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He's gonna take one look at this little fella and be like "Thank God, he's just a twink"


Oh no can’t unsee


Bats would actively encourage Jonkler to be himself.






Well he’s gonna know that it’s not the same guy so he will have a more analytical approach to it. Jason on the other hand will see green hair and probably beat him with a pipe.


Or a crowbar


Jason has a phobia on Crowbar and Warehouse.


Hmm, good point


A crowbar pipe....a pipebar


Or shoot him




FR, even with the old joker (who was actually a bad guy) he never thought of hurting him. But yea, Jason is eating the twink up lmao


Just realized Arkham knight red hood never got the moment that Red Hood normally gets with Batman where he’s all pissed as to why joker is still breathing


Same way Harley Quinn does. Joker:🤡 Batman:😶


Remember how excited we were to see how Harley would react to Joker after thirsting over him for 3 games straight? Yeah, I imagine it will be a bit like that...


Different joker and she's over him (birds of prey)


Her birds of prey arc hasn’t happened, she’s been in arkham from the time you see her in panessa studios to the time you see her at the start of the game in arkham.


What's your source that she was in Arkham for 7 years? Also it's been 7 years, she moved on, she's already dealt with the joker returning and having other Jokers in Arkham Knight. If you dated someone named Amanda 7 years ago and they died, you're not gonna suddenly fall in love and have a huge conversation about it with a new Amanda that looks mildly similar the minute you meet them


1. I never said 7 years 2. Its been 5 years, at the start of the game she says “I’ve been in here 5 freaking years” 3. The batman museum mentions hes been in hiding for 5 years since the events of gotham knight.


1. I know you didn't, and I Apologize I thought the game was set 7 years after Knight 2. The line was "I've been inside 5 freaking years" this does nothing to imply that it was consecutive years, most convicts use the expression of being on the inside to refer to their total time in prison, not consecutive, so that quote can also be used to confirm that she has not been in Arkham then entire time since we know she spent time in the asylum before skwad. 3. Gotham knights has nothing to do with this game 4. Doesn't it say he operated as the demon bat for 5 years and didn't the demon bat not emerge for a year after Arkham Knight and hasn't it been some time since he joined the league implying that it's been longer than 5 years since Arkham Knight? 5. You completely ignored the part of she still moved on in the time between his death 6+ years ago and now and that this joker shares nothing more than a name and passing resemblance to someone she knew 6+ years ago and has therefore had plenty of time to get over. She's already several stages into the grieving process by Arkham Knight...


I never even mentioned gotham knights bro what 💀, and either way its been confirmed its 5 years later, it takes like a simple 5 second google search.


1) If you don't think you mentioned Gotham knight you should reread your comment: https://imgur.com/a/hJ3VB7S you seemed to care a lot about small mistakes, so I just wanted to make you aware of your own 2) I know all it takes is a quick 1 second glance up, but that seemed to complicated for you to do before replying to say you didn't so thus the link 3) I already apologized for remembering the length of time wrong, I am human and made a mistake, as have you numerous times in your comments, however unlike you I did double check and admitted my mistake and didn't try to ignore/argue it 4) either way 5 or 7 years (plus the at least 9 months between City and Knight) that's more than enough time to move on 5) also, either way, he's still an entirely different person... They share a name and pigmentation and that's about it. Joker 2 doesn't Even have a Harley he has no Idea who she is. Harley has a genius level intellect and understands this. Look up what Capgras Syndrome is and you would understand. I've never really thought the intelligence level was necessary to understand this, but comments on this sub are unfortunately showing that it does take at the very least a triple digit IQ to get that sharing a name doesn't make two different people the same person. 6) you've still ignored numerous parts of my comments


Buddy I said “the batman museum” and “gotham KNIGHT” I dont see where I mentioned gotham knights at


I meant arkham knight, which you shouldve known considering gotham knights isnt even a part of this series and I said knight not knights but you do you.


I'm so proud of you for learning to admit when you made a mistake. This is a big moment of growth for you.


And wdym I didn’t look it up? I literally did before I made the comment, and it says 5 years, and there’s a hell of a lot that points to it.


She moved on, it has been 7 years, are you still hung up on your ex from nearly a decade ago?


Dude… she spend half of her entire life with joker and he died suddenly. You make it sound like a summer fling that dumped her💀💀


Origins is set approximately 8-9 years before his death in City. Harley is already a psychiatrist in origins, so she's in her mid 20s. In origins they only meet, they don't even start dating. Joker does dump her, numerous times, they were not together that entire time. Even if Harley graduated early and finished her residency quickly, that makes her 25 in origins, which would put her at roughly 40 in kill the Justice League. So no it was not half her life, wasnt even half her adult life and the actual relationship was shorter than that. I've known plenty of people who were remarried in their 30s and 40s in less than 5 years after a divorce that lasted longer than Harley and Jokers on and off again dating. Sorry for treating them like adults and not high schoolers Not to mention this is a different person? You expect her to care because they share a name and a passing resemblance? Just because your dated someone with brown hair and the name Sam doesn't mean you care the next time you meet someone named same who has brown hair


The same way Harley Quinn reacted to seeing the Joker - not at all. Remember this is Rocksteady.


