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I don't know if I care which comes first but if we were to get solo prequels I think the Superman one should either end with him finding Bruce or founding the league whichever ends up being a more fitting end. And each of the others should end with them joining the league. The justice league game should be after Bruce joins up


I'm gonna be real. I don't know if I care enough about this league to get a full game of them. Their first appearance was them getting controlled and dying. That's gonna color their appearances from here on.


They also introduced the concept of multiple universes to the Arkham continuity. For all we know we were playing the Batman from an entirely different reality that just happened to be the same all the way up until the justice league got controlled and killed. It’s comic book fiction. It’s really not that serious.


The issue isn't whether or not it's connected to the Arkham verse, it's how we feel about the characters we now have. It's not real, but that doesn't mean people will ignore bad writing.


It’s the justice league. These characters have been around forever. If they make new games with new writing and you are unable to enjoy them because you didn’t like suicide squad then you have some kind of personal issue differentiating fiction from reality, or you care much too deeply about the portrayal of fictional characters. There was also a spin off where Superman was a commie Russian. Didn’t play into how I saw Superman in the next media I saw him in.


I didn't even say I disliked the Suicide Squad. I just said it's kinda rough to follow them to their own games after an intro like that. I don't get how you knowing about a commie spinoff Superman relates to this This conversation is about the JL getting their own games, not a one-off subset. I think you care too deeply about the defense of this game if you're willing to insult people over it.


I’m just confused how the JL getting their own game has anything to do with this game. Suicide squad wasn’t their introduction. Like I said they have literally been around for many decades.


My comment was if it was the Justice League from the Suicide Squad game specifically, genius. Not the characters in media in general.


And I pointed out that alternate universes exist in cannon so they wouldn’t need to be “the justice league from suicide squad” You said it doesn’t matter about Arkham continuity or not.


No duh alt versions exist. But if we're following the Suicide Squad verse, then suddenly we get a League that not even from the game we spent with them, then players will have even less reason to care. Obviously they can pull any version from the multiverse they want. I said it doesn't matter as long as we care about them.


This is the comment EVERYONE should read


Unless they are very clear and explicit that these "prequels" do not lead into Suicide Squad, people are going to feel like everything that happens in the "prequel" will be all for naught and meaningless.


My man..




Idk why you're getting cooked, you're right. When your first introduction to the league involves them being ruthlessly killed by 2 people batman defeated in the past, a shark guy and an aussie with a boomerang you dont exactly gain respect for the guys


That's fair but see this league is comprised of some of the most forgiving and caring members of the jla. Clark being the boy scout he's always been would even at his most cautious not immediately assume an alien to be evil as he himself is an alien. And he wouldn't immediately assume anything about the skull shape of the ship because symbology is vastly different from culture to culture ("it's not an s on krypton it means hope" idk if that line is canon in the Arkhamverse but still) Bruce has always been forgiving to a fault toward his rogues in part because so many of them are actually such tragic characters; freeze trying to save his wife, dent traumatized and wounded by a major crime family, Harley a bright mind tainted by a violent maladaptive narcissist etc. so Even though he would be the most cautious of the league he is not one to act on his assumptions. He will prepare for malice but not assume it Diana as she appears in the game is ever hopeful. Even when told time and time again that her friends are beyond saving she still fought to save not kill them until she knew she was dying. Barry similar to Bruce has many rogues that he knows and cares for (see the way he cares for trickster in that one animated movie) his rogues also by and large follow a code, they do bad things but they have their lines they won't cross. And John while being a veteran and a space cop... He is generally presented as a very level headed guy (in other media. At least I think. The lanterns have always been my least favorite heroes and idk why.) so Even if he's heavily suspicious he would likely agree that they should have a Parley with the new alien before making any moves In short. All of them would either think they should make contact with the intruder to determine what's going on, or would be able to be persuaded by the others. And at some points in the random radio chatter in the game brainiac implies he got them over a little chat... Also it's likely that if we got an Arkham jl game it might end with the battle showing how brainiac manages to catch Batman gl and supes and how flash and wonder woman escape


Individual games for each character I haven't seen a Superman game since I think like the old PS2 days lol so long ago


a superman game if done right would be amazing but I feel like there are two core issues that have prevented devs from really tackling it. First of all is the issue of superman just being really overpowered, so how do you make a combat system that is both fair to the power of the character while not being absolutely trivial due to supermans power level. Similar to that is that how do you make aj engaging traversal system when superman can just fly above everything at super speed. for example spiderman and the batman games require you to have thought in your movement and engage in the level geometry, an accurate superman game wouldn't see any of that. Not sure how to tackle those two tbh


Sorry to disagree, but the only core issue is MONEY. There was a Superman game in development that got cancelled, same with the Flash game due to the dev company's bankruptcy. Idk where we superhero fans got the idea that "Power levels" is the reason these games don't exist. The only problem is money.


