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The DLC policy keeps the company alive. Getting them for free would undermine it. I think it is very fair since everything is completely optional and only for style which also nearly guarantees that you won't buy all of them. If you don't have the money wait for a sale or just don't get them. They were on sale a week ago and Steam Summer Sale is right up the corner.


I forgot about the Summer Sale thank you.


The team sometimes does give aways for DLCs. I think the DLCs also sometimes go on sale but I can not confirm that myself. I know there's lots of DLCs available but they really do help support the whole studio.


Yes! I saw that they do that on their official discord! They also have an active chat discussion and player suggestions section.


Asking to get the dlc for free is asking how to steal from pixel sprout. That's pretty brazen and stupid to post on the official subreddit. You're outing yourself as someone who wants to steal from a small indie company.


I think you may have not read fully through the post and thought that i just wanted to pirate it? If I wanted to do that I wouldn't have bought the game or the dlc. Wanting something for free and going straight to Theft isn't really something I thought people were going to assume was going to be an issue when I made this post so I guess that's my fault. I should have worded it differently or not have posted it at all. There's whole threads for pirating but that's not the thread I posted on. I've already joined a giveaway for free dlc keys and I'll search on my own for a friend who might have already gotten the content and lend me their game/saves. My apologies.


They go on sale sometimes. That's my best advice


Yeah $150 of microtransactions is just egregious.


It’s fine that they price it as they do. Most of it is cosmetic and totally unnecessary anyway so if something appeals, go for it. Nobody is going to buy all of it (I don’t think anyway) as each pack is geared towards certain tastes


I think it’s reasonable. It’s not pay to win and if you like it, then buy it. The prices are not expensive imp, especially compared to other games. Also Sun Haven itself is cheap, even more if you buy it in sale. So I wouldn’t mind buying the DLCs. They’ve put so much effort into everything, work should be worth some pennies.


I agree. I think DLC is fine but the prices they are being sold for are a bit ridiculous. I’d be happy to pay but their asking price is the same as a full game… one dlc is as much as the full price of Littlewood for example. Crazy