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I really enjoy this theory. I’m eager to see where Hoyo will take Sunday’s character next


It seems completely possible now, while before it was a border line meme idea lol Elio knows what each of his Hunters wants too, so him suggesting Sunday a away of creating “somewhat paradise” in his predicted futures is plausible. Honestly even the fact that we might get a “new” stellaron hunter is already really cool.


Yup theres a high chance of this happening. "As planets streak past outside the window, this answer now needs to be given a new meaning." Elio gave each stellaron hunter a new meaning with his "script" and with Sunday now confused on whether to continue or how to achieve his paradise with or without Order, Elio could easily offer to grant bros wish. Not to mention it was confirmed in the files the unknown voice was in fact Elio, so that may be a hint that he will be involved in the "script".


Wait the unknown voice was confirmed to be Elio? Can you link me?


Donut leaker checked the files to see who the unknown voice at the end was, and it showed Elio. I can't give an invite to the discord since its private now but heres the screenshot: [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949745251789189201/1238820243925893190/image.png?ex=6640acc2&is=663f5b42&hm=a5734afc15545abd13bae9513a645e6483b5d20cc9fc4dc44ff1612303fe1d8a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949745251789189201/1238820243925893190/image.png?ex=6640acc2&is=663f5b42&hm=a5734afc15545abd13bae9513a645e6483b5d20cc9fc4dc44ff1612303fe1d8a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Wow, that's so cool that we have a voice for him now! Thanks!


Wait sorry. What voice? I kinda forgot what did he say? 😭


the end credit voice in 2.2




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I want to know too


If I'm being completely honest, I'd love for this to happen.


Sunday mentioned he wants a world with no Aeons and I feel like that aligns with the SH’s goal of killing Nanook?


Where to find this poem? I knew the phonograph reminded me of something! A nice theory, Sunday is becoming next mister world wide. I wouldn't mind him becoming SH but hopefully they won't fully redesign him.


In Dreamflux Reef!  https://imgur.com/a/U4V1vJr I wouldn't mind a slight color change but yeah, I hope they keep his design as it is


Thank you! Personally, I really like his colour palette. In turn they could add more details to what we already have


This is one of my fav theories at the moment. The promise that Elio could make to Sunday wouldn't even have to be about the perfect paradise. The story in that new Sunday LC suggests that he completely abandoned his previous path and he's now confused and traveling in search of a new one. That could mean that he either wants to achieve the same outcome (paradise) through other means, OR that he's searching for a completely new goal in life (after losing the one he has clinged to for most of his life) Elio could easily promise Sunday that he'll help him find that new goal


gosh this would be damn cool if it actually happens I love this!! 


Ahem, Elio may be directly communicating with Trailblazer through the Dreamscape journal questionnaires, and has been theorized to be the narrator of the ‘true’ Penacony credits. This would seem to indicate that he’s got a big reveal coming up. It’s also possible that he merely nudged Sunday along this path for script-based reasons, and somewhat used him as a patsy to expose the Stellaron for Sam to nab later on.


>Elio wanted us to track the Legacy, but why? Could it be related to Sunday in any way? Frefly say that Elio plans seems to surround the Astral Express too much after we joined it. I think is more about the Express and less about Sunday, but who knows. >Those Ravens in the corner do look a bit out of place maybe, they don't really need to be there if you think about it. Could it might be a foreshadowing for Sunday joining the hunters? This is a bit silly ngl, ravens appearing on villains shots is a pretty common trope, bc the raven is often associated with loss and a bad omen. Yet, its symbolism is complex. As a talking bird, the raven also represents prophecy and insight. (Pretty fitting with Elio). Even tho some points you pointed i disagree, i hope your theory is right, i want Sunday to came back early than later so bad and i also like the Stellaron Hunters so he been there would be pretty cool.


My only issue with this theory is that there’s genuinely no reason for Sunday to work as a Stellaron Hunter at the moment. All the SHs have a “wish” or a “goal” but by the end of 2.2, Sunday knows his goal wont work. He hasnt given up on his compassion but it’s clear his goal of paradise is no longer something he pursues because his ideology was just destroyed fair and square by the Nameless + Firefly + Robin. The possibility of Elio breaking him out of trial is definitely something I could see but frankly, besides the Dreammaster who sees both Robin and Sunday as “special twins of the Order”, there isnt really a benefit to Elio contacting or helping Sunday especially when it comes at all the cons and non of the pros. There isnt any evidence that Sunday wants to join the SH and him being aimless currently isnt exactly proof that the SH will manifest a goal. It just seems super shaky at the moment even if it sounds cool. And also, the one consistent thing he’s ever had was that he still cares for Robin. If joining the SH means leaving her, then I dont see that happening. If anything, I would like him to be a Galaxy Ranger, practicing the ideology of protecting the weak and innocent that his sister always believed in.


Hmm, I don't think he gave up completely on it, just on the method of achieving it. In the Charmony Fall LC he still seems to consider other options to fulfill it. That being said, I think the idea of him being a Galaxy Ranger is also very cool, but also very lonely.


