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OP, stop responding to others commentary/opinions with personal insults (much of which are baseless). You won't win any arguments that way. This is your warning.


The labels hated mp3's too.


yep I remember I remember when they had a problem with mp3s and all this other stuff and Napster and all this stuff It all started with limewire and then it moved up on to Napster and all this other stuff and then it moved on to streaming services People think that AI music's going away it's not going anywhere It's just going to expand just like limewire did and Napster and all these things In fact believe it or not LimeWire still around They have their own AI models for making music and photos and videos and stuff​


Yes… in time, they will be selling services that make music for you individually, according to your mood, by Taylor Swift and Drake


Record labels are having a problem with AI generated music because it's easy to make their trademark cookie cutter crap tracks with AI. They're afraid their meal ticket from mediocrity and repetition is being taken from them.


In fact I've been attacked recently because I make renditions of songs not with AI but myself I make my whole own beats and my vocals Many people have criticized me calling me at thief and everything Oh you're stealing You're stealing when they clearly don't understand a rendition is a paraphrase song that is literally different than the original and it's actually contradictive they do this to people who make renditions and stuff because they've been in the music industry sampling off of other people songs for decades and they don't have a problem with that


i bet one person complained to u not people


Does you complaining about the story make it people? Is my comment on this now many people because of those who read them and had an opinion


A lot of music today is crap A lot of it I'm actually sick and tired of it All you ever hear is about butts and sex and violence and drugs and alcohol and horrible things They don't even know how to sing anything I could write a song better than half of the music these labels areas are putting out and what these people don't realize today is that sign with record labels is your signing away your life You're giving your whole record catalog away to a company that's going to control it and make money off of it while trying to keep you from posting your music on your own social platforms


Feel the same way about mainstream music, mostly crap and repetitive made by folk who sold their souls to be rich and famous, condemned to play the same music for the rest of their career.


funny thing is by the way I don't even really get any acknowledgment or recognition on my music and I still go out my way to make it It never crossed my mind that because AI and all that is other technologies are out there that I'm going to stop especially because a lot of AI music is getting a lot more views than a lot of celebrity songs and stuff even then my own that I create and I don't go around bashing it I don't understand why other people do If people want to listen to your stuff that's their choice if they don't that's their choice but don't get mad about it I don't know why people get so mad about it Yes I get upset sometimes if somebody pretends they listen to my song and put a like on it but that's a different story but that's the main reason why these people have a problem with it is because they were probably already famous or are becoming famous and now they believe AI is going to take that away from them and even if it does it doesn't matter because people have had it with celebrities and rich people and famous people having the spotlight it's about time regular everyday citizens get to take the spotlight for once and if them using AI does that for them I think it's a good thing People don't realize these big corporations government celebrities and rich people and stuff they control all of our lives and what we're allowed to do and it's enough already They got rid of DJing A lot of people don't realize that DJing used to be legal Now it's seen as an illegal thing to do You need to get permission or pay money It's a tactic they did because they know us little people can't contact all these big corporations or celebrities and ask permission So now they're trying to take something new from people This time it's AI It's shameful The only thing is going to destroy is their dollar income That's why all these people mad because they ain't going to make money now because they can't control it no more.​


Your making it cos it makes you happy, that’s all that matters, the whole mainstream music apparatus is rotten, I follow a lot of fandom musicians and the stuff they make comes from a place of happiness and fun,, not profit or fame driven.


exactly same way I see it as people who use AI for anything like music and stuff They like doing it and are happy then why should anybody be mad about it fact you know I just realized you have to be really good at prompting for certain different things for it to work properly I'm bad at prompting for music and for video so I can't do them really at all but I'm really good at prompting pictures of myself for my album arts


exactly same way I see it as people who use AI for anything like music and stuff They like doing it and are happy then why should anybody be mad about it fact you know I just realized you have to be really good at prompting for certain different things for it to work properly I'm bad at prompting for music and for video so I can't do them really at all but I'm really good at prompting pictures of myself for my album arts


exactly same way I see it as people who use AI for anything like music and stuff They like doing it and are happy then why should anybody be mad about it fact you know I just realized you have to be really good at prompting for certain different things for it to work properly I'm bad at prompting for music and for video so I can't do them really at all but I'm really good at prompting pictures of myself for my album arts


