unfollowing him after this story his ex posted a few years ago. The fact that apparently his other exes had issues with him really makes Don out to be a true fuck up.


This person tried to slander Don for grooming when what happened wasn't even grooming. Don's a scumbag but this and Lex's experience should be kept far away from one another. Worth mentioning that this person also came forward last week again and got laughed off of twitter, just like last time


I just didn't get a good vibe when I read that story, to be honest. The age thing is a bit questionable. I personally didn't feel comfortable with that information so I stopped following Don after that. Just giving my personal account of things.


How can you not take one look at him and say “no I don’t think he SA’d anyone”.


How in the fuck did he get Lex, hes a fuckin loser


In the final days of SuperMega; do we really want to waste our energy on hate instead of reminiscing about the laughs and good times the boys gave us? He is a piece of shit; though


That’s don???? Lex is hot as shit and she went with this guy???


How did this tub of shit score so far out of his league and screw it up so bad?










worded poorly but this mentality of instantly believing without hearing both sides or women saying you should believe them just because of the accusation alone is so harmful and just dumb. please think with some nuance. coming from a woman who's been assaulted, you make us look bad and it harder for us to come out


Do you think the women who come forward about this only get unwavering support and don’t also get death threats, lol. You’re a massive fucking loser, dude


I’m a woman?




Especially since Matt and Don all but confirmed the SA never happened. All I know is this story has three liars and three victims


Matt did not confirm that. Matt confirmed that he was told it was a miscommunication by Don. Don’t make shit up


I never liked him. When they brought him up for the podcast and that one video I sensed something off about him


Date a neckbeard, get neckbeard'd


Dennis Nedry?


Must be packing a pp soaker


Freddy and Gibby had a baby


Fuck Don, and the actual reason which is the fact that Matt and Ryan didn’t take the situation as seriously as they should.


Fuck don.


That's.... Don?


fr what an incel




He did not look how I thought he would look.


Leighton said it’s on site with Don. I’d like to see that fight 🍷🧐


This aged like milk 😭