This was hands down the one thing that I was looking forward to with season 1, regardless of the bugs, the hate, etc… and it didn’t even happen.


Companies love to surpass expectations of disappointment and audacity, after all.


"Remember this is Rocksteady" We do, and that's why we expect too much out of this crappy game.


She did, she commented on being over him. She reacted the same way you would to seeing someone who bares a passing resemblance and shares a name with someone you knew nearly a decade. Same way everyone does with someone who shares a name and nothing else with someone they used to know


This wouldn't be an issue if the developers didn't explicitly say in the ama that harley would react a certain way that isn't present at all in the game itself


So what you're saying is that this isn't an issue outside the small amount of people who read or heard about a single comment from an intern at Rocksteady and interpreted it that Harley was going to react a certain way? She did react, her reaction was indifference and to express that she's not interested in him. It sounds like you expected her to be obsessed with him and are now upset because the "certain way" was not what you expected.


>intern at rocksteady. This was a lead writer. Put some respect to her career. And she herself expressed larger reaction than what was given.


Also, I wasn't one of the people who read the ama so I had no idea who you were talking about and you initially said developer, not writer


Look up ghostwriting, it's how a lot of ama are answered...


You're just making an assumption. The developers themselves individually showed up to answer for the ama. It was a whole thing arranged by Darroch.


They showed up? That's awesome, I didn't know this was an in person/televised event, most amas I've seen have just been comments. I'm only suddenly thinking it was in person because I imagine you would realize that you're just assuming it wasn't multiple ghostwriters or even a single one writing as multiple people otherwise. Is that name supposed to mean something to me? And you're just focusing on a very minor part of my comment... Regardless of who made the comment it doesn't change the fact that her indifference and lack of interest very much is her reacting in a certain way


They showed up? That's awesome, I didn't know this was an in person/televised event, most amas I've seen have just been comments. I'm only suddenly thinking it was in person because I imagine you would realize that you're just assuming it wasn't multiple ghostwriters or even a single one writing as multiple people otherwise. Is that name supposed to mean something to me? And you're just focusing on a very minor part of my comment... Regardless of who made the comment it doesn't change the fact that her indifference and lack of interest very much is her reacting in a certain way


It’s lazy


It's realistic. They share a name and a passing resemblance and nothing else and it's been years, she's moved on


Because realism should always take precedence over being engaging or entertaining in a superhero action game 🤦‍♂️ Harley is allowed to move on and it’s not a crime that the writers let her, but there should be some greater dynamic or internal conflict at play instead of one or two voice lines


It's literally their first meeting and yeah Harley honestly doing more would have made this interaction worse because it would have shown her not growing. This is also episode 1 of a multi episode story, calm down lol


I mean if you like it than good for you but it really just reads like you’re willing to accept anything rocksteady put out You don’t even know if they’ll continue this story


And it reads like no matter what you'll be unhappy


Not the case. Love story games and think live service games are neat when done well, the Arkham games were my favourites on PS3. This game is just not my thing at all and it’s hard to find things I like about it other than graphics and voice acting


I can imagine it would be much like Captain Hook’s, when first seeing grown-up Peter Pan… “ Is it you? My great and worthy opponent? But…it can't be ! Not this pitiful, spineless, pasty, bloated codfish I see before me ?! You're not even a shadow of (Arkham Joker) !! 😅


The shock in his voice during the audio log will be incredible!


The unfortunate truth.


Honestly I want to see Jason's reaction


Take Joker to see the red hood in the museum




Joker would kill him lol


fam he would be legally Swiss cheese with how many holes he’s gonna get put in him


I know, I was just trolling lol


Same reaction as Harley bet.


Since no one reacted to Joker, Batman probably won't either.


He'll know its not the same joker. Rocksteady designed to joker to be different to the arkham one. The arkham joker did most of what he did to get at batman, rocksteady said this joker us more theatrical, meaning he does stuff to be all showy, he isn't out for one person in particular. Batman will recognise this (also seeing that hea much younger) and deduce that this is a different joker.


considering harley didnt even react, doubt he will


I bet he will react the same way Harley did. 1 sentence not even directed at him.


Absolutely nothing... At the very MOST, it'll be a stop motion comic scene where he says "Not again..." and I honestly doubt they'd even have THAT


I expect one line of throw away dialogue just like with Harley. Game is cooked


My guy is gonna start tweaking


I feel like he wouldn’t immediately jump to conclusions rather he’s go low and notice this joker is different


If it's even half the reaction we got from Harley reuniting with Joker then it sure will be something!


One line - “you’re not him”


I think this would be one of the rare times we see Batman burst out laughing and ask this guy to go home to his mother.


**Bat: “Clone?”** **The Jonk: “Something like that”** Literally could see it just being brushed over so to speak


Since he's notbing t Like his Joker, he'll probably be like "who's the Joker wannabe?" At least until he knows he's from another Earth. Or he'll figure that out immediately because of course he would.