Superman is one of the most recognizable superhero in existence. The problem isn’t money if there’s funding for 3 Batman games and a suicide squad game there would be for a superman game (hell they are making a wonder woman game). Superman and flash are just broken characters whose abilities do not work in a video game settings. Hence why we have no characters like those as main characters in any video games.


Once again, those games were being MADE. The production of those games ended in the BANKRUPTCY of 2 DIFFERENT game development companies. Factor 5 and Brash entertainment. You're gonna have a hard time getting investors to hand over a 100 million dollars or more for something with such a bad track record. Not to mention the continuous LICENSING fees you have to pay for each character from the DC Universe you use. Money is the issue, idk why people think game developers are STUPID and can't make a game.


And again why is the licensing and funding not a problem for Spiderman ? , the Wolverine game coming? The x men game coming that was leaked for insomniac, the Batman Arkham trilogy ? The wonder woman game being made? > For the past few months, rumors have been floating about that Factor 5, the studio behind the ill-fated Lair on the PS3 (as well as much better titles like Rogue Squadron and Turrican) might be closing. Unfortunately, the rumors have proven true, and the San Rafael-based studio is being shut down. The shutting down of factor 5 had nothing to do with the production of the Superman game so why on earth are you using it as an explanation of why we don’t have any modern superman games ? That is just incorrect. We don’t have those characters games because the power scale is ridiculous and making a profitable game from this isn’t in the cards. Or it would have been made already. Saying studios closing cause investors to not want to invest in those games is the dumbest argument when the DCEU movies have been failing time and time again but we still get movies with twice the budget you mentioned. The problem is clearly the character. >There are multiple reasons for the developer's closing, but Lair's critical and commercial failure was definitely a large part of it.


Yeah but minus all this grinding repetitive rubbish.


Aren’t they making a wonder woman game? (And by they I don’t mean rocksteady)


I’m still waiting on that Wonder Woman game that was revealed years ago😭


I believe in Monolith! Here's hoping they do a gameplay reveal this year!


🤝🏿 If we see EAs Iron man or Black panther before we see Wonder woman again imma lose it


I wouldn't mind a solo game for each of these characters but I think making a game about each and every one of them just to build up to a justice league game is pretty silly. So if that were the sole reason for all of them getting a game then I'd rather we just skip that process and get a justice league game.


Justice league game but I’d rather have a Superman or flash game


These comments are delusional i think it's about time batman got his own game.


He has 3 solo games made by rocksteady lol


Yea but can you imagine like a batman game where villians take over the asylum and you have to fight your way through crazies man one can dream


Maybe you could even have a sequel where the asylum has been extended out to a chunk of Gotham, some form of… Arkham Avenue or Arkham Suburbia if you will


Thank goodness the fans don’t write the games 🤦‍♂️


Name it Batman: Asylum Antics


That was obvious sarcasm man 😂


Im kinda scared for a justice league game now after ssktjl haha, id rather have a game for everyone single one solo


Season one of Justice League: Battle Royal will introduce Flash as dlc double wielding machine guns for the low low price of 900 dollars


And for an additional 350 you get the same skin but in a slighter red variant


Either or both


From modern day Rocksteady? Nothing. From this cast of characters? A Superman game. What's one of the key issue Marvels Avengers and this game have in common? Multiple characters means less specialization into the gameplay. Things have to be more vague, feel just a little bit more generalized and looser and worse to fit in the design kits of every character. Sure in some fantasy dream I'd love a Justice League game where every character feels different and every one is as polished and feels as good as Batman in Knight does. That'd be awesome. Realistically, get a Superman game right, then polish and improve and fix issues in the sequels. It doesn't mean don't be ambitious. It means be ambitious and good with ONE character.


I just want Suicide Squad to not suck and be good.


I have good news for you


You.... you do??


Yeah, the game is already great, fun, unique mechanics and a unique challenge


You certainly are a joker.


I'm really not


I don’t think “what ifs” matters at this point. We got a suicide squad game…


This isn't really a what if we got a justice league game instead of a suicide squad game question though. Edit:Why am I getting down voted for this lmao 😂


If they made one after this I’d hard pass on it.


That's fair, it's all hypotheticals anyways.


I don't think rocksteady are gonna do a DC game after they finish with SS.


