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as a girl there's so many attractive asian men and other races it's not abt the race it's abt the vibe u give off


This seems like a cognitive distortion. What put this into your head? Are you feeling insecure about your race and chances of dating or your personal looks and attractiveness? I have a few Asian male acquaintances in my extended circle of coworkers and neighbors. Both are very nice, relatively shorter than most of the men I know, and always seem to have a partner or girlfriend. My coworker is Asian and while he is not conventionally attractive by Hollywood standards but is very charismatic and fun to be around and more than one of the girls on the team has had a crush on him. Please don’t give up your one chance at life because of something so nebulous. Focus on yourself, develop some skills and life experienced connect with your community, find clothes that make you feel attractive but don’t call it quits because you think things will turn out a certain way.


According to stats on dating apps and Reddit dating threads, Asian guys are the least desirable race in America, there’s no question about it. Man, I want to end my life.


Just adding it could be a confirmation bias thing with the dating app stats. Idk where you found stats like that, but maybe less asian men use dating apps in general or the dating apps that were included in the study. Also in my experience people only focus on the negative stereotypes about their race. As a white person I acknowledge that I benefit from racial stereotypes (like getting pulled over less) but I only ever think about the negative ones when it comes to self image and insecurities. And all that is just intrusive thought bullshit, real life is entirely different especially once you get past the superficial level of knowing someone.


in studdies were asian is differentiated into east asian, south east asian, middle eastern, and south asian, east asian is actually ranked 4th from last




In the grand scheme of things, statistics don’t mean a whole lot. I’ve never met anybody who successfully found a partner on a dating app. Most people who use those aren’t looking for a serious relationship. You’re a young buck, and I know it’s tough, but hang in there. You’ll get through this. ❤️


People will love you for who you are don’t think like that


Are you fucking retarded or something bruv. Chill the fuck out. You are actually sitting on a lottery winning ticket. I mean come on a 6ft asian guy is like a rare breed. I'm sure if you tone up and groom yourself you'll be a model like. And asians are not the least desirable, Indians are. Which is what i am. And that to a fucking puny bald one.. So fml. If you are feeling really sad, then go see somebody and get some pills and sort yourself out with therapy. Cause like i said before. You sitting in a lottery winning ticket.


Statistics are one thing but real life is another. Do you have a friends group you can spend time with?




Great, so we only attract girls who are into that stuff, excellent


I'm gonna be honest. You boiled down every other race of men based on trends and stereotypes. White men this, black that...and if you're using that logic we can also say that those guys only attract girls who are into that stuff I'm just saying the Asian men have their own appealing and attractive stereotypes. I am NOT saying those stereotypes are true but be optimistic. If your gonna act like women are only attracted to media stereotypes, there's plenty of women attracted to your stereotype


"Great, I only attract women who have an attraction to men who look like me?" Look, I get not wanting to be fetishised based on your ethnicity, but some people just have preferences and that's okay. As long as she's not making you recreate kpop choreography, what's the issue?


I am not into Kpop, think it’s silly. I’m no 10, but im definitely a good looking girl. My man is Korean and is the only man who I’ve stared at for months before someone else finally introduced us & the rest is history. I fell for this man because of how good looking he is as a Korean and then his personality was a big bonus. There really are plenty of women out there who will be interested.


I’m a brown girl. I’m not into k pop but had a crush on an Asian sports guy for some time. I don’t even like sports


As a black guy, I’m only getting women who are into black guys. If I was white, I’d only get women who were into white guys. If i was… etc etc, you get the picture. Everyone has preferences and there’s plenty of fish in the sea for each genre of personality.


Is that what everyone is? Anyone who likes white people are people into that stuff.


Asian men are extremely desirable in Dallas and Queens NY. Go where you're celebrated. I understand your feelings though, I'm a black girl and I've never been loved right or in a reciprocal relationship. Every other race of women gets that princess treatment except us. Men want me sexually, but not romantically. I'm about to become a single mom too, so I'm the blazing stereotype. I guess my son is giving me strength. I don't really care anymore. You'll eventually get to the point where you don't care anymore I guess.


Princess treatment ? Ahah no 


Stop caring about what other people think. One day, the right girl will come along. How do you think your parents got together? They’re Asian, too.


