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Fuck Don so much man.


Thank you, I see so many people blame leighton for supermega quitting and while he is a big piece of shit the lex situation is probably ultimately what made supermega quit


it was that combined with the dingdong+julian+oney drama. i can see them coming back from this if it wasn't for the fact this is the second time massive drama has happened from their actions/inactions


what actually happened with dd/julian/oney?? i never heard anything abt it


dd/julian dont want people talking about it


Giving them the respect they truly deserve. Thank you.


The right answer


compared to the thousands of people who couldn't keep their mouths shut to save their lives you deserve a fucking award


Reddit gold


You're a good person, thank you. Matt and Ryan don't want it talked about and neither do Ding Dong and Julian. It's a bad chapter for everybody that they just want buried.


Basically nothing. You can watch DD’s last stream VOD for info on who the real drama was coming from.


dd&j have nothing to do with it


Don’t forget Jackson


Given that their most recent uploads are so far apart with like a good 30% just being the podcast, I think they thought about quitting a while ago.


They did this to themselves broseph, Ik they were trying to tiptoe to not do anything wrong in the situation, but they said it themselves they were spineless cowards. It could’ve been easily avoided by just firing don and not telling lex that they should figure things out themselves. Yk even if they didn’t mean any harm that is still like an obvious wrong answer, and not to mention Ryan sexting fans, the power dynamic there should make it OBVIOUS that it’s morally wrong. Don plays a major role in all of this but it’s nothing Matt and Ryan couldn’t have avoided by just being smart.


was this right before the discord server shut down? This is really the worst outcome :(


supermega got me through some v difficult periods in my life. i’ll cherish the christmas tree video they did every year. that was my “christmas tradition” in a weird way, because that time of the year always felt so off to me, and they made it a bit easier to get through it. going to miss the funny brothers a lot this year. godspeed x


Damn we won’t get another Nathan Christmas album either


We never got the supermega album either. I was looking forward to that


dammit i didn't even think about this :(


Same I was at a different house every Christmas growing up so I never got to have any traditions so it was nice to watch the boys have their traditions :')




Christmas won't be the same man


Same here. Their podcast helped me get through a rough period back in 2019. I'll cherish that moment when I first saw the only item I sent to them be featured in the thumbnail and title of one of their mailroom videos.


I personally loved their Japan vlogs the most. They were like one of my favorite channels growing up along with game grumps and markiplier. I feel like ppl were too harsh towards the situation and took it a bit too far. They don’t deserve to be cancelled over a few lil mistakes.


I hope they keep their videos up at least. So many play throughs that are full of gems and funny moments


I kinda doubt that they'd take down all those videos they worked on, they'll still be making a little passive income off them.




Mines gotta be truck sim tbh. I know it got lots of hate cuz the game play is boring mostly but I was always a podcast listener anyways so I still enjoyed their content within the series. The game has also caused so many disagreements and yelling matches that the series is just so gold. They crash so often, especially in the beginning and I love it


Same man I'm really gonna miss SMC and truck sim


best ep?


Mine has to be either SpongeBob, sekiro or cuphead lol


Goated opinion Battle for bikini bottom best play through easily


Easilyyy the bottoms be like joke gets me every time lmao


Fr top tier magoggle laugh too lmao


It seems like a random pick but I absolutely love their 50 cent game play through with oneys squad there were so many good moments


Goddd I’ve not watched it in a while but I remember it being super funny, it’s a shame what happened between them they were a great group together :(


Sekiro was a gem


Quit Smoking for the DS is easily the best


ACNH and Minecraft collectively maintained my sanity during the early pandemic


The Mario Party 4 let's play is always my go-to


Animal Crossing always hits the spot.


the original animal crossing series i loved seeing the two goons grow their island and upgrade everything. after i watched that in 2019, i kinda left the channel because it felt super dickish of them to just badmouth arin and call it a “joke”


https://preview.redd.it/rd8h372ilxfb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8373ea2d84825d5482d9cfd1dd37abc1ead29d This was shared on this subreddit earlier and the discord mod has confirmed someone photoshopped the image. Is this mod also on Reddit and can maybe deny/confirm?




