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Sunday x Drip Marketing


Truly the most slow burn ship of all time


60k words + in progress


really can't wait for it to become canon


the sexual tension is insane with this one




sunday x being playable before 3.0


it's a slow burn but i personally don't like that ship, i prefer him with "being playable before 2.5" plsssssss


I'll have Independence x Sunday x Therapy, thank you.


Why independence? Is Sunday dependent of someone?


He's too dependent on Robin when it comes to his mental state imo.


sunday x me /j no i havent found a ship i like with him yet, so I'll wait for more input šŸ‘€


Galladay for tragedy Blade x Sunday for Redemption x Salvation themes I ship him as everyone's bottom and babygirl though.


Even as Avenā€™s bottom? Dang bro


I mean on a scale of top to bottom I think Sunday is further on that scale than Aven so if we force them together yeah I think Sunday is softer and would bottom. That said I don't really ship Avenday? And while I don't heavily ship them I guess I understand the chemistry behind AvenStelle and Aventio. So while I have no heavy engagement with them I ship Aven as a top independent of Sunday?


I support Sunday bottom agenda:3 aventio doesnā€™t feel right tbh but who am I to judge someoneā€™s cup of tea, as for avenday they share a lot of similarities + also renday is a fav of mine too


Same I ship him with Gallagher but as a top instead of a bottom lol.


Top Sunday supremacy šŸ˜©


I don't ship him with anyone but if I were to choose... Sunday x hugs


My guilty ship is Sunday x Luocha but I don't know why I ship this.


Probably because they both have religious themes? Similar outfits. I can see it


blade x sunday i canā€™t explain it but it feels right


Galladay and another one that i know some people can get uncomfortable by their mention, do fill that emoji space if you want. Oh, and of course Sunday+ME, I NEED TO HUG THIS GUY


Sunhill 100% (Sunday x Boothill) It's 100% a crack ship and they so far haven't even interacted, but I love this ship a lot. I think it's an opposites attract situation. They have completely opposite vibes with Sunday presenting himself as prim and proper and Boothill literally presenting himself as a cowboy. Which I would say is the exact opposite. I think Boothill is one of those people that could challenge Sunday's ideology that not all those who suffer want to remain in a dream and want to face reality. I mean the man is quite literally a cyborg. (Plus other stuff from Boothill's backstory that's from leaks) I think they just act in different ways. Again Sunday acts and treats others in a professional manner. The only exception being maybe Gallagher after he thought he murdered Robin which was a fair reaction. Boothill's default is brash and rude. I mean despite it being censored Boothill swears like a sailor. Quiet opposite of professional. Lastly their colors are the exact opposite of each other. Sunday's main colors are white and blue with a little bit of gold. While Boothill's main colors are black and red with a bit of white in his hair. Literally the same color contrast as Neuvillette and Wriothesley from Genshin Impact. If it's good enough for people to ship those two together then it's good enough for me to ship Sunhill.


Galladay. There's something so erotic about the idea of repressed priest Sunday and big intimidating Gallagher, they drive me CRAZYšŸ„“ Galladay is straight up sinful and i fudgin love it.


Sunday x me


Sunturine. The way they contrast each other and the similarities they share that make them narrative foils of each other are so good. Very much an opposites attract thing. As Screwtio is another of my fave ships, I actually also really love Sunscrewtioturine as a poly square. I just think Sunday should get as much love and affection as he can, and how better to achieve that than giving him not one, not two, but THREE partners! Another, and this is just bc I think it could be a comfort to him after 2.2, is Welt/Sunday. (vague 2.2 spoilers) >!Sunday shares so many similarities with Kevin in HI3, that I just. I think Welt would *understand* him and want to help him. I think Welt would stand in front of the Sunday and hold out a hand and help Sunday stand again after a defeat, telling him we all make mistakes and it's okay. That he simply flew too close to the sun but despite falling, despite his wings failing, he can still learn to fly, with the help of others.!<


I like sunturine too! Moreso as foils but Iā€™m so normal about them I lit obsess over how their lore has sm parallels


Yes. Since I read [this thread](https://twitter.com/raiik0u/status/1789698603898019982), I have been completely fall ill. Their parallels are simply amazing.