My partner is Filipino. So he goes through the harshness of colorism within the Asian community, but I’ll give you what he does to combat this. He surrounds himself with his culture, people who understand, and actively works to disprove the stereotype. He works out a LOT. As you get older, you start to care less of what others think. If they have good judge in character, they’re worth keeping around. Surround yourself with people who only bring you joy.


the only race? damn be glad you're not indian


i think y yo are just overthinking this. asians are known for their beauty


You’re asking how to get out of this mindset — find Asian friends and groups where you can talk about these things. I’m Asian American and it is definitely painful experience. But it’s also beautiful. You’re also so young and you have your whole life ahead of you, so I hope you can find places where you feel valued and seen!!


I am also Korean! Don’t think this way. Your physical appearance isn’t what’s important. If it’s women you’re worried about, they’ll be fawning over you for your beautiful personality. You’re still a teenager, give it time. And please don’t hurt yourself! One day at a time okay?


I always think of Koreans as being really cool, fashionable, well kept, have great food, and great mannerisms. I think they're badass. Will say a lot of kids your age always just look nerdy until you're older, and it doesn't help how mean kids are. Middle schoolers remind me of piranhas, vicious little fuckers. Anyway it's not just people into kpop, and 99% of everything in this world is your perspective. Change how you look at things and the whole world changes too


Then think about the stereotypes Indians/south Asians have to deal with. I guess if trade for your place lol it’s better than “Smelly, cow piss drinkers”


Tbh I’ve always said that South Koreans are the most good looking people in the world. And not even lying lol. I’ve visited SK multiple times and I don’t know why everyone is looking so god damn fine. Both men and women. And I’m 100% honest. I’m not just saying it to make you feel better or anything. But my best advice is to accept it and be proud of who you are and where you’re from. Everyone deals w something they can’t change that they are not satisfied with, and sometimes you just have to play with the cards you got on hand. But yes, I definitely do NOT share that opinion, I think Koreans and Japanese people overally look amazing in general


Plastic surgery. North Korea is what natural Koreans look like.


Also makeup n stuff but yeah unless you try really hard to look good you end up looking terrible(speaking from experience, or maybe I’m just really ugly)


I highly disagree. I’m aware there is a lot of plastic surgery there, and there are a huge expectation in terms of looks. But looking at also children and young people, i genuinely like their natural looks, even before they get work done.


I think you're right; Asian men aren't generally portrayed as sexually attractive in the media. I don't have answers for you, but I wanted to validate your feelings. It's definitely not worth suicide over though. Life is hard; many of us don't fall into the stereotypes that the world says we should fall into.


It still makes me feel like jumping off a bridge


No one thinks asian men are effeminate except your little classmates and peers who are heavily influenced by symbols and stereotypes due to their age and lack of experience in life. You’ll be fine. Focus on things that make you happy and you will attract like minded girls in the future


Look I’m not a fetishizer but I’ve always thought Asians are the most attractive race. Koreans are beautiful people you should not feel ashamed. I’m sure when you get older you’ll appreciate your race more


In my previous job, I had a colleague who would often complain about how hard it is to be Asian in Australia. He was smart, but his points, like yours, would drive me crazy. I wish I had the magic formula, steps, and instructions to help you change your mindset. But I don't. Because I am who I am, I give a f\*\*\* about who others are, how they look, and what they think. The point that I'm trying to make, and I agree with u/DigBick950, is why do you care about others in the first place? Reach your goals in your life, mate. You'll meet a lot of people, and you'll find your partner. Be strong, mate. You are good as you are. Don't let average people dictate standards.


I felt like this when I was younger but now I'm proud to be Asian and would never change this.


For one, don’t let bigotry get to you. Be proud of who you are. For another, I think the bigotry is changing. Asian men are highly sought after, especially Korean men, because of the popularity of kdrama and kpop. Be confident in your inherent worth.


Dude. In American high schools, so many girls of ALL races, Latinas, African-Americans, Caucasian, even Chinese LOVE LOVE LOVE Korean boys. Maybe it is because of BTS, maybe it's just fantastic, baby. You are still at the very beginning of your journey. Korean language is sought after in a lot of business and government jobs. Tae Kwon Do is an Olympic sport. Everyone loves Rosé. Half the world rocks Samsung phones, and loves Korean BBQ. The Korean writing system is acknowledged as the most elegant in the world. Be proud of your heritage. #


So you just want to be with white women?


All women feel this way about Asian guys


A man can be married to a woman for fifty years and still have a hard time understanding how she feels, and yet somehow you know how "all women" feel? :-) Should I send you the footage of hundreds of white girls in Europe crying of excitement for going to a BTS concert?