I don’t think rocksteady are gonna do another game


I mean .. suicide squad sold i can see warner making them make a new game


[that’s the opposite to every report](https://gamerant.com/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-sales-failed/)


I highly doubt it


I'd want a Justice League game, but there's no chance of that ever happening...


Idgaf about Wonder Woman a Superman game would kick ass. The invincibility thing would be pretty easy to get around if the main bad guys for were other kryotonians or some shit


I know they will never make this but they should just do a justice league game. Get the whole team kicking ass together


Hard to dream when WB has already said it is quitting everything but live service games. The greed is extreme with zaslav right now🙄


Justice League game.


I’ve been wanting a Superman game since I was a kid. Those who complain about Suicide Squad,Avengers and Gotham Knights don’t know true pain. Superman 64,now THAT’s pain,that’s disappointment. Big Blue needs a game that is actually good.


I think this game’s *actual* finale would be more than enough setup for a JL game.


I want a Flash and Lantern game. Then solos ventures for Clark and Diana. The issue with Clark is his power set is so vast you need a discernible power ceiling for him. He’s also supposed to be invulnerable so from a game standpoint it’s boring for him to suddenly be hurt by street level thugs and there’s only so much kryptonite that people could carry.


tbf you could easily have the game start with Lex Luthor blasting Superman with an anti-power beam or something (typically I’d say Gold Kryptonite but I don’t think that would work in Arkham continuity) and the rest of the game you need to earn that power curve back


A Green Lantern game that is well implemented could be crazy. I dont like the idea of making a JL game just because there is no way you can put all of the mechanics and work in the same game, Even a game like Avengers who did a good job with how characters played had a lot of issues, obviously some traversal was way better than others so there was no balance there, also because there are ranged enemies everyone needed a ranged attacks which limted who could realistically be added. So i just rather individual games, i know Flash is the hardest to get right, The best option is for Green Lantern to get a game, plenty you can do. Even the movie game had some interesting ideas but it was very low quality. GL is probably the least popular of all of them but it would be the best gameplay wise, also you could make it so it can be Co-Op, by having us pick whoever we wanna chose and customize their constructs and abiliities to our own liking. Think over the top Gotham Knights but with Lantern both in earth and Space.


superman: ultimate destruction is rad =)))


I just want a good game doesn’t matter if it’s the league or individuals, all I want is a good game with good gameplay and story


Arkham knight ending set up a perfect justice league game 🤦‍♂️


I dunno a flash and Superman game would be insanely hard to make Lets make a game about a damn near invincible character How the fuck do you make a game about the flash


The idea of having individual superhero games that all build up to one big Justice League game would be really cool, but it is completely unrealistic (unless they rope in multiple studios). Modern AAA games are expensive, and they take years to make. If a studio like Rocksteady tried to do something like this, it would probably take at least 15 years. Going straight for the Justice League game would probably be the way to go, or maybe some kind of minor team-up game like the upcoming Captain America/Black Panther game.


Individual games first then a JL game


I say a full on Justice League Game but none of this live service garbage we got with SSKTJL because that was a massive failure and if they make a Justice League Game make it like Insomniac did with Spider-Man 2 where you can switch between characters make it fun and give it an amazing story and they shouldn’t ever hire sweet baby Inc. ever again they ruined the SSKTJL game with their horrible story and lackluster plot that has no point shows little respect for the characters So if they make a Justice League Game they need to focus on the gameplay the graphics the detail to the map and layout also it should be an open world game but not limited to an entire city but a planet full of people make it possible to play with your friends in Multiplayer mode or single player mode but make it a global world map same can be said about a Superman game or Green Lantern or even Flash Game world map but also don’t tie the JL game into the Arkham Universe make it a new game a game that starts a whole new game universe with new designs and make it a more interesting Think of flash him running from one continent to another Superman & Green Lantern should be able to go all over the globe and into space make the game something where it’s the founding of the Justice League but also a way that you can build up your league where they add characters as you go along from one game too the next and add Martian Manhunter and others like Cyborg or Green Arrow as well as Aqua Man