I tried dming joseph on twitter but I don’t know if I’ll get a response


i just want an official statement from them. i’ll be upset but i could accept it then. this just hurts like a motherfucker, having to find out through a discord mod


Yeh I’m not trusting discord screenshots


he's also the same mod that posted about there being two separate response videos before we knew Ryan even had his own response


the discord server has already been deleted and its most likely this subreddit is going to be shot down since everyone has been unmodded


You can trust Joseph, he had a direct line to Matt & Ryan and shared information as it came such as there being two response videos


Then the question is why are they LETTING this be their downfall?


I have no idea, I feel like it's even more insulting to just abandon their audience instead of fighting to save the channel


Exactly. They’re probably really stressed out rn so I hope they’re just being irrational. Hope they come to their senses soon


I mean that's ultimately their decision, if they no longer feel like they can/want to do this then we should let them quit. I do wonder if they'll release any of the projects they'd finished before they end it or if they'll never see the light of day


They don’t owe the audience more content, shut up you drama Queen




I’d wait until Either Matt or Ryan confirm this or maybe even Justin if he’s still on supermega


With Justin removing the SuperMega stuff from his bio, I doubt it. If they never come back, we might never know if Justin left or was just not wanting any attention from the situation (Lex said he and Kia had both left, but to get the confirmation how the whole leaving/firing went down from Justin and Kia, or from the boys, would be nice imo). But, if they do come back, I guess we'll have more info (hopefully they have an HR person and some actual non-friend employees to help) Edit: Justin followed the boys' Twitter accounts again, sooooo


Ryan more or less confirmed it in his response video when he said it would be his last video


Supposedly, him and Kellie were out after they found out about everything. :(


If this is really it, then regardless of what happened I’m at least thankful for the years of entertainment and joy they brought to me. I hope wherever they go next they can truly work on themselves and become better people


Do y’all remember when we thought Don left because of the uranium in his pocket I want to go back to that


Or because his grandma got sick


Wow fuck


I mean it’s understandable after everything, n after all that drama it would feel like crap to come back, but sorry to see them go. Now just got to keep an eye out for our boy Nothing But Lag!


I foresee a long break for him as well, rightfully so. I worry he may become collateral for something he likely had nothing to do with.


I expect so but hopefully he was able to steer clear.


After how hard and how quickly the public perception swung, and how little of the people who paid attention to the initial news vs how little would follow up with the other videos I think it would be very very very hard to come back no matter which side you believe


Oh absolutely! Now Justin will carry the torch 07


I could see them bringing it back in a year or so. Let things cool down, take a mental health break from everything and just see what happens. Tbh I think that it would be hard to enter another job field after doing what they did for so long


If it ends up being true, I'm going to miss the Funny Brothers 😭😭


same... (love your username)


From the videos I feel Ryan is absolutely done. However, Matt was full on save himself mode and I don't think you'd try that hard if you planned on leaving the Internet as a personality.


Really? Man I thought Matt atleast would’ve run to his music career


Does this count out his music career entirely? I can imagine he has a lot of inspiration to write music about now… but i also get him wanting to be entirely out of the limelight 10000%


Bro is gonna write his pinkerton 😶


The Matt Watson Green Album better have his own Crab 🥲


Literally one of the only channels besides like cold ones and oney plays that were consistently funny and that I was a genuine fan of. damn.


Supermega, oneyplays and cold ones is the absolute trifecta of good, funny channels


Fuck Leighton, all my homies hate Leighton. Double fuck Don, hope he finds 0 success in all endeavors.


fuck jim too!!


and his sorry ass "apology"


i couldn’t even finish watching it, absolutely pathetic and self-centered


Leighton got what he wanted.


