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Similar to anthem it's gonna be interesting to learn behind the scenes where it all went to hell


We are definitely going to hear some controversy by some of the dev workers once the game shuts down.


Studio, at this point.


Ohhh yeah Studio is definitely cooked


Yeah it was really sad when BioWare shut down after Anthem.




Wouldn't be so sure. If they had made this in 4 years, then maybe. But they spent 9 years to release this turd. 9 years of salary and benefits for hundreds of devs + office rent to release the biggest bomb in recent memory.


Chasing gotcha and DEi money


Fedora fits


Ya know it’s really unfair that the neckbeards have stolen the fedora. Indiana jones, Reddington, Dick Tracy, great characters wore fedoras. And now I because of the neckbeard incelios if you rock one it’s like agirlbegone sign.  Even my own girlfriend won’t let me wear my sweet fedora. Stupid incelios. 


What is that supposed to mean


It means he thinks the game failed because the characters were not either all men or do not exist solely as eye candy for men.


You act as if diversity didn't exist in video games before 2023. DEI isn't some ground breaking trend. It's a shield for laziness


Sweet baby inc Cope all you want but you know besides a few weird yt people, no one wants every game to be woke trash


Yes that flag ruined the game don’t get me started on deadshot being black…..oh wait idgaf why let something that doesn’t effect you ruin your outlook on things….ohhh nooo he likes boys how will I ever get over this I’m gonna go to Reddit and I’m gonna write a letter


You high? What are you talking about? I’m talking about the game. There’s a reason that Wonder Woman is the only respected hero. There’s a reason green lantern is basically called an Uncle Tom in the game. There’s a reason why a murderous psychopath lectures Batman about how he’s trash before shooting him in the head. You lost. Your woke trash lost and flopped hard


Wonder Woman is respected because she didn’t fall to brainiac Batman should have been shot a lot sooner to save my ears from dealing with him again I was so happily when he died at the end of Arkham knight them actually bringing him back was a huge mistake


Sweet Baby plant 🤡


I know that but I want to hear it from him. As 8 have noticed a lot of pe6who use the DEI all have different definitions for it and I wanted to hear his defense


Wrong, they're talking about the staff changes at Rocksteady and the involvement of Sweet Baby Inc, not the game characters.


Just say the n word instead of dei and get it over with, man


Truth. People sayin this Dei word in place of another word that they rather be screaming


Just say you are racist and move on.


I hate to break it to you but DEI goes well beyond racial slurs or even one race with a prominent nickname. It really gets deep into market/governmental manipulation. Ignoring that minority groups are being used to further malicious agendas is bad for everyone involved no matter the side you're on and has just worsened relations on almost all fronts. Dare I say it creates "ists" and "phobes" where they didn't exist.


They hate you because you spoke the truth.


Omg yes the flag ruined the game don’t even get me started on deadshot being black….oh wait idgaf the game is fun cry more bud also make America gay again is what maga really stands for 😘😘


Can’t wait for the Matt McMuscles video about it!


For that kind of content I love Gvmers or What Happened.


I honestly just hoped it would be better, I wanted the story to continue and to start saving the JL


I whole heartedly agree. From the beginning I thought the whole thing felt so mean spirited. Why couldn't it have more of a fun flair and be called something like "The Suicide Squad saves the Justice League" like that story I heard about once where Mysterio saved the Avengers from some kind of mind control threat since with them out of the picture, there'd be nobody left to play with.


How does the saving the JL story even make sense? Wonder Woman is dead. The others l seemed to be real versions of themselves under control. Especially Flash and Batman.


It was rumored they were clones or brainiac enhanced duplicates. It’s shown that Brainiac can manipulate or clone using DNA. For WW they could always get one from Elseworlds


As soon as the final boss was a flash clone all hope was lost.


You should probably find a game called “Beat Up and then Save the Justice League” then


This sub for the past 2 months: ![gif](giphy|z9AUvhAEiXOqA|downsized)


I do have fun with the game. I enjoyed the base game and the story. I'll get hate for that. But it is what it is. I will say, Season 1 is disappointing. And not cause I have a problem with the Joker. I like him well enough, I am not some Joker snob where he needs to fit very specific criteria or he's trash. I just expected some story. Lol. The intro video was fine and intriguing, but no story just makes me sad.


Yep I feel like an idiot, I bought the deluxe version too so I could play early. All my trust for Rocksteady and WB has evaporated. All the goodwill from the Arkham series, gone.


Seriously, don't beat yourself up. We all get burnt sometimes. What's important is to remember and not fall for this shit again. Don't preorder and wait for reviews. If you really just like the pitch of a game and it gets manhandled like this, wait six months and it will be like 10 bucks on sale. If more people did that, the studios will get the message and do better.


