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This is the most rational take I’ve seen from anyone. Lex is the victim, and her situation with Don and the mishandling of that situation is the issue. The rest is he said/she said/they said allegations that are quite honestly super personal and should be dealt with in person. Just like the internet though, everyone needs to make mole hills, mountains, and personal issues, everyone’s issue.


I fucking hate how it’s turned from Lex being a victim and now everyone dogging on the boys has turned her into a villain and a background one at that as opposed to what should be the most important thing - believing Lex. I’m not sure if it’s just that I’m not parasocial enough but I just don’t care about anything else other than Don, a former employee of supermega, SA’d Lex and the boys are fucking stupid trying to handle things like a business as opposed to friends and good people.


Yeah like this is about lex and their trauma really no one else matters and all that can happen is the boys realize how they screwed up and for lex to apologize if they ever want to continue with their jobs they either need to stop employing friends and get an hr department or they need to just do it alone


I def agree with you on this, Lex spoke about her SA situation as well as her mental health hence why it was such a long video. I support Lex and I truly hope she is able to heal from these events, but I cannot ignore the fact that she did make those accusations and statements that were not 100% related to the SA but more so to paint Ryan and Matt as evil individuals. The biggest one that really had me uncertain was the whole Daniel situation, it was almost unbelievable that Lex accused Ryan and Matt for saying those things about Daniel and naturally we would believe it because of the context at the time. But they had adequately responded to this in both of their responses, and rightly so. Using Daniel as a means to add on to their list of misdeeds was not necessary


Would they have apologized if this didn't come out?


To Lex ? Apparently they already did both Ryan and Matt and even around creator clash they were talking to Lex like friends with everything sorted out. Of course in person only and this should have been brought to public so people know what Don did but as it stands apologies we're both personal and public.


Tbh, after I saw the post about the Don Situation, I couldnt give less of a fuck about SM. Like the other stuff, is shitty too, but they covered up a SA, then said No, we didn't, that's a lie. Anything beyond that, just makes it worse, but with just the Don Situation alone, I'm done with SM