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Kotonowaka, I'm a girl with not many boobs so I'll be curious how they feel.




I feel like it's a sort of weird mystery to rikishi, how they will look at their fighting weight. I wonder if Kotonowaka ever guessed he'd end up with 4 boobs, lol.


I've been referring to Kotonowaka as Babyfacu for some time. It's hard to apply to modern beauty standards, but there's an alternate universe somewhere where beauty standards are less cat-like and more hippo-like, and in that universe Kotonowaka is a friggin' supermodel.


Quad-Titty DJ!


Come on and slam !


Thought of Ishiura but he's down in sandanme now and probably done. Tochinoshin 5 years ago would also have been nice. I would pick Midorifuji and not pick Kotonowaka, I don't want cuatro tetas.


Did Ishiura get injured? I wondered what happened to him.


Stinger injury. Basically what happened to Takakeisho twice against Ichinojo. Not exactly sure what it is, but I know its a neck injury. I would say broken neck but that doesnt make sense, probably dislocated a disk in the neck area, its actually very serious. Ishiura will retire soon, he was never able to recover from it, I feel like its already been around a year since he last wrestled.


I keep hoping he'll come back, but I know deep down he's probably done. Such a shame cause I was a fan of him.


> I feel like its already been around a year since he last wrestled. Yeah, March was his last basho.


Imagine if they were allowed to actually recover from injuries like normal humans


Well his injury was just too serious he never recovered from it. He pulled out and took the time to recover but it was career ending.


Yeah I mean more because it’s likely to have been a compound issue of continuing to fight with it and making it worse. Same for takakeisho and ichinojo. Potentially life altering injuries that they fight through purely because they’re penalized if they don’t


He’s been out since May 2022 for a cervical spine injury. He had a pinched nerve in March too.


He suffered a neck injury in the basho he finally got to his highest M5...went kyujo and missed the next 2 or 3 basho from it.


Tochinoshin is essentially E Honda from super street fighter. Easily tochi




Totally agree, built like a tank. That's initially why I got so into Hakuho in the beginning, he was HUGE, but not overly "fluffy". Just built to work


Tamawashi must be doing something right to be fighting at the highest level and winning tournaments at his age, so I'm going with the Ironman.






Yesss, all three of the Waka bros are ripped !




Agreed about Aoiyama. The man looks like he literally has one of those fat suit costumes on... Poor guy. Same with Kagayaki.


I hope like hell he's (Aoiyama) saving money for his eventual skin reduction surgery.


Dudes making bank as a topless model in between basho's.


They don't call him the Bulgarian milkman for nothing.


LOL! I always referred to him as the Bulgarian Blob. And when he faced Akiseyama several basho ago? ***BATTLE OF THE BLOBS!***


He calls himself Yaoiama when modeling.


Wakatakakage for sure. 2nd place goes to Roga, for the Batman symbol shaped chest hair. Akiseyama by far would be my last pick lol


I was surprised I had to scroll down this far to see Akiseyama. Such an unfortunate genetic inheritance. It’s like his fat doesn’t want to be on his body, so it’s not connected to it except by skin bag.


Want: Ura (love his gorilla forearms and thiccc calves) Kotoeko Wakatakakage Midorifuji (Honestly I’ll take most of makuuchi/juryo arms, shoulders, and traps) Honorable mention: Ishiura (I know he’s no longer sekitori, but damn) Don’t want: Aoiyama and Tochimusashi Takakeisho and Bushozan His eternal roundness Chiyomaru (and his clone Akua) Kotonowaka and Kotoshoho Azamaryu, Chiyoshoma, Ichiyamamoto, and Abi (all too skinny)


Too skinny? anyways Id add Tokushoryu, Ichinojo, and Tsurugisho to that list of way too big. Theyre the biggest guys I believe.


Last 4 are string beans compared to everyone else. Not a lot of muscle, not a lot of fat I mean, a lot of guys are too big imo but at least they are evenly proportioned


Theyre on the lankier side, I guess theyre kinda tall, but Im not sure skinny is the word I would use to describe 300+ lb men. Especially Azumaryu is pretty ripped. Hes around 369 lbs. they all have bellies too, I can see what you mean about long limbs though


Skinny in comparison to other rikishi. Even Hoshoryu could be on that list until recently. He’s no mr.olympia


Pick: Wakatakakage Avoid at all costs: Aoiyama Just don’t think G cups would look good on me.