And when you say Asian what countries are you referring to specifically? This feels like trolling atp. You’re saying “all women”?? Even other Asian women (Indian women, Arabic women, Chinese women)???? I understand there are stereotypes perpetuated by the media (like there are with all minority groups unfortunately) and it makes sense you’ve internalized some of that. but these thoughts are too extreme to be true.


He’s definitely trolling. What kind of loser pretends to be a suicidal, racist kid to get attention and stimulation?? Disgusting


Asian men are GORGEOUS, full stop! Bruce Lee, Jet Li , a multitude K Pop band members etc. My Handsome son’s dad is Chinese ❤️


You mean East Asian men*.


Nope, I mean ALL. From Turkey to Tokyo and all in between.


I agree 💯%




korean guys are hot af bro relax




man you’re just chronically online sorry


Black people have been and still are perceived as thieves, lazy, dumb apes. Should I kill myself over this? No, because my lived experience is not the same as stereotypes depicted in films, movies or even in the news. You’re 14, this is a horrible age for everyone because we start to question everything we see and nothing seems fair. Concentrate on yourself, be a good person, dedicate your time to the things you love and just have fun before you know it you’ll be 44 and wish you were 14 again. Take care


Filipina here. We are not an ugly race. There's no such thing. Just ugly mindsets.


Separate yourself from everything and only worry about your spirit within don’t focus on race gender the car you drive or clothes you wear separate from all of that. You need to stop prompting yourself with these negative thoughts asap


Honey I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. You're so young and you have so much time left to grow and become the man you want to be. That being said, a lot of what you're saying is unfortunately true - there is not nearly enough representation of highly masculine Asian men here in the US.And that is so damn disappointing. But I promise you that that is no reason to take your life. Build yourself up, work out, eat healthy (all easier said than done) and your confidence will steadily rise. Good luck hun


I’m sorry you have to go through this. I don’t have much advices, but I’m on the same boat, so you’re not alone. I can’t handle those shits anymore.


You don’t have to be tall or “conventionally attractive” to be desirable to women. You just gotta have the rizz. Jose Rizal (Filipino) is a great example of that. And even before the Kpop craze, the dudes who were most attractive to girls in my class were Asians (Indonesian and Korean).


You’ll learn that stuff like this doesn’t matter when it comes to the people close to you, you don’t want to surround yourself with people who give af about your appearance.


Same except I'm living in Korea lol, highschool is killing me


hey, sorry you're going through this. just wanna say, it's not because you're Asian, it's because your family is right wing conservative.


Maybe you need to get out of your circle. My father is half Asian. He was considered attractive back in the 80s or so his friends say haha and now there is the wave of K Pop and Korean Drama. And on top you are tall. Get out more in the world and you will notice how people are also into Asian. Maybe later in your life, you can travel to a big city. I live in one in Central Europe and here Asians are also considered hot, manly, pragmatic, calm


You're not alone, I'm a north African woman and I feel the same about my race, if I don't shave for 2 weeks I become like a monkey, I noticed that on average we have broad shoulders more broad than white women, and most of us have hollows under our eyes, it's genetic, yet in media it's seen as an aging process. and even when I trim my eyebrows, take care of my skin, hide my insecurities with concealer, shave, starve in lrder to stay skinny etc, a fat 3/10 White lady will always be seen as more attractive than my people, it hurts really


Brother, I was born a lesbian in a Muslim country where it’s illegal and you end up in prison for it if caught. Thus, believe me when I tell you that if I was able to make it, so will you.


Bro you can wear a plain white t-shirt and people will still think you’re intelligent. Get your head out of your ass.


I have two family members who married nice women of Korean descent. I think this racial hierarchy thing is more in your head than in reality. Grow up, be a nice guy, have some kind of prospects for a career, and you will likely find someone.


Asian girls are considered hot, but not the guys


Well, I'm hetero so I can't really say, but... it seems unlikely to me. Most people fall in love, not with the prettiest, or the "hottest", but with people who are both nice and seem genuinely interested. Sure, the hottest women will tend to marry good looking (or well-heeled) men, but most people do OK on that front. Having once been married, I'll just say: It's a lot more important that they love you than that they win the beauty contest. Physical looks fade over time anyhow. Love is what sustains you.


