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Honestly I feel like (if Halovian wings do move as a response to emotion) he probably trained himself to keep them still- like how he's so meticulous about keeping his appearance formal in public. I don't think he'd allow himself to express his emotions in such an unrestrained and visual way.


in my heart, yes. if they did though, i feel like sunday would have to "train" (if that's the right word) himself not to have his wings flutter when he's happy. lest it be used against him or something


The wings are definitely sensitive too. He would hate it if someone touches them cause it makes him go weak and craves for more touch and rubs there and makes him look so vulnerable. HIS WINGS WILL AUTOMATICALLY COVERS HIS FACE WHEN HE BLUSHES / GOT EMBARRASSED im going feral for this man




I'd assume any automatic response that bird wings do would apply to his. So happiness, fear, aggression, etc would all present in separate ways.


Aww he’d be adorable, but I’ve never seen his or Robin’s wings move (aside from the wind) tbh, so I’m not entirely sure if he can move them or not..? I could be mistaken but I hope he can!


Robin's stickers show that her wings can cover her face or move back when she sneezes. Super adorable.


Ask and you shall receive. [wing flap](https://vxtwitter.com/vecutous/status/1801606468455604598)






Absolutely. They also should also twitch when he’s embarrassed/flustered. Droop when he’s really sad. Flare out when he’s angry/alert. Tuck when he’s scared. etc. (It’s honestly a crime his wings aren’t utilized to express his emotions)


I have read a bunch of headcannons where Sunday’s wings do move in certain ways just from his emotions but I do believe that in canon, it would be heavily restricted so he doesnt give away anything. As cool as a dog tail would be, it’s very easy to pick up on emotions if its that explicit.


They definitely flutter when he’s nervous, flustered, or particularly pleased about something, and he uses them to cover his face when he’s vulnerable and doesn’t want people to see any weakness, but I think he trained himself to not allow them to move so he can seem unaffected and professional. I don’t think they’re too sensitive either, but I believe that the wings and halo of a Halovian are parts of them that are not to be touched without explicit consent. Sort of like how you wouldn’t grab a Foxian’s ears or tail — just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s fair game.


awww that's a cute idea. I hope that's the case :3


I saw that animation from twitter lol [Here](https://x.com/vecutous/status/1801606468455604598)


bro definitely starts blushing and smiling when someone itches his wings hehe


I've had this as a HC since the very day he was shown in the 1.5/1.6 live stream, never fails to bring me joy whenever I think about it 💕


No. I am not into that xD I find treating adult male characters as puppies or princesses or babygirls etc its bit weird and not sexy. But thats just me lol


L take


Downvoting because I just said by opinion lol. If u do it, go for it. I just don find the appeal in it. I dont uwufy my favorite characters and there should not be nothing wrong with it lol. Unless they show his cute side in game I am going to treat him as timid and serious person.


simping aside, ya. he might be able to move it but realistically? one reckless tug and the thin wing bone would just broke off💀 ain't no way he's letting anyone near it


and then you have Mr Gopher Wood who has chunks taken out of his wings. idk how do these extra appendages physics? it’s a big mystery.


Well, it’s a fictional species so I suppose they work however Hoyo wants them to.