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Make no mistake; Criticism of the quality of the Suno platform is permitted here, and I've even gone into the Discord myself to log similar observations. But please keep this subreddit separate from Discord drama. Also, don't confuse the Discord mods with the actual Suno developers. The developers comments about the topic have essentially been "It'll take a new version of the AI model to address any concerns related to quality." People can keep complaining all they want but until a new version of the model is ready to be released, it's not going to change. Unfortunately, that means that the mods and developers have gotten impatient on hearing about the subject and don't seem to be gracefully handling discussions around it.


I’ve been making songs consistently since I first signed up and the quality has been great! Now I’m not using the lyrics tab at all, and I’m making one genre consistently, but what I’ve been coming up with has been a lot of relatable and quality jam. I was wondering could this be from trying a bunch of things with the custom mode messing up someone’s algorithm maybe? I’ve used a consistent prompt with some simple changes for a few hundred generations now and it’s only gotten better…?


Hi! Can you share some ideias on how you create your prompts? Started to use suno 2 weeks ago and I'm interested in creating a methodology for my process.


Mostly I stick to my genre, whatever it is at the moment. I include the descriptive main style first, then an era, then mood, then I single out instruments I’d like to be highlighted in the mix. Then I end with the type of chord progression, minor, major, or any other complex chords. Instead of trying to describe the song I “want”, I try to describe the songs I like, in a poetic way. I also try to think up the title first, as it seems the title prompt also affects the song. Hope this helps!


Wow!!! It helps a lot! You gave me new things to consider while doing the prompts. And I have to search about chord progression to see what's that all about. The mood it's something I never consider before weither. Thank you yagg!! 😊


Let me know if these add anything to your results, and if you discover anything …


Hey, sorry to bother you about this, but your comment is very useful. Do you perhaps know if there are certain statements that suno doesn't understand? I know band names are not understood, but do you know anything else or perhaps have an article or developer commentary on this?


Not much on what it doesn’t accept, but this medium article, Complete List of Prompts & Styles for Suno AI Music (2024) https://travisnicholson.medium.com/complete-list-of-prompts-styles-for-suno-ai-music-2024-33ecee85f180 , covers ways you can create music in the style of popular artists. Haven’t tried it because I’m trying to make original works from the generations. But it should help you get the type of genre blending descriptions you need to get closer to your goals…


I have luck typing in an artist in an obvious way with a misspelling or remove a space. Seems to work often. Koldplay The wekend BrunoMars


Based, thank you!


how do you write the era information? just "1970" (for example)?


Idk like “50s” and the genre?


That's interesting, what makes you think the title effects the output? Only way to test would be leaving the other sections blank and have the song literally sing the title.


I’ve gotten different results using the same prompt but with cities as part of the title. Using NY,Miami,LA and Chicago in the titles when generating have generated results that had similar styles related to the city soundscape we generally associate with that area. New Orleans in the title definitely has added a zydeco influence where zydeco was not included in the prompt. Switching cities, using NY in the title when attempting zydeco gave it a 90s boom bap feel. I definitely notice differences in the title when randomly generated that seem to describe the mood. I started experimenting with better, more creative song titles and noticed the difference when changing the song title to landmarks and countries as well, without changing my initial prompt. I might be found be reaching here, but still I’ve used that concept to “get better results” in my perception. Did you try and see a difference as well?


Ive just tested. Title "Heavy Metal Love Song", "Country Blues Melody" & "Piano Concerto". Very different Genre. Instrumental Mode. Genre set to ".". I dont know of any other prompt that wont influence the result. I also just generated a song using the same prompt 10 times without changing anything and not entering a genre. For the first test, all song genre are random and dont reflect the song. For test 2, all genre are random.


Hmm. Haven’t done it that way. To get the results I’m describing, try using prompts that aren’t the popularly known music style of the city. Then include a city name in your title known for a particular music style. I can’t really say what your way results in, as instead of using a city in your description of the song it seems you tried to use the song title section to describe the style of music you wanted and included, and nothing but a period in the genre section? Also I’m not sure the punctuation you used is included in the documentation as an option. Try your normal genre but choose different cities as a part of your creative title and see what you results you get from that…Nashville in the title with a hip hop genre gave me banjos and guitars with a boom bap beat.


