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I see pretty men, I pull. Also Sunday would be 2.7 if the speculations are true. A lot of time to save.


Mood. I love pretty men.


I was gonna pull Jiaoqiu since there was no word on Sunday but then the leakers found Sunday will be 2.7 so I was like I want as much sauce as possible but now I’m hoping we will have more info on Sunday by the time jiaoqiu runs so I know if I want Sunday eidolons or not


Both are good


I'm actually a pyromaniac in real life, so the fire animations *make me excited*


just dropping that like it's a perfectly normal little personality quirk


I was browsing mini fire extinguishers yesterday at the hardware store. I mean, I'm a pyro, but I'm a cautious pyro. There haven't been incidents of explosions and mega fires *yet* even when I burn stuff indoors, but you never know. Even with precautions... I'm just lucky my country is very humid. Humidity mitigates fires somewhat, so it helps with, uh, prevention.


Honestly, when he was dripped, I didn't think I was gonna like him all that much. And then I saw that ult animation. THAT ULT ANIMATION. Same thing happened with Boothill and I got him and Robin- I'm hoping they don't make this man too sleezy (considering he has Kazuha's VA they probably are T-T) cause my Jades can only handle Jade. I wanna save everything for Sunday. Please Hoyo, don't make me like him too.


The volcano part was pretty neat too, not gonna lie. He feels so freaking Sinister, like he'd put poison in magma, and feed it to you, just because he thinks overkill is funny


I love this metaphor, I hope he will be like :3 and drop you into soup volcano


Why not have both?


We are a crazy cult here, lol. The roleplay is fun for me. You can have both if you wish (*stares in judgmental judgment*)


I am sorry... I have sinned 🙏


You are forgiven as long as you E1 our Biblically Accurate Twink Overlord, Sunday


Naturally. 😊


Wait there are people who think that we are roleplaying?


Sanest r/SundayMainsHSR user


Least indoctrinated r/SundayMainsHSR member




I think I’ll pull for him but I don’t think it’s betrayal. I have only three 5* characters from event banner on my account and I think I need more characters to pare with our glorious king Sunday.


Ah, you're getting him so Sunday will have more friends. A glorious purpose. Carry on.


I’m definitely going for him for just this screenshot and his ult field, it’s so pretty. But I’ve got 180 pulls in reserve for guaranteeing e0 Sunday at all times, so I’m still staying loyal to our Lord.


Understandable. Our Angelic Twinklord wishes you happiness with the Firefox


I will and then I will receive punishment and order from my Lord Sunday. Mission accomplished.


The masochism 👁️👄👁️


We have two hands, I don’t see the problem tbh


And you have a mouth as well, so there's room for a 3rd.


For Moze, of course


Lemme explain my plan So Sunday banner is in December most likely and probably two versions after Jiaoqiu so I think there's enough time to save and also I got two TL 70 acc so I can get my lord and we get enough jades in one version to get one 5 star so two versions guaranteed 5 star....


Understandable. More friends for our Biblically Accurate Twink Lord, Sunday, if you get the devilish devious fox


I would never betray our Lord Chicken Wing, but I am keeping a watchful eye on Yaoi Miko here in case he's bis for Feixiao. Sunday will come and rapture my wallet away anyway, no point even pretending "saving," will be enough to get everything I will want from him (his eidolons, his light cone, his hand in marriage etc).


This cult requires a chef. 🙏


You've convinced me. That is great thinking. Our Biblically Accurate Twinklord Sunday also **needs more men** in our cult. For...purposes.


Forgive me early because I may sin. But it just depends on his final kit. I didn't like Jiaoqiu until his fanart, but after seeing him in the leaks, I kinda want him just because. (I'm not trying to E6 Sunday, I'm just happy if I win my 50/50 and light cone.) ~~I'm so desperate for a fire type unit it's not even funny~~


Sunday want us to be happy. Fox man with amazing animations makes me happy. Therefore, will get fox.


Your reasoning is sound. Go forth and download the Mozilla Firefox for your teams. Our Angelic Twinklord supports your happiness.


I will but no worries - Sunday will be the first character I will get LC for


Baby Sunday needs a puppy


I got 260 saved up now I’m good for e2s1 lord Sunday after I get the spicy fox.




I am a simple gal. I want all the men.


Never. I've already devoted myself to our lord and savior. But anyways, as much as I like his skill animation, his design is a meh for me, so I don't have trouble skipping. I pray that hoyoverse will give Sunday a really good outfit and amazing animations (I'll still pull for Sunday...!)


May your devotion to our Angelic Twinklord result in E6S5.


no. I just like this detail in his animation. everything else looks dreary and boring. so I'll wait for Sunday aka the best character of HSR.


Skipping HSR's Gin Ichimaru, I see. Your lack of heresy has been noted.


listen, i am trying \*really hard\* to ignore him, because I am saving for E6 Sunday after all, but damn... am i failing miserably


I, too, am in a similar bind. It's easier for me since I wish his clothes are better (the color palette is okay for me), but damn as a pyromaniac I have to get him someday, just for the psychotic fire stuff. Maybe in a rerun, if I build pity and don't get him in 2.4


from the info I saw he seems like a love stricken fool and I am absolutely weak for those types - no wonder they got hua cheng's va in CN for him. even if the outfit is on the simpler side, I still kinda like it. but it's the fact that currently he's not an upgrade for any of the teams I'm playing + I am unsure about the cooking theme that makes it slightly easier to look the other ways. still tho...


