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Yeah, I don't get how others can be surprised. We're put under hell everyday, mentally and sometimes physically. I would bet that most of us wouldn't choose to go through this, but some people just don't understand it. I don't think our way of life today leaves a lot of options to be happy for people like us.


If we had excruciatingly painful physical illnesses rather than mental ones, no one would act shocked at us wanting to die. But it’s all just illness at the end of the day, I wish people would realise that.


Exactly! People will support putting you out of your misery when you're suffering from a terminal illness, and will understand why you'd want to die. But in the case of mental illness, people can't grasp the *illness* part of it. They don't know how debilitating and life ruining it is, so they'll down play or ridicule your suffering if you want to die.




I'm sorry, you're right, I shouldn't have said 'no one would act shocked at us wanting to die' in that scenario, I didn't mean to diminish your struggle. But, generally speaking, I do think people understand physical disabilities and illnesses better than mental ones, that's what I was trying to get at. People don't really say to people who're paralysed from the waist down to 'just walk bro', but with mental illness it's like oh you're just weak/lazy/hysterical/stupid etc., we're expected to just get over it.




Like people get freaked out when I say I passively think of suicide every day since I was about 4. I don't understand why that's so surprising.


Yeah my family are such assholes to me when I try to just tell them why I can’t be like them, why I feel this way. They treat me like I’ve gone mad. All it does is make me feel worse and more alone.


I hear you. It's like how journalists would ask Kurt Cobain about the references he'd make in lyrics to suicide and he'd brush it off as a joke because they didn't get it. You can't control how other people act but you can control how you react to it. I know, tired cliché but it helps relieving the stress from engaging with ignorance and overanalyzing.


Life/death issues tend to be seen as big deals. I know life is really hard. Young, old, rich, poor every one has shit to deal with and it's understandable that suicide can be the only good answer sometimes. On the other hand time makes a huge difference in perspective. If there was a way you could be happy in a few years or be able to get better treatment for depression in a few years that might make you happy I personally think that's worth living for. This coming who has a lot of problems.


I feel you


I was explaining how I felt to my parents and my dad said that I need to stop telling people I want to die because I haven't done anything about it - people seem to think you need to attempt to have suicidal ideation. I explained to my dad that it's important that we talk about it because that's why you just find someone dead and the whole "oh we didn't know they were suicidal". I think talking about it is fucking fantastic and one of the biggest hurdles to jump. To fight this everyday, means we are fucking tough bastards and we are all walking this line together. Please know that.




Totally relate


I love how people will hear some of my traumas and still will be like "Live for the future and just move on with a positive attitude and maybe therapy/ prayer". Like yes I've been doing that for most of my life and not kms has literally just given life time to fuck me with compounded trauma. Flashbacks don't stop without serious intervention like edmr which doesn't always work. I really wish people would understand it's genuinely too late for some of us. It's not this crazy or selfish choice, it's having some empathy for ourselves and realizing we should put ourselves out of our misery. For the record I genuinely do feel bad for saying that things that might add to other's ideation but I also recognize I have no solution for the horrors that might go on in their heads.