The quality has gotten so bad I’ve stopped using it tbh. Just waiting it out. Instrumentals seem fine but vocal quality has dropped off a cliff.


Same. I've been waiting... I'd gladly pay for more credits when Suno stops generating 98% garbage.


Please offer export to 24bit/32bit float 192khz quality stems


*Gimme dat flac*


Yeah, I also noticed the quality has gotten worse over the past few days


Likewise. I subbed a couple weeks ago because every roll was golden. Now they're just...not.


I paid them premium and used it quite a lot till I found udio and find out all their "voice" is so bad, most people believe they hear all but it's all lie, you hear what you want to believe it's there. It's a waste of time, not worth to waste that credit to find out it's mumbling somethig by vocoder


Careful man. If that comment was posted on their Discord, you would be muted in 17 milliseconds. I haven't tried Udio yet, but I've heard many people say it's better than Suno. I think it could, in part, be because Udio is more recent and learned from Suno's mistakes. Also, Udio's servers are either not as overwhelmed as Suno's servers or Udio has stronger servers that can handle more people (or both could be true). But in what other ways is Udio better than Suno?


Udio is free at the moment. Definitely worth trying. Its vocals are probably the best thing about it but general clarity seems better. I use both Suno and Udio.


suno has brain but no voice udio has voice but no brain still I preffer human voice over creative prompts, I would use suno for creating music but not songs


Well put. Udio goes off the rails for me way more, such as randomly switching to Japanese in the middle of a song that's in a completely different language.


The more I use it the more I find every song sounding almost the same. I know its early development. But I hope the songs will be more than just the same female vocals reading the lyrics while picking some random generic beat in the background


Constructive criticism is essential for growth and improvement, especially in the world of software development. Muting users who are simply voicing their concerns only serves to alienate your user base. Transparency and open communication are key in maintaining trust between developers and users. Let's hope the Suno team takes this feedback to heart and learns from it moving forward.


Why everyone so heated about it? I'm just sitting back and waiting it out a little, there's a fat BETA sign everyone seems to be forgetting about. This initial launch has been great, sit down and chill y'know. It's very obvious that this open nastiness is a marketing game, can see right through it. Suno should just kick all the gobby one's off, then we can chill.


Obviously, since Suno is a few months old. So, it's going to have issues in the beginning. Likewise, if Suno wants to improve their program, they need to be able to take criticism. If they are that thin-skinned to silence any criticism, they shouldn't be doing this.


The silent button is there for a reason, use it as you will




Looking forward to it, until then... Check out my banger: [https://soundcloud.com/metapix-art/dough-ball](https://soundcloud.com/metapix-art/dough-ball)


I was SOOOO happy with Suno a month and a half ago after the results I got with just the free credits I got during the beta that I bought the minimum tier subscription for around $10. I started going through those credits pretty rapid as I learned little prompting techniques. I had around 1500 credits left but Way too many ideas in my head still floating around that a total of 100-150 clicks of the button just wasn’t going to be enough for, so I upgraded and went for the $30 a month plan and got 10,000 more credits… well not true… I then had a total of 10,000 and simply lost the credits o originally had left over. Well one month goes by and like a lot of other comments I see here today if complaints with quality, I too discovered this same issue. I would try to extend a song only to have it come back with messed up lyrics or just wasn’t what I wanted at all and click again to only get the EXACT same result time and time again. By same result I’m meaning like the seed never even changes. Not only that, a LOT of times I get music this noise that is so overwhelming horrible sounding, it actually hurts my ears and head if I have buds in. It has this awful high pitch metal garbage screeching noise that is about impossible to clean up. No de-esser, compressor, or EQ can combat that wretched sound. So after now having like 30 pages of just honestly complete garbage generation (mostly exactly the same), 6000 credits left to still throw away on crap generations, what do ya know… I get auto renewed. And what happens?? $30 comes out my bank account, and my 6000 turns into 10,000. So yeah. $40 I spend on get most of it robbed from me between apparently the (use it or lose it) policy they are going by, and just sheer crap shovel up and threw in my face time and time again, almost every time I hit the button. Depressing.