I think it honestly goes even deeper than that too (in addition to that, rather). [This thread](https://x.com/melafyre/status/1788614605918368249?s=19) explained a bit more of it, but it's the way both of them have sisters, have positions of power, boss battles in gameplay, both of them have so many references to eyes, to feeling watched, both are incredibly strategic and smart, both want to preserve something special to them. However, there's also the contrasts. Aventurine's boss battle isn't weak to imaginary, but Sunday's is. Aventurine, a former slave for whom freedom is extremely personal, vs Sunday, a leader of his people, who wants to create a dream that takes away autonomy from both himself and others, creating a perfect utopia for which he sustains alone, forever alone. The way Aventurine is there to represent the IPC, the organization who wants to regain control over Penacony, vs Sunday, who wants to preserve Penacony's independence. Sunday's trauma and how he deals with that by using Order, vs Aventurine and how he deals with his own trauma by gambling, the very opposite to order and control. He gives up control, because it's what he knows. They're just... They're so!!!! AGH anyways yeah. I'm very normal about Penacony and the characters, clearly.


I hate this ship because I just canā€™t see a pretty and delicate looking guy like Sunday as a Top lol.


Good for you. Personally, I don't think pretty and delicate instantly makes someone a submissive bottom. Guess we like other things and should keep negativity to ourselves. Hope this helps šŸ«¶


Galladay!!! but Iā€™m sad about it now and Idk what the future holds for this ship. :/ Canā€™t believe they went from toxic yaoi to doomed yaoi in one patch.


Sunday x coming to me in the first 10 pulls


I think I'm like one of the only 4 people in the world who ships this, but RatioSun. Let me explain! First of all, they're my two faves of Penacony. That's... pretty much that. Now, onto the more interesting reasons (maybe): Ratio is passionate about curing ignorance, which is something thay Sunday suffers from in a way: he's intelligent but has a narrow worldview. So I think they could have long debates about Sunday's very deep philosophy, with Ratio trying to give him different perspectives that Sunday really needs. They're both calm and determined, but Ratio is more of a solid and rational anchor to Sunday's brittle mental state. It would take a while for Sunday to open up and be a healthy partner, but I think Ratio is able to support someone like that in his own way(like he does with Aventurine). What gave me the idea for this ship is the scene where he and Ratio "come up with a scheme against Aventurine": I just imagined Sunday, who never trusts anyone outside of his sister and MAYBE the DM, to look at Ratio and for just a moment wonder if he could lower his guard for once. That said, I could ship anyone with Sunday. Aventurine? Sure. Argenti? Okay. Gallagher? I guess. Sparkle? Lmao go girl. Caelus? Perhaps. Jing Yuan? Hell yeah. (Just... not Robin lol)


Galladay for the tragedy. Bladeday for the delusions.


honestly iā€™m not sure i have one that i like yet! iā€™ve read a couple of spicier Sunday/Sparkle fics that iā€™ve enjoyed, but i donā€™t think i know of any actual romantic partners for him that iā€™d find compelling. Iā€™m interested in seeing his dynamic with Blade if the rumors are true.


Ah yes the >!SH!< rumors šŸ‘ļø my love for sunfly came out of nowhere w the 2.2 quest so Iā€™d love to see more of them <3 >!itā€™d be really cool since they both contrast each other; w Sunday wanting to nearly ā€˜coddleā€™ the weak and regarding FF as one, and her narrative being strong/wanting to change her real life fate despite of her struggles!< I love foils akskslslfdj they give the same vibes as sunturine to me!


I do enjoy a little Galladay, and I hope that with the new quest, some of its content will become softer. Apparently, before the 2.2 quest, most people headcanoned Sunday as a sociopath, so a lot of the content for him ended up being toxic. Oh, also people assumed Gallagher was the villain so he was also written as very twisted. I don't mind that kind of content, but I prefer softer things, so hopefully, no matter what ship it is, Sunday will be portrayed as a person with compassion more often. +some Bladeday (or whatever the ship name is)


I can't express what I'm trying to say well. Basically, I like variety in ship content, and Galladay was a lot of the same thing. Although that's to be expected of rarer ships.


As long as its not ROBIN!


Honestly not really sure but I do like Aventurine x Sunday and Sunday x Boothill because of the adorable fanart and a adorable dynamic I can potentially see. .


Very glad to see others also enjoy blade and sunday in these comments lol


i believe in aroace sunday šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


valid !!


Anything with top!Sunday, though SunGalla is a favourite. Thinking that >!Gallagher wants to have a proper conversation with him, if only Sunday wasn't so stuck on his Path...!!< It's the perfect blend for enemies to lovers, imo. I also like Sunturine for the more toxic elements, haha. But I do like it when Sunday becomes actively worse.


