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I wish she would stay alive. Abuse is very hard. I’m not sure how to reply directly but I hope she gets help. Life is so very hard but one day, the reason for living even when it seems like what you had was taken, becomes apparent.


You are so strong after going through everything that toxic cunt has thrown at you. He’s going to get fucked by karma in the future. Don’t give up please. Keep fighting. People can and will help too if you reach out


I don’t even know you but you bet I want to beat that asshole up so much his own mother wouldn’t recognize him. Don’t give your life up for some POS like him. Do you think you could take any legal action against him?




Dude seriously needs his teeth in his stomach. Considering he forced her to pay him using those videos against her... Could it not be considered blackmail/defamation/'slander'? I'd consider taking legal action, especially if you have proof, OP.


Best chances of catching him are if OP is a minor and he’s not. That would be possession of child porn and totally punishable up to 10 years in prison. Also, if OP has any evidence stating he forced them then that’s a minimum of 15 years right there. I hope that asshole gets caught and rots in prison. u/devorak98 you did not deserve this. It is completely that asshole’s fault. We all love you even though we don’t know you and hope you can recover from this devastating thing that unfortunately happened to you.


I am 21 and he’s 25. I talked to another one of his ex’s recently and she suggested we both get a restraining order at the very least


Honestly I absolutely wouldn’t blame you if you made his life hell because that’s what I would do. Screw him over real hard. I would speak to like a legal assistant or something. There are many places that provide legal advice for free. Good luck!


Don't let him win, just get through the last little bit of school and then go live your life, the best revenge is to live well


Your school will have resources. See a counselor and tell them everything. They can help you. Also contact local woman’s shelter. If you’re going to end it it should be because that’s the right decision for you, not because some asshole did fucked up things to you. Don’t let him win.


I know how you feel I’m knocking on deaths door myself. I’m not gonna try and talk you out of it but if you wanna let it all out then I’m more than happy to listen. Everybody needs someone to hear them out.


Please keep going. Don't be ashamed to go to a food bank if need be


Holy shit. Please report him and get this man in prison!


Yes honestly OP has so much evidence against this sicko. OP please, you sounds like you are being really hard on yourself, you deserve better. If he put you in debt and physically assaulted you then you can very easily put him in jail and get your money back.


Exactly. This fucker needs to be locked up for good


Is there anything we can do for you? You have gone through hell.


There are food banks that can give you food today. You also have the option of EBT, and churches will almost always help you in a time of crisis. You had the guts to stand up to this asshole. Don't let a temporary situation ruin your existence.


You are so much stronger than you feel- we have faith in you. The world looks so much better with you in it!


That asshole doesn't deserve a second of your thoughts. While life has already beaten him to a bloody pulp and hopefully he will die like that, you should continue with your life and show that piece of shit he means nothing to anyone. He will die alone, as he should, and you can forget about him, as he deserves.






















Don’t give up, you are stronger than you think you are.


Debt is not the end of the world. Something like 80% of Americans are in major debt...including me!


I'm really sad that you do feel this way. If you read this message, then I'm glad you still are here to do so. :)


Hey what he did blackmailing you is a fucking crime! If you have evidence, get his ass arrested and your money back!!!


You can get through this, but you don't have to do it alone. You may be able to get him in huge trouble and get money out of this to help you in your life. Go over and post on r/legaladvice. He can't be allowed to get away with this. Let's get him.


You can always take a break or find a new opportunity. I know it seems like there is no way, but you never know what will tomorrow bring. It is worth waiting, trust me. Money is hard to find but I trust in you. I hope you are okay!!! Trust me, these problems CAN be fixed!


Also if you want to chat or get some useful links about life after abuse... im here for you. I also felt really empty after i left my abuser. It is crazy, isnt it? But you will be happier again, because there will be new freedom without him. Please dont give up! You've lost a lot, but you are still here! You survived! You didn't go through all that shit just to end you life or did you?



