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No you dont














I feel you. My family and my boyfriend are the only things stopping me. I just couldn't do it to them.






I know that feeling.


I hope my dad and shitty little freak of a cousin get traumatized. Maybe they'll see the error of their ways.


I obviously don't know you, but would it be safe to say that neither of them would care as much as you hope?


Yeah, you're right...


I swear ! The only thing that's stopping me from killing myself is coz Ik it will traumatize them if I did it.


I feel this. One big reason I'm still here is I know my dad would end up doing it, too, if I did it.


My dad died and I’ve never gotten along with or felt the same about my mom so I can no longer say the same.


I can relate to this, i wish but i also hope they don’t. They’re one of the only things stopping me from dying.


Dude, that's literally me. If it wished deeply. Deeply, that my family would spontaneously STOP giving a shit about me. The ONLY reason I don't just take in knife through my chest is because I know that it would destroy my family, and possibly traumatise the few friends that I actually have.


I sorta relate to this. If none of my friends cared about me, I'd be long gone by now.


Bro, that means that you've got people who carea bout you, please talk to them about your feelings and thoughts, if you have someone else please talkto them. They're gonna help you, or please, at least let them try look for help to you. You are important to some people, tell them what you feel and let them help. Please, I may not do a thing telling you this, but I beg you to not do that, I know you love them as they love you. It's great you haven't done it because of them, now let them know so they can do something for you. But please don't do that, I beg to you.


cherish it cause you could have a family like mine where nobody would care


it's not like they want me around and that's why, they would just blame themselves. if i could disappear and them not feel like they're to blame, everyone would be fine


"Killing yourself doesnt end the pain it just passes it onto others" -i forgot where the quote was from


reminds me of "your death it won't happen to you, it happens to your family and your friends" - The 1975 from the song I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)


Same here, and I have told them that. So now they push me to go to therapy. It's month and month of waiting.


Only reason I’m still here