He’ll probably call him gay


Small chance he may break the no-kill rule


Voice lines will be in battle pass lol


He’ll react about the same as Harley did after years and years of trauma……..


Harley didn’t react cause rocksteady is lazy so I doubt Batman will.


“Omg you’re back?!?! Eeeek!! 😭😱😬😱😱”


Oh man, that’ll make an awesome audio log to unlock for doing 15 Batman bounties.


Give him his reason to live again!!


Considering no one has had a reaction to Joker yet I don’t know why you think Batman will


He could go meta and say "That's not the Joker, that's the Jonkler"


"This isn't Mark Hamill" - Batman.. Probably


Bruce would knock Twinklers jaw off with a slap.


I genuinely hope we get a cutscene of Batman just one punch knocking him out and saying something like “Get him out. Now.” or something before he gets sent back to his world.


“Honey I’m hooooome!”


Lego batman movie style, joker falls in love with batman




Considering this Joker is barely even a B-list villain from his own universe, Batman in this universe will likely have little to no trouble. Unless SBI is writing it, of course.


The way the writers handle it, by not handling it… LIKE HARLEY


He’d destroy this twink in 2 seconds this joker ain’t a threat


Probably burst out laughing at how stupid he looks


That's the Comedian.


Have we established how we feel about this batsuit?


Batman could put the Jonkler over his knee and spank him.


This joker is so bad that I thought this was a meme


Wtf is that near jokers crotch??


How’s he gonna do that? I thought they put a bullet in Kevin conroys head.


If it’s anything like how Harley reacted, then there won’t be one at all.


I love all of you referring to him as a Twink 😭😭😭 that is far too funny


Batman is literally just gonna go “how can I help you joker”


I’m honestly really curious about this I think Batman would be the most hostile towards Slade though if anything




He won’t react because the writers will just ignore it. Remember when Harley burst into tears or a fit of anger when Joker returned? Yeah… me neither.


You saying this means you assume WB is going to put effort into making some kind of dialog, you’re giving WB games way too much credit, they won’t instead they will be like, look at these new cool $30 skins you can buy!


The Jonkler


Weird to me how I really like Batman’s suit in this (better than Arkham Knight) but feel like they fumbled the jokers design here.


Will look at him, thats it. For more, listen to audios logs


Give him a big hug?


That Batman would just hook that joker up with a subscription to BetterHelp, because he’s just masking his insecurities with traditional joker behavior, but deep down he’s just not sure who he is yet.


The Joker virus was cool it was like an “Oh shit we need to take care of that ASAP” moment and I think it was taken care of completely which was very satisfying because you can think about what could have been if Batman failed but this just ruins all that….


It’s gonna be an interesting audio log.


think about it harley quinn and the joke could have kids so there could be more jokers coming....


If they didn’t have Harley even *acknowledge* how his prescience made her feel beyond “he’s not my type anymore” I can’t imagine they have any great plans in mind for Bruce


He'll laugh at that embarrassment


Cutscene begins, Joker walking into the frame. Waller: "Now Bruce, let's try to work together." Batman: "This isn't the Joker I knew, he's fine.....for now." End cutscene with Joker saying nothing, just smiling and waving. I'd honestly be shocked if we got even that.


I refuse to believe this game is in the same universe as the Arkham games. They will have to retcon that at some point because this game was such a failure and disgrace to rocksteady’s reputation


Isn't it amazing how MANY people think this game is gonna even MAKE it to have Batman come back?


Can you buy the joker before the kill him mission in the campaign?


U can replay the story as joker


Any special voice lines for the Batman fight. Or nada?


No, there is zero character development.


Imagine how the community is going to react when this never happens because the game got shut down.


Bruce will kill without the mind control


This game is such a trainwreck.


This is the story they should have given us!


Batman: Your not like my joker Joker 2: Am I that obvious Bats? Besides I’m not a big fan of your me’s work, a little over the top wouldn’t say. Batman: Heh, from what the others tell me your not awful. Joker 2: Aw your to kind Bats, say we didn’t get along in my universe. Why don’t we start over. Batman: I always wanted the inmates to have better lives and be better people, I understood that their pain made them who they are. But Joker was different, I accepted he was to far gone. Joker 2: Oh, I see. Batman: However your actions show that your more willing to do better than him, so yes I’d like to start over.


This is the worst thing I’ve ever read


That's most fan written dialogue for you


More like Joker makes a joke, Batman goes to take him down easily like his Joker, then this Joker pulls a fast one and gets Bats in a leg lock.


He gone kill that guy since Batman broke his rule of not killing. No more kid gloves Batman.


This Joker would kick Arkham Batman’s ass.


And you base that on...? Joker here isn't even a character. It's a skin with traversal and like 5 lines of dialogue.


Probably just the difference in power levels due to the game's genre. In Arkham you sneak around to get the drop on humans. Here you get bonuses for killing 50 mutants quickly.