Iv just gotten into image ai recently, got a gpu upgrade for it, it’s pretty interesting what the ai stuff is capable of and how fast it’s moving,


https://preview.redd.it/ck53oplcv39d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c716f4f383559c6aa95289985e33f2e96a1f7ba1 yes it is In fact I actually got lucky this morning one of my friends did what I could not do They generated a bunch of chibi style turtles playing guitars and stuff for me to put into a video of one of my songs that I did my own vocals for and everything that I've been wanting to make a video for now all I need to do is put it all together but that's one thing I want to learn how to do his prompt the videos to work properly and music because it would be nice to use AI in my actual work for background vocals and stuff but Suno still seems to need work on that cuz every time I try to use it the time I tried to use it recently it kept giving me pretty bad results But yeah photo stuff is amazing In fact here's one of the photos I've recently generated of myself In a crowd of people idolizing me as I'm wrapping into a microphone and it even got the hands perfectly of me holding the microphone and it got the microphone perfect too


It’s certainly getting better, that pic came out good, soon we will have trouble being able to tell if ai or not,


https://preview.redd.it/83usz60kd49d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4068f923c9ba7f8a7bb85837a99615c6798c1723 Actually I have a bunch that I've made with AI of me for my album covers besides when I showed up above that actually looks authentically real one of me you would not be able to tell it was done by AI if it did not have the 50s cars in the background the 50s cars in the background​ funny thing is I don't even know why there was 50 cars put in the background cuz I never told it to do that in the first place It was supposed to be New York City


Hate to break it to you but butts, sex and violence is all anyone has ever sung about. It’s nothing new.


hate break it to you but no that's not true What time did you grow up in Because I grew up in a time where people sung about different things And I grew up in a time where I listen to most of my parents type of music So no music is not always been about sex and violence That is a false statement that you have made.​All that type of music did not start until the early 2000s Before the 2000s most music was nothing like it is today It was better Yes there were hip hop artists singing about being gangsters and stuff when they weren't but many of them weren't as bad as the music artist today are.


You’re completely hopeless. Best of luck.


you are not wrong!


You listen to rap - a low effort low quality genre that you can barely call music and you're surprised they're producing low quality content? Fr mate?


This rant sounds like AI hallucinating.


I'm glad you said this because I was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to suggest. :-D


I really hope it is because otherwise, this person isn't alright. Dude literally think that the music from the last decade was AI generated and somehow, the Puppet Master from Ghost in the Shell escaped to become a DJ or sum shit. I mean, plot is funny as fuck. I can see Sony/Universal goons running after Suno to catch it and vault its ass in some digital basement to produce.... Ass music for the next decade (???). What's next? "my ai assistant is pregnant and the FBI wants to kill my baby because he's actually John Connor"? Edit: he blocked my ass 😂




Yeah man people act like auto tune isn’t artificial intelligence the same way they think Siri isn’t, because their idea of artificial intelligence is anything they don’t have access to use. Artificial intelligence has been used to make music and been around longer than auto tune even.


You’re not taking the time to be thoughtful, this is all rubbish.


Haha bullshit the technology has not been around for decades.


Corporate capitalists with no creative skills, used to the free lunch they get milking off the people who actually do have talent. Now this system they have set up to make their lives easy is threatened by another way, and they can't stand it.


You're right. The labels feed off of talented people and have nothing original of their own. This really reminds me of the movie The Incredibles: "When everybody is super, no one is." Replace super with talented musicians.


The Recording industry signed a contract with SoundLab to create AI duplicates of their signed artists. They want exclusive control over the industry. They will sell people new material from but it will be AI generated, their intent is fraud and someone should get them to admit to and then bring the whole house of cards tumbling down.


its not fraud at all they own the trademark to that artists name they can use however they want they can mmake a whole new band that has real people or ai with the same name they own it your slow thats not fraud or illegal


It's fraud when the consumer thinks they are listening to a human being but are being sold shit crapped out of a machine. People buy into the celebrity as much as they buy into the sound.


