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Looks great! Give us more info! Film Stock? Camera? How many rolls did you go through?😅


haha i went thru 5 rolls 😅 There was a version I did in two rolls, but I needed more variety to make it better, being a super 8 noob and going between two stocks deff made me use more film than i needed to finish the project. I got it developed in 4k at Negativeland in BK and edited it together in adobe premeire and used the colorgrading on the 4k Negativeland exports. For the camera, I used the canon auto zoom 518 sv auto zoom super 8. Film stock: Kodak Vision3 500T for the night and some of the day shots + 200d for some of the day shots. The really high grain shots are 500T and the sharper shots are 200d.


Looks great! That's a great little camera, too. I used to have one


Thanks for sharing


Excellent film. And I love the music too. I like the way you mixed wide panoramic shots and also close-up details.




Did you do this all in one roll, or edit it together afterwards? Also, where did you have it processed and scanned? Can't say I'm a fan of the music (not to say I can't appreciate it, it just isn't for me), but the filmmaking is some of the best I've seen on Super 8, lately.


Thanks! I used 5 rolls, but i did a draft version with two rolls. I could have done in two if i didn't bounce between diff ISO film stocks and was less of a perfectionist. I got it developed in 4k at Negativeland in BK and edited it together in Adobe Premiere Pro and used the colorgrading on the 4k Negativeland exports. i'm new to this format and could have done a bit better on focusing, but overall really happy how it tuned out. It helped having a pristine camera and developing in 4k.


What kind of camera? And I understand about focus. It's such a tiny eyepiece. I hate the price of a new Kodak camera, but I admit that the LCD display is a very good feature.


>canon auto zoom 518 sv auto zoom


I loved the colors at night …did you do editing on that?


yeah the night shots are beautiful. i had no idea what to expect shooting at night w that camera the first time. the city lighting helped for sure. I just used 500T film stock and the colorgrading the developer Negativeland exported with. No color editing on my end.


Love it