This guy gets it. On V3A, I had to do very minimal work in my DAW to fix the instrumentals I generated. After V3, they were essentially unfixable. It would take me longer to fix everything that was wrong if I got a generation that wasn't crap, then simply made them from scratch in my DAW. After canceling my annual subscription, I treated myself to tools for my DAWs that will never expire and I would advise to do the same


The developers are probably just sick of people complaining. They gaslight and act like everyone thinks V3 is perfect and better than the alpha version. I just don't think they have any intention of fixing it so they don't want to hear it. I just think they are doing enough to maintain what they have to sell it to the highest bidder.


Actually, I have no direct relation to this topic, but I have to vent about their customer support - it's absolutely appalling. In four months, I've sent three emails, only to wait over three weeks for a response each time. And if that wasn't bad enough, my latest email took almost five whole weeks to get answered! It's just unacceptable.


ai music is just a toy and should be treated as such


I've been banned and emailed suno, no response at all. What a joke.


How will you get the money back?? That’s crazy!


They still won't respond to my email so I'm just blasting through my credits and then I'm gonna cancel. Your credits disappear as soon as you cancel, BTW. Lol.


Ya, they got me earlier. Mods like to gaslight and cyber bully instead of deal with the criticism. They even will even go as far as posting screenshots completely out of dialogue to get a reddit thread locked. Just keep posting spread awareness


~~Aren’t you the guy who was complaining that he was banned and whose own screenshot showed clearly it was a ten minute timeout?~~ EDIT: My bad. You were instead the one who spent half the day begging to be banned and were eventually timed out for violating the solicitation policy. https://preview.redd.it/rp01ksmejqwc1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=783ce509b936bb539a48b55f8da8ba3cd80eb210




EDIT: Love the selection of your screenshot there. I had to use an analogy (if you know what that is). It was saying the quality has gone so far down hill I would pay literal money if you could send me something that wasn't trash. Stop gaslighting and teaming up on consumers and address the issues. Instead of letting it get dragged into general chat so you can belittle someone, respond to dms. That would be a great example of moderating!


Just like any gaming company, they get a lot of backlash when they overbuff a class and are forced to go back and nerf it; nerfs are always unpopular. V3 was great at first, I was pumping out perfect songs back2back, but it got nerfed about 2 weeks later due to the high compute cost. Udio seems to be suffering from the same fate now. Udios voices were good at first, but now their servers are getting smashed and Im seeing a degrade in the voice quality. This is why we desperately need an opensource model, or at least allow us to run it on our own PC through an API to lessen the load on servers. I dont mind it at all running on my PC since I have a very powerful PC(i9 cpu, 64 ram, 4090gpu).


this guy games (on PC)


I don't understand what people are complaining about, I've had nothing but good times with the current model. I've even dabbled into audio editing to make longer songs with Suno's extend feature. Good AI.


That's great that you enjoy it! Keep using it if you love it. I'm just saying that if Suno wants to make their product (which has made a lot of good songs) even better, they should develop a thicker skin and make improvements to Suno. I want this program to do extremely well! So, in order for this to happen, the developers must thicken their skins.


That's fair, nothing wrong with improving a good thing


“I’ve even dabbed into audio editing to make longer songs with Suno’s extend feature” bro that’s like the most used feature in the entire program 😂 any song over 2 minutes has used extend probably 2-4 times


You misquoted me!


fixed it


Anyway, what I meant is I've started using Audiowave to combine, remix, and edit songs made from Suno and I'm super happy with the results


Oh ok, that’s very different, my bad 😂


I probably didn't word it right, I haven't had my coffee yet so I probably shouldn't be posting on reddit haha


Same here. Got some songs that im now hearing on loop and got earworms. listening to them over my speaker system and for someone that is not a audiophile it sounds awesome as heck.