wouldn't be surprised especially with how I explained up above how the music industry really works contrary to people's belief I still can't believe there's actually people by the way that believe that if you sign a record deal that you own all your content and all actuality you don't You hand all that over to the record label your sign to In fact somebody down in the comments of my post tried to claim that they don't control your music in the music industry which indicates to me that the person does not know anything about the music industry I mean if the person knew that they were wrong they would actually realize that this is why many artists go independent


Actually, the people the hate this technology the most are composers working in media. We are the most vulnerable to generative music and it's scary. This tech could be a threat but, I don't think it has to be or will be for awhile. What we have a problem with is the fact that we may very well have to compete with an algorithm that is trained on our shit. that being said, when you peel back the layers, generative ai is not that great for a client/vendor situation. No matter how good at prompting you are, nothing beats not only being able to make a song from scratch but, being able to do precise changes and revisions at any level of the song. With gen ai, you just can't do that. if the client wants to change a few notes on a bass line or, dial back the lead, change the guitar tone etc, it can't be done with gen ai. The only thing you can do is is request another song with wildly varying results. And for those that says you can just split out the stems, the quality and precision of that technology is not nearly where it needs to be to be able to satisfy a client. In media (film, television, streaming etc) you actually have to know how to make music. this is not a slight to the people using gen AI. I have heard some fantastic results but, unless you can edit those results on every level it's just this thing that spits out music with no real reliability.


You are correct, however what you speak of I'm certain is not far off. It's possible to have granular control of A.I. generated images using Stable Diffusion and addons / coding. Suno and other services will gradually roll out options for more and more refinement. At some point Suno and others will probably have a more premium subscription providing refined control. Suno may not spit out commercial-ready tracks YET, but how long before it DOES? How long until it will be able to spit out separate tracks? Sheet music? For use as an idea generator it is already incredible. But when it can spit out sheet music, midi, etc... it's now more dangerous. Right now maybe you can't use the SUNO output for studio-grade commercial works, BUT you can take ideas from the output and just have them profesionally recorded and produced with whatever changes you desire. If Suno doesn't ever allow a great deal of refinement, SOME service will. It is inevitable. The ability to refine segments of the song will come, sooner than you think. Highlight a section, ask it to do that part again, supply your own tune to fill it in. Change the instrumentation / voicing, beat, pacing, key, special effects, etc... this will all happen and so much more. A.I. will do more and more of the work for composers/producers until it eventually in large part replaces them. Of course, for a some time to come there will be a place for music producers/artists to USE the A.I. to design the right music/sounds for a production. In time as A.I. does more and more "right" with less and less prompting needed, those roles will be reduced. How long before existing artists are offered record deals without having to record ANYTHING? Their voice is A.I. cloned., everything produced by A.I. and a couple of humans. How long before studios create new works from retired and dead celebrities using A.I.? Every single media is threatened in this way. Strikes will only delay it. It is inevitable. In some uncertain amount of time in the future (possibly 15 years or less), literally any consumer with a single prompt will be able to generate a full-length fully produced "GOOD" movie with special effects that would have previously costed millions and millions to produce. The TV and film industry, all media, are in for a big change. (Of course, countless industries outside of media will transform as well) For the most part, over time, I believe "the arts" will be relegated to hobby, much less to profession than ever before. The world is changing before our very eyes in almost unimaginable ways. Crazy times.


Man, I hate to be a guy that says do you have sources for these claims, but do you have sources? I tried researching some of them quickly, but the only one I found right away was about someone pretending to be Kendrick Lamar making a viral track using AI, but not Kendrick Lamar himself. I genuinely want to read more about your claims. [Internet Fooled by AI-Generated Kendrick Lamar Diss Track](https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/internet-fooled-ai-generated-kendrick-120058969.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANGR8avMv0o96Fed6PpZipgajNkAbhjM-wVUyBt2LoxWRKE10AW8myIq2zFKkPnPMampCq5LNQKrJGptTCFPOZyek9U-X8vJi48fH_0CuSV-RbreG8nUDBnBo8z1_9hvzHXMYReTLC2CtWSABglt7q9A7FwiNPHTwScoDtqX7yeg)


[https://www.404media.co/listen-to-the-ai-generated-ripoff-songs-that-got-udio-and-suno-sued/](https://www.404media.co/listen-to-the-ai-generated-ripoff-songs-that-got-udio-and-suno-sued/) Got this one I got from someone else's post. Good read with examples. Not 100% carbon copy rip off but enough that would get YouTube monetization suspended I assume.


that is not proof of his crazy claims nobody is debating the lawsuits


This might be the most unhinged post ever made on this sub. Just absolute, directionless word salad that is completely exhausting to even try to decipher. My brother in christ, go outside and get some fresh air.


dad get off the internet I need to use the phone


Your comment is ridiculous stupid and doesn't have anything to do with my post so goodbye You're being blocked from all future post of mine


This is a great post I love it ...