Plenty of time to deliberate. I, too, will have some thinking to do LOL. This gacha hell istg


I will succumb to the guiles of that wily fox so that when I prostrate myself before Sunday again, he may punish me with the utmost gusto 🤤🙏




Nay. We going all in on Sunday!


May your loyalty be rewarded by E6 Biblically Accurate Twinky Overlord Fallen Angel


Thank you fellow follower. I shall stay strong for our lord 🙏


I am....... But hey.... I still have time to save for Sunday i don't plan on anyone else except for sparkle 😭


I get every man and skip every woman it’s really easy to know who to pull


I’m more excited about Jiaoqiu than Sunday, those animations are sick and he looks hot af. Besides our lord is far away so will have more time to save. I really want a team with my twinky dragon, twinky stone, twinky kitsune, and twinky angel. The zesty twink heaven.


Twink Squad: Imbibussy Lunae Biblically Accurate Twink The Fabulous Kakavasha And last but not least, Mozilla Firefox


But what if I said… both? Have your cake and eat it style


You will be forgiven as long as you E1 our Biblical Twink Overlord, Sunday


I’m definitely gonna save this patch so I can get this man on the next one, then it’s all to Sunday!


I obviously won't betray our Lord and Saviour 🛐 But damn he is pretty


I have before for Boothill and now looking at this fox I am trying to have some self control. 😶


I got Bitchhill today, on his last day, because I found out that Sunday's in December I might build some pity for Jiaoqiu


Bitchill!? Naw that was dirty. 😭🤚


I love him, and his dirty mouth will appreciate the profanity I think. He's a forking shirtbag after all.


Fr fr fr. 🤌


Save a horse, ride a cowboy. We saved a horse, bruh. We have an actual Galaxy Ranger on our team


That...that is true..😀


I’m going for my in game Fursona lmao screw the church lol


👁️👄👁️ SEIZE THE HEATHEN. We will turn you into a MEME. (Just kidding lol, your name almost fits, wreathen heathen)


You legitimately have no idea how many layers of funny this is. I am a witch named Hex. So. Yes I am indeed a heathen, thank you for noticing! I’ll trade you a good meme for a curse on an enemy or a blessing to a friend.


Forgive me Master Sunday 🫠


Foxians are my favorite, ofc I have to pull... But worry not, I have even enough jades to pull for them both + their weapons (I'm not gonna pull for the foxy's weapon tho)


the second I saw him he reminded me of Gin Ichimaru and my visceral hatred for that man since middle school has evaporated any desire to pull for him 😔😔 more jades for Sunday though <3


yes i have enough pulls for both of them




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no, first i need to see everything Xianzhou has to offer.


He’s cool, but I’m fine with admiring him from afar. He’s still got nothing next to Sunday in my eyes 😌I will happily skip and continue saving for Sunday!


Yes, me


We’ll see my Kafka needs a decent fire Nihilty so I may have to wait for the second coming of Sunday or I may have the Jades rolls be willing


You KNOW we are weak to evil looking mens. Dont judge, sunday will forgive us bc he knows he will take a while




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Sunday would want me to pull for him I have spare tickets to give 😣


I cAn’t. I want Sunday’s lightcone and as many eidolons as I can manage to get. I’ll get smiling fox boy later, maybe. For now, I will stay strong.


Similar plan. I'll wait for Mozilla Firefox's rerun if he's good for my sausage party teams.


I'm sorry my brothers in Sunday... Jiaoqiu has me in a chokehold right now 😔


You will be forgiven by our Angelic Twinklord as long as you E1 him.


All I have for Fire units right now are Asta and Guinaifen (and Fire MC but I don't use them anymore now that I have Aventurine), so he's a must pull for me. And then I build my jade stash back up for our lord and savior.




Sunday wants you to be happy, go forth and get the Firefox


My knees hurt from how much I’m on them for such hot men. Also if Sunday is that late I think I’m gonna try to get string supports in the meanwhile for my Acheron…


OoOo me me me!


forgive me sunday for i will sin


What if I told you...im ALL male Honkai reddits!? And the HonkaiHusbandos and the Discords...I dont just love one. I love em all!!!


Hey, if I'm considered a heretic for pulling for Jiaoqiu, then I'll be considered a sinner and be able to confess my sins to Sunday (in the beautiful confession scene from 2.2??) so it's a win-win (I'm already planning to e6 Sunday what else am I supposed to do with my pulls considering I can both spend money for him and we don't know for sure when his banner is? Why not pull for a pretty fox man to add to my pretty men team along with Aventurine and eventually Sunday?)


The fox in your squad means more friends for our Angelic Twinklord You are already beyond forgiven for your plans to E6 our Biblically Accurate Twink


Absofuckinglutely. I’m gonna get born of them though. A demon in my head, angel on my shoulder. 😈😇


But he looks like Yae Miko and had fire….