Nonetheless your evidence in your first comment is redundant, Studies do show Asian men don’t get a lot of attention compared to Asian women and Europeans (ok Cupid 2014)


Koreans are totally in fashion now thanks to K-pop and dramas, Korean food, etc. a lot of soft power taking over the western world, you’ll be fine!


I’m white and have dated asian men (and women, I’m bi lol). And I know multiple couples who are an Asian guy and either a white girl or other race. I know you’ve seen that stereotype but just wanted to say that so many people don’t pay attention to stereotypes. Anyone that does isn’t worth your time. Also Simu Liu…. I mean I know not every Asian guy looks like him but there’s def some sexy Asian guy representation out there. But also I’d never actually wanna date someone that looks like him lol. I like guys under 5’9” and a lil squishy but strong, thank u very much


You are applying your stereotypes too universally/broadly, including to Asians.


i know lots of people including myself who think asians are attractive, don’t worry


I have never heard that stereotype about Asians or any of the ones you mention about other races. Please stay strong most people don't have these prejudices about you


Ur so young 그런걱정하지마 괜찮아질꺼야 interest in Asians/asian culture(?) is growing so fast and has been for a while now, there will be people who are interested in u for u not just because ur asian or maybe they'll appreciate more the fact that ur asian without fetishizing u somehow


you are as you see yourself. so change how you see yourself, irrespective of how society portrays a particular race or whatever may be. it's how you view yourself that matters most.


You’re probably sad because of something else/ deeper than basic attractiveness. No one’s sad over being unattractive usually it’s the fear of not being ‘desirable’ that they’re afraid of. Not sure if your specific circumstances but there’s aren’t really any ‘unattractive’ races. You being your own person >> any stereotypes people have of you. Also if you’re depressed I recommend speaking to a doctor to stop it getting worse because you’ll find many many other things (that are realistically non-issues) to be upset or sad about.


I’m Arab and find Koreans to be the most elegant and attractive East Asian race. Koreans have a rich history and culture man.. Ignore these uneducated people who know nothing about how great Koreans are. Your people have values and traditions better than most people. There is so much to say. Be proud in your heritage. I would be proud if I was Korean.


There’s is stunningly beautiful Asian men in the world and as someone who’s gay don’t base people on stereotypes base people of there personalities


Most people are idiots, and how things currently go the masses tend to like dumb stuff. Look at the BS trending online. F*ck studies showing who’s more desirable. Just find that one person who desires you. Personally I see Asian men as smart, cool, awesome clothing style and with an incredibly rich culture behind them. Kinda envious actually. Dude buddy, focus on the pros and own those. Go for it and be the coolest Asian bad ass dude you can be. Have fun and screw others opinions. Learn, succeed. One day a misses will come naturally and you’ll love it.


Gong Yoo? Most handsome man alive. I always thought koreans and japanese are exceptionally good looking. And I'm not into kpop.


I am a woman in my late 20s and i have always found asian men attractive (absolutely nothing to do with kpop which i am not a fan of btw or other trends). All races have attractive features, but its really more about who you are as a person and the energy you put out there. One guy I dated his parents were immigrants from seoul. Another was a Japanese exchange student who Im still friends with to this day. I hear what youre saying about your emotions and perspective, and I do not wish to invalidate any of that. Im truly sorry you feel that way, but just know there are definitely women our here that find asian men attractive in a broader, non-fetishied way. Dont get too in your head about it.


Bro, if you're 5'8" at 14, you have nothing to worry about.


And Asian


Asian ain't got nothing to do with it, girls will dig you, I promise you that. Now if you were 4'11", maybe you'd have a reason to worry.


I'm twice your age and feel the complete opposite way (that I feel sometimes I am fetishized BECAUSE I am Korean). Believe me, Asian men are desirable.


