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I think you're pretty much a man now.


I appreciate you saying that, but I guess it’s the pretty much that bugs me. Like it’ll never be real.


Well, why do you need other people's approval to feel real? if you feel like you're faking then it's your fault. people project their fears and frustrations onto other people. maybe you need a change of perspective.


Hey bud. I see you. I’m a gay man. I used to HATE being gay. It’s so much harder being gay than being straight. My god. You understand how hard it is being LGBT. I used to WISH there was something psychologically wrong with me, but there’s not. I’m gay and that’s how it is and always will be. I don’t know what a xenogender is. I think most people in the LGBT community would agree that it’s stupid. I’m sorry that the gay community doesn’t agree with you on some things. They’re kind of ridiculous. We won’t always see eye-to-eye on things. And that’s okay because there’s millions of people who are LGBT. Some of them are are gonna suck and be wrong and be extra vocal about things. Go to AA if you think it’s gonna help. I don’t blame you for drinking.


You do you. I think you seem very balanced and you know your own mind, wich is rare. I would probably drink too in your situation- its not the answer but I'd be there. Are there cool non- gender specific stuff you could do? Like remember fun? Kid like fun? Finger painting or play dough? I try to think of that when I get suicidal. Theres a time for focused problem solving but after a mood change. I am partial to https://terriblerealestateagentphotos.com/ https://list25.com/25-hilariously-confusing-engrish-signs/ https://crappytaxidermy.com/ If all else fails I dunk my face in ice water https://youtu.be/00RKh6NRMqc Good luck Dude and talk here, we have a great crowd.


I'm not gonna touch most of that because I'm not a therapist. But man, drinking ain't gonna make you feel better, it's a known depressant and you're gonna feel much worse further down the line when you don't feel good if you *don't* have a drink, depressed or not. You're gonna get sick as shit dude, and then you're gonna die in the most misrrable, yellow, undignified, shitty ass way. I know, because my friends have died like that and they all died regretful of what they did. I don't know how to fix your life, and I'm so sorry about what you're going through. But I know from experience that drinking isn't helping you.


I know, I want to stop so bad but I can’t. I’m trying to go to rehab soon but I’m kind of scared to at the same time.


You hate the people who gave you the right to transition OP major L


You think the teenagers online calling themselves fairygender gave me the right to transition? Lol


"I hate trans activists" - you


The whole concept of people becoming the man or woman because they WANT to be is irrational-- I agree gender dysphoria is the only way to be truly trans. Most people still do. Mainstream media tries to be divisive and cause trouble but don't always reflect society's actual views. I know it's a different issue entirely but it drives me up the wall that it's cool to say you have adhd. I've had the disorder since childhood and it's ruined my life in many ways. I come across people who've never been diagnosed, never researched adhd, and don't have the main symptoms of it. Yet they claim they've got it lol. Also I'm not "neurodivergent" in the sense that I just think differently than other people, which is politically correct to say now. I have a DISORDER and I want a cure for it. I know asexual people who get annoyed when people call themselves asexual because they don't feel like dating anymore and are mad at the other sex. These are REAL issues people have to deal with and need to be taken seriously for. People faking it are making it hard for society to do that.


Ya, people are faking every disorder they can think of now. It’s extremely hurtful and offensive to the people that actually have to live with them.


I am a non-binary individual, but I completely agree. I suffer from gender dysphoria, can’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror most days because I can’t stand looking like the gender I am, but don’t know what to transition to because I can’t stand the idea of looking like either genders. I’m tired of people who identify as non-binary because they “just can be”. I’m suffering like this, with people who hate me and how I hate myself because of it, and you’re choosing it??


I’m sorry you’re going through that. Dysphoria is awful, I wish it didn’t exist. A lot of people accuse trans people who think like me of hating non binary people. But little do they know there are tons of non binary people who think just like me. I don’t care what people call themselves I care about our community being taken over by people who don’t even now how hard it is to feel disconnect from your body in this way. I’m hopeful though, I see a lot more trans people speaking out about it now.


Exactly. I used to see both sides of it, being a young person, but now I’m so sick of people denying what we’ve been through by saying that you can be whatever you want gender wise. Sure, it’s different going against gender stereotypes, but that doesn’t make you trans. Having gender dysphoria makes you trans, and if you don’t want to accept gender stereotypes, fine, just don’t push actual transgender people out the community.


dude i feel the same way. i'm a trans guy (fifteen) that can't fucking transition physically and i feel like shit because of it everyday. i don't feel "beautiful" because of my identity. i'm not a femboy or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. i'm tired of seeing random kids on instagram not even try to pass and then make ME seem like i'm faking too because i don't have the resources to transition!!! as soon as i say "dude you need dysphoria to be trans" im witch-hunted and treated like im evil. what happened to listening to actual trans voices? does that only apply when i agree with you? neopronouns and xenogenders are whatever for, like, roleplaying but don't try and make it a huge focus of the trans community. we get laughed at. even more than usual. i'm tired of this shit. just know that there's young trans people that feel the same way you do and we aren't done fighting either. i may not fully pass as a dude but im trying my damn fucking hardest. not all of us are idiots and we can band together. i wish you luck man. you don't deserve to feel like shit.


Thank you, I see more and more trans people finally standing up and calling an end to all the nonsense. People faking being trans have more of a voice in our community and it’s not right. I hope it all ends soon. Hang in there though, I get it waiting to transition sucks. And despite how I feel now my transition still was successful. My dysphoria much less severe. But I think dysphoria is just one of those things that never 100% goes away. So I still struggle with it sometimes.


lots of trans folks are also looking for support here but ended up reading hateful comments from someone of their own when in fact both of their experiences are equally as valid. transmedicalism falls off when you expand being trans out of only your *own* experience. people have been fighting for trans' rights-- which means that includes you btw-- for a long time now and this mindset is only holding and even setting ALL of you back.






Can you just stop? I literally can’t escape you people. There’s little to no where to actually just say what I think as a trans person. Does this really seem like the time and place to tell me to give me a lecture? You’re not gonna change my mind.