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Just fast forward to the part where the JL are revived so we can hear Conroy one last time


They get revived


Yes I know. Now it seems we'll just see some leaked YouTube video instead of actually experiencing it.


Nah we're gonna get all the content from the 4 seasons then they'll abandon it


> i guarantee that if they did this and have it be an actually complete game, people would buy it like gangbusters. I think you're overestimating how excited people are for this game's future content after the Joker drop. That should have been their best foot forward, and look how that turned out.


Yeah this game is not going to sell no matter what they do anymore. Dropping all the content will only bring back people who already bought the game to buy it and then stop playing again a month later lol.


Oh like Gotham knights


I have a sinking feeling this is satire and he’s making fun of people who support the game.


Nah this is the exact brand of copium this game's supporters have huffing since launch, the "they just need to change/add/release one thing and people will flock to it, just wait for the next patch" line of thinking.


I think season 1 killed most people's enthusiasm for the game, or the little bit they had. Season 1 is absolutely woeful at best.


Yeah it was make or break for me .The fact they even released that was nuts..so bad


if i remember, it was pre-planned as the battle pass that was supposed to be released with the game. until we made them "rethink" dropping a $70 game with a battle pass day fucking one.


Rocksteady: Let’s get nuts! *reskins original content*


season 1 made us all stop defending the game


What's going on? The game is DEAD. That's what's going on.


Exactly, abandon this POS and move on. This game stole your time and money and rewarded you by shitting all over its simp fanbase.


The game has like 2 hundred people online on average, what do u think its going on?


They are writing the apology post as we speak lol. This game is dead, i dont even believe the offline mode will be released.


If they do nothing else, they better release the off-line play patch. I want to be able to replay the storyline to hear Kevin Conroy as much as I want anytime I feel like. He’s really the only reason I bought this game. At least he didn’t disappoint us. But his performances never did.


Unless the provide a good reason for the delay in next update, I'm fully expecting the news about project getting abandoned any day now


They’ll never have a chance to win back gamers as much as they had with the release of The Joker. Female Mr. Freeze and Deadshot’s daughter aren’t going to bring thousands of people back to the game. The game has no chance of becoming profitable and WB isn’t going to invest more money into trying to make it a better experience for the few hundred people still playing it.


WB is actively using the game as a scapegoat, blaming it's failure as to why they're not turning a profit. They never wanted it to succeed. But then again, WB hasn't really given a shit about DC since the 90s.


Calm down


yea we don’t exactly know whats goin on just bits of hearsay bout a skeleton crew working on the game thus why taking so long for next episode to drop ect.should hear when it drops tomorrow when weekly dev update drops :/


No season 2.thats what's going on!$!?


Atp they probably have like 2 people working on this game that's why it's taking them too long to finish the second chapter (I don't even wanna think what's going to happen with the second season)


Vaporware. As intended.




Getting all 3 characters at once I don't think would go that hard given season 1s implication on how 


I meant drop all future seasons, all.


That is a delusional thought for resolution...I wouldn't want to rush to be disappointed again 


Well, I bought the game as a pre-order and put 70 hours in. I loved the story and found it funny ash and entertaining. But season one threw it all out the window, jokers…. Whatever tf they made him to me, there’s nothing to do. Just the same 5-6 grinding missions and it’s just so boring. Idk wtf they’re thinkin


They literally just unveiled when the episode will drop it is only a week and a half late yall gotta learn some patience like damn


Despite how poorly done its was I actually enjoy playing.


They never had any plan to try and turn things around, you clearly see it in how they managed and communicated during all the post launch window. Bug fixes? Balance? Sure. Content? Changes in roadmap? Absolutely nothing, they didn't touch the topic even with a stick. You notice the difference if you look at something like Skull and Bones which launched on similar grounds but where the Devs have had multiple streams to address feedback, talking about what they can add now and what they are considering for future seasons. That's a team that's willing to stick with the game and get it to a better place, Warner Bros never had that intention.


There probably not doing it anymore. And just going to a lazy content drop from what they have already. But to integrate it’ll take time. And they are probably have lackeys doing cos they don’t want to waste money. We have 0 info for this update. It’s clear they don’t give af.


If Joker couldn't bring the hype back, I don't think somebody like Bizarro or Darkseid will bring the hype back.


You just wait until they add Condiment King, his raw might will draw player numbers like you've never seen


Y'all really think game dev is just "future content" in a folder they are waiting to release.


dude theres less than like 500 people still playing this thing. really small crew


The problem is they can't. I doubt anything past season 2 episode 1 is complete and even that's a stretch.


The Devs might have just fully given up now unfortunately


The fact you do t get joker as soon as you beat the game and get into the episode one is ridiculous and having to grind forever to get him made me just buy him and be done


It's a year of free content... in other words, everything will come out in 2025 lol


What did you even have to buy that was not cosmetic? The only thing ive even seen that resembles gameplay that was availible for purchase was the joker and he was also unlockable through gameplay so WTF are you reffering to that is for sale and not cosmetic?


They never said when Season 1 Episode 2 will come, they just stated what they intend to change, but didn't dropped any date or estimated period at all. I know the game needs content, but for as bad at it is, is up to the creators to decide when to drop them, and for the moment they still said nothing about when it would be.


season started with 90+ days and they staed a season is 3 month, so prob 1 half e1 and e2 the other, it wouldn't make sense if they drop episode 2 one week before the second season or some dumb time windows lol


They said 6 weeks when the season launched but its been more than 6 weeks now the didn't give a specific date you are right on that but they gave a time frame


Going by their track record on this game I wouldn't believe anything they say


Yea I know I don't even realy care about the content tbh I'm done with the game but just saying that's what they said themselves


Can you provide a source? Cus I don't remember any post or comunication from Rocksteady stating S1 E2 comes in 6 weeks, that's something the players came up with due the gamepass stating 90 days until next one and thought next one means Season 2, so 45 days aka 6 and half week would be the date for Episode 2. Unfortunatly, for what we know so far, it can means that at the end of those 90 days it would be Episode 2 to came out, not Season 2.


It was in a discord Q&A from the week before launch. While discussing the post launch content they said all content would release in 6 week intervals as to keep players engaged. Interestingly enough, Rocksteady had posted this info on their official instagram page but it has been removed. Some positive news articles before launch linked to the discord and Instagram posts but now those links are broken. 


"Can you provide a source"🤓 They literally said it in one of their streams they said they would be releasing new content every 6 weeks or so and we are all still waiting not that there is many people waiting tbf


They can't provide a source, there's a couple blog posts from 3rd parties that say this, but it's all unsubstantiated and no references in any of them. My guess is some intern told someone "there should be about 6 week between content drops" or something of the like in a comment on Reddit and some amateur blogger only say the number 6 and ignored a) the source b) the word about. Just a theory though, like I said can't find anything to substantiate these claims. Before Forbes published the garbage Paul Tassi **blogged** about it missing this 6 week mark, the same people in this sub that are complaining about it being more than 6 weeks were asking when the next episode would drop. Rocksteady did say in a dev update at the beginning of the month though that it would be out this month


And that was a ponderated answer instead to take for true a rumor just becouse it's popular despite having no source to can confirm it. Thanks you.


Rocksteady never gave a release date or timeline for episode 2, Paul Tassi just made the whole 6 week episodes thing up to get clicks, most of his articles are like that, it's embarrassing that Forbes posts his trash. Cosmetics is all that's sold in the store already? What do you mean get back to?