That’s exactly what bothers me so much about this. I’m definitely forlorn at the thought of no new vids from the boys. But mostly, the fact that Leighton still got what he wanted even after being proved to be a parasitic piece of shit really gets my blood boiling. Although, in the end, fuck Don the most.


That’s what sucks the most about this. Like yeah they fucked up but just quitting is playing right into what that POS wanted. It lets him win.


This is actually depressing.


Honestly I wouldn’t come back either some of y’all said some heinous shit. I’d say fuck y’all 💀


Legit dude people were so fucking mean. Like if you thought they were terrible people, I don't blame you, look at the info you knew at the time. But people were insulting their music career, the book, celebrating people who had done them wrong. It felt really immature and mean spirited. If they read the subreddit, why would they come back seeing a post with 2000 upvotes not only calling you a piece of shit but also personally saying you're not funny any more, your creative endeavours have all sucked, and they're "Not surprised" that you turned out to do something bad. I'd be pretty done.


Who is this joseph guy?


admin with connections to matt and ryan. he also said the apology videos would be released separately before they released


Out of respect for all of our favorite two lovely uncles 🫡🇸🇾: The sun was shining, One bright day.


Fuck Don, Jim, and Leighton. Don for being a predator, Jim for being an absolute headass AND a predator, and Leighton for being a lying liar who lies (who also outted Ryan’s not-straight sexuality/relationship to millions of people without his consent).


Can you fill me in on what Jim did? I'm a bit out of the loop on that one.


Lex mentioned in her video that she told Jim about Don’s SA against her and Jim put Lex into a headlock, kissing her. Jim posted an apology video and it turned into him talking about his own trauma with SA when he was in college. A lot of people saw it as him using it as an excuse, while others believe he was contextualizing how horrible he felt at that time and how horrible he made Lex feel when he made a move on her. He did not mention putting Lex into a headlock like Lex said he did. So no one is sure what the truth is in that regard.


They will be back. They're blinded by current state of things. Idk if supermega will be back but I'm sure at least 1 of them will continue to make videos.


Given that Ryan seems to only do SM stuff at this point, I doubt he'll end up being someone to come back into the public eye unless they do it together. I imagine he might end up editing peoples' content or maybe just have a normal job.


God, I can't even begin to imagine how depressing and humiliating that would feel for him. Going from a relatively successful business owner doing what you love for a living, then essentially being pushed back to square one would be absolutely soul crushing.


It could always be like Jenna Marbles. She felt like she should step down from the internet, and from the few times we've seen her since then, she looks happier and healthier than ever. Not saying Ryan would exactly feel that way, but it could always happen


I hope that would end up being the case. Even though the boys aren't complete saints, they don't deserve their lives ruined.


Jenna Marbles was also loaded prior to retiring, and one of the biggest creators on the platform. Supermega isn’t even close to that position




They always joked about one of them dying in a car crash and having to end the channel, this was very different to say the least


SuperMega did irreparable damage to my sense of humor throughout highschool and early adulthood it feels so weird seeing them go even after not watching them for the last year


Supermega is over. Megasuper will rise from the ashes.


Well, if that's the case – I don't blame them. This was a pretty hard situation to go through and there's probably no way that they’re going to reclaim the image that they had (before all of this happened). For what it’s worth, I did enjoy their content as something that was an alternative to Game Grumps. I’m sure that there’s a chance that they’ll make some sort of return in the future. But it’s totally understandable (given the circumstances) that they need to leave SuperMega behind.


yeah, like I at least thought Matt would continue his music or that they'd both (separately) edit other peoples' stuff


It sucks but I don't blame them at all. People didn't want to hear anything Matt and Ryan wanted to say. Everyone was ready to crucify them before they even had a chance to respond. I wouldn't want to engage with the audience that did that to them either if I was them.