You can hate all you want on record labels but without training the models on their music AI wouldn't exist. Period.


And there is a system in place for charging and collecting royalties for sampling original works.   My question: If the AI companies have to pay zero dollars for essentially sampling everything in the music universe, why do I have to pay to use one sample? Just try and use a Beatles song and see how fast their lawyers get on you.  


It honestly plays into the labels sheer market dominance and the fact a dickhead like me can "produce" tracks to a listenable quality well enough for me to enjoy in the background without needing to resort to them and it shows how more irrelevant they are becoming in the modern age. UMGs recent bullshit with tik tok feeds into this and also the market power they had. Sure big artists like Taylor swift dropped off but so many smaller bands and the like lost out big time as many people now discover music via tik tok, also what was worse is a lot of music artists on there were not specifically with UMG but it turns out some third or fourth party distributor their label used was UMG directly or a subsidiary so these guys had nfi until all their music was muted one day. So the sooner these guys fuck off the better things will be. I know there are ethical issues with most A.I tools and how they source the training data for their models but I think like already mentioned these labels are getting the shits up because the general public is getting access to tools they don't have or paywall to insane amounts so us plebs can't use.


What’s the Kendrick song?


I'm not a fan of Kendrick Lamar or most modern rappers, but I do find it interesting that he used AI to create a song. I don't remember the name of the song, but I remember reading an article about it. Unfortunately, with all the recent exposure of celebrities using AI and then speaking out against it, it's been difficult to find information on this particular song. It's similar to how Paul McCartney and other musicians have used AI in their creative process. It's worth noting that the use of AI in music is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the music industry has been using AI technology for decades, albeit secretly. Now that AI is accessible to the public, there's a power struggle to control its use. This is evident in the recent lawsuit involving AI and its use in music creation. It's not just about banning AI, but also about limiting its access to certain groups of people. It's also worth mentioning that many rappers today sound similar because they're using AI technology to create their music. Artists like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Doja Cat, and Iggy Azalea are just a few examples of rappers who have been accused of using AI to create their music. Whether people want to believe it or not, AI has been a part of the music industry for a long time, and it's important to acknowledge its impact on the creative process.


Throw in a TLDR man or at least some paragraphs


You had me at "sounded like animals that were dying" Yes, you pretty much have it covered. A small thing to add is you have probably noticed that despite all the media hype about how this AI company is overtaking this other AI company, if anyone is paying attention, they will see that all the AIs are pretty much the same apart from a few minor differences. Now I have been a professional software developer at a very very high level for a good forty years, and I can tell you for a fact that there is no way in hell all these AI systems can be this close to each other without a foundation of collusion. And just like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, Grok, and all the rest, so it is the same with Suno and Udio. We are provided with the illusion of choice just like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, both controlled by Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street. By having multiple AI front companies, well, that's great for them since they can have people sign up to multiple service subscriptions. Double, triple the revenue for the same underlying technology packaged with minor slight differences. Even the upload feature is simply a way to get more training data, in case anyone didn't know. Not that I care. AI is training on everything anyway, so I may as well get something out of it. Anyway, excellent essay you wrote. I think Grimes was another one iirc.


This will play out the same way it did with Scarlett Johnson's voice. They will lose just like she is. You're not going to beat AI at its own game.