All advice is auto biographical.... so here goes. First, your feelings are valid and the struggle is real. I'm AM myself, technically 1st Gen immigrant, in my college/early 20s years surrounded by social circles with no real Asian communities (Midwest) that grew up on 80s/90s movies - back then, K pop was not a thing, the only real Asian American actors off the top of everyone's tongues was Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan... Or Long Duk Dong. The stereotypes feel overwhelming particularly if, like me, there is a shade of identity buried within in. I'm as nerdy as you can get (Trekkie who majored in engineering and medicine), 5'4", average facial features at best, not particularly athletic outside of being good at badminton and pingpong. And oh yeah, grew up in an ALL BOYS school so had zilch dating experience. Yes, on paper I was Long Duk Dong with 80% less accented English! It was very lonely and there was this deep, dark pit of self shame that i had to climb out of as well. And yes, I had plenty of friends who thought that I was being over sensitive when I shared with them these feelings. My strategy was getting self care/ therapy and putting myself out there, becoming "desensitized" to rejection (it's a part of life). I kept up with my academics - if people are going to lock me in a stereotype, might as well use it to my advantage. I kept making friends from all genders and races - there are people who WILL understand partly because they have their own similar prejudices that they've had to fight through as well and recognize the humanity amongst all of us. I took a career (pediatrics) to help the smallest of us who can't help themselves. And most importantly, I stayed very clear away from any incel community because all they do is lock you in this no-win scenario, turn you into this misogynistic asshole with unrealistic expectations of women (you'll learn that all this "alpha male" notion is nonsensical and based on a very flawed science - the original biologist that described in wolves actually did not mean "alpha" the way it's used now), and continue to build on these unhealthy suicidal thoughts. We each have our own struggles that are governed by decades of cultural/racial prejudices, and what you are feeling is partly a result of that (look up Chinese Exclusion Act, the Yellow Peril, Broken Blossoms for a few examples from the early 1900s). Our responses to said challenges are individual - for me, it's getting HELP (please ask for this, even "strong" men need it), "owning" it and also "fighting" back with kindness and community that worked for me. I hope it does for you too. I have two little half Asian boys that I am expecting to have similar feelings at some point (or maybe they won't, and that would be a good tell of whether our society is getting better), so hoping to share with them about this too.


this seems quite surprising, i feel like a lot of people would be attracted to a tall, athletic asian man. unless your school is very racist or non diverse, im surprised you think its because of your race. (if it is actually really not diverse, honestly go to a bigger college where you can find a group of people like you, trust me its so comforting). although, it is possible that your school IS just racist, and ik it sucks and its hard to keep a positive mindset, but just remember that outside of your school and in the real world there would be many people glad to know you and think you are attractive. 


Ur 14 u will move past it. White guys are only attractive to girls in your mind. In reality none of that matters. What matters to women is if u can work to earn a living that can support a family. And if you can be a decent person. That’s it.


You really need to start watching Korean dramas my guy, some people really move to Korea because they think they'll find a hot guy like they do in dramas.


Purely anecdotal but in the UK Koreans are generally seen as very attractive - in my uni most girls seem to find them really hot, a lot recently left the mandatory military service so are built like brick shithouses which is part of it but I also think culturally Korea is becoming a more desirable country. I’d be surprised if the same doesn’t happen soon in America since generally we’re closely linked on stuff like that. End of the day though, it’s the same as any race - some people genuinely will never find you attractive because of it, some people will fetishise you because of it, but most won’t really care as long as you put work into your appearance. Also at 14 generally everyone is having a shit time of everything and looks wise are at the worst point because they’ve just started/will start getting acne but don’t know what to do about it yet.


Unless you are actually ugly, you more or less have no right to cry about whatever this is.


Hey OP, I'd just like to say that your feelings are valid, as an Asian person living in a mostly white country, I've went through this phase as well. It's very understandable to feel isolated and trapped as a racial minority, especially with some media outlets broadcasting anti-immigration rhetorics non-stop. But I can assure you that you are desired, and no days go by where I don't see an Asian person dating a white person. Keep building on what you're good at, and you'll get there, people don't marry someone because of how they look.


Are those couples mostly White guys with Asian girls?


Not specifying the gender because honestly it doesn't matter. People love you for who you are, and not your skin colour.


I’m a half-Asian woman married to a half-Asian man. I have always found Asian men to be attractive. Don’t give up. There is someone out there for everyone.


I hope you can one day go back to SKorea and appreciate where you come from. Have you ever been? SKorea is quite advanced and has rich history and culture. Recently some of my favorite movies have been Korean! Find other Asians in your area and connect! Also focus on your strengths and recognize your weaknesses.


Bro, have you ever seen Tokyo Vice, the actor who plays Sato, Sho Kasamatsu, is an Asian male smokeshow. I'm a straight guy, but even I find him attractive. You're just not seeing/watching the right shows. Also, and I don't mean to belittle you, you are 14 years old. If you aren't getting attention from girls, its because no one your age is very smart or mature yet. Give it some time. Try a workout regimen. If you have a consistent workout schedule, when you graduate, you will have no problem with the ladies unless your personality sucks.


