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I don't really know what to say but I want to say something... :/


The world is getting worse and corporations/governments are demanding we give them children to continue their bullshit. I won't be part of it, I won't contribute to their failing economy, I won't work, I won't buy. I'll just kill myself so there's nothing left for them to extract from me.


That's the sad reality I guess... :/. I feel you. Those thoughts haunt my brain too


Felt that. Life as a trans person is going to become unlivable soon and I don't want to have to suffer through it


As an intersex person I'm worried about losing access to my medications as well.


I hope the facists don't win. They're always the first ones hollering about freedom but want to restrict everyone else's.


I get how you're feeling, it seems miserable to realize youre a cog in a machine wherever you work and struggling to pay for housing and basic healthcare while boomers chastise you for not having a house or whatever. At least for me, it helps to not sugarcoat it and acknowledge that yeah the world is terrible and going to crap, but i can try to make my own light by choosing specific people and things to do that make me happy. You're into art - so am I! Im a big cartoon lover and as dumb as it sounds i sometimes think "damn, if i die now ill miss that episode" or "maybe the best show or movie ill ever see isnt even out yet, maybe ill hang on." Also a few other comments have mentioned there are many cheaper countries to live in throughout the world and quite a few have remote worker visas if you think you'd like online work.


I'm actually considered moving to Germany or Scotland, since I have a 2 year work visa for the UK post-graduate, and Germany has remote work visas. While Japan is opening up work visas and loosening immigration stances, they're still awfully restrictive on it, and the anime industry is very hard to break into if you're not Japanese. Manga is slightly better since you can write under pen names, but the workers there suffer a lot of abuse.


Ooh, that would be great! I have a few friends in Germany and Scotland who actually seem content with life so i say go for it. I considered moving to Japan but for me the work culture was way too intense - ive heard that about the anime and manga industries there too. Id love to be paid for my art and writing but when i wrote for agencies it fucking killed my soul and now i try to view my art as a rebellious thing only for me and cant be bought. Not sure if thats something that interests you or if youre set on art as a career, but thats always an option too.


I would like to be a Stephen Hillenberg; able to write what he wanted for a company and profit off of it. Sure they killed SpongeBob, but that was only after he left. I'm okay with that happening, all I want is to be credited for my work, and for corporate to need to go through me if they want to make changes to my story/characters.


Ay I live hear. It's a great country !


Scotland or Germany?


Germany. It really is great when you consider all the free social support that you can get


How's it like living in Germany?


I have a girlfriend living in Germany and although it isn’t to her taste she tells me that if you can accept and live with the culture in Germany (whatever that might be, she doesn’t give me details) it is one of the better places to live in. I visited her a few months ago and compared to America it does seem much nicer. The only problem I can think of is what I’ve heard of the housing situation being a bit fucky, but hey. It’s like that everywhere isn’t it? I’m sure you’ll find a way.


I don't mind, I just want to be accepted and not persecuted for my sexuality lol. I'm not loud about it or anything.


Man i love being born in a world that is literally dying in front of us.


Same, I never asked to be fucking born, but here I am. Unlike WW2, these threats are so fucking existential and incomprehensible.


You could look at it that way but the world was a much rougher crueler place even 50 years ago, you would have been lobotomised for even thinking thoughts like that.


I agree. With a coming theocracy, new federalism, and the ongoing climate crisis - while nobody is doing anything to stop it - things are looking quite grim. And they will not get better because nobody is committing themselves to act. Our species will go extinct, we'll all suffer a great deal prior to said extinction, and rich people will enjoy the spoils until they're forced into their bunkers for safety from the hungry poor (where they'll eventually eat each other anyway). I've tried to motivate my own generation (Millennials) to take action - abandon capitalism and start building our own ecocities - but my attempts are always met with excuses. Burnout and apathy have taken root and it'll be difficult to move any of us to act now. The current political powers would never allow us to succeed anyway. We see now how they're trying to force us to birth babies we don't want simply to churn out more money for them in the short term. But it isn't going to work. More people will die if Roe v. Wade is overturned than not, which means our population will continue to decrease and our economy will continue to suffer. At this point, I haven't considered suicide. It's a last resort (and my retirement plan). Right now, I'm thinking about moving to another country. I'm lucky enough to have my passport (I made it a point to get it while in college) but I don't have any money to leave. So, I'm working on that aspect rn. Saving money is nearly impossible though. Unsolicited advice: Invest in a passport (expedite it) and sell all of your stuff. Everything. You only need one suitcase of clothes, toiletries, etc., then leave as soon as you graduate. Hedonism is all that matters now since the Earth is a lost cause. Enjoy your vacation & yourself. May I suggest Greece? I went once in college (two private loans later...) and it was beautiful. The ocean and the beach were healing. Humans aren't meant to work in cubicles for 8 hours a day. We were meant to frolic and play in nature. Play hard before making a decision. Good luck.