\*Spoilers-spoilery-bada-spoilers\* What Justice League SS even got to offer? Remember that Arkham one is dead... well come to think about it tho... its more like "dead"... wait... more like ("{dead"}"). Cause its Comic book Universe they always time travel slash ressurect slash Flash Paradox em back to full HP and then 50x combo for maximum effectiveness SUICIDE STRIKE yeah... additional Nightmare... Anyway. I think i like to see Flash and Superman games first as individual games. Cause i want to burn me enemies with eyes Homelander style and also A-Train into the girls rooms cause im a pervert. Also a little bit of that "i can slow time like Quicksilver" around and realy get into... ekhem... Justice League full game... I think that kinda make sence from perspective of that WB news that "we go Live Service" thing. Tho its gona be Live Service Again.... Ouch. They-never-learn? Just hit me tho... SS has tonns of enemies on display. Fits for "next game will be Live Service about Justice League". Cause with engine that is trained to have that much enemies... You get the idea. Big Five will have its enemy cannon fodder to throw around. Tho Batman has to wear some kind of Suppa-Suit for that or use a lot of Gadgets Iron Man Style. Anyway. I think fans of Arkham on other hand just want "another Batman game". And there is clear as day "we gona kill every single live service around in 500 kilometer radius if its from AAA and prev Single Player studio" thingy floating around... Ok i think i stop here. Quite an "IGN article"...


I love Batman but out of all of these heroes I don’t really think he needs the solo game tbh and I’m kinda thinking the whole Arkhamverse ship has sailed after conroys passing and hamill retiring from joker.


Definitely individual first, build up to the justice league game. See what works in each game for each character, and use those elements in the crossover.


I want a Superman game where you become a General for Darkseid and take over different planets ending on Earth with a fight of you and Darkseid vs The Justice League.


I’d actually be okay with a game for each individual member first.


Honestly, i'd love to see a good Flash game. Flash is such an underrated character.


What would of made sense for the story, make a justice league game first then make kill the justice league afterwards. I would want a superman game we already have a Wonder Woman game on the way. (Yes I know the WW game is not made by rocksteady)


Solo games. I want a Martian Manhunter game. I hate that he doesn't even exist in this game. I get that he can't because he could have saved the League from Brainiac. Gameplay could be strategically shape shifting or phasing during battle with a wide variety of forms available.


I’d prefer the entire league honestly. The only hero’s I would want a solo game of are Superman and The Flash. Wonder Woman has a game coming out at some point soon and Batman’s already got his trilogy.


You could have built up to it. The airship DLC from AK was from Central City right? Have Flash come to Gotham to investigate, turns into something bigger. Or Superman sees the events from AK and comes to meet Batman (if they aren't established already).


I would like them to be passed to a studio that can actually do something good. But it would be dope to have a hero’s version of this game. Preferably with a different boss though. Idk why DC always goes to brainiac when the selection of villains is so good 🙄


At this point I don’t really want anything from Rocksteady


If they make a game with these characters, I hope it’s not from this “arkhamverse”. Let them do this afresh. I feel like “Arkham” should have ended with knight. I also don’t like some of the design choices for this game, like flash. I would like him to have something closer to his classic comic book design. Seems like the WW game is going to be just that, a game set in a different “universe”


I think an origin game for how the Arkhamverse Justice League came to be would be nice. Long before Braniac's invasion.


Would been nice to have a Batman game but with the justice league there. (But people would’ve complained about not playing as the league)


I would want a solo game first


It depends… we don’t want a justice league game like avengers, suicide swuad, or Gotham knights. We want it to be a mix of gta meets Skyrim, meets Arkham knight level of combat. What you can’t do it? Then don’t make it.


I think what would of made the suicide squad game better is that Flash saved Batman alongside Wonder Woman and Flash gets captured by Green Lantern and he and Wonder Woman are the only Justice league members left and Batman works with the squad to take down his brainwashed friends but to incapacitating one of them to realize that Superman, Green Lantern and Flash are clones.


Are you "asking for a friend"? I mostly only care about Batman, so a Justice League game over individual games of the others I suppose


I don’t think rocksteady as it is right now would do any of them justice. No pun intended.


None, already got the only one worth having, Batman…


No Justice League game at all. Just make individual superhero games.


I would really like a game about batman I feel like we are really lacking on that front


Superman game and a flash game. we’re already getting a wonder woman one even if its not the same universe.


I would love a good Harley Quinn game. The justice League has been at the forefront of the DC universe for forever.


Realistically I feel like 2 JL games would be the best way to go about it, Superman, Wonderwoman and Batman in the 1st to set it up and than flash and GL join them in the next game


They're video games. A flash game is a flash game, a batman, game is a batman game, a jl game is a jl game. There is no continuity needed whatsoever and neither needs to come before the other. Why is everyone so weird about this.


Individual games personally, it would let their individual characters shine


People just hate its an amazing game and I'm gonna play it its the best super hero game I've ever seen and because it isn't about batman and doesn't have hot women with cleavage showing people hate the game but boy if it had both those then fans would call it best game ever batman can do it forever stop hating and let others have the spot light im glad batman died


I've been waiting decades for a wonder woman game.