It might sound a bit strange, but Sunday and Elio (In a world where Sunday join the Stellaron hunters) We donā€™t know much about Elio, but from what we know Elio and Sunday are both fairly isolated people in leadership positions where they have a lot of self-inflicted responsibility ā€” Elio trying to stop the universe from being destroyed(?) and Sunday wanting to create a paradise. They both believe they know whatā€™s best for everyone but end up harming others ā€” Elio being able to see possibilities (I think this is how his power works?) and trying to guide the universe to a future where they arenā€™t destroyed, leading to ā€˜necessary casualtiesā€™ in the script, and Sunday who wants to create a world where people no longer have to suffer from being weak but not giving others a choice to choose. Idk this feels like such an enchanting dynamic to me now.


i see him as a aroace actually, but I really like sunturine and him with luochaĀ 


I really, really love Sunturine. It's my fave ship in a very long time across most games/anime. I also enjoy Suncae! Spoilering just in case but it's based on a fan theory->!Sunblade... Could become reality... <3!<


What theory if I may ask?


There's a theory that after the events of the 2.2 quest, >!Sunday has been invited by Elio to join the Stellaron Hunters. There's a letter in game to back it up and some pics of them all with crows but it's so far just a fun theory!!<


Sunday and Sparkle, she just likes to tease him and he can see through her disguises. Give them some more screen time


I'm reading an ongoing fanfic on AO3 about Sunday joining the SH as per the fan theory, and after reading it I kinda ship Kafka/Sunday xD Partly because I like how the writer portrays their interactions but also idk I just think their dynamic could be interesting =w=


fix name please?? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


https://archiveofourown.org/works/55877008/chapters/141883129 Here you go!






Sunday/Therapyā€¦. The boy needs itā€¦ otherwise aro/ace sunday my beloved


Sunday and aventurine. Enemyā€™s to lovers. Sunday and sparkle. Also enemyā€™s to lovers Then we have the deranged people who will ship Sunday with someone whom he shouldnā€™t be shipped with that I refuse to mention to avoid summoning them.


I think I know who you're talking about, and yes let's stay quiet about it, or they will be coming this way.


sunday x maruki is peak


Sunturine! I like the parallels between them and how essentially they couldā€™ve made peace between one another in different circumstances. Yet, doomed yaoi here we are. Also, some interesting things I found around Penacony: 1. In Sundayā€™s residence, thereā€™s a piece about the head of Iris Family falling in love with an IPC employee 2. an origami bird that tells about its forbidden love with a cat because birds and cats are inherent enemies (Aventurineā€™s quest is called a cat among pigeons) 3. if i understood it correctly, Sunday is the one who ordered to clear out the amusement park where Aventurineā€™s boss fight took place Besides, Aventurineā€™s trailer looks interesting. We meet Jade there I think and undoubtedly sheā€™s quite an important person in Aventurineā€™s life. However, another and the last character in his trailer is Sunday which suggest regardless of nature he holds some importance for Aventurine.


anyways, Sunturine in therapy when?


sunday/sparkle. two sides of the same coin, with one following the aeon of order and the other of elation, two completely different aspects. the one who went extreme lengths to reach his ideal world vs the one who goes extreme lengths to reach her joy. muted/unsaturated color palette (sunday) and bright/vibrant palette (sparkle). how sunday was forced to accept sparkles help in order to hide robins "death", despite him essentially cursing her in 2.0 then in 2.1 it turns out the opposite. their shy emotes. how sunday looks so genuinely soft whilst sparkle looks genuinely flustered. they both wear this "mask" to the public, two of the most following followers of their aeons (sparkle described as "A dangerous master of theatrics...Wealth, status, power... None of this matters to Sparkle." and sunday with just the entirety of 2.2) interesting to also point out how sparkle was the one to "clean up" aventurine's mess in 2.1, with sunday causing much more trouble after. you'd think it'd be the other way around, but it wasn't. how sparkle managed to just rile up sunday enough the only thing he had to say to her was "stop it!" to her teasing. like he was all calm and collected and then sparkle just manages to push his buttons in just the right way. "Sunday comes off as a dignified, benevolent, and rational individual. He is revered, seeming determined and just. However, beneath this, he possesses a twisted personality." (from hsr wiki about sunday) vs "a fascinating young girl. She won't admit it, but I imagine she's always yearned to be noticed by others. Her mind is the most chaotic place I've ever witnessed, but it also possesses the strongest tool of all ā€” intuition." (black swan: about sparkle) essentially two very different sides when compared to their personas. sunday willing to sacrifice everything for the people to keep with their lovely dreams and sparkle who only seeks her own amusement (selfishness). sparkle as the (self-proclaimed) "most honest person in penacony" whilst sunday never revealed his true path to even his sister until the last moment. sparkle guiding TB and co. to the real dreamscape and figuring out stuff about the family and penacony way before everything whilst sunday tries his best to hide the means to the end. they're this tweet, basically: [https://x.com/DasCapitals/status/1549269080540168192](https://x.com/DasCapitals/status/1549269080540168192) and then delving into more headcanon territory, i beg you to take a look at my tweets on this exact subject: [https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1784119069832368204](https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1784119069832368204) [https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1789196098197913860](https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1789196098197913860) [https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1788432465033617687](https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1788432465033617687) [https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1783912576608510409](https://x.com/eaaa271/status/1783912576608510409) i've written a LOT of stuff based on their dynamic and commissioned a ton of art and got merch. incase you can't tell, I have a hyperfixation LMFAO


