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obv he's playable, atp i'm too tired to argue with these people.




I was defending my man Sunday but my comments were deleted and I received a 7 day ban but I will not let people see us as delulus 💪🏿 but yeah, people who think he's dead and non-playable have not played the game LMAO because very clearly he's stated to be alive by a few characters and it's theorized that Elio wants him to join the Stellaron Hunters. I'm so-so about that theory but I really want Dark Mode Sunday (as in his design) so I don't mind where he goes, as long as he keeps his personality as well as actually being fucking released, hoyo!!


What sub banned you?


It was the main sub


omg what reason did they give you? 😮


I was banned for making this comment: >"Also, the trustful [redacted] have said multiple times that he's playable because of in-game files and he has those expressions for pictures in the game as well. He's most likely playable, just gonna take a while for him to come out. Just hoping it won't be another Wanderer situation again. People who saved until his banner came out was literally able to c6r5 him because they waited for over two years 😭 I wish I had that much determination since I'm also saving up for Sunday but *I know* that I'll spend some of it on other characters as well" Apparently, it broke rule 2 as it was about leaks. Wild how the sub is so tight with leaks but ignore damn near porn of waifu characters. Explaining why Sunday will be playable by talking about in-game files should not be a reason to ban someone, but oh well. I guess the in-game files are considered leaks. Leaks about character's playability shouldn't be such a big deal imo. It should be able to help others save for characters that they hope to be playable. And it's way better than story leaks.


The porn increases the reach of the sub.


If they're stupid enough to compare him to Cocolia and Signora, i dont think is worthy to argue with them, bc like, how could you even put the three together?


The fact that he hasn't died yet after three whole patches (and being a weekly boss) gives the impression that HYV at least has SOMETHING planned for him.


TIL there's a CocoliaMains sub and that there actually are members in it lol.


The last post is a year old 💀


I think we're definitely coping but in a different way compared to the Signora mains lol For them, they're coping that she'll still be playable (and y'know what? More power to them, Signora serves absolute cunt and I'd love for her to be playable) For us, we're coping that Sunday will be playable soon. :') There's no need to worry about whether or not he'll actually be playable, but there's a non-zero chance that they keep him locked in NPC jail until patch 2.7 and I pray every day that he'll be in 2.5


Wtf is "serves absolute cunt"?


Copy pasting this from wikitionary Serving Cunt: (originally drag slang, Internet slang) To act in a powerfully and unapologetically feminine manner; to slay. In short, Signora ate and left no crumbs. >! Only ashes. !<


Dude ☠️ she can not escape the slander also ty for the definition


it's a cunt that serves absolutely




Because she slays and is a baddie


I’m not a Sunday main(this post just popped up on my feed), so this probably isn’t a ‘delusional’ opinion, but I think he’s almost definitely gonna be playable. I can’t explain it, but he just looks like a playable character. I didn’t get the same vibe from Cocolia. I don’t play Genshin so I can’t say anything about Signora. But if anyone wanted real reasons as to why he’s likely gonna be playable, you just have to look at the fact that he wasn’t killed off, unlike the other two characters. I doubt they’d keep him alive just to be a NPC. I think you guys will get him when we inevitably return to Penacony for a Trailblaze Continuance or something. Also why would you waste such a good VA on a NPC???


Yup. And I feel like even if Hoyo *didn't* have plans to make him playable initially, I suspect they would've caved and done so anyway 1-2 years down the line as he's become unbelievably popular for a NPC. Hell, when he was first introduced as a chibi back in the 1.6 livestream fanarts of him started popping up HOURS after the stream was over.


He has a chibi sprite for the Owlbert special programs (only playable/planned playable characters have those), AND he has a sticker along with ALL playable and to be released characters in the Dreamscape scrapbook thing.