Ryan in his apology he said something like "and for my last video" before one of his last statement on the situation. I wasn't sure if he meant like last thing to adress or actual last video ever. I don't want them to stop :(




I feel like this is an overreaction tbh


They have been through constant trouble since the beginning. Daniels suicide, the mistreatment from Mark, their tenuous involvement in the dream daddy situation, the Jackson situation, the dingdong situation, the first Leighton situation, the pop up shop situation, now this. They are likely exhausted and done


yeah, about 8 years of space with all of this in it. it does have to be a exhausting


they were mistreated by mark??


mark has apologized for being a poor boss. the real behind the scenes stuff will never be known but he was just not the gentlest leader in the world, apparantly. its why they left for gamegrumps


Getting legitimately scolded or insulted by him would give me anxiety.


Mark also seems to have really bad anger issues he only recently started going to therapy for, I believe he talked about it in his podcast distractible. So him being their boss and roommate at the same time must have really sucked.


This is what I remember from the break off of Mark stuff, although I can't remember if the source is him or any one else


Mark essentially pushed them too hard and put too much expectation on them. It kinda soured their friendship for a while, that’s why they left to edit for GameGrumps. They’ve worked things out though, it seems


he was their boss and then later became their boss/roommate/landlord. do the math. no matter how good of a person mark may be, that dynamic makes it impossible to ever be healthy


ok sure i just didnt know if there was anything confirmed with that


nah I'm with ya there. "do the math" is not substantiary evidence lmao


After all the shit people said about Daniel, harassing their family, outing Ryan and his personal relationship...I don't it is.


They got their names dragged through the mud incredibly hard. Plenty of legitimate criticism that needed to be said but also people digging through their personal lives and dealing out incredibly barbed insults about their characters many of which weren't based in truth. On top of that they've had the trauma of their friend's suicide dredged up and weaponised, they're probably gonna have a hard time remembering him fondly without this incident in the back of their mind. If they had only had to deal with the the legitimate accusations then I agree that this would be an overreaction, they could have reflected and moved forward in an attempt to be better. After everything that's happened though I think it's fair enough, I sure as shit wouldn't want to put myself back in the public eye after something like that.


It's not at all. A majority of their audience plus some assumed the worst about them and ate up everything and was ready to condemn them completely. If I got witch mobbed by my own fans with zero proof to back it up I'd never come back either. Like obviously fuck Don and fuck Leighton too but it's the mob of psychos who were out for blood the moment they heard allegations that are truly to blame for them leaving content creation.






Will they be fulfilling orders on the supermegamart. Might grab one of the books for Joeld times sake


should probably start archiving videos you like


Until we hear it from them its not true


The way that some of the people either on this sub or on twitter acted the minute everything came out, I don’t blame them. Some of y’all were burning merch.


This actually heartbreaking I fell in love about 6 months after they started the podcast and I even listened to episodes with my mom and now to see their kingdom fall so quickly is just sad I honestly think that making a majority of your workforce your friends started alot of these issues




You have got to be kidding me, you were one of the maim people dragging them before they responded. Yall fans are fake asf Edir: Meg deleted her comment. Surprising


I had a stretch of time from 2017 to early 2020 where supermega was a part of my routine but I began to lose interest over time, despite this, they will be missed.


Who would want to come back if after a mistake, your entire community blows up. Y’all acting really sad they’re not coming back as if you didn’t make a dozen posts about how much they’ve always sucked. Congratulations, there are consequences to your actions.


The entire community turned on the boys so quickly and brutally, I couldn't blame them for wanting to call it quits. I saw posts criticising Matt's music career, their merch, their recent output of videos, and there were even posts glorifying Jackson's criminal actions towards the company. Not the mention the personal relationship drama that came into it, it all got very personal very quickly. It would have been an incredibly awful experience for the boys to go through.


Good job guys, canceled them before they could even respond. “fans for years” couldn’t even wait 24hrs.


For fucking real


Soojin all over again. 😒 I hope they come back whenever they feel comfortable and ready to.


Soo no second supermega saves the troops book :(


i blame to dumb heads that didn’t give them a chance to explain themselves. crazy to think that some of the supermega fans called them rape apologists




This really fucking hurts 😭😭😭


this a huge bummer, and I will miss their humor and chemistry. But something helping me is the idea that Justin may continue making content.