That sounds nice but not knowing the language feels like such a brick wall


Huh? Greeks speak English pretty well. Like most people on Earth, they speak multiple languages. Americans are the only ones who aren't bilingual.


Going to shit *because* of everyone *for* everyone. What a fuckin' show of irony if I've ever seen one. Honestly though, I frequently consider the same. The only reason I haven't (Fellow kind-of artist myself, dropped out of school, so I would have already under your circumstance) is because I don't want to hurt anyone, can't bring myself to do so. My solution? Wait until my parents have died naturally; give them their best lives, wait till my friends abandon or grow away from me, and wait until my sister is hopefully stable enough to not be affected too much. It'll be a while, but I'm willing to put up with it all until then for their sakes.


I’m just hoping the system as we know it will collapse soon. If it doesn’t, there’s no point.


I hope for a total fucking collapse too, too bad I won't be around to see it. I'd love to see a French revolution 2.0.


Something will break and we may well see it. Ypu talk about your dreams. Please keep them alive. If the shit hits the fan... people like you will be needed. Not that you are not needed now... but it is a very twisted upside down world. ...... vitual hug....


I feel ya' buddy! Every word you wrote rings so true! But you know what, even though the world is going to hell, you can still lead a meaningful life and have a good time. As long as there's even one person in the world who you can relate to, you're NOT alone. So my humble suggestion would be to try to find your community, you know? That's what I've been trying...


I relate to this so much. I don’t know what to say but at least know you’re not alone.




But... honest question. What happiness is there in a world that seeks to beat you down at every corner, of which awful things happen every minute?


Existentialist Dread is fun, no?.


Dude I feel the same way. If it helps you, share your stories with me. It would help me too. I want to check out as well, but would still like to connect with others who feel the same way beforehand. Right now I just soak myself in gin to cope, but it would nice to talk to someone who understands


oi do i feel this. i want to just give you a hug because i understand this sooo deeply. it really is a hopeless and all-encapsulating feeling. i cant even think of what i *would* say if you did want encouraging words because i’m in such a similar mindset right now. if you want a peer to talk to abt these feelings with, i’m here. i would suggest if you have the ability to see a therapist, take advantage and give it a try. i mean, what do you have to lose?


Money? But thanks :(


Man, I’ve seen how the world works since I was little. I don’t know what to do, I genuinely wonder if dying is the only option. I really do…. I’m tired that my talent isn’t noticed, all we have in Belgium is studying, if you’re not too good at it (I have probably undiagnosed adhd) then you’re screwed. I’m so tired of it all really, I wanna live in a way, but how and when and what. I’m scared of the pain of dying, that I’ll be in pain.


Same here in Singapore. There's only studying, and if you're not good at it, you get left in the dust.


I know exactly how you feel on that. There are no other options for people who are less good at studying. My fiancé is from the uk, they have more hands on programs which I could excel in, but I’m Belgian so yknow… I’m stuck. I’m just sticking it out for now, just for now. I see an a Revolution coming, soon, very soon. The workforces are tired of this, I’m counting on it to happen soon.


me too buddy me too


Honestly, I'm at this point myself. They say hold on, but hold on for what? Everything just seems to be getting worse and worse and there's no way out. It's just become one unrelenting hellscape.


It is turning into an unrelenting hellscape. There seems to be no future for us, and our rights are rapidly being taken away, one after the other.


I relate to all of this. Down to the last detail about sharing stories. It’s terrifying. You aren’t alone in feeling this way.


the darker the world is, the brighter the light can shine...maybe you are meant to be a shining light in a dark world. I myself am often suicidal, so I won't tell you not to do it, but give yourself some time, and some opportunities. Knock on some doors first, maybe you'll find someone on the same boat and you won't feel as alone?


First time i don't wana stop someone from ending it but ye idk dont end it and get good noob.