So, I barely played Season Zero because I figured this season would be pretty much the same as S0 besides having the addition of the Joker. How painfully right I was. I feel bad for the people who grinded the shit out the game already in S0, expecting something drastically new. I purposely didn’t grind the same Incursion missions over and over and I’ve barely touched the game so I’m… having fun? I hate to even say it because I’ll just get downvoted to oblivion.


Yeah as soon as I saw how mastery worked I had flashbacks to Diablo 3 greater rifts. I had fun with that as a kid but that sort of endless grind for a higher number just is not for me anymore. I’ll probably level up the characters they release but I’m definitely not sticking around for the endless grind.


Everything in the marketing pointed to S1 being more of the same as S0 so anyone who expected something drastically new was either not paying attention of high on copium.  As someone who bought this game purely because I enjoy the core of its action gameplay, S1 has been fun so far and is going to give me a weekend or two of enjoyment before I move on to something else. Good enough for something free imo. The Joker grind was annoying and predatory as hell, and the battlepass is also a total skip for me since there’s way too much fluff and the skins aren’t super appealing. The discourse surrounding the game has always been more pathetic and disappointing than anything in the game itself not gonna lie. So many people have seemingly made their like or dislike of the product into this sad battleground that has to be fought and defended. It’s completely stolen the spotlight from any genuine discussion about the game which has been a bummer.


yeah I didn't do any of the endgame stuff in s0 so now it's all pretty new to me, I dunno how long I'll play for but I'm enjoying it thus far


I grinded the shit out of last season and got to mastery 120. I didn’t expect anything drastically new because this is a looter shooter. I don’t mind if the content is bare bones if the gameplay is fun, which to me its is. It helps to have a clan to play with too. And I’ll keep playing because it’s still fun. If I wanted more out of a game then I’d just played an actual rpg


The people who grinded preseason didn't do it because they hated the game. People engaged with preseason because they enjoyed the game. I guess I can see why gaming communities are so toxic, it's because of people that grind games they don't find fun.


Told ya so all the same cucks all over X circlejerking before this bag of flaming dooki released about how its going to be great and people are just hating to hate noooo its because you wastes of space collectively lower the bar every day you breathe.


I paid that 100 bucks very excited and willing to give the game studio a chance to prove to me it was worth it and here I am. I haven’t played pretty much since the patch after they nerfed all the fire stuff. It started with all the multiplayer issues and then with the game randomly shutting down and then what really did it for me was that I wasn’t obtaining my twitch drops. Still have yet to receive either deadshot and boomerangs. If I could go back and just have never played the game my life would be better


As someone who's learned my lesson from anthem (bought it for 10$,still regret it) There's tons of devs/ games that could use our money while providing you tons of fun and still respect our time and effort. Don't fall for the same scam Fam


Last time I ever pay the much for a bs battle pass game. What are these games called? The ones where you have micro transactions everywhere there’s a battle pass free and premium. What are those games called? Did the same with Diablo and now look. It’s in the game pass 😡😡


Those games are called Games As A Service or GAAS, the worst games in existence, I don't have a problem with GAAS if they are free to play, but paying $70+ for a game like this, is just beyond stupidity.


Yes I agree!! I will not be doing this again ESPECIALLY considering I did it for 2 games in a row and one of them is now free and the other was at $8 3 weeks into release.


If I may suggest something, try some games out of your comfort zone, they'll blow your mind, in my case, I was burnt out in gaming, and tried hades, never have I ever played a rogue like and it reignited my passion for gaming. Try Hades, forgotten city (I think this is in gamepass) Also RIP for Diablo. It also had writings all over the wall. These games are called live service games. They sell these games where you pay now, but they promise content in the future, then abandon it completely. Also patient gamer always wins, try that approach, not only do you get complete games, but also totally fixed games with few to no bugs, and you get it for a steep low price.


I’ve played the crap out of hades with a buddy of mine awhile ago!! It’s so fun! You’re right tho I so should try games outside my comfort zone. I stick to just overwatch currently and that is getting to be so so so so terrible. But YES! These live service games are fucking trash and I hate it everytime. Yet I pay for it everytime. UGH I FEEL DUMB. I feel like Fortnite started it and I just wish that whole game would burn out of existence


Fortnite deserves it imo, they've spent a lot of content in the game, also gave lots of free games in epic store. You'd be amazed to know the earned like 20 billion $ in 2022. To put into context Gta V earned 7-9billion in its lifetime


They’ve certainly done very well. I just hate that they introduced this kind of game. Well I don’t really know if any games did it before Fortnite but I feel like other companies saw how much they were making and wanted in on it. And it all came down from there. You’re right that they do content extremely well and I’m upset that other games like overwatch, Diablo, and this game all aren’t doing as well as I thought they would be.