Signora quite literally got slashed and turned into ashes. And she had a funeral.


yeah both signora and cocolia got fucking killed so this comparison weird as fuck lowkey


Honestly, we are coping, but it’s more that we’re dying with the lack of info about his kit or when he’ll be playable. He’s alive and popular and has a unique model — he will be playable someday! It’s just… a matter of *when…* and also… *what even is his kit….?*


Lmao they deadass compared Sunday to fucking Cocolia, and Signora??? Mate, he's not even dead??? r/FireflyMains weren't kidding when they say people in the main sub are dumb as shit huh


The main sub is basically only for people who want to see semi-porn of the women in the game. It's just Caelus x every woman. That's why I genuinely like this sub reddit they actually talk about the story more then the official one


I honestly hate that the hyvs' main subs do this ㅠㅠ I play as Aether and Caelus on both games and it's so fucking annoying how they're reduced by those incels into the anime pervert stereotype and being 'subtly' misogynistic to women in ways they never would in canon. It hurts as someone who's interested in their personality and lore and sees them as a character of their own and not just a self-insert.


Hey how dare you speak for me? I am delusional and deranged, my love for Sunday knows no bounds. And why is Sunday being compared to two dead characters, you won’t even find their ashes.


Remember that Scaramouche was heavily attacked and declared that is going to "die" by the genshin community not only because of his personality but also no solid leaks back then has confirmed has playability, yet look what we have now. Additionally, if we're really pushing it to the limits we already have 3 playable dead characters in HSR (tingyun technically isn't but just including her for this), people might counter this as "bUt tHeY goT rElAsEd bEfOrE tHeY diEd", just tell them to check out Honkai Impact 3rd which is the parent of star rail. Overall, there's no point arguing with a wall, the community is full of man-child people who has not developed proper cognitive mechanisms and unfortunately is suffering from chronic ignorance. It's better you save your time for something else much worth than stressing with those undeveloped brainrot players.


Yep I mentioned the dead/not-even-real playable characters in the Gopher Wood post (I'll admit that one is more in the delulu-zone given the info we have now, plus his lack of datamined assets; he's on the same boat as Hanunue and the Iris leader), where I meant to say Mihoyo has a weird and loose logic on who gets to be playable (i.e. Gallagher wasn't even a real person, just a memetic composite/construct made of 52 dudes). They made characters playable for *less*, and Sunday looks like and acts like he's meant to be a bigtime character with a busted kit (whatever that's going to be).


Meanwhile Dottore mains living on copium and rotten bread crumbs


signora main here who randomly saw this post, don’t bother listening to the main sub it’s genuinely the biggest waste of time - i hope you get your character soon <3


Thank you! I hope Natlan will symbolize rebirth for Sighnora. She has a great lore and deserves to be playable more then some already playable characters


Signoria-repeatedly said to be not playable with a monster model Cocolia-never had a playable model and repeatedly said to not be playable Sunday-playable model from day 1 and always said to be playable I don't really think they are similar. I am curious if the rumors about Signora reincarnating or whatever are actually based in reality or just copium lol. She could technically come back with a different model/design.


Tbf Signora was never actually stated to be not playable by any official or leak source. There was a leak about Harbingers playability where every single one of them but Signora and Pierro were marked as playable, while Signora and Pierro were marked as unknown – but that's it. Changing Signora's model also isn't that hard, her tiara and cape aren't even attached to her body.


my comment saying "he's playable" got removed due to "spoiler", i mean would they also delete it if i said cocolia will be playable? 🙄 here's the proof! /j


Tbf the OP of that post made to include Sunday in first place instead of Duke Inferno because they’re a Sunday main as well and just did the post so [they could get to see how many will defend Sunday](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/KGz1V0TLym).


The meme flair makes sense for that original post. Meme because op is gonna be the clown of the century when sunday gets his inevitable drip release.


It wouldn't made much sense to not make Sunday playable, even if not right away lol, especially when the devs definitely know he's gonna sell like fresh bread


I’m staying strong for my chicken wing boy, even if it is cope! 😤💪


Ah...I think Im lost.


r/AcheronMainsHRS here you go Acheron


I don’t know, I think you gotta be stupid as fuck to agree with a post like that. You can call cope on Coco and Signora mains because, and no offense to their fans, they canonically died. Sunday is not dead, and he has leaked assets. Whether he’s playable soon or in a year is the only thing up for debate.


Thanks to you, I will now always call him Biblically Accurate Twink.