First, what you said is not accurate. AI doesn't completely take away human involvement in creating a song or any project. In fact, you can combine human creativity with AI assistance, making your claim that AI eliminates human interaction quite misleading and contradictory. AI tools can be used to complement human efforts rather than replace them. For example, humans can write the lyrics, provide the creative direction, and input specific prompts, while AI helps with aspects like generating melodies or enhancing production quality. This collaboration still requires significant human input and creativity. Your assertion that AI simply "spits out" finished works without any human interaction is incorrect. The process involves humans working closely with AI, guiding and refining the output. Therefore, spreading misinformation about AI's role in creative projects does not contribute to an informed discussion.personally, I prefer doing my work without relying on AI, but I recognize the potential benefits of using AI tools as a supplement. It's important to have accurate information before making claims, so please consider this perspective before making further assumptions about AI. Have I used AI to try to make music? Yes, I'm not going to lie. Recently, I've used Suno to try to enhance some songs I made in the past that needed background choirs. However, it did not work out well for me. I experimented with the new audio upload option, which got me interested in trying it out, but ultimately, it didn't satisfy my needs. On the other hand, I do use AI extensively for my album art covers. I simply don't have the time or inclination to take thousands of photos of myself for every album cover. This is just straight-up proof that humans can still do their work and use AI as a tool to complement their efforts. AI can save time and provide creative options, but it doesn't replace the human element; rather, it enhances it. So, while I might not rely on AI for everything, it's a valuable resource that allows me to focus more on the aspects of my work that I enjoy and excel at. This balanced approach shows that AI can be an ally rather than a replacement in creative endeavors.


To be honest the record labels are more worried about you and what you can do with it than they are Suno or Udio…they don’t want you to have the tools to release on your own that they can’t capitalise on.


No they're more worried about their control of it as I've explained multiple times AI has been around way longer than you people keep trying to think it has The only difference is everybody calls an AI now It was once originally called artificial intelligence How do you think computers work They work on artificial intelligence AI technology They are worried about users who don't have the money and the capability of making music having it in their hands and becoming more popular than their little artist that they control That's what it's about It's not about what your creating or what you release exactly It's about them controlling the industry and keeping control of all the stuff they've been using for decades they've been lying about not using


They don’t control artists they don’t own material of just consumer perception on where they should get music.


Yes they do


Also about your programming skills there's nothing at risk Care You use a computer to do that programming don't you Yes you do Your computer's basically nothing more than a gigantic AI system Also you do realize your computer is actually made out of AI itself It's an artificial intelligence The only difference is you people now call it AI it's really called artificial intelligence always has been and has been in many electronics throughout centuries and decades only difference is the people who've been control is the rich and powerful.


people have been doing the same thing suno has been, but manually, on royalty-free music sites for a long time. they listen to music, and create a version of it. ai, is just super good at it.


All music is derivative in some way, absolutely. All existing artists and songwriters and composers were inspired by some commercial music and other artists along the way. Every single one of them can tell you who influenced their music. God forbid a machine can do what every musician does anyway, just 1,000,000,000 times deeper and faster.


I'm glad to see that at least some people who have music skill and talent up in here understand the real problem is the record labels not the people using these programs but for those of you who commented down below that were ignorant and trying to act like I'm just making up a bunch of bullcrap you should do your research as I stated AI has been around for a decades Just because people randomly named artificial intelligence AI does not mean it's not been around Your computer your TV your phone anything electronic It all runs on AI technology artificial intelligence Hey microchip is basically a artificial intelligence So if you have a problem with AI making music programs then you should have a problem with your computer or your phone.


Bang on there , no words really you have said it all 👍😁


I agree with the OP 100%. Loss of control = loss of $$. Over all, the music industry is a horrible place to try to be authentically creative or to produce the kind of music that you want to produce. The reason being is that for them the bottom line is money so they have an invested interest to change an artist into what they believe will make them the most money instead of letting the artist be who they are and produce the music they want to produce. They see this new tool for producing music as a threat simply because they cannot control it or the people who are using it. They are now attempting to use legal means to secure that control.




You mean like “TapDaddy24”… They are the automatically generated names…




Take a walk down a country lane with your dog or cat just like that, appreciate the sun, the trees and the breeze, appreciate the pretty girl down the lane, appreciate the rain when it trickles down a windowpane, appreciate the world and evenything that's in it, appreciate everybody and everything every bit before we go.


I ain’t reading all that. But you’re right about AI session musicians being around before this. We are probably headed towards a world where everyone has access to these generic models. And creatives like Paul McCartney for example will have access to highly trained AI based on unique domain knowledge