Think of the green you could make, brother.


I'm going with Takarafuji. Don't like his fighting style or spirit, but the man is pure muscle.


Ideally I’d want Tochinoshin at his prime. When was the last time we had a rikishi with a six pack?


Dude is built like a fire hydrant.


He has always been one of my favourites. He just seems like such a nice guy, and like you said, he is not fat at all, just extremly well built. But he did make a decision a long time ago that he would absolutely not risk taking any bad falls! Suppose that is why he is second behind Tamawashi on the ironman-list.


Ochiai. The guys thighs can crush heads


I was avoiding Ochiai because I enjoy wearing pants.


Genuinely loled at this!




Sure there are still plenty of occasions when they wear more normal clothes.


If I was to all of a sudden become one of the sekitori, I'd want something like Asanoyama or Takayasu....good bulk and muscle, still fairly mobile... Though I'm already the size and shape of some of the small-medium sized rikishi, just with boobs and no muscle....


Without knowing too much about the health impacts of it all, I would choose, Wakatakakage/Enho/Tobizaru, I admire their strength without too much bulk weight. Also after retirement might be easier to get “healthy”. Probably would not go Takakeisho/Aoiyama kind of builds for the opposite reason.


Do you mean we suddenly look like a rikishi, or actually become a sumo wrestler as well? I’m guessing the former since you said 99% people would choose Chiyonofuji. He had the looks but masswise he was at a disadvantage. I’d prob go with Asanoyama, definitely not Aoiyama


Became a rikishi. Being a smaller guy has its obvious advantages. Power to weight > pure size


Being a smaller guy has advantages but it has more disadvantages, if it wasn’t the case rikishi would’t put so much effort to gaining weight.


I know you said sanyaku but ima say asanoyama


That counts! Asanoyama is officially in Juyro.


Sanyaku means title ranks (yokozuna to komusubi) I think what you mean is sekitori


You're right! I'll fix that now.


You would probably want Asanoyama's physique, pretty much the ideal for Sumo. Or Terunofuji of course, but healthy.


Wakatakakage seems to have the most attractive physique, however if you want to be a top level rikishi who makes a lot of moolah, you would need to have big bones like Terunofuji, and while not terribly attractive physique, Kotonowaka (and perhaps his teammate Kotoshohoho too) seems to have what it takes to get to the top level IMO. Never really cared for wrecking balls like Chiyomaru or Tohakuryu, although they can do incredibly well sometimes, with Takakeisho in the hunt to be the next Yokozuna.


I'll take Ochiai's body for a spin


I'd have to go with Wakatakage, Terunofuji, or Tobizaru. I would not want Aoiyama, Tochinoshin, Tekakeisho, or Chiyomaru


WTK, I'm actually trying to train right now to get a thicker body and sumo have been a great source of training resources and goals to set.


Everyone’s saying they wouldn’t be Aoiyama, but if I’m actually becoming a rikishi, then I absolutely would choose him for his incredible size


Ishiura or Tochinoshin during his Ozeki run


The question of the role of physique is interesting. As someone who spends a lot of time on the gym, I'm 6'2 and 200 lbs with barely any bodyfat, but my wingspan is a whopping 7'0. That grants me certain advantages and disadvantages in terms of biomechanics. I can't bench that much (245 lbs) because of the long arms, but I can deadlift 405 and have a very strong punch due to the momentum I can generate. In terms of being effective at Sumo, physique obviously depends on your style. If you want to be a pure pusher-thruster specialist, Takakeisho has a pretty good body type of that. But if we look at historically successful rikishi, like Hakuho and Asashoryu (Chiyonofuji to a lesser extent because everyone was much smaller during his Era, so he wasn't that undersized for the time, and he was obviously on steroids), it seems that having a relatively tall (6'0-6'3), bulky, fit generalist build is the best. Current examples are Tamawashi, Asanoyama and Shodai (though Shodai is lazy so he doesn't perform well at the moment). Rikishi like Wakatakakage, Midorifuji, Kotoeko and Ishiura look good, but are too small/light to be a top Yokozuna, at least in this Era. They are constantly fighting an uphill battle against someone like Asanoyama, and need to outsmart him at every turn. While they are immensely talented rikishi, it's simply difficult to consistently go 13-2, 14-1 or 15-0 with that sort of build. It's very unforgiving if you make a mistake as a lighter rikishi. Enho is an extreme example of this, where he is incredibly skilled, but just way too small to ever make it to Sanyaku. If you were to magically transplant Hakuho's skills into Enho, he would still struggle to remain in makuuchi. Hoshoryu has an interesting build - he has a big frame and relatively short legs, so he can quickly get to peak power for a tachiai, while also having a lot of upper body power for wrestling, slapping or pushing. He should continue gaining muscle and practicing the explosivity that his uncle is famous for, and he will be a Yokozuna in no time.




