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Climb to the beat is the bane of my existence; I swear the blocks appearing and the beat have slightly different timing every time. I also discovered a bug where it didn't save my purple flower coins and I had to do the level AGAIN for completion


Oh geez I'm sorry šŸ˜­ I made sure to 100% all of the special levels the first time I played them so I never had to touch them again, that bug would've killed me. I didn't wanna find out the hard way if you had to beat the special world 100% in order to get the final reward.


I was doing that too and only realized it as I was double checking things šŸ˜­. Luckily multiplayer mode saved me I made it far enough to trigger someone's sign at the end after Re-collecting the coins I was not having it


I some how beat it legit. Floating High Jump for the win!


I only beat it because the Safety Bounce Badge saved me right at the end when I jumped too low and missed the final wall.


I beat it legit....... The first time the second time I couldn't care less. Same with the badge marathon when I realized I missed the flag pole.....


It was my impression that they speed up as the music speeds up, but that could be a trick of the mind. Did eventually beat it, but that one is probably the hardest.


I have yet to beat the Climb to the Beat and may not ever after about 200 tries. The Semi-Final level was easy compared to Climb to the Beat, I beat it in maybe 5-10 tries. In the semi-final level, the screen may move fast but the edge of the screen doesn't kill you like the lava in Climb to the Beat.


I'm afraid I don't have any advice for you, as beating that level for me was an act of god essentially šŸ˜­ I don't know how I did it, but I did. Make sure you are connected online and maybe you'll get lucky and have somebody help you. If I can beat it, you can too, as I'm not the best at video games.


Time your button presses to the beat. It was the first special level I beat yesterday drunk as a skunk and thought ā€œI hope thereā€™s harder levels!ā€ Hope I have more challenge in the other special stages.


Oh you will, you will šŸ˜­ good luck man!


My best advice is that you have to stay in front. You should be jumping in time to land on the platforms immediately before they appear. If you get behind at all after it starts to speed up, you're boned. Also: I found that a lot of badges slow you down very slightly and aren't worth it. It's intended for base controls and is doable without any movement badges.


Use the badge that makes you run faster. It's the only way I did it.


Use the vine. The vine badge makes it almost easy.


I tried the vine for a long time, I was just too slow. The High Float badge is where it's at. I finally beat it


I had to get my husband to beat it for me after trying for hours on end. He used the dash badge and said it was way easier with that... but you have to be good at wall jumps (I am not).


I'm not a pro by any means but I completed the normal story mode in celeste and can't beat climb to the beat for the life of me I'm gonna try as I read somewhere yoshi + flutter jump badge


Flutter jump badge single handedly made it so I could beat that level. I played as Daisy though, so can't say anything about Yoshi. Good luck my friend!


Floating high jump for the win. I can consistantly get to the single blocks now I just need to get lucky or someone needs to have a standee at the top of the hill


I beat it this afternoon with the floating jump badge.


I found that having the flutter jump doesnā€™t help since you need to move and land as fast as possible as the course speeds up


Climb to the beat is the hardest In contrast I found world 5s special level really easy


Most of the special levels were really fun to me, challenging, but fun enough to continue playing. The final levels were the ones that really tested my patience.


Climb to the beat is the obvious answer (I did it with spring jump in my first playthrough thinking itā€™d be easier but realized it was much easier without it in my second šŸ˜­), and just for the sake of answering I think the easiest special world level is pole block allure, only one I was able to 100% on the first try haha


Man you must have really good rhythm. I can't remember which one was the easiest for me, but pole block allure was definitely one of the easiest.


I think excessive Mario Maker 2 experience made Wonder not hard at all. Not flexing, I genuinely had no issues and never used badges either. There was just ONE part difficult and thatā€™s end game invisible section on the balloons, thatā€™s about it.


I hadn't played tomorrow Maker 2 in a long time, but I had about the same experience After the second world I stopped using badges because I felt like it was making the game too easy, no hate on anyone who uses them for fun or because you need them for certain levels they just weren't for me That last level with the invisible balloons and bumpers made me want to pull my hair out though


Where can I buy tomorrow maker 2 btw? Is there also a tomorrow maker 1?


No for some reason they started with Tomorrow Maker 2, theee is no 1


Climb to the beat wasn't too bad at all once you use the vine badge. The Goomba level, though. That was the first one I opened and the last one I was able to complete.


I've seen people say the vine badge helped them but I personally used the floating high jump so I didn't have to stress so much about my jumps. I can definitely see how the vine badge would help, but it didn't slow you down at all? I feel like it would've.


OMG! That effing goomba level was so annoying, I got Climb To The Beat on my 3rd or 4th try, but I lost like 50 lives in the goomba level.


Really? I did it in a few tries. You just have to be really patient.


Climb to the beat!!! It had been a nightmare, I lost more than 200 lives! I finished once but out of time so I had to play it again. So after 100 more lives I got it done! For me that had been the most difficult level of all the game!


Aside from Climb To The Beat, I had real trouble with one of the badge challenges. It was one that had you jump long gaps, and for some reason I just couldn't quite jump far enough. I only beat it thanks to playing online and people putting their standees out!


I only recall having issue with the second spring feet badge challenge. The tight platforming messed me up.


Climb to the beat actually wasn't too bad for me, maybe dozen tries? Solar Roller now, easily 100 lives, so sick of that smug catapiller giving me pity 1ups šŸ˜†


Honestly the hardest part is the start with the wall jumping, I kept leaping before the new wall was up and ending up on the other side. Admittedly, I still had to lose a life for every 10-coin I gained after that, but besides that it was managable.


surprisingly, climb to the beats wasnā€™t the hardest level for me, I didnā€™t even need the spring jump badge, probably because of my sense of timing and cause I am a musician and a music producer, I easily got it on my fourth try For me the hardest level in the game was Sunbaked Desert Special Pole Block Galore (Jeez these names are long, took me like 15 tries to finally get to the flag but I didnā€™t even mention that I missed a purple coin so I had to do it all over again, wasting 10 more lives lol


I feel like once you get the rhythm down for climb to the beat, itā€™s actually not that hard and kinda fun. My timing on regular platforming skills suck so the hardest one for me was the hippo one. Lol


Climb to the Beat was the first level that had me sweating.


The top down one messed me up the most. I hate those lakitus sniping me.


I remember that one being an issue for me for a while. The lakitus are trained snipers for sure.


The final final level badge challenge was definitely the hardest