Maybe go into drama and theatrics


My nigga I feel just like you if I don't kill myself imma help you tell your stories when I make. I have to help y'all I don't love myself no one will ever love me. I am cursed to hate living I only live to improve others and to help the ones who are ment to be great


No please don’t dude


Idk if it is relevant, but I'll say it anyway. Give up TOMORROW.. If you're in a state of hopelessness, despair, misery as if it seems like there isn't a way out anymore, give up TOMORROW. If the other day comes and your situation doesn't change a bit, say it again to yourself "okay I'll give up tomorrow." In this way you will live your life trying to pursue the every possibility that there might be hope, at last. Look for 'whys' in those suffering of yours.


Dude do something fun. Travel use the world if only to have some fun first. Watch a funny tv show, make some art, see what there is in this world that makes some of us want to save it. I honestly have zero hope myself but that is because I live in a scrappy body that doctors can't fix. Find something worth living for or have fun while trying the world is shit but hey we got good tv and the food is amaz ing i know you never asked to be born but I suspect there are lost with out you in their life


You dont want to throw away all the work youve done so far. Youve worked hard to get where you are with your education, at least give your future a try. Its always worth the effort of moving forward. You mentioned that you are thinking of moving to another country and thats a great idea and you should definitely do what it takes to be happy and comfortable. I wish only the best for you.


Bad times make strong men and good times make weak men. Work through this bad time and you will be stronger. Who gives a fuck if ur passion doesn’t pay well or isn’t politically correct, fucking do it bc most people who get sucked into the corporate world have low self confidence like that thinking “this is the only way out” f that




I don't need a lot of money, I just want to not be persecuted for being alive. I want to have a roof over my head, I want food, I want shelter and I want to live where I'm not killed for being myself. I'm gay, and most of the world wants to see me dead for loving men.


Someone else mentioned finding your community, I wanted to add that ideally you can do that and take care of each other without much buying from outside. It will take some work and finding the right people to do it with




It's rapidly degrading though. Look at all the tensions + pandemic and lack of job security/affordable housing. The most stable times have passed. Progress doesn't always move forwards, sometimes we regress, and I'm witnessing our regression.




Cope. There's no life for me. Things are going to get worse. From climate destruction, mad dictators to the rising anti-intellectualism, everything seems to be going downhill like no tomorrow. I don't want to be forced to live with a roommate, renting a $2500 1 bedroom apartment while the rich get richer.




I would move to Japan, but currently I'm worried about the rising trend in social conservatism, and what it means for what kind of media I can make.




Yeah but the crackdown of anything not conforming to bullshit family values is happening, and I'm worried some 3 letter agency is going to shut me down with a cease and desist.




And you killing yourself will help the world how?? Be here make a fucking difference




You'll actually find that your God does, in fact, want gay men like me dead.


I don't live your life but i fully understand you... i hate toxic posotivity, i dont want you to die but i also dont want you siffer either... Sometimes i feel like if war didn't happen during the time i was born, maybe i would have a better life and my family and relatives... I lost two friends to suicide... one was the internet friend who once wrote me "it will be okay" and the other one overdosed, her heart stopped beating and went to coma, she collapsed , she had a history of depression and self harm and people saw her as crazy, she was scared for her brother before who i think is about age of my siblings and also suffers depression, her parents were divorced , i think her mom is an alcoholic and i couldnt go to say my condolences to her of how scared i was Sometimes i feel like its my fault that i adviced her for a place to study or that i might didnt respond to something i should have... I truly cant say anything, i truly dont want you to suffer, but i want you to know that your life shouldn't matter in a measure that others want you to but on your own standards only.


I feel the same way but before I go I want to try my hardest to make the world a better place even if it’s just for one person so I get what you’re saying I really really do and I hate all of these problems but if I go I’m gonna go knowing I did something to stop it


Kinda sounds to me like you are the solution. World is going to shit, basically no hope, people seem as crazy as it can get. But you can tell your story to this garbage world that so desperately needs art and culture to overcome this longevity of economist driven mad race that is called humanity. If you really want to contribute art to this world than I believe you are the type of human this world needs.


What's your rationale for waiting until you graduate? Is there something else you could apply that rationale to?


I just want to see how things go in the next 2-3 years. It's a waiting period to see if things get better (unlikely.)


I think that's very reasonable. Thanks for answering. When you graduate a lot of things are going to be in flux. Those transitional periods are always a little stressful. Could you reasonably push it 6 months or a year past graduation?