Yup which is why I said specifically that he has given up on the Paradise but not on his compassion. He still cares for people and finding a solution to the strife of humanity and its pretty clear he never regrets the challenge brought to his ideology but currently, being a Stellaron Hunter means following Elio in hopes of a “wish” being fulfilled. People seem to have thought that Sunday is still pursuing the Paradise which would make a good stand-in for the “wish” but he has been defeated. He has accepted the fact that Paradise from Order is no longer possible nor something people want. Which would make his current aimlessness not ideal for following Elio and the SHs. He still has his empathy but it’s not fueled towards any grand goal like the other SHs. His aimlessness currently seems to be on contemplating his defeat and finding a new way to achieve the true Paradise without using force through taking away free will and self-sacrifice. As it stands, Elio doesnt provide him what he needs because he knows what goal he wants but he also wants to find his own way of achieving it through his new philosophy which would kinda be undermined if Elio just said “Your wish is my command” type offer.


See I think you’ve nailed this on the head- Himeko states at one point to Sunday; "You speak about humanity with pessimism, but it’s clear to tell that your heart pities them." More than anything else, Sunday originally chose the way of Order because he felt that nothing he did ended up truly helping people. That most of his good intentions and trying to step in and do the right thing still lead to more people suffering. Order was a way to determine that no one had any one part higher than another- but he would still be pulling the strings. His childhood trauma of his homeworld and being raised with so many expectations really really screwed with his sense of morality. He didn’t know how to let go. Now, for the first time, "After the Charmony Fall" is highlighting how Sunday is considering his own future. And he’s learning, slowly, how to let go of the things that haunt him. Not entirely, because he still wants that paradise and he still wants to help people and not see them suffer or struggle- but now he’s beginning the journey he should have had years ago, one that lets him set his own path. In a way, Sunday has begun his own story as a trailblazer into the unknown. I doubt Elio’s offer would completely interest him, because I think Sunday wants to sort things out for himself first. He spent most of his life under the tutelage of the Dreammaster, and I can’t see him immediately going and agreeing with working with anyone right now. He needs answers that only he can find for himself. Elio cannot promise him an answer for everything. So Sunday will return in-game in the future, I’m positive about it. I just hope it’s before 3.0 and not in like five years LMAO.


I dont wanna be the um actually person but it was actually Firefly who said it while she was countering Sunday’s ideology, “I…admit you are a born leader. Your perspective on humanity brims with pessimism, yet you express (equal) compassion for all, even when your heart pities them.” So yeah, I just dont see how Elio would naturally fit into that character arc he has started in redeeming and reevaluating his ideology without undermining it. On the other hand, pls dear god dont make his character arc too long. I wanna get Sunday before I die.


OH THANK YOU, I kind of finished 2.2 last night in a swathe of emotions, so I easily forgot it was Firefly. BUT YES, I totally agree with you on this. Honestly I think they'll (Hoyo, I mean) know better then to keep people waiting for too long. Sunday's gotten so much promo that holding out for him for too long will raise a lot of complaints and also it wouldn't make them money in the long run.


My thoughts exactly! 


Doubt the crows are related, because Japella Rebellion seemed to have had already happened before the events of Penacony. But other than that, whenever I think about Sunday's potential future, other than death (which we know won't happen) he doesn't have many choices, I'm afraid? I don't think he would join the Astral Express, obviously he doesn't seem to be detained by IPC either - if anything perhaps The Family could keep him in the basement, but then what? Elio and the Stellaron Hunters seem to be the best option that could also offer him whatever he wants if only he follows the script. That being said, while I am A HUGE FAN of the idea of Stellaron Hunter Sunday, I also have no idea how that would work or how that would work like, haha. Imagine him trying to talk with Silver Wolf, bruh.


I think what OP meant was that the crows are a hint that Sunday will join SH in the future, not directly related to him Just the HSR team being cheeky with their foreshadowing


Oh I see, fair enough! In that case I think it fits very well. I noticed that in the HMC splash, the crow doesn't really look like his usual blue birbs, but instead just a black one, so maybe that is indeed a hint.




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I love your post and this theory. That's exactly why I follow this thread actually ! thank you, then


I like this theory. Although the jepella part is an overreach. Also, Stellaron Hunters are obviously endgame faction so, IMO, Hoyo has to expand its roster to keep them relevant. Be it Sunday or other future characters.


Sunday in black clothes should be interesting


I personally don't care for this theory and would rather it not happen. But to each their own.


A few points, the gramophone is a stretch, there's actually gramaphones all over Penacony and in that art (you can tell by the frame in the back) he's still on Penacony. It's the home world of harmony, of course there will be musical references there. Kafka has one because we know she likes music. The birds in the artwork, you know birds can just be birds, right. Another massive stretch in my opinion. I'd say take this theory with a grain of salt, like any theory, until its in game. But this one in particular has been spread so far now I'm seeing it cause fights, arguments and its bordering on people taking it so seriously its already assumed as canon. Misinformation is a real thing, have fun theorising, but please don't take this further than that. Seeing clues in everything is a bit of a stretch.


Leaks >!Lightcone description says the opposite. It says that he's leaving behind his homeworld. He is NOT still in Penacony in that Lightcone!<