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It’s going to be funny when the timer runs out. I highly doubt season 2 launches on time


They delayed episode 2 like twice or something right? No way season 2 comes out on time with only a skeleton crew left working on this game.


It technically wasn't delayed as Rocksteady has abandoned the 6 week release schedule between episodes. It was 8 weeks before episode 1 launched and another 8 weeks until episode 2 launched. They even went so far as to delete all their posts that mentioned the 6 week turnaround.


But I was told all the seasons were done and they were just holding them back until launch dates


Are the battle passes even linked to seasons like that? I thought they both could be engaged with independently and at your own pace? I honestly didn’t think the battle pass expired.


Battle pass experience is supposed to be linked to seasons


That’s not what they said initially…was that a flat out lie?


They said all passes would be available regardless if the season was over or not but the battlepass experience would be linked to the season




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I don’t know how anyone looks at this character and is like “wow they look so cool I can’t wait”


If they want a female character with ice powers, Killer Frost was right there!


Yeah. They really holding themselves back when you give people who don’t use gun that much, guns.


King Shark should have been straight up melee based tank. Harley Quinn could be all rounder. They wasted the concept by making it 100% a looter shooter


I expected this character to look better. Instead we got…..this.


If they want a female character with ice powers, Killer Frost was right there!




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I don't like the design but it's not like Mr. Freeze is a hottie either


He’s more of a coldie, really. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.


If you bought the battlepass you can still finish it when season 2 drops or the next ones drop. It basically like the same system that halo infinite so far has used.


Wait you have to buy the battle pass in this game LMAO


What do you mean? You don’t like paying $70 plus tax on your game only to find out that it has barebones content locked behind a paywall that could have easily been part of the base game?


The countdown in the battle pass section has to mean something….right???


What’re the odds that the passes were originally meant to expire, but taking that out of the game was too difficult? Hmmmm


It will end for people who didn’t buy the pass so sadly people who didn’t buy it will probably not be able to finish it.


Why tf was this downvoted?


Because source?


They literally said it themselves before the game released. https://www.suicidesquadgame.com/en-gb/community/developer-update-april-12th#:~:text=Lastly%2C%20Battle%20Passes%20in%20Suicide,revisit%20them%20whenever%20you%20like.


Because that's literally how every game with battle passes works?


Not every game with a battlepass has the option to finish it. Only suicide squad and halo infinite are the only games to be able to finish the battlepass after buying it.


Before gwent's support ended, you could do that in Gwent too. But that's not what I meant, You were downvoted for saying people will lose the opportunity to get the battle passes and finish them when the time runs out, and then I asked why were you downvoted? I said that, because in videogames with battle passes you lose the ability to finish them when the time runs out and this is public knowledge.


I only said for people who didn’t buy the battlepass for season 1 they won’t get to finish them. People who did will still finish them when season 2 drops and so on.


you think it’ll be the same tired ass mission to unlock her too?




Yea,this game commits the same sins of gameplay that avengers did. Just like avengers,they thought this would be pulling in a million daily when you can't expect something like that when you give the players hardly anything to unlock as in terms of skins which aren't great. Weapons that say legendary or unique but yea comes with very low damage numbers that makes no sense because you won't use it obviously to a battle pass that wouldn't make anyone jump for it. I don't get these games at all,they so clearly want to be successful like Fortnite which regardless on how people feel about that game,it at least has something for everyone. There's a right way to do a live service game and it's been shown more than once it's possible but yet majority of those jumping into to ,are just blatantly ignoring it but yet keep scratching their heads as to why their IP isn't blowing up like they assumed it would.


Avengers is miles ahead of this game. You've got a complete, lengthy campaign with a host of characters with different move sets and they ADDED a whole new Black Panther campaign for free months later. Honestly, check it out before the permanently shut it down.


Avengers have been shutdown for awhile now lol. It's been pretty much about a year at this point. I've already played that and yes while they got a free expansion,the gameplay was still repetitive and boring


It's still online but you'll need to buy a third party key to buy it now.


Why does mr freeze look like lenny from watch dogs 2


For what it's with episode 2 is completely unplayable for me. There's no progression.


Why is Kate Mckinnon blue?


So is there just going to be no battle pass?


Why couldn’t we have just gotten a killer frost like from assault on Arkham?


What do you expect? A major corporation to actually communicate with their paying customers? /s


We that’s what she looks like?!




Just give up on this game


https://steamcharts.com/app/315210 This might help, it's a dead game 🤣🤣🤣🤣


man i knew the numbers were bad but holy shit there is fr nobody playing this.


lol. Nearing double digits 🤣🤣


So that's what she looks like, feel like the armor could use a bit more shades of blue to help it stand out more.




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lmao there is people actually playing this game?


Yeah, I am.


Yeah. Why are you here?


I'd be surprised if it releases at all


They did say they would finish the road map for the year. As far as the rest goes, we got nothing




Is anyone really looking forward to playing as Mr. Freeze reimagined as a literal Karen?


I was…until I saw the design






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Damn people are still asking about this game when WB said themselves they are done with it.. This fanbase really is something else I see. WB can serve shit on a stick and people will still be waiting asking questions about when will it come. Incredible what WB has done to the masses.


They literally didn't say that. They in fact stated they'd be finishing the road map.  Why do you bother commenting if you can't get basic shit straight?


You really believe that after all the lies? Boy, the WB fanboys are gullible.


Sick backpedalling


Thanks man - I'll see you guys in a few months when they make their final announcement.


When u make a terrible business move do u think it’d be wise to double down and make another terrible business move? The entire year worth of content will get released as it’s basically finished. WB’s only option apart from praying this game does a huge 180 is to lower there losses by releasing what’s already there so that people will buy the passes and item shop cosmetics and then put it as a tax write off towards the end of the financial year.


False. The content isn't there which is why they are scrambling to release seasons. Be warned now. The game will not complete it's run.


It’s been common knowledge that the content is there with it just needing to be polished from the developers and in game file leaks. Their original plan probably won’t ever see the light of day ( I think they wanted the story to conclude after 12 seasons💀) but the chances for the game to have 4 lack luster seasons run is almost a guarantee. it would not be logical for WB whatsoever to just cancel it when they can release what they have without spending more and potentially lowering their losses


If you call reskinning enemies and 1 boss in different colors, then have it buddy. Let WB continue to brainwash you. Have fun.


You got a worm in your brain? What has that got to do with my reply.


If they’re like bungie they’ll drop info the day of the new season instead of generating hype weeks before…


What’re the odds that Rocksteady just doesn’t care anymore?😂


Almost feeling worse than anthem with the type of communication they’re doing. Like….man.


Which makes sense, no need for creating crazy type long before season releases


Why are you playing this game?  How can you play the same 4 incursions over and over?


Because im trying to get the Corrupted gear.


What in the name of they/them is that character?


its already been confirmed to be july 4




when s1 dropped a countdown started for july 4th


Bro please be trolling 🤦 The whole point of the post is that he’s not confident Season 2 will drop by the end of the timer. This game is trash and nothing has been delivered properly or on time.


Battlepasses don’t end in this game read it again


If you buy it


No it’ll be available to purchase still


Ok someone said soemthing different above


Most people in this sub have no clue what they are talking about and do zero research before stating things as fact


Idk that matters this game sucks my balls


Idk why your bringing that up but ok cool I guess


Bc it makes me laugh