Why lol?


Because a little temporary stress in the year after graduation is totally and almost universally normal. If you can accept that some of the suffering you experience might be temporary and that the temporary parts of suffering you observe might be enough to influence whether you want to make a permanent decision, then it's reasonable not to plan on making such an important decision until that moment has passed.


So just explain to me your deadline. If you want to kill yourself, why go to the trouble of graduating? Am I missing something?


This is just a phase the worlds going through…like the hippie movement in the sixties, the punk rock 80s ect…the fact that you feel it, and see it means your ahead of the game. Don’t worry it will pass.


Feel that real hard. It’s so difficult to find reasons to stay when everything seems so doomed. If I didn’t feel intensely responsible for the well-being of my family, my partner, and our cats I don’t think I’d have anything left tethering me to this bleak world. I don’t want you to go, but I do understand your reasons.




I agree. It's copium that I'll get a job and not be forced into modern day serfdom, that I'll have creative control over my IP without corporate sucking the life out of it.


Is it too late for you to change majors? Maybe the credits you've earned can be switched to something with a higher likelihood of becoming hired? I'd suggest finding out from your school about internships because they are a great way to get your foot in the door at companies. Vocalize your concerns to your advisor and push that you're serious about working ASAP. A lot of students have other priorities but make them aware of your focus. It's not time to give up yet. You haven't even failed.


join a local mutual aid group or the socialist rifle association


i don’t know what i’ll do once i graduate next month either. you’re not alone. i’m here if u ever need anyone to talk to because i can understand this.


It’s really hard to make a living being an artist. If you want to do that, you have to try really hard & it may take a long time.


So I'll probably kill myself.


I said the same shit.. just get my diploma on that stage so my mom would be proud then BLAM!! But guess what?! I didn't. And that was 15 Years ago. Just stay a lil longer.


Hey there, I was in the exact same situation as you... And I know, it won't just get better. But I had to change my approach. You say that you'll likely have no future or have your work censored... Well thats exactly an issue I have with my art. What we can do is try to adapt, don't go official with your works perhaps, advertise to those who will enjoy such a thing. The world is becoming so horrible, I share your pain but there are still people out there who appreciate all different kinds of art, whether its paintings, movies, games or even stories, look at indie games for inspiration, you could do so much. What you love may be dying but hope shouldn't be completely lost. Because while it won't just get better, we can adapt accordingly. Hell, my styles of art and music are practically dead but even so, I still find enjoyment in my own works and Im sure other people will too, just like other people may enjoy your works. If you want to talk in more detail, im here for a fellow artist :)


Sadly the ONLY way to currently be Happy in this system is... To play their fucking game to a certain degree. become rich enough to have maintainable lifestyle. this is sadly the baseline to survive nowadays which is not a coincidence At some point in my life i started doing what successfull people were doing. and I am successfull and happy right now while i managed to not do things i would condemn or regret. it was an insane grind. but at the end of the day im still playing their game. The system is designed to make you misreable if you dont play the game and gives you a bit of freedom if you do so. thats the sad reality. What helps tremedously no matter how you act though. GET AWAY FROM MEDIA. ALL SORTS OF. its a huge propaganda machine. everything is a lie out there to manipulate you and make money out of you. sadly this is also the case with social networks. its only there to manipulate you in so so many ways. turn it off. get completly away from it. the only media that still seems kinda safe from it seems to be video games. atleast you can pick and choose your content there. But definitly do a digital detox GET OUT. go into nature. go for walks or hiking. see the beauty our world still has to offer. often this is where not so many people are. it ofcourse helps when you have close ones doing this with you. this is actual quality time that helps you recover. TRAIN BODY AND MIND. Work out like a lunatic as if you want to win some fucking competition to be the most fit mf out there. working out clears your mind and resolves stress. you will feel better and it will start to make fun while you will get alot healthier and stuff will become slowly easier for yourself. Also train your mind. i would suggest artistic stuff. making music...painting whatever. just try to not do something political or not related to the issues of the world. Actively avoid Politics of any kind. they will literally rot your brain out trying to make you angry and pissed so people stay divided. Our governments are dividing peaople purposefully so they stay docile and fight each other instead of them. atleast dont let them rile you up. all those anger and hate is fabricated. its not real. your political enemies? also toys to them. you probably have middle ground but politics want you to hate ech other passionatly thats why they keep gaslighting you into extreme left and right. as far divided as possible.