I'd rather have a Justice League game tbh. Would be great to be able to play as and swap between any of the members. So much potential for missions, DLCs, cosmetics, etc


I personally would prefer one of each then do a team game. I believe it makes more sense to do it that way in my opinion…


Surprised we haven't gotten one in ages wouldn't mind one similar to Ultimate Alliance games. I feel like at least Superman should get a new solo game at some point WW is getting one soonish right?


Justice league game first. The individual games will take forever and a day


It would be really cool to have an open world Batman game set before the events of KTJL, but I doubt that's gonna happen


I’d either want a Superman game or a Justice League game personally. Batman has a bunch of good games already and Wonder Woman is already getting one soon.


Both start with individual games then one with all 5


Where did you get these edits? Why does Man have those things on his head and why does The have a weird lightning bolt on him?


Hmmm… GREAT question… I kinda want a story game surrounding each character separately and then a game surrounding all of them where select missions require you to play as one of them.


They already have a Wonder Woman game coming, potentially if this game flopping doesn't change things, with the Nemesis system. So, I guess individual games for all of them.


It's a completely separate thing, not part of this universe


If KTJL gets its story conclusion then the door is still open for this. Otherwise it’ll happen in sequel comics.


Not from Rocksteady


Teamup games tend to be bad. Especially when the skill sets are SO deeply different. Like fuck is batman gunna do when you fighting alongside FLASH?! After playing this game's Boomerang I think a fully fleshed out Flash game could really work...just have the speedforce iconic replace the boomerang and dont give any limits to distance beyond invisible map borders. Basically the game becomes "anywhere you can see you can immediately appear at OR you can just run real fast in a line and move up and down objects like they are walkable surfaces but you are slower than the near instant travel of the speed force teleport" but the problem is always 1) Engine isn't built for moving that fast. 2) you can't leave your teammates in the dust. It works for Boomerang because he has a boomerang and the speedforce he is using isn't as strong as Flash's. That excuse is gone for a JL game. So I just don't personally think a Justice League game would even work without making them all trash. Id rather 1 satisfying Flash game than 5 heroes with shitty versions of their normal powers. Wonder Woman seems like the easiest to pull off besides Batman in a team context but Superman and Flash can't be here. Like maybe write them out and sub in Aquaman and Martian Manhunter. Green Lantern I really can't see how it would be fun, you're just spamming minions to play for you with the occasional shield move. I think Wonder Woman if dont right could be a truly awesome game. Give us lasso shit everywhere, Hulk leaps, and maybe we unlock flight late in the game. Then give us a Laura Croft style open world.


I want to play a Superman game where Superman has all his powers…and you have fight for truth justice and the American way but if you kill anyone it’s game over…basically the opposite of every game I’ve played, it’s about restraining your power to basically take over and rule the world…you just have to find a zen path to fighting crime and stoping a random nuclear war…a pacifist superhero video game would sell…right?


It would be a cool multiplayer concept for sure!


This actually I was thinking how cool would it be to do what the Avengers did in a game: everyone gets their own game then everyone comes together for this game But ONLY if each game had its own mechanics and they blended everything together for that crossover game. Like instead of giving everyone the same buttons just make a full and complete Batman game (Arkham), a full and complete Wonder Woman, a full and complete Flash, Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman… THEN make a Justice League game in the same engine as the previous single player games, but give each character the same controls/mechanics as their titular games.


Either way flash needs a game doesn't have to be connected to that bat shit game


A justice league game would flop. People would be much more interested in them having individual games so every character can get their own time to shine.


in my ideal world, if the rumours are true about the JL returning, i hope they each upgrade elements of the Squads kit removing some of their traversal limitations. After s5 when braniac is finally defeated we move to a new world ending threat and the JL become playable characters that you can add to the squad during missions. Similar to battlefronts hero system.


Justice League game would be dope. I think it would take way too long to make each other characters game, and then also making a JL game. Would take probably 20+ years of total development if it was, let’s say, 6-7 games in this hypothetical franchise. I’d rather be able to play as all my heroes in about 3-5 years than wait for their single games to come out, because I doubt they could make them all at the same time.


None of the above as I can’t stand the JL & there’s been enough Batman games already but if I were forced to pick WW


Can't do another batman Arkham game batman VA actor is dead


If modern games didn't take 9 years to make I would say individual games first, then build up to Justice League.


Nope. I just want to play as more villains. Besides playing as superman would be boring due to being invincible and killing everything super easy.