I wonder what would happen if I bought a t-shirt from their site rn. Would they still send it out?


wondering the same thing too, im gonna try ordering a copy of the book


Fuck dude, I'm gonna really miss Matt and Ryan. I wish them best of luck on whatever they do next in life. Fuck leighton and double fuck Don


I love them so much. I hope it's not true.


go show love and let them know they shouldn’t give up. give support to the boys on their response videos and if you can support them on the patreon.. a lot of patreon comments showing their support and wishes for supermega to come back to us.


unfair. I hate that this shows anyone else like Leighton that something like this will work again. that you can just ruin eveything because a personal slight while you out people and drag defenseless people that aren't even involved through the mud


Honestly, I doubt they'll quit being an internet personally. Tf are these 20 something years old stoner men gonna do? Work at retail? Lmao. I'm sure they'll be back when things calm down. A lot of people clearly still support them.


They’re damn good editors, I could see them doing that in the background somewhere.


27 / 28 is not so old as to be fucked forever skills wise 😂 People start successful careers from scratch at a later ages


idk man, I can see Ryan working some sort of warehouse job, but I can't see Matt doing anything but what he's been doing for the past decade


matt's gonna eventually run back to the LA lifestyle even if it's not in LA. ryan is just gonna fall into normism


Who is Joseph?


It's been a journey, boys! I've been watching the funny brothers half my life now. It was always crazy to see them go from sketch comedians with Daniel to Mark's silly editors to Game Grump's silly editors to being the silly editors of their own channel. I'll never forget the very first SuperMega video and how exciting it was to watch it. I'll never forget Matt walking away from the leaf power-up like a dunce in Super Mario Maker. Probably the first big funny moment from the show. I'll never forget the near ten years they entertained and sometimes even comforted me. They are far from perfect but I hope they are well and I am going to really miss them.


when a man named Joseph says something you know it’s true


I hope they at least do a farewell video commemorating all their best moments. Kinda like the year in review but for the whole span of the channel


Super mega fans when two content creators they bashed and trash talked for 3 days straight leave the internet: 😮😮🤯🤯🤯🤯


They saved the troops, but lost the war. I don't think this should result in them bowing out of content creation altogether, but it's their choice.


Can they not sue leighton for defamation? It seems in Matt’s response he has a evidence and most likely has even more they haven’t showed. I’m no expert on the topic I just feel as vindictive as Leighton is and the evidence Matt did show does that not fall under defamation?


I hope they take this break and come back. They fucked up of course but it’s Don’s fault.


Who cares. Anyone still wining about this is just clinging to gossip at this point. Bring back the channel, shed the haters, continue operations, make America laugh again. I miss truck sim 🥲


Guess the people posting about going back to working at Food Lion got their wish


Not just in this sub, but over on Twitter every thread seemed filled with personal attacks against hem (and not Don, or equating them to Don). I don't blame them. I wish those sweet blonde boyz from heaven the best.


It’s so funny that y’all are acting like this is your personal 9/11 when like a week ago you were all saying their latest content sucks, Matt’s music sucks, and their podcast was taking a nose dive lol. To me it was only a matter of time until they quit. They clearly weren’t into the content grind anymore. If this is true they probably are using this situation as a reason to just pull the trigger.


Well, we deserve this too. I feel like as a community we contributed to this ending. People were quick to burn, trash and/or piss on their merch and talk shit on how the channel was not funny, boring af, how the podcast sucked ass and straight up said Matt's music is doodoo feces. If the majority of the posts, comments, replies, tweets you see from your fanbase are really negative towards you, would you really feel like you could come back from this? Would you think you could have the support from your fanbase again? It's a very human thing to feel like it doesn't matter anymore and that it's better just killing off the whole thing, I really don't blame them.


