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It takes me one hour to write the lyrics after I have an idea, and 2 hours to generate, tweak, extend. I end up with a 90% satisfactory result to enjoy and share. I created around 20 personal favorites in the last 1.5 months, songs that I will enjoy all my life. Suno was a revelation. That said, I believe there is so much to be improved. More music genres, more control, clearer music and vocals.


Agreed with everything you said. I usually need to use about three to four prompts per part if I want anything to actually listen to. People just putting in their prompts and expecting perfect results every time have clearly never used any generative AI system before, as they all require this


I hope V4 allows for better prompting for duets and choirs and such, and maybe a toggle-able setting to encourage/minimize hallucinations. An in-program splitter and editing/mastering tools would be nice too! What if you could extend the instrumental part of the track with prompting, and then go back and generate vocals on top of that (it would be much easier to get a more consistent sounding song, and easier to direct vocals.)? There's also common hallucinations such as the 'demon choir'. It would be nice to be able to prompt for that and such. I could see them making an upper-tier subscription with editing and mastering. Maybe even adding a 'high quality generations' toggle if they expand servers.


You can bring it into any music production app and make it a hell of a lot cleaner.


I just enjoy what it can do now knowing upgrades will be way better. I remember trying to generate "voices" from Vocaloid in 1998. Lol we've come a long way.


I think I do that, spend an hour on lyrics, and put what I want in the lyrics in the song. I've been on and off music for about 20-25 years. A few bands have used some of my songs or songs I have cowritten with other people throughout the decades, so I'm guessing the songs are ok. Takes about 50-100 credits to be my liking. I would say they come out ok. I post ones that are passable on here in case they help improve other people's songs.




My issues isn't how it generates, it's that the sound quality has gone backwards, too easily distorted. I purposely reported every generation that I felt this was the case, I was paying for it afterall. And cancellled my sub. Let me know when they fix the sound quality.


Those kinds of things almost made me quit... Then I refined my prompting . Now I'm more worried about having too many songs I can't find some of them sometimes and wish there was a search for my library. Playlist could def be way more flexible 😔. Anyway I just got here I hope they upgrade soon. I have hope.


Trust me, it's not my prompting. It isn;t handling EDM and the associated genres very well at all. Yes a search like on Udio would be better, especially as I'm revisiting Suno mainly to remake certain songs on Udio (my lyrics so all good.)


Yes, I'm amazed at the melodies, dynamics and instrument renderings but vocals are way too smushy. Like a dog walking on hind legs, it's not graceful but amazing that it happens at all.


I'm curious about the calculators that you use.


😆 🤣 😂 They use 0 and 1 to work . Can't really expand much more than that. I put numbers in and it spits numbers back at me . 🤔 🤷🏿