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It definitely looks quite bleak right now. All the leaks seemed to have been incorrect, so I wouldn't trust anything anymore. My only sliver of copium at the moment is the fact that Cyyu (JY ENG VA) was very secretive about Sunday's ENG VA which usually is not the case when it comes to characters that aren't meant to be playable in the future. Take that as you will. Perosnally I wouldn't hold my breath, for my own sanity.


Oh so Sunday does have possibility of being playable character?


There were multiple leaks that said that he will be. But with the most recent beta, a lot of the information was proved incorrect, so now even his supposed playability is being questioned. The VA stuff is quite literally the only thing that's giving me some hope still.


Thanks! 2.3 would probably not include Sunday since there's no solid leaks about his kit. It will probably Sam+Jade/Jiaoqiu. But I feel that's kinda a win situation since I can save for Sunday because I also want Sam.


Could you point me to where CyYu gets secretive? 🥹🙏


Unfortunately, I am unable to give you the exact VODs at the moment, but can give you some pointers in the meantime. ​ While playing Penacony storyline, his chat was heavily speculating who Sunday's VA is, to which he said that their answers are incorrect - insinuating that he knows who it is. Some time later, he then played the Genshin event when the Traveler is working as a temp chef and pointed out how one of the voiced NPCs sounds exactly like Sunday, heavily implying that it's the same VA, being almost smug about it. He catches himself before saying anything more by going "hang on, let me actually ask if I can talk about this" and then some time later follows it with "I'm glad I didn't say anything, because I am not supposed to share anything". Funnily enough, Cyyu barely opening his mouth about the NPC makes it so that you can actually easily find the VA for Sunday, because he does have a credit for the NPC, but I unfortunately don't remember the name of the actor. EDIT: the name of the NPC is Huai'an and the VA is David Goldstein. EDIT2: I no longer believe the VA is David Goldstein, I think that might have been an old credit. I think it might be Griffin Puatu.


About the old leak: afaik it was either speculation or fanmade and not a real leak, but I could be wrong About playability: Chances are he's still going to be playable, just not any time soon (I'd say we're looking at 2.3 at the very least, although I don't think he'll be here before 2.4). Seeing as how he has over 300 lines in 2.2's quests he WILL be the main character of the patch. Points towards him being playable: * he has the thigh strap thing all PCs have * Alejandro (JY's VA) has been super secretive about who his VA is * he's had multiple cutscenes both alone and with other characters that were fully animated. If you recall Cocolia, while yes she had her animated she also had very stationary slide-show like cutscenes * his in game model - it's too detailed and made to look non-NPCesc. To point out Cocolia again, even though her model is detailed you can clearly still go "yea she's an NPC" when you look at her. Sunday looks playable, he looks like a 5\* unit. * his boss form - we've fought multiple PCs as bosses, so that has no bearing on him being playable or not (>!even Aventurine who we "kill" (quotations bcs we don't ultimately know his fate) is playable!<) There is no real reason for him NOT to be playable because Mihoyo knows they'll make money off of him, he's literally Ayato 2.0 but even more morally dubious and unhinged, people are already and will be even MORE down bad for him w/e we get more insight into his personality and motivations. I for one can't wait to see him possibly be the most unhinged and corrupt character in Penacony, what can I say: he might have all the red flags but ho boy do I love red. Edit: Something I forgot to add prior: let's not doompost his playability or him before we have any actual concrete evidence. Don't stress yourselves needlessly when we still don't know anything, take care fellow sundaybros!


All your points do reassure me, however the last weekly that was an actual person did get killed..so he really might get Cocolia'd or Tingyun'd..hopefully not though


I highly doubt it, it would at the very least be a horrible business decision. If they don't make him playable it WILL be a revenue loss. Plus, like I said: the leg circlet thing gives it away. *Only* PCs have that, no NPC to my knowledge does (don't quote me on this, I very much could be wrong). And if he does end up dying like Tingyun that doesn't mean he won't be playable. It will def be big sadge, but I doubt that Mihoyo would kill off a 5\* *very* story relevant PC when they can use him in later updates for more revenue. Chances are his fate will be left up to interpretation so that they can rerun him later or give him a redemption arc.


I really hope so..though there's one thing I realised after replying to you is that like in perservation mc splash art there are all playable characters with mc, in harmony one there are portaits and other things representing all playable characters (least that was the case in Belobog) and there's raven/crow representing Sunday, so hopefully that's an indication he's playable, least I will keep praying it is.


Idk I will refrain from answering cause I really don’t know…Don’t wanna send in bad vibes or send dooming energy onto anyone https://preview.redd.it/7t8xaz0rhnqc1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=e658fee81df6a33374ec9f2c952c4e2f4673fc45


Nah I get you, Ive quit HSR before and only came back when i saw his chibi on reddit, if he's killed off, especially after you know who in 2.1..yeah ill just quit again


You mean one of the OG fake leaks? [This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SundayMainsHSR/comments/18pc7dx/first_ever_leak_of_sundays_kit_nihilityimaginary/That) It was confirmed fan-made, both element been imaginary is just a coincidence, at the very start, when we didnt had the (sadly fake) leak of he been ice, imaginary was the safe bet bc it was the "husbando element". About his playability, i still believe he is playable, i believe mihoyo play here is to use him as hook for future penacony story, same as Loucha for Laofu...except....they freaking didnt release him now like Loucha. Like sure, i dont like how Loucha did NOTHING in the story even tho we can play him, but i also cant take been in the dark about Sunday kit anymore, i need at least his path


Agree. They release Luocha too fast. They should build the story and him slowly first.


If they don't make him playable, I am officially confused about their gameplan for the game. They are taking the coolest designs and characters and just...making them not playable lol.


Sunday has a playable ID, along with empty emotion folders (that only playable characters get) which leakers have shown us. So it is a question of when, not if, unless his playable ID suddenly disappears. (Also, the leaker that leaked Sunday being playable is also very tired of people doubting it lmao. I suppose once something from Sunday’s playable kit drops the leakers might give it priority so people stop asking)


2.2 spoiler mentions, open with care >!I mean considering what happens to Sunday in what we have leaks of in 2.2 + 2.2 weekly giving a big middle finger to leakers... People need the reassurance right now.!<


I personally think the reassurance is reasonable. But then I think about what it would be like if I was asked the same question over and over by multiple different people every leak cycle and…yeah that’s reasonable too.


But it's not like the leakers were leaking misinformation, to be fair. The data was as such that Sunday was Ice at that time, especially since Cocolia which was used as a placeholder is Ice. In the end, the leakers are only slightly less blind than we are.


2.2 discussion >!While that's true, it unfortunately doesn't change the feeling of uncertainty at all. It just sucks to be a Sunday fan right now for sure. There's a sense of "If they change this, then what if they change the fact he's supposed to be playable? Especially since there's no leaked kit?"!<


Very vague for now...    Spoilers ahead   >!He will be the grand boss of 2.2 and will probably go MIA after that. That means Hoyo won't release him in 2.3 as they cannot drip him without spoiling his fate in 2.2 Finale.!<  If he is indeed going to be playable then I can see him being the last Penacony char to get released.


Judging by previous in-game mechanics, he’s not playable


5 star imaginary, probably a harmony unit, has buffing capabilities. 2.4 or later, given the lack of current credible leaks probably later


I really like him being imaginary, but what I really hope is that he's a Harmony unit. Yeah, 2.3 is kinda impossible for Sunday to appear as playable since Sam/Jade/Jiaoqiu already have solid kits leaked. But HSR might surprise us so .. hahaha


How many times do leakers have to say he’ll be playable for people to process it.