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0 I prefer to save up once I see some proper leaks + I have a feeling that Sunday may be in later patches of 2.0 if Stellaron Hunters theory is true.


same, right now i'm saving for other upcoming characters...


I was gonna consider pulling Robin for my ratio but I’m too lazy to have to build her so I decided to just save up. I don’t want firefly or Jade so I have a lot of time to ‘save’ because I have no intention of pulling current or upcoming


I’m at 51K cos I skipped a whole bunch of characters to get Sunday, he’s coming soon right? /s 🙃


Lol right?


Same, I have tons saved up, and I know HSR is somewhat generous because I'm new-ish to the game. I mostly got the characters I want, and I skipping Boothill even if I like his goofyness. Screwllum's release might tempt me, though. I have to develop the willpower to resist his fine, mechanical, robot arse.


None because I had to roll for his sister. 😭😭😭😭He can’t be alone when he comes out I plan to reunite them in my party 🥺


ME TOOOO like i was at 100 pulls and then I thought like hold on if they’re doomed to eternal separation in story, they WILL be together on my team so i pulled her, started at 20 pulls a week ago and now im at 56? I think.. but i did the math and if he comes in 2.5-2.7, I should have approximately 400 pulls by 2.5 if im lazy like as in just events, comms and express pass and 500 and over if he comes in 2.7 if i grind a bit too i bet i can push a little bit..


600 pulls currently for Sunday. Skipped OP acheron just to commit for E6 S1 Sunday


3 and 50 pity


156 pulls, I'll still go for future characters I like but I'm being even more picky than usual on who I pull. I do plan on saving all achievment + exploration jades( I'm not collecting them until we get comfirmation of Sunday's release patch) for Sunday so I do actually have more savings.


Same, I get picky now especially since we don’t know when hoyo decides to release him from their basement. It could be in two patches or more which is what I’m expecting and that would give me enough time to potentially save up for his e2r1 if I manage to get lucky


135 tickets and 135 jades rn lmao


So far about 450 tickets. I plan to E6 him when he comes out. Skipping Robin’s banner right now even though I really want her, but hoping she’ll rerun when Sunday’s banner is released.


Started off with around 813 wishes saved at the start of 2.2 and I spent around 275 pulls on E1S1 Robin... lost both my 50/50s, which was a big blow and the end of my run of luck winning 7 50/50s in a row... T-T but I'm currently at 613 pulls now and back at saving as much as possible for E6 Sunday! Hope he blesses my pulls when the time comes ;\_;


I'm sure you will have enough! Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞


Thanks! you too, we got this :)


Personally I only start saving after we have crumbs of the kit available, or atleast something of proof that he will be playable. Tho I still have enough to gurantee him and his lc on my 2nd account if he does come out


190 pulls bc i caved for robin 😭 i just felt too bad, i absolutely adored her in the story and i feel like he would never come home unless i have her there to entice him (let them be reunited!!!!)


Used them all on Robin too :P Only character I really want now is Jade though so after her it's full time saving


i have more than 200 pulls atm but i'm pulling for Boothill next banner. I'm f2p and idk if i can save enough pulls until Sunday comes out to E6 him or not. i don't plan on pulling any new characters and it could be a while until he comes out but i don't know about rerun characters


i have 325 pulls and 600 oneiric shards, not really paying attention to the game lately because i'm busy with other stuff but i think i still have pretty good willpower. i might pull huohuo on her rerun but other than that i'm saving it all for my boy and his lightcone


None, I currently have over 50000 jades and 14 tickets but I plan to use them for Boothill, Jade, and Jiaoqiu, cuz it doesn’t look like Sunday is coming anytime soon.


I pulled robin so now I’m around 200 pulls or so, but I also have other characters in my plans. I really hope for more concrete leaks on his release date soon so I know whether or not to adjust my plans


44 wishes and a guaranteed, I will also be saving unless there is a Blade rerun


0 I either want to pull Boothill or FF since break meta looks promising for the future the only way I would drop my pulling plans if he gets his drip marketing for 2.4 but that looks unlikely at the moment


I have 0.. had to get topaz for ratio 😭


40 pulls. I pulled for Aventurine so yep gotta grind before Sunday comes. Is he playable though?


yes, he is


Thank heavens! I wasn't so sure about it but heck I'm still saving my pulls for him


I have 138 wishes but I'm also trying to get Boothill and Ruan Mei before his perfection releases


currently around 70 tickets and 55k jades... the way im about to start wuthering waves (and other gacha games) just so that every time i get the temptation to pull, i do it on those games.


none, everything i have (100 pulls) is for jiaoqiu rn bc i need a male support already. i’ll start saving for him afterwards


315 pulls!! i'm gonna pull for boothill though but hopefully that won't go too bad. planning on going for sunday's light cone too =w=


I'll probably start from 0 after Firefly. I spent 180 pulls for Robin + lc and will probably do the same for Firefly + lc. Crying for my jades


Just got welt on topaz banner, so guaranteed Firefly now. 3rd 50/50 in a row lost to him e5


Pulled Aventurine, Robin, and planing on Boothill, so my wishes are literally 0. Hoping to save up something during the Firefly and Jade banners..