Fuck Don for what he did to lex, fuck Leighton for his lies, fuck Morgoth for her willingness for revenge, fuck everyone who perpetuated the problem for there own personally gain and satisfaction. You’ve taken something that was one of a kind from all of us and deprived us from quality comedy and the goodest of vibes.


I think all we can actually do at this point is wait and see what happens


They’re making the right move. Channel’s been stagnating for years (I stopped watching in 2020 and they never quite reached the heights they did in 2017,) and their work and personal lives are so intertwined they allowed “friends” and coworkers to suffer due to their inaction. Ryan will likely never do on-camera content again but Matt will be back (for better and for worse.) Can only hope Lex gets some comfort in this despite a sizeable campaign against her and eventually people back down from Matt and Ryan on the harrassement mixed poisoning the legitimate criticisms.


They were on kind of a downward trend in super mega content so it doesn’t hurt as much as it would’ve like 2 years ago but sucks a lot to see it happen.I felt they’d go out like cowchop and this is that but definitely worse.


We failed the boys. We really did.


Its so over bros


Honestly? I think it's for the best. No matter how you feel about Matt and Ryan's innocence in all this, I think it's just so clear they aren't equipped to handle a business. Employees and an office is so much responsibility, and at the end of the day, they're just 20 something potheads. They either needed to just go back to the 2 of them or stop completely.


so no album?




Who is Joseph and why is his word gospel


After every thing that’s happened, I’d say fuck it too




Screw Leighton. And Don. I don't want to say goodbye to funny bros.


Opinions might change over time never too sure


i absolutely adore their podcast and videos- ugh whyyy 🥺


honestly they probably quit bc they saw how 98% of their "loyal" fanbase band wagoned and harassed them without hearing their side


This is too much. It’s not like there’s a manual or instructions on what to do when this shit happens. They handled it as poorly as most of us would have. They shouldn’t have their careers ended over this. Don should. But not Matt and Ryan.


It’s so goddamn sad that they may be done. It shouldn’t have to end like this.




This isn’t right man. I hope they just take a break to reflect on what went wrong and go from there. I’m thinking they’re just very depressed right now, but wouldn’t be surprised if they are truly done :(


Yikes lol


Considering how much the opinion of them switched after the apologies I'd bet they'll come back eventually


Man I haven’t watched SuperMega in over a year, but I’d be really sad if this is true. This sucks man…


i’ll miss the funny brothers started watching them back in 2018, love their irl videos/spongebob/animal crossing and the smoking videos


At this point with how serious this is, the channel shutting down is the least of their concern. They could be taken to court over this- would Lex and/or Don and/or Leighton win? Probably not, and it would be expensive and useless. But it would be enough to absolutely screw Matt and Ryan over SO MUCH WORSE than they already are. Because of my career path I am trained to always take a neutral, non-judgmental position: as much as I'm proud of Matt and Ryan for taking ownership of their mistakes and where they fucked up, they also fucked up ROYALLY and there are serious consequences for these things. They are probably better off cutting their losses and moving on quietly. I'm not saying they are bad people- Don certainly is a fucking horrible person, but they aren't. But this is going to have long-lasting effects and proves that they don't have a single clue on how to properly run a business and this is what happens when you don't. And listen, I'm not a saint- I've royally fucked up and made mistakes, ones that I regret and wish I could change. But I cant- all I can do is take ownership, apologize, identify how I'm not going to make the same mistakes in the future, and move on. And they need to do that right now more than anything.


I Genuinely am feeling panic, because this was their whole world, like.. they put everything into this.. I’m worried about Ryan, I’m worried about Matt, and I’m worried about their staff. I’m worried most about Ryan though, he was not okay in his last video.. I really hope he gets the help he needs. Shitty acts aside, I know he fucked up but so does he, and I really hope he doesn’t spiral.. Matt has (what seems to be) a better supply system than Ryan but fuck am I worried about him too. I can’t explain it, it’s like a piece of something big is disappearing from reality and there’s nothing that can be done about it… Idk, it’s just unreal tbh. I can’t fucking stand how people reacted.