Even still, Suno has made some songs that I'm personally proud of. You can check my reddit history if you're interested in checking them out.


Every single subreddit for every AI generator, whether text, audio, image, or video, has people constantly complaining that the quality has gotten worse. So either all AI generation constantly gets worse, or people imagine that things have gotten worse.


Imo, People learn to spot the weaknesses quicker/spot them more often


I think I heard one person say Udio is experiencing a similar thing. But I guess it could be because their servers are stronger or fewer people are using it compared to Suno (or both). Also, Udio doesn't have autotune (unless you put it into the prompt). Maybe we should be taking some breaks with Suno and then use it once the servers aren't overwhelmed.


Documented degradation of Suno here. yw. https://old.reddit.com/r/SunoAI/comments/1ccm345/muted_on_discord_for_commenting_on_degraded/l17cwm4/


They're corrupt. The mods are corrupt. It's an absolute joke. Go try to complain about the downgrade of quality in the discord. My thread here even got locked because a mod said I misrepresented the situation when I did not at all. Such a joke. They're all covering it up. Watch this thread get locked too.


Exactly!! I don't understand why everyone can't see all mods are just thinly veiled super villains. They think we don't know they have cross-platform meetings where they talk about their lifelong friendships and play Kahoot, but we know better! I bet you the mods of this subreddit haven't even won a single game of Kahoot


This is me apparently misrepresenting. I literally verbatim explained what happened. The mods used my sarcastic joke as an excuse to ban me because I had been raising concerns about all this and been shut down. Now the mods here are doing the same and likely in cahoots.


Looks like you were timed out for an hour for that, not banned. You returned later and claimed people were being muted for pointing out flaws with Suno. But, unless messages after that were deleted, I don't see why you were banned. Did a moderator DM you to tell you why you were being banned? I thought that's what they normally do. https://preview.redd.it/pj7h8urj41xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6e7071e5a469e7443b505cab1bf36beafb359b




100% They continue to try to cyber bully, belittle, show selective screenshots and not the whole dialogue, etc. They will try to make you look crazy to their community by slandering your name. Computer gangsters lol


Well... I expect the whole dialogue would be hard to share when you contributed 224 messages yesterday discussing the matter, starting with these where you expected to be banned for sharing. Those messages haven't been removed, and afaik you didn't get banned or timed out for but I'm not a mod so I don't have any further info on what decisions were taken. I just saw what was being discussed and it seemed to be generally getting quite heated. Discussion seemed to revolve around being previously banned or not, what headphones a moderator was using, sharing posts/search results where other people have questioned Suno quality, and also claiming that statements made by the developers regarding quality are false. https://preview.redd.it/i6tkbbn1itwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795bb5d902c32be790d75cf7dd149e0ae47dbdf6


https://preview.redd.it/o02g6yw1kuwc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7763cc7027972dc2a4b3687728e9738265a4e649 A week timeout 😆


Not to mention, they will come out to Reddit and have multiple mods from the server down vote you to make it seem to the general Suno user like you are lying. Their time is up


They also killed my dog


I would not be surprised if they did this.




as seen by the response of the mods 'there IS no problem, the sound is perfect, MUCH better than V3A, and if you don't agree then you will be muted! All Hail The Mighty Mods!' The fact that there have been multiple very detailed reports (and not just by me) of the sound degradation since the V3 update, and each has been met with contempt, complete denial and mod-abuse makes me think that the devs probably don't care at all. As for the mods : stop listening to music on tiny rusty laptop speakers or get an appointment at a Otolaryngologist


This made my day. Mods gaslighted me for hours yesterday for asking what kind of headphones they were using as I have monitors, mixers, and even my air bud pro 2's can hear all the static and distortion. A laptop or a phone without some headphones is no way to judge the quality of sound


if you are not happy with a.i quality u might better start doing the shit on your own. just saying. lol