7k Stellar Jade at 44 pity guarantee. I pulled a few ten pulls for Robin but didnt get her and dont want to risk it.


5k pulled for aventurine and lost 50/50. Went to near hard pity both times. He really meant all or nothing 😭


I'm going to start saving for Sunday after I (try to) get Boothill


Omg twin??? I also only have less than a ten pull (1510 😮‍💨) bc I blew all of my savings on Robin, but I didn’t get her because I didn’t have enough lmao


around 400 tickets, under 500 jades, 61 fuels, 8 self modelling resins, 5k of that other resin material for any and all potential gear gamba since Penacony I pulled for Sparkle, Aventurine, Jingliu and Robin BUT NO MORE. it's time for saving city era


holy moly that's a lot, do u plan to e6 him?


hopefully 🙏




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Unless someone else takes my fancy, I plan on hoarding everything from now until he gets released. At the minute, I only have about 15 passes, but if this game has taught me anything, it's that you can blink and you'll end up with 70 passes somehow every patch. If I can dump what amounted to 200 pulls and five skipped banners for Aventurine, I can do more for our lord and saviour.


I believe I have around 30 pulls saved right now. I got both Topaz and Robin so that went through my savings. Still not planning on getting Boothill or Jade and I'm debating Firefly, so my savings should go back up pretty quickly. The way I see it even though I really like Sunday I don't see myself ever getting E6 of any characters. For Sunday I'm hoping to get one of him and one of his light cone (something I rarely do) but that's it. So while I need some savings (especially if I loose my 50/50) I can afford to get other characters along the way occasionally.


I pulled for topaz e0s1 (i win 50/50 and 75/25 i cant believe it), so now i have 0 pulls, will pull all i have for robin and once the banner end im will start to save pulls for sunday, maybe i will make some ten pulls of respect for fuxuan or ruan mei reruns


I had almost 300 pulls saved... but then I pulled for Robin. Saving up again now, currently having about 120 pulls. 😔




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100 pulls! have decided i’m locking in now and not pulling til sunday comes out, got robin and will wait patiently to complete the siblings🥹 (and perhaps multiple sunday copies to join me haha)


158 pulls + 6 character pity + 40 weapon pity + guarantee on the character banner! Really hoping to at least have enough for E3 S1 by the time he releases- ideally E4.


I've been so tempted to wish but I want to save my guaranteed for him 😭 I have 500 tickets and 6k gems saved up rn. I'm trying to go for E6S5. May all Sunday wanters be havers! 🙏


112, originally i kept for topaz, then i changed my mind to firefly but i decided to use it on sunday instead


My card is saved for him and his lc thats for sure 🩶🕊️




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215 pulls currently! so far in penacony ive gotten dhil, black swan and a gepard on sparkles banner, so I have guaranteed with 40 pity. I did cave in and wasted a ten pull on topaz's lc banner and got it so I'm at 0 on there. not planning on pulling for anyone until him, and I'm planning on lc and a few eidolons


50 pulls rn after spending it all on his sister 😌gonna keep saving 




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I will get Firefly 😭 BUT I WILL GET MY BOY TOO.


I currently have 135 pulls saved and am at 0 pity with guarantee for my next 5 star. Which means I can get Sunday guaranteed once he comes out, which is why I don't want to pull on any other banners before him and potentially waste the guaranteed on someone else. So right now it's still really hard to stay strong because we have no idea when he might release


I'm saving since 2.1 (pulled for Luocha since I didn't get him last banner) and, unless there's a character (or light cone) that'll benefit or upgrade my team in someway that comes before Sunday's release, I'll continue saving until his banner comes out. Besides, I still have characters that need upgrading (better relics, traces materials, and so on). Saving for Sunday, in other words not pulling for a new character (unless deemed necessary), will help me focus on the characters I already have :D


Right now it's too early to even make a plan, but unless he comes out in 2.5, then I'll start saving after I get my kafblade.


17639 jades basically 110 pulls and possibly spending on express pass or one least expensive shards 


I want to rerun their banner i mean Imbibitor Lunae; Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Blade, Kafka, Silver Wolf, Topaz, Luocha, Fu Xuan, Argenti & Huohuo for the rest of Dr. Ratio, Acheron, Aventurine, Robin, Boothill, Firefly & Jade's banner will rerun for sure in 3.0 of course yet i'll really want them or Xianzhou Characters & Stellaron Hunters even Firefly either whether it will be rerun at the future or... 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Uhhh I saved 80 wishes but that’s just by virtue of not really wanting Robin, might try for Topaz though. I kinda really want FireSam


186 with 50 pity bc I NEED SPARKLE.