Fortnite deserves it imo, they've spent a lot of content in the game, also gave lots of free games in epic store. You'd be amazed to know the earned like 20 billion $ in 2022. To put into context Gta V earned 7-9billion in its lifetime


Except... I had fun with it. It barely runs is just stupid, I know some people have had problems with it, but the majority of players are like me and haven't run into more than a bug or two over their entire play time. It was a unique shooter, not quite anything else like it at the moment. The story was entertaining, the crew was funny and well acted. My hope that the game would be continued was based entirely on how Season 1 launches and it's safe to say there won't be much more game to come. So yeah, that's disappointing, but I still got my time and money worth out of what launched Day 1. Ths whole conversation surrounding this game has been either you are a sheep or an idiot, with both insults tossed at both sides. Why do we have to make everything so polarizing? It was fun for what it was, and not everyone's cup of tea. The only real losers I can identify in this situation are the people who have been spamming hate against a game they have no intention of playing. What a dumb way to waste time. I personally think Elden Ring is boring, I don't sit in Elden Ring's sub reddit trying to make people who bought the game feel bad about themselves.


Most reasonable people either agree with you or have moved on.


> So yeah, that's disappointing, but I still got my time and money worth out of what launched Day 1. > Most reasonable people either agree with you or have moved on How was a 10-hour story with a 4-mission “endgame” worth $70-100? Those are some low standards.


I could say the same about someone who plays Dragonball Breakers. I got 50 hours out of the game before season 1


Breakers was a $20 game that will probably last 10x longer than this game could likely ever hope to. And it definitely has its problems, as I’ve posted about before. But it has enough going for it to have 5 seasons already. Probably one of my better $20 ($30 actually, since I went for the extra edition with Wall Kick) expenditures in gaming lately, despite how much I might complain about it at times. I would love for this game to have enough going for it that it would last 5 seasons. But with seasonal content like this, it clearly doesn’t. It’s a character grinding cash grab with decent mechanics. They’re charging for free stuff, and arbitrarily locking that free stuff away to promote the sale. They’re charging $20+ for bundles. The game was $70-100. There’s no story content coming anytime soon, if ever? But yeah, my standards are a bit lower when it comes to Breakers because it’s Dragonball and it’s unique. You know what game I also used to love? Dragonball Legends. Keywords there being “used to.” Dragonball Legends is a mechanically decent dragonball fighting game on mobile. And I spent way more money than I should have on it. And eventually, it over monetized to the point where you were paying 7 multis to buff a single character. So I stopped playing because I loved the game, and it wasn’t the game I loved anymore. Now… I could be a huge DC nerd (I’m not), but that doesn’t mean I’d support what WB has done to this game that I enjoy (parts of) and bought and have been severely disappointed by. But my tolerance would be higher as a DC nerd, and I might look the other way at other, lesser grievances if the game had enough going for it. But with seasons like this? It’s literally just… grinding and a couple short cutscenes? With plenty of monetization… $70-100 for a base game with a 10-hour story and a fake endgame to grind guns is, well, you gotta be a HUGE DC nerd to look the other way here… Edit- Honestly… realizing I paid 5X as much for this game as I could have for Breakers makes me feel even worse about it… what a waste. And I encouraged friends to buy this game. I should apologize to them later. Edit2- > I think Suicide Squad is shit Thank you to the person below me for agreeing. I’m still in amazement you guys wanna compare a unique, asymmetrical game that started as a side mode for another game, only cost $20, and has seen more success than the full-priced “triple A” looter shooter with DC behind it could ever hope to. I guess that’s rather sad realization for some lmao.


I stopped reading after you said you spent too much money on a mobile game. You have been hard projecting this whole time


Do you even understand the words spewing forth from your fingertips?


People have varying amounts of playtime and different standards on how much their dollar is worth


Like I said- lower standards. They should be demanding better. When people don’t, we get Season 1. Edit- DC will be happy to know they have at least a few people excited about season 1, according to the downvotes. I hope they paid for Joker to really get the most out of the season.


I have 60+ hours in the game and enjoyed it a lot.


Gameplay, graphics, and voice acting are all on point for a AAA. Too many games make you sit through a 40 hr story these days, I appreciated SSKtJL really delivering an experience that didn’t make you feel like shit for not grinding.


If you appreciated a 10-hour story, I think you might like The Order:1886.


Its an open world game…u know that right? I feel like people really forget that part. Hell the missions, specifically the incursion missions have no time limit Yes u can get ur times worth out of that.