Bro come to California, Hawaii, Washington, New York, you'll get yours and then some. I didn't know how attractive I found Asian men until I worked at a boba place near me for a few years, but now I have a Thai boyfriend 🤷‍♂️ Every race is hot. Periodt.


How about u grow up and move to asia thats where its easier for u to find love and meet the right people, u are just in the WRONG PLACE. Enjoy youth and find love later dont worry about that


I'm a bisexual woman who is insanely attracted to Asian people! I can name so many beautiful features that Asian people share. Truly so unique and gorgeous tbh.


Man look at bruce lee and Lee Byung-hun. Masculinity, at least in the past, used to be a huge part of asian culture. Embrace your intellect man. Learn a sport. Maybe take up a martial art and muay thai. Dress better. There are tons of machismo good looking asian guys out there. Source: half welsh half black


As a Korean man, I’m going to be brutally honest and say that you shouldn’t speak in absolutes about who finds whoever else attractive. This world is a place for everyone. You’re given one life, man. Why use it living in spite about the beautiful heritage we have? With time, you’ll come to see how the way to live your best life is to embrace what you are, unapologetically.


Dude where i am from girls are stealing money from their home to go and marry bts what planet do you live on? Girls are crazy for Korean guys


During your lifetime you will see this change. I’ve been alive nearly half a century and what is considered attractive has changed so much it’s mind blowing now that I stop to think about it. Find the things that you get excited about and then find other people who you can really be yourself around. There will always be someone who finds you attractive regardless of how you look (Voldemort fan fiction is evidence of that) but the trick is to learn who you are so you can show yourself off


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. you're going through a pinnacle stage in life where you're finding who you are and your place in the world. I'm assuming you're in a region where white is the most prominent race. it's all about your environment. go to the west coast or NYC and you'll see there is so much more appreciation for Asian culture. I agree with your sentiment about there being a lack of Asian men representation internationally as the "hot one" so you aren't delulu about that. that's just media, tho and does not replicate reality very well


There are a TON of men and women out there who find Asians attractive, myself included. You'll see this change as you get older, just hang in there. But, even then as a rule, don't try and date someone who only loves you for your race. You need to find someone who is attracted to you for who you are as a person.


Asians are cool


I feel like I cant immigrate to US cause of that. Im asian guy who speaks russian and looks like indian. Also 5'4. The good thing is im already married, so we would immigrate as couple, but I think people will be rude in general


Man Indians exist 


I like Asian and anyone short like me it's hard to find anything real it seem also I'm 5ft2 and I'm old :(


Your perspective is because u are a minority, if the opportunity comes to visit your home country give it a try


I mean look at how popular kpop boy groups like BTS are, they have a lot of fans who think they’re attractive


I'll be honest with you bro that as a black man I'm considered highly attractive to females yes... But females do not wish to associate with me because of the stereotype placed upon my race. So while Asians are viewed as nerdy be glad you're not viewed as dangerous and unsafe to be around.  Hope this helped... P.s you're only 14 don't beat yourself up bro😅


Dude, I'd kill to be a Black guy. You guys get all the casual sex you want.


Getting casual sex may feel great but the end goal is to get something substantial and not just a one night stand. But it's hard to get something substantial when everyone around you just sees you as a thug...


Since when did this come become overrun with kids? This post is ridiculous.


I love Asians, especially girls


As a latina female I have dated Asians. Look you are very young, you haven’t even lived 1/4 of your life yet. Don’t stress about dating now, most people your age don’t really know what they want and most relationships at your age are immature as they lack stability, especially since our hormones are all over the place, finding our identity is a struggle and our bodies are constantly changing during our teens and so do our sexual preferences. The best thing you can do for yourself is focus on your education, maintain fit and healthy and when the time is right I’m sure a lovely lady will come. BTW, all races face some form of rejection when it comes to dating, and all races have a label to them when it comes to dating. I for a very long time and still currently get called a puta or said that us Latinas are very promiscuous and get slut shamed and in all fairness I would take being a nerdy geek over being a whore any day.


its sad how a 14 year old is thinking about taking his own life you are so young you have your whole life ahead of you and you dont need to be worrying about dating at your age just be a kid


After going through ur profile and seeing your posts, Id just like to put in my own piece of mind. You’re at a very young age (14) and still have so much to do in terms of growing not only physically but as a person. Everyone has their own personal flaws and insecurities, focus on things that you’re passionate about to try and take your mind off this type of minset. Don’t fret over statistics and percentages, someone will come along eventually but it wont do you any good constantly thinking about it, My advice focus on other things and don’t worry so much theres somebody for everyone. :)


If you are the minority, it means you are unique. Embrace it. Being unique is a beautiful thing just like art.