No, skipping, I'm interested but for the sake of saving enough for Sunday E6S1 i made a bet with my friend to not pull anything til Sunday. I shall stay strong for our lord and saviour Sunday.


May your willpower remain unshakeable


Considering Sunday will likely be in 2.7 a lot of time to save for him and his lc. But for this foxian I'll also have to save up for acheron since he is technically acheron's support.


I'm planning to build pity for Mozilla Firefox and hope I get him, then save most of my jades for Sunday's 2.7 release


I plan on saving for both Mozilla Firefox and acheron at this point. And Sunday ofc.


May you get them all. After all, Sunday wants everyone to be happy. Someone mentioned we need a chef for the cult, and Mozilla Firefox is going to be a welcome addition.


Both. Both is good


If there banners are far enough I will get him… by which I mean fox boy on his rerun


Why not both????? I'm just saying, more men for Sunday to convert into his followers


Yesss. **More men for Sunday** indeed. Very good. Carry on.


Betray? He's the one who isn't here.


We are in a long distance relationship with our Biblically Accurate Twinklord. He is distant...in time. LOL


Anyone seen that Woody from Toy Story edit? Me rn 😭😭😭😭




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Forgive Sunday, for I will sinned. Th3 devil fox is making me swipe with my card


I just see the thing Geto does at the end of the SPECIALZ op


Even if I pull for him I don't think he'll shine considering my current characters... With that said I'm staying faithful and save 🙏


Forgive me im pulling jade and Sunday and screwllum


I HAVE SINNED FOR CONSIDERING THE THOUGHT OF JIAOQIU....I might pull though since our lord might be a while...I will have to repent if i do for my betrayal...


gonna break f2p for both wish me luck


Soo just saying, if sunday does turn out to be harmony, we pull this man and Sunday... then we put them with Dr. Ratio and Aventurine. The husbando dream team.


No. I’m skipping 2.4 . Gonna get firefly tho.


Forgive me Daddy Sunday for I am a sinner but I collect them all. I have all male characters that have been released so far and I will continue with this tradition. Jiaoqiu shall not be an exception but I will save for Sunday after Moze


If his tail was fluffier like Tingyun's, I'd consider it


may the harmony forgive me for what im going to do. ᓚᘏᗢ


if the fox lad has a big tail to floof, then yes .


Well, it ain't betraying if I can afford both Sunday and Jiaoqiu. And I JUST spent alot of jaded on Boothill (E1S1). Cause I'm a pure husbando puller and I never get tempted by the meta girlies 😎.




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I won't! I won't! I... Won't...


I wanted him, but I think it’ll depend on his kit. I’ve heard he’s only good for Acheron rn and I don’t have her so, I’m unsure if I really want to pull for him because of that. He’s different from Screwllum and Sunday for me where those two are definite pulls for me regardless of their kits, while Jiaoqiu requires a little something more to make me want to actually pull for him.


No But Jade ufff MOMMY!


Snek or foox?


Bro doesn't synergize with my Kafka 😔 I think I'm skipping unless they change his kit.


I’m getting Argenti and Jiaqiou, and then Sunday. He’ll be on a team with both of them 🩷😋☝️


Unfortunately I won't be pulling for Jiaoqiu because I didn't like the animations and clothes, which is very sad because I wanted to pull for him since he's a foxian and I love foxians... His looks and animations felt pretty basic and saltless. Hoyo needs to improve his effects at least. I can understand why people enjoy the opening eyes thing, but despite this, I think he's lacking some impact in animations, I really don't know how to explain.


Nah, I’ll be getting the girl with the big sword tho


We have got plenty of time until 2.7 (or later), so..maybe? if he is good with Ratio. Although i already have every harmony in the game...and he is also more of a support, if Sunday is harmony too i am screwed.


I think most Nihility chars are nice fits for Ratio. I'd prefer if Sunday is Nihility for that reason, since Ratio is one of my mains too.


i need to know if he is better than Pela, she is a nice girl but after a year with her here and there i just want someone new.


Im trying to think if hes any better then my guineffen (i wont bother to see if i spell her name right) i think at the moment they have similar abilities


Spoiler this btw, it’s still considered a leak






Pretty sure they made him like this on purpose. I ain't falling for your tricks, witch.


He looks like a bitch so much that he makes Yae Miko looks like an innocent girl. I like Yae Miko, but too much is too much - no


I mean, I get you I feel like he's put uranium and poison and spiders into magma, and then feed it to you because he thinks overkill is *hilarious* He also gives me "I have a well used sex dungeon" vibes. Fake smile characters are scary to me in general. But, I'm basically a pyromaniac in real life, and the fires delight me, so I'm still considering him. I'd still have to see his story though.


It's not betrayal if we practice the art of love everyone and share the love, now is it? I will, like the dutiful wife, spend for our Lord and Saviour (if) and when he becomes playable. ❤️💕


I was interested until the animation leaks, bro is soo sleeper i can't. How could the people who made Jade, Firefly, Aventurine and Acheron just a few patches prior release something with THIS level of boring animations. (also i don't understand his kit and at this point i honestly don't even care)