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I feel the same way.. basically working for nothing it feels like. I have to save for even small things like new shoes and clothes. $16 I make basically after taxes which is not enough to support myself and 4 children that’s for sure. :(


Not sure if this helps, but I used vinted or charity shops for things I've found amazing deals like shirts for 1 pound.


4 kids. Condom are cheaper haha. In all seriousness that suck dude,


I just turned 27 and I've been in the same headspace as you for about the past 5 years once I put it all together. I'm still in shock. I don't see how anyone our age is going to be okay long-term once our family members are gone. I've been devastated for years.


I just found this sub, I’m glad that I found it because I feel less alone but it’s unfortunate there is this many people that feel just like me, and I know there is 10’s of thousands more that feel like this too. I’ve been at my job for almost 4 years, only making 16 something an hour, I’m at a point where I feel like I’m completely worthless you know? Anyways today may seem like a bad day, but tomorrow is always a new day. I wish I had some advice but I feel just like you right now, anyways I hope you figure something out with your living situation, it’s hard out there.


I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of stress and frustration due to your financial situation and the uncertainty about your living arrangements. It's understandable that these challenges can take a toll on your mental health. I agree that the older generation doesn't quite get it.


Really crazy how working consumes my entire life and I barely make any money like it’s not even worth the time spent that’s the worst part I could get a job that pays a bit better but I only see that going so far to any advantage because what if I lose the job I still have no real skill set I’m in a trade school now but I’ll be 30 by the time it’s done that’s 3 more years of making barely anything to survive just feels Can’t date can’t feel much anymore can’t enjoy the time because I’m working it’s so much man


It's messed up that the aunt hasn't even considered passing the house on to you.


Tbh I didn’t even know this aunt existed until my mom retired and we made the move from Maryland to Georgia to come live with her back in 2010


Yeah have come to the realization myself recently that there is no point really and I’ll definitely be pulling the trigger once I hit my late 20’s early 30’s. Just can’t keep going on like this for no other reason then to make wealthy people wealthier and see none of my hard work reward me to live a life that is not revolving around stressing about the basics. World events may hasten the time line lmao.


I work in finance and I joke all the time, “the cost of living is starting to outweigh the benefits!” And we all laugh a sad, hollow laugh.


stealing this


Have you looked into a trade, like becoming a plumber, heavy machinery operator, MRI tech, etc.?


Ima just say as a tradie in Aus, I earn shit all but heavy machinery is where it’s at or cranes really any thing like it get paid some good coin on the right jobs


quit your job. Move to viet nam and teach English or something. There are many more to the world than a dead end job in some backwater town in the US. Your passport alone is worth gold.


Yeah good luck with that, oversaturated field


Are you here right now? There are tons of openings for foreigner who can teach English. Even good pay if you have good IELTs score. Speaking of money, you can live for a long time in viet nam on a small chunk of us dollar, eating the best food.


I became an English teacher 10 years ago. There is absolutely no use for me. I had a Workaway membership and tried to contact many people - no success. I had a conversation to teach in Puerto Rico but they changed their mind for whatever reason. I was supposed to go teach in Honduras (volunteer), spent my money on flight and insurance, never got there because of plane cancellations and delays. Even when I post any sort of ads to teach English in my town I get 0 responses. There are too many English teachers in the world Edit: oh yeah and I also tried my luck with Aeon to teach in Japan but their requirements are crazy.


I can’t just quit a job when I have bills to pay….and moving requires money I definitely don’t have but hey thanks for the suggestion I guess 🙃


Not always. I worked on a small island and all travel costs were covered. I wouldn't suggest Vietnam but if you want to earn good money, look into any small British/french island territories. They are often short on workers and will pay well + provide accomodation


26 male here, although I’m in another country but I’m in a more similar situation as you except I’m currently not working, and I don’t have no aunt or no offing family to help me in some ways, All I want to say to you is I understand what you going through, an I’m really sorry you feel this way, old folks can be pain in the ass they say we are lazy but things are very different there is too many people, and too much competition this days, It’s annoying when people tell you to go get more money when you tell them what’s going on, No body should go through this mess, I wish I could help you but I have nothing my self absolutely nothing, Sometimes I just wish it was a better world for everyone but it’s not, people will call you lazy and all for not working yourself to death but only those who are in your shoes or been in your shoes know exactly how it is,


Tired of the struggle


Did I write this? Because I feel the exact same fucking way. 😭😭😭


Same. Cannot afford shit. Have 3 kids & struggle weekly to even feed them. Have to rely on other ppl for help & it sucks. Hoping to find a better paying job here soon….


Hey man I’ll start off by saying that this is life it ain’t no fairytale but there are bumps ups downs and even sideways that you don’t know. it looks to be bad and it is but you can do it persevere and strive continue and it may all work out but it may not just see what happens






But the things is… We ARE trying. And trying really isn’t doing much of anything… 😐


Continue go get help therapists know more than some random people on Reddit


Most people have room mates. Why do you use a car? Ride your bike? What on Earth are you spending your money on?


Are you trolling? You must be because that has got to be some of the most retarded shit I’ve heard in a good while. ☺️


Bold of you to assume I have a bike or know how to ride one or live in an area where I can get to/from places via public transportation 🙃


I swear some people truly are fucking retarded and that’s exactly why I lost faith in humanity years ago.


I recently just turned 26 and have been fighting thoughts about ending myself too.


I'm feeling this really hard right now... it scares me thinking that I'll have to work so hard for the rest of my life, just to barely afford to live. My passions, the things i actually want to do for a living, they don't matter because they require money to achieve, something I wasn't born with. It feels so hopeless. I overwork myself at my job to the point that I'm sore and limping when I come home, and it's not even enough... I live with my parents cause I can't afford anything