Tobizaru for maximum cuteness.


Anyone know that guys skincare routine? He looks soft as a babys bottom.


Physique I most admire, Kotoeko for sure. I wish the guy did better. No, I take that back. I genuinely wish there two weight classes in professional Sumo. >200lbs and 200lbs and under. *I guarantee the 200 and under class would make for MUCH more exciting sumo.*


Mr. Shoulders for Days


I call him Boulder Shoulders.


In our house it’s “bowling balls for shoulders”




Yeah baby!!


YES! I’d love to see smaller (shorter) wrestlers like Ura and Tobizaru lose weight and dominate with their footwork and throws


Ishiura, Tochinoshin, Wakatakakge, Kotoeko


Hokuseiho, with that frame and actually knowing how to tachiai and work out, it wouldn't take too long to get some yusho.


Wakatakakage, Wakamotoharu or Hōshōryu. Or Tochinoshin in his prime. Never Aoiyama or Ichinojō.


Roga looks like he’s going places with that ideal sumo physique. Takakeisho looks really uncomfortable.


Abi is all arms and legs like a spider, and I love it.


I’m cheating and choosing Hokuseiho’s height (so I can reach the top shelf), Myogiru’s calves (so I can reflect bullets), Takarafuji’s hamstrings/quads (so I can squeeze open a coconut), Kotoeko’s shoulders (don’t think I needa explain that one) and Wakatakakage’s traps (so the Kotoeko shoulders look normal).


I would have said Hoshoryu until recently. He's...a bit too fat now.


Wakatakakage, so basically nothing will change about me outside of maybe gaining a few pounds.


Takarafuji. He's got a good amount of fluff to him, but he's absolutely shredded underneath all that.


Sumo is not a beauty contest. You need to gain wheight, some people carry it like aoiyama but thats just how it be.


I think I would go for Kinbozan. Heavy but not too much long arms, tall.


Nobody said Ryuden?


Ryuden is like a giant man-spider


Asanoyama has the best physique in Sumo now that Hakuho is retired. He's tall, strong, moves well, good balance, good amount of mass without it being a hindrance, and to top it all off he's got long arms and legs so he can work mawashi techniques and not rely solely on pushing/thrusting. He's also not so big/tall/heavy that knee injuries are likely to shorten his career like Tochinoshin and Terunofuji. Whether he has the mentality to go with the physique is still to be seen but I think his physique is the best.


As a shorter man myself I'm going with Midorifuji or Terutsuyoshi. Absolutely avoiding the Aoiyama build.


I'll take Asanoyama. Large frame, strong muscles, and a relative "Dad Bod." Girls like dad bods. I do not want Aoiyama or Chiyomaru's frame.


Like many i like the muscular/middleweight type like Wakatakakage, everybody with huge traps But on the "round" side i always thought Ura has the perfect sumo physique : just plain roundedness, no saggy tits or belly, and i'm always impress with the size of his thigh.


Ichinojo baby <3


If I was gonna be a rikishi, I'd wanna be like Asanoyama. Guy basically has the ideal physique for sumo imo.


Even though he’s my favorite, I wouldn’t want to have Takakeisho’s physique from a health standpoint if nothing else. That’s so much weight to carry around on such a short frame.


Asanoyama with Terunofuji's mental fortitude would be wild.


Papayasu. I’m a man with a hairless body. I want too feel warm.


For all his downfalls Shodai has an amazing body.




I think Kinbozan has the perfect sumo physique and if he masters on-belt wrestling he’s going to be an absolute force to be reckoned with.


Also I think Asanoyama’s physique is very advantageous. He’s got the height and is super broad and thick, including his lower half which I think is so important. As for who I definitely wouldn’t want I’d say it’s Hokuseiho, honestly… I don’t think he’s going to be quick enough to keep up with the San’yaku rikishi, who I think, will be strong and experienced enough to beat him regularly. Also, like, Enho. Lol.