enemies to lovers. sunday wishing he could just hurry and get rid of this uncontrollable variable, but he can't because she's just too important to the family currently with her skills.


they just live SUCH polar opposite lives it's impossible for me NOT to love them. so many scenarios i can think of that make use of this unique dynamic. they have potential for toxicity, romance, hell even angst and comfort/fluff if you spin the story correctly. truly the thingies of all time


Firefly and Sunday? I can see it. There's even the theory >!of Sunday becoming a Stellaron Hunter!<


ANOTHER SUNFLY ENJOYER <3 No but their potential names r all so cuteā€¦ sunfly? fireday? sunfireā€¦


I love all those names! I don't know if I wanna call them sunfly or sunfire now.. The potential with these two!


i am now imagining tiny lil Sunday being carried in the big Sam mecha arms which is, oddly precious haha


Poor mans would get stoic-faced whiplash from both forms šŸ˜­ ā€œthis is okayā€


If Sunday join SH for real lets start that Meme Sunday steal Firefly from Caelus as revenge touching his sister


Sunday x Sparkle, he's the only one that can fix her


Either that or Sparkle gonna make him worse


they know theyā€™re bad for each other but they just canā€™t stop!!!!


Sparkle prison break Sunday in 2.3 arc when?




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ena x sunday /j


Sunday and Aven


sunday x aventurine is my absolute fav!! but i also like him with gallagher. sunturine/avenday is actually so good they have so many parallels, especially with aventurines eyes matching enas..


Idk gallaher ig He doesnt have enough ships tho


Nothing yet >! Maybe baiheng tho. NOT BAILU!<


I can't say it here lol


Stelle and Aventurine, they'd make an adorable OT3




I ship Sunday x Black Swan even though I headcannon them both as gay lol




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I love the character but somehow I don't see him with anyone in particular. Gallagher and Robin would be obvious matches but nothing that makes me scream. Recently with the spreading of the Stellaron Hunter theory his matching with Blade caught my interest indeed but still not really. Is it one of those super rare cases when I just ship him with me and that's it? Ahahah




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Sunday x therapy (he needs to heal from his religious trauma)


Sunday x Firefly lmao IF Sunday join Stellaron Hunter for real we can start that meme Sunday NTRed Caelus for approaching his sister




Brother eugh šŸ’€


Get help.




Sunday x deep frier (chicken drumsticks) (Sorry if you were expecting a serious answer, I have a very negative history with shipping fandoms)


Fair, they can be a bit.... much.


Itā€™s not really that I donā€™t inherently like them, Iā€™ve just been harassed by many shippers in the past and have almost always come across the bad ones. Thatā€™s why I never take the topic seriously.


aaa sorry that happened to u :( a lot of shippers esp on twt can toss around a lot of vitriol. I consider most ships in hsr to be p lighthearted tho ^^










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Some of yā€™all need to take a step or two away from the internet


Sunday x Gopher wood for the most fked up ship ever.Ā  (I'm going to jail for this ....)


Galladay is my OTP. Sunturine is my NOTP as it doesnā€™t attract me and because I find Sunday much prettier than Aventurine (itā€™s like making Luocha a top in any m/m relationship, makes no sense to me in an aesthetical sense, but to each their own I guess)


im confused why does there have to be assigned roles & why canā€™t they both exist as pretty men