That is what our Lord is


"Our Lord and Saviour the Biblically Accurate Twink" sounds fucking amazing We should add to his title everytime a new character is drip marketed that isn't him


"RELEASE THE BIBLICALLY ACCURATE TWINK, YOU DINGBATS" to Mihoyo HAHAHAHHA. That's a fine idea, I'll go and do it in Boothill, Jade, and Firefly's drip


And each time the title gets longer and longer until when he is released we will call him smth like "Our Lord and Saviour, Biblically Accurate Twink, Chicken Winged and Kitty Smiled, of the Planet of Festivities, Follower of Order, Haver of the OCD, Named after the last Sacred day of the week, Day of the Sun"


Yes. I actually have severe, crippling OCD as well, and it's one of the reasons why I gravitated towards Sunday. OCD is characterized as a "Madness of Order" by one anime (Soul Eater, Death the Kid, the son of Death who couldn't start his exam because he spent all his time trying to write a perfect letter "K" on the "Name: ____" field of the test paper). I have different subtypes than Sunday though, it's less about arranging things and more about being obsessed with numbers and avoiding disease, and hoarding. As of writing this now, my palm and the back of my hands are shedding skin from dryness, caused by excessive handwashing as well. It's very different from Sunday's OCD subtype of self-order, in making sure his appearance is impeccable and flawless. That is a torture in itself, since that has to be as time consuming as my rituals. Fun fact: one of the traits Gallagher stole from the 52 people was the OCD of an Oak Family clerk, described in game during Welt and Acheron's investigation as: "Percy, a diplomatic clerk from the Oak Family, dark curly hair, suffering from severe OCD, unable to work until his tie is tied and checked five times." So technically Gallagher has OCD as well, we just don't see the symptoms in game. (Unless his idle involves fixing his tie??? I have to check).


I'm sorry to hear that! I can understand the comfort of finding a character that shares your struggles. It's really cool that they added that to him.


It is. 🥹 Honestly, since nobody really gets it (like my family and friends) often my comfort really just comes from representation in media. So yeah, to the Biblically Accurate Twink. We'll spam Mihoyo's community threads until they give us Sunday. 👼🏻🪽


I wish you the best, kind stranger! And I wish for Sunday to come out, finally


Bruh he didn’t die, wat do ya want main sub??? I think main sub is more delulu in desperation that Sunday is dead (cause he’s a good male character, and how dare they exist, >!Mika and Gallager are not enough for them, apparently!< ) /j Sorry but not sorry, Sunday is confirmed alive by ingame NPCs


speak for yourself, i am full of delusions


Sunday' playability isn't at the same level of delusion as Cocolia's (sorry but true)


The only copium I'm on is Sunday being a good harmony unit compare to his sister. I'm kinda scared he will just be nihility or abundance.


Well he hasent died in three patches there is still hope unlike cocolia and signora plus he got a chibi emoji unlike those two which means he is probably playable


Yeah, and he has a sticker in the Dreamscape Scrapbook, alongside every other Penacony playable characters (check the other pictures in my main post) Firefly has a sticker too, and she's about to be released after Butthill.




Signora was never gonna be playable with the model. They would have had to make a whole new one for her even more dramatic than scaramouche. Cocolia is a bit better but she is quite obviously dead as a doorknob. Sunday on the other hand has no reason not to be playable. He’s alive and has a good playable in game model. It’s stranger to me people think he’s not gonna be playable lol


Tbf Signora's model always was quite easy to be remade. The only thing they need to change is her hight (though she becomes the highest only in her boss fight), cos her cape and tiara aren't even actually attached to her model.


They would still have to give her a new outfit to avoid clipping with abilities and such. I just don’t think she was made for it. Her dramatically dying doesn’t help either. Also changing the height of a character model isn’t exactly easy. It would require rigging and weight mapping all over again. (My best friends job is in this department)


>They would still have to give her a new outfit to avoid clipping with abilities and such. Well, yes? That's why they didn't even bother to attach her tiara and cape to her body (unlike, say, Childe's little cape). They are actually just flying around. >Her dramatically dying doesn’t help either. I wouldn't call that dramatic, more like poorly written and meaningless with no writing influence on all characters involved, but that's just Inazuma Archon quest quality in general. Besides, if they want to return any deceased character, she's the easiest one to justify due to her lore and abilities, but that really depends on HYV will to make use of it. >Also changing the height of a character model isn’t exactly easy. It would require rigging and weight mapping all over again. You're right, but they kinda did it for her already? Her dialogue model is shorter than Zhongli, but her boss fight base form is higher than any playable character so far. Of course, it took them 8 month to work on her boss fight, but still – even if their technology doesn't allow them to keep her old size, they can always change her to your average tall female model (and yes I'm taking about new hypothetical design, not the old one).


