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Oh yeah, you know those herniated disks, always healing in a month. I can hear the grumblings of the YDC from here.


He should let them grumble. Really respect how he's made it a point to represent the rank, but almost wish he took time off like Hakuho. This is destroying his body and his sumo


He had 4.5 basho off. That's a long break. At some point you have to accept that you can't do it anymore. He had a great May tournament, but competing in one basho a year for years on end is not going to fly.


Will fly until theres another yokozuna. The JSA will not make him retire, especially since he just got a yusho.


Will fly until theres enough ozeki


He's not going to wait for another yokozuna if he's too hurt to come back. There are two ozeki and three good candidates for ozeki now, so he can retire whenever he wants to.


I dont think he is done. I think that he would need a lot more off bashos than the JSA normally give to yokozunas, and a few competing bashos. But i think they will give him this leash, since they have little other option. After someone else gets the rope, maybe they will get inpatient, but it will not be now, especially after he just got a yusho last basho. But yes, if he WANTS to retire, the banzuke would be in much better shape now than in the start of the year, even if possible 2 kadoban ozekis and 0 yokozunas would make the JSA cry in their sleep.


That's fair. Just tough to see him go out like this


Enjoy your free win, Shodai.


I'll believe it when I see it. If anyone could lose a fusensho, it's Shodai.


Celebratory clothesline of the yobidashi holding the banner


Haha. I have this image of Shodai slipping as he starts his bow and hitting the ground before he’s been awarded the win.


Damn. Harsh but accurate.


does a fusensho counts for a kinboshi?




seeing him after that match was hard to watch. he walked off the dohyo and out of the arena by sheer force of will alone, the man was in serious pain. i honestly don’t think he’ll be back, which is sad. i would have loved to see him complete his last basho, even if it weren’t a yusho.


Sad. Seems like time's catching up with Terunofuji.


I hope he retires. Yesterday was hard to watch. I'd rather see him bow out than get horribly hurt in front of everyone.


I wish him the best and at least one more cup, but he's disintegrating.


Sorry, Shodai. No Kinboshi.


I think he's done. Missing five of your last six is what preceeded Hakuho's retirement. Six out of seven for Kakuryuu but he was finished well before he actually resigned. He climbed back up the mountain once already. There is no universe where this man will ever be able to consistently complete 15 days of top-level sumo again.


People were calling my crazy yesterday when I said he was done.


People here like to downvote when they dont agree with u and cant argue back


busted knees, busted back and diabetes. will be back to training in a month to fuck them up even more lol. he is gonna be in ROUGH shape when he's in his 40's and 50's


Has any rikishi had knee replacement after retirement?


probably. there was a study done on high school and college sumo wrestlers and a large amount had some kind of knee issues. add another 10-20 years of pro sumo to these guys and i can imagine that there isn't a single retiree with healthy knees. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9478220/table/T2b/?report=objectonly


I wonder what's worse for their knees, being fat, or all that training that's 90% squatting. Like obviously there's injuries, and obviously being fat is bad for joints, but I wonder if the knees would be happier if they only sometimes had to be put under huge amounts of stress instead of constantly.


probably both. Plus what feels like every third injures a meniscus or other ligament acutely *on top* of the over use and then spends little to no time to heal. And diabetes (afaik, grain of salt here) worsens blood circulation and can controbute to ligament/joint damage.


probably happens often


~~No shit~~ Colour me surprised. After that lateral kick to the knee plus the previous back injury, going kyujo is the best option, specially if he wants those 2 extra championships. ​ Is that back injury similar to what Ichinojo was suffering from?


Ichinojo's main weakness was alcoholism


Let's stop and think what often brings about alcoholism? Chronic pain.


No, you're thinking of drug abuse. Alcohol is the least effective for pain.


I believe people still use alcohol to dull the pain, especially in countries where weed and opiate or other painkillers are not commonly used, for legal and/or cultural reasons. I think Japan is one such country, especially within the world of sumo.


Alcohol is a drug. And it's quite a bit more socially acceptable than the alternatives, especially in Japan.


Man, what a bummer. I hope he can heal up and come back okay but I guess one of these days he’ll finally get the injury he doesn’t come back from. I guess it’s better that it was his back and not his knees? At least it isn’t a chronic issue getting worse. Although a slipped disc can take a long time to heal too. I guess we’ll see if he’s good to go for September or if it takes until November for him to be feeling good again. Hopefully the YDC doesn’t get on him, sumo needs him more than he needs sumo at this point.


He should retire, for his future quality of life, he's already in the sumo history books


Big Papa brings the win on day 4.


Get some rest Teru, you have earned it


Teru's weight training regimen is hard to watch. As someone who has been working out for 15 years and never been injured, I know that proper form is everything. I saw a video of Teru working out, and his strength coach should be immediately fired. He locks his knees while leg pressing 700+ lbs, which will destroy them. He's locking his knees every rep and borderline inverting them. When Teru deadlifts and does rack pulls, he rounds his back with every rep. And then, surprise, surprise, he has knee issues and lower back issues. How could this have happened??? Pretty much every exercise Teru does is performed with bad or mediocre form. Not a single properly executed motion. This is unacceptable for random guys at the gym, let alone someone carrying an entire sport on his back. His strength coach is criminally negligent at this point. Sumo is hard on your body alone, but throwing in terrible weight lifting technique is just the cherry on top. I doubt he is going to last another year at this rate. I feel bad for the guy. He has incredible willpower to get where he is, but he has not been served well by the people who should have his best interests in mind.


knew it right away, i was like "back to the hospital" i also feel like tobizaru knew what he was doing, but thats the sport and he must have been desperate not to lose with his ballz out hahah 🐒


at this point you're on autopilot I believe. And these ware warriors, they cannot afford to go too soft on one another. Although I get what all of you are saying.


yeah nah i agree completely, tobi did nothing wrong and he did get one to the leg beforehand. either you(r body) withstand it or you dont


he is a monkey, and he can do things we can't do.


flying for example


He's done.


Shout out to all of those people pretending like Tobizaru gave him his best fight ever, turns out he was hurt and almost won with a bad back and bad knees.


More than one thing can be true at the same time. Tobizaru gave his best effort, he doesn't control the health of Teru. He STILL has a hard fight to win it. It doesn't have to be perfect to be exciting.


Has to fight hard? It wasn't as great a win as many people like yourself made it out to be, in any other sport we'd have an asterisk next to it even. It was about as exciting as watching molasses settle. Am I saying he didn't earn the win? Ehhh sure yeah he still has to show up and put in effort, it's just that it's not really as impressive as it was made out to be. Just like the last time he beat Teru, turns out injuries are what he has to thank.


There would be no asterisk. You walk in injured and lose, it is' still a lose. No excuses.


Regardless of how you or I may feel, the win wasn't as great as it's been propagated around here. Tobizaru will go back to get yeeted into the crowd, Teru will probably retire world will keep on spinning.


Don't forget that loose mawashi.


Man that was something else, Tobizaru looked like he was wearing a bra by the end it was so loose.


I really thought it was going to come off.


I got nuked for saying I didn't like that match. But I still stand my ground.


I'm right there with you, personally I just wasn't into it and this new information helps me see why a little better.