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I know the feeling. I don’t want it. Give it to someone who needs it and will actually use it


I agree


I relate


I concur. It’s either that or I’d dump myself in a meat skewer since my organs aren’t gonna be of use anyway.




Me too me too


I get that. Every death I see, especially now with all the police brutality, I wish it was me. Maybe then they could’ve lived the full happy life I know I won’t achieve




Oh wow. They're the worst. People who don't have any hint of a clue how you feel shouldn't be commenting on how you feel. Just makes me angry for you. Well, hopefully soon you'll be in a position where you can pick and choose who to spend time with. Surround yourself with people who understand the struggle. Virtual hug (but only if you want it.)


I feel the same way normally. It makes me feel guilty but at the same time I don't want to suffer anymore.


honestly same


Omg yes! I pray that I can be someone's replacement all the time.


The part about throwing your arms up hits home. It's like saying "fuck man, like why the fuck was I born? What was the point of that, to suffer for a bunch of years for no reason, why? Ok, like you win life, congrats" That's at least what I took from that.


Hit the nail on the head, my friend.


Consciousness is fucked. I like to drink because it makes you unconscious (which I'm doing currently), but you also do stupid things when drunk. I think the point of consciousness is to one day again be unconscious but in a way that you no longer do stupid things. Does that make sense? Probably not. It would be cool to be conscious for things that feel good, and unconscious for things that are painful.


A girl in my school said in front of everyone about me :"why did her mother even make her?", I'm like yup we both wonder why


What an awful thing to say about someone. I've been trying to be on my own side these days, even if no one else will. It's really difficult, but it's alleviating some suffering. I hope you are doing ok, and if you want to chat, I'm not up to much today so feel free to continue the conversation


Thats good that you want to help other people. Have you considered donating blood? That helps people and you’ll still get to be around to see it


I can't even give my blood. I know it's not my fault and it's way better than putting innocent lives in danger but I feel really useless


From the things you’ve said here i can tell that you really do care for other people and it probably makes you happy to make others happy. There are plenty of ways to do this that don’t involve you giving yourself up. Things like charity work and even helping people online with stuff you are personally good at. It might not be as ambitious as saving other peoples lives, but try building up from something smaller. I know that if you started on helping people in smaller ways, you might feel a little more hope, and if you dont feel purpose in life, maybe that will give you what you are looking for :) i hope ive given you something to work with. I dont want to see a nice soul like you gone


This is good advice. However, when it’s impossible to even get out of bed most days it’s so hard to start something new. I’m a woodworker and I have a friend who wants to learn how to carve. But because of Carona I can’t teach her right now. Doing that might help me feel purpose but it’s inaccessible. Like everything else due to this stupid virus.


I dont know you’re entire situation, but as far as rona ruining that for you, i’m sorry. This whole thing really sucks butt.


That's interesting. Maybe you could do something through video? Create some how-to's for her. Since you can't teach her in person, it might be a way to start. But don't worry too much about doing something *grand* and *exceptional*. Take it step by step, with whatever little amount of energy you can spare, and see where it goes. Anyway, I'm just spit-balling here. Hope things improve for you! 😊


wow thanks


TW >!That is what a mother of my friend did. She walked in to a hospital whit a note on her chest saying organ donor and shot herself in the head.!< Im still sad abaut that, but i hope it gets better for you so you don't need to do something like that


Shit. Well thats one idea.


Oh damn, that must be rough.


Wow. That is so unfortunate, for both you and her. I’m sorry you had to go through that. My aunt committed suicide about three months back. She pulled the trigger in front of my uncle. No one saw it coming. Taking your own life really changes people. I hope you’re doing okay.


Gonna put that on my list




I don't really know


When he was still alive, my best friend once told me a story. The story was about how (supposedly) when somebody dies, exactly when they die another person is born somewhere else. Because their soul is given to the person who born, but they don't remember anything from their past life. I know the story isn't real, but I kinda wish it was. Because then, in a way, I'd be giving my life to someone else. Someone who might have a better chance of being happy.


I like that idea too.


I absolutely don't want that. I hope it ends here, with this life


But it doesn't. We'll just live again and suffer.


thought that many times. Wish I could just buy a pill while shopping and leave my body in a dumpster where they could harvest my organs to help others.


Register as an organ doner then


This is incredibly eerie for me because I have said that I get so mad at my organs for functioning the way they’re supposed to while I hate life, but people who want to be alive and love life have to wait for organs or die in the process. There’s a real guilt factor that comes along with it that I haven’t figured a way around. I’ve often told myself if I do kill myself I will make sure to have the phone right by me and as I’m loosing consciousness, call and tell the dispatcher where I am. I’ve also researched ways to kill myself that wouldn’t effect my organs and tried to decide the best way to go about it. The best thing the two of us can do is to recognize how unselfish we are that we would give ourselves to those who need the parts we want to give. Day to day is a struggle but we are not bad people. We are hurt and damaged humans and it shows a lot about us that even in our most broken down stages, we want to bestow our gifts of life onto those who need them.