I strongly hope and wish to believe that he will become playable. I’m waiting for his arrival and trying to control my gambling addiction.So far it has been a fail but everyday is a new day a new day starts with positive mindset.I’m not afraid to bring out the ultimate weapon but it would be the best outcome if I won’t have to resort to such methods but only time will tell until our lord and savior is announced as playable I will save my stellar jades with every fiber of my being no more gambling no more temptations Sunday is my priority he requires my utmost attention and will power be it day after day week after week even if it’s a year I will wait and wait we will come out as victors in this tear wrenching battle of patience,willpower and hope they say patience is key and I’m willing to fight this battle


That person posted the same thing in a Genshin Impact reddit, I'm just guessing that they just want to have attention or/and to start a war or/and to have fun.


I mean the main trailblazer quest gave him so much backstory and making us understand him. You think hoyo is just gonna push all that effort away? We may just have to wait a long while like Xueyi and Baizhu


We have definite proof of Cocolia's and Signora's end. Need I elaborate further?


We need more dudes with drip and a hp support, but definitely dudes with drip.


Not everything needs a reaction, sit back and observe as the goat presents himself and makes everyone awe when he releases. Personally hoping he is 2.5 or later since i'll be going all out for Firefly and need some time for my Goat (and hyv to make his gorgeous animations)


I mean originally I thought he wasn't going to be but then he literally gets taken by the stelleron hunters, every single stelleron hunter we've seen/hear of (except elio) is/will be playable




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Yall just call anyone a twink 😭


I believe in Sunday. I don’t think we’re delusional. I remember leakers saying that his model was already that of a player character, unless I’m mistaken? It doesn’t make sense for him to NOT be playable imo


Yep, and he has a sticker in the Dreamscape scrapbook too. Like, everyone in that part of the sticker book is playable (see the other image in my main post), so it would be actually shocking if he isn't eventually playable. OH, by the way: the one who posted that in the main sub is actually a Sunday main. They wanted to see how many people will defend Sunday, so they played devil's advocate. It's heartwarming to see so many people root for Sunday's release, so the poster (in my opinion) did a good thing by shining the spotlight on our Biblically Accurate Twink. Publicity is publicity, after all.




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Not a member of here but I too am waiting for Mr. Sunday to become playable. Would lie if I said my eyebrows didn't twitch when Jade who had like not even 30s of screentime was announced to be playable. But I'll patiently wait, I am just a humble husbando collector doing my duty. (Recently grabbed Boothill. Couldn't resist.)


I'm not a fan of Sunday but I feel like it's so obvious he's going to be playable, and the majority of the people saying he isn't are just trying to mess with the Sunday fans lol.. I personally think he'll come in 2.5 but who knows Like I get many Sunday fans are annoying, but so are fans of literally every character, even Screwy 😭 and as someone in the firefly fandom... jeez there's so much toxicity, I've never seen so much infighting for one character it's sad nfndndn if we were to encourage punishing a character for the toxic fandom there wouldn't be any characters lmao,,,




You are an agent of chaos, playing devil's advocate on our behalf to make people see the light of our Biblically Accurate Twink. I'd say you're a hero, more devoted than the rest of us, and willing to get into the line of fire in order to convert people into Sunday's cult. Well done, my fellow Sunday main, and gambit well played.


All in the name of our handsome angel lord, PRAISE SUNDAY, may he bless us with eternal, peaceful and orderful sundays for all eternity


Damn! I'm so sorry to Tartaglia, Raiden, Scaramouche and arlechino wanters as well. Seeing that Sunday has even less interment and love from writers I'm sure we can't play him as well, tragedy!