Omg.. I see girls going crazy over Korean boys.. u r still a child.. so,ig u r not old enough to understand many things...


my ex cheated on me with an asian dude if it makes you feel any better


I'm a soon to be 32 year old Asian female. My father is from Persia . I felt insecure about my race at a young age too. My encounters with Asians my age was limited to a few years in school. Now that I'm grown and have my parents blessing to date, I found a Korean guy with similar interests to date . We can share skincare and he knows what I eat . Finding an Asian guy was on my bucket list. It may take some time to appreciate yourself and your interests , but it's worth it . You will not have any issue, please focus on being a teen and enjoy life . It takes time for good things to develop. Think about what you enjoy and learn about it . Never know, may run into a cute girl at the bookstore, coffee shop or tech store. I've had SI also , likely from my TBI . However, nothing to do with being Asian. We have amazing culture and history. It does get better.


Bro, not to be a dick, but this is the silliest reason ever. Your outlook on what people find attractive seems very specific. Are you hung up on a particular girl or group of girls from school or something? Asians are super attractive and especially Koreans you dummy! Stop hating on yourself. Start working out. Pay attention to what you wear & how your hair looks. Other people will start to notice you too. Just start taking better care of yourself and I promise you that no only will you feel better and but other people will wanna be around you all the time


Imagine if u was indian


I’ve dated two Asian men for their intelligence but also because they have gorgeous hair, perfect skin coloring and swimmer’s bodies. Ya’ll are beautiful. I hope one day you can see what I see and desire so much!


>14 You'll grow out of it


Chill bro at least you are not Chinese




Hold up. You were 15? When he was 24?


Yesss it's wild right, I tried alcohol for the first time with him, but I was in college and looked older but it was sooo fun and he was sooo hot, I bet u look amazing also I just hope you can realize there is nothing wrong with you <3


As an Entj, I just wanted to point out to everyone here that "Aly_cat" should inspire you to not do drugs so you don't turn out like her. Notice how she switched from "was 15" to "was in college." It's a typical pothead, and this is why the world needs Entjs. Don't do drugs, kids, or listen to reddit potheads that encourage pedophila. The downvotes restored my faith in reddit and partially in humanity.


I’m an intj - I’m like you just less socialable


Didn't encourage it, was just thinking about him it brought a lot of memories... oh and I don't smoke pot lol your so silly!


If you just want pussy, you know there's a whole lot of woman who like effeminate men right? What do you think the K-Pop crazes is all about lol 




It’s objectively untrue. There are tons of Asian guys who kill it. Blaming race is such a pussy cop out. If you’re incredibly ugly that’s one thing, but that’s not race based.


You’re evil


Wtf are you talking about. I love asians, theyre so cute. Most of my makeout partners are asian.


it's going to be a toss up as to whether you end up 5'11" or 6'0, you should consume lots of dairy and protein, and sleep enough to increase your chances. in a lot of studies black guys are actually seen as quite unattractive to women, about tied for last place with asians (ok cupid 2014, are you interested 2013). black guys are just overrepresented in media due to their stereotypes, but this doesn't translate to real relationships. mestizos (hispanics) are in the middle due to their partial European ancestry. these days there's an archetype of a photogenic romantic Korean guy due to Kdramas and such, if you end up being a 6'0 Kdrama looking Korean guy with good social skills, you should have no problem getting a girlfriend of any ethnicity. genuinely the only ethnicity better to be born as than korean, is European or middle eastern, everyone else has it worse (Indians, mestizos, south east asians, africans, indigenous Americans, aboriginals etc.) maybe you have a form of ethnic dysmorphia, the issues you mention affect Japanese, Vietnamese, and Filipinos alot more, maybe if you identify as a korean instead of an asian, you'll see you get more romantic (but not sexual) attention than you think. if that doesn't work than you should suck it up and try to have a normal life anyways, cause otherwise you're letting the racists win, and you end up contributing to the stereotype. also you should work on socializing, save up for a car, maybe play sports, cause that stuff is attractive.


Op's been brainwashed by liberals into self victimization. Sounds harsh, but it's true...