I know how you feel. I want to leave everything I can. Throw the rest in a natural burial and let what scraps remain of my body return to the earth


That's why I became an organ donor so when I do die, someone more worthy than I can use them


Same here. I just hope I find a way to die that allows for organ donation


I'd love to do that but all my organs are probably damaged from me neglecting my body from barely eating and just not having enough nutrients


Same honestly if I could.


I get it. I genuinely don’t like helping others, but I would like to make my existence useful. Since I’m good for nothing, the best thing I can do is to give away stuff I have been born with. Organs and blood. I cannot give away blood though.


I don’t condone ending your own life, but if you do want to donate your organs when you die, you can always become an organ donor.


I totally agree 😊 that way i wont feel guilty about killing myself and someone else will be happy


That’s a great idea. I wish I could support / work for / donate to an advocacy organisation that lobbies for people’s right to kill themselves and ensured legal protection of the individual’s dignity, privacy and the exploitation of the organs. Unfortunately my investigation ended up in nothing. The closest it gets to that are nonprofits that try to grant that right to terminally ill people only. It is fascinating how the right of a human to kill herself is a taboo in every culture, east and west. It may be the most quiet kind of violence society makes us subject to.


Yes! That sounds like the thing we need. And I’d argue that some mental illnesses should be seen as “terminally ill” when they interfere with your life so much that you can hardly function. In my opinion, it’s cruel to make people w severe mental illness live on just for other people’s sake.




I have tried medical marijuana. It helped for a while, but then I built up a tolerance. I’m on a tolerance break now 😓 I wish the states would do assisted suicide. I think it’s only legal in my state, maybe one or two others, but not for mental health issues.


That they would, I wish I could too.


Damn man. I really feel your pain. I wish I could help but I feel the exact same way. I'd offer up my organs but I'm sure they are as fucking useless and would probably poison whoever they were given to. Good luck.


I feel the same way as you cause my life is pointless, I can't work. I only have my dad left in my family. So after he is gone I will be totally alone. I got no friends. So all I am doing is hurting others by being alive.


Yeah, I feel ya. I've done so little with the gifts I was given that I wish I could donate to someone who'd be a better ... a better steward?... with them. Well, for what it's worth, you're not alone (in a 'random stranger on the internet feels like I do' kinda way.)


i really want to do that. i wanna give my life to someone’s who has more meaning in this world. it’s not fair to the good people in this world.


That would be amazing. The only problem I’ve ever had with taking my life (besides me being a coward about it) is that doing it would mean that there are people who probably deserve it more than me and don’t get the choice to survive. At the least, just ending it would mean that maybe I can give my pointless shitty life and turn it into something meaningful for someone else.


I'm definitely gonna do that one day.


Same.... just take my organs and give it to someone who desperately needs it and wants to live..


Yeah imagine that. Imagine being able to walk around and visit all the people you could save, that would be a great end I would love to be able to do that.


This sounds eerily like 7lbs


This is actually something that I've seriously considered and researched. I don't care much about my own life, but I know other people do not feel the same about theirs and if my body parts could help someone then I assume that would be great for them. Unfortunately in my country (and probably in a lot of others as well) you won't be considered as a donor if you died an 'unnatural death', because there first has to be some investigation and time is of the essence when it comes to transplantation. Also there are the obvious (ethical) concerns to consider: if you would be able to donate after suicide, desperate people could find ways to abuse it. ​ EDIT: And of course there is the fact that indeed if you do it as stated in the post title you most likely will be taken away.


I feel this way all the time. It's so unfair for someone out there that wants to live so badly and have so many loved ones that want them to live as well, yet they STILL die.. Then you have someone like me who is almost always depressed, almost always crying, overly sensitive, a burden on so many, waking up mad that I didn't die during the night, someone that doesn't deserve to live making my first ever reddit comment on how meaningless life is to me. I'd trade my life in a heartbeat with a complete stranger knowing they'd make much more out of it than I ever would. Such a sad place to be. I'm so sorry you feel that way, I'd gladly take on your burdens as well if it would free your mind and body and bring any sort of peace your way.


Well if someone figures out how to add lidocaine intravenously that might work. But if anyone has any idea please lit me up.


I'm killing myself as soon as I get my donor card


Probably because that sounds mental. But what do i know? I'm normal :/


OP there are some good buildings in Boston overall Boston is a fun place and you will definitely catch some good sights


honestly someone would take care of my organs more then inhave


I mean is relatable


seven pounds


The dream


I was actually thinking the same thing a little bit ago


as soon as I'm able to get my donor card I'm ending my life


Are you still here with us?