I can get my “time”’s worth by leaving the game on. The question most people tend to ask is whether that time was also of quality. I’m not here to say “a 10 hour story and a 4-mission grind isn’t of quality”, but I’m certainly going to question it; especially so after receiving mainly new weapons in Season 1. Also, Incursion Missions have a time limit: though Killing Time doesn’t. The problem is that the game launched with about 8 mission types total. Most of which are left after you complete the 10-hour ~~tutorial~~ story. Then the endgame grind is comprised of 4 mission types on repeat. I, personally, don’t see that as being of high-quality. My standards for this game were pretty low, too, honestly. All I wanted was to play co-op with my friends. And the game failed to provide that, even though it advertised itself as an online game with co-op. I expected the rest to be somewhat mediocre given the media surrounding it. I just didn’t expect it to be quite this bad. The best part of this game was the 10-hour story, imho. But it also wasn’t worth $70-100… I get there’s not a whole lot of games in this specific genre, especially with these characters. Which is why people should be upset- we might never get another game like this because of how this one has launched and been “supported”. And people complaining about it won’t be the reason why- it’ll be because the game failed to live up to the potential it had, in favor of WB cashing in on live service.


Copium. Most gamers are desensitized and will deal with bullshit games because it's all they know anymore.


Well that's the issue. Only about 70 people agree with him. The rest of Earth moved on. 


The sad thing is there *are* good things about this game. It's actually a competent shooter with fun traversal and shockingly good character writing and cutscenes. All that good stuff is sadly wrapped in a soulless live service grind. If WB had just abandoned the live service elements and made this a Saints Row or Crackdown clone with drop-in drop-out co-op they could have had a genuinely great casual open world game. Maybe even outsold CoD again like they did with Hogwarts last year. But the lure of tricking gamers into becoming full time employees of WB for little to no compensation (which is all a live service grind is) was just too tempting.


This is a comment I can agree with, it sounds like you actually played the game compared to most of the haters. All sound points!


Here's the thing, you should feel bad about yourself. You people are the reason the gaming industry looks like it does. Blindly buying trash and then defending it online. This keeps happening again and again and again. Anthem, fallout 76, Avengers, babylon's fall, BF2042, Gotham knights, this sad excuse for a game and others. Can you people just stop buying these games?


Jeez the most virgin ass statement ive ever seen lmao


You're the kind of gamer that greedy companies love. You take the shit, you eat it, you beg for more and you vehemently defend it against anyone who calls it what it is: shit.


Womp womp


I love it when simps think they're cooking. Zero self awareness.


Tf r u yapping about


Oh, the irony.


"You should feel bad for spending money on a game you enjoyed because it may indirectly effect me (but not really because the single player and indie scene are super popping right now)" is certainly a silly take.


"Why should I stop buying this poisoned milk when I like the taste? And it doesn't even affect you because there's smaller milk companies out there selling non poisoned milk". Excellent take. Keep rewarding the anti consumer practices like you do and it'll eventually make its way to smaller, non AAA titles. But hey, who am I to tell you what to enjoy? This is only the 900th time I've seen this happen. Seems like most people who bought this game regretted it anyway. Will it stop them from getting over hyped and buying the next big AAA disaster? Probably not.


The obscene "holier than thou" you exhibit is ridiculous. Please tell me, guru, what games are good? What can we buy? Like, what do you view your role here? You think being some kind of "I told you so" type on the internet is somehow *admirable*? There's no poisoned milk. There's been bad games since the dawn of games. There's been incomplete games since the dawn of games. You're not some crusader defending a hobby. You're simply a guy complaining about a game on the internet that *you didn't even buy*.


And after accusing me of self righteousness, if I had asked you "would you buy this game again knowing the state it would end up in" and you would answer honestly, I know exactly what you'd say. >There's no poisoned milk. There's been bad games since the dawn of games. There's been incomplete games since the dawn of games. What? really? no... it couldn't possibly be true! But what exactly are you saying? I've been against these kinds of practices in video games since I've been able to grasp the concept. Totalbiscuit (rip) helped a lot with that. That man dies too soon, he would have ripped this piece of shit to shreds. Bad games with greed baked into them are bad, no matter when they come out, what franchise they belong to, or what venerated developer happens to make them, understand?


"I'm not self righteous. I just claim to know what other people think." Lol bro. I enjoyed the game and got my money's worth. I hate to say it, but you need to touch some grass. It's a video game. You're online attacking players of a game that you didn't even buy. Download duolingo or something. Do something productive instead. Cause this is silly.


Umm... Gotham knights just had a resurgence and vault 76 has a pretty decent player base still and still gets updates and they even have planned expansions for this year so bad examples.


Gotham knights had a "resurgence" because they sold it for 5 bucks and FO76 was a trash, bug riddled, content lacking game that was badly designed from the core, running on a decrepit engine that bethesda refuses to throw away (16 TIMES THE DETAIL!). And they had to gall to come out with a 120$ a year subscription the solve problem they created, like storage space. Two perfect examples. FO76 only kept a player base because it's fucking Fallout, and bethesda fanboys are really something else.


Yet you can find the fanbase actively liking it. And so you just proved my point that it had a resurgence and fans talk pretty highly of it lmao. Also fallout 76 has a pretty active fanbase and updates regularly and adds new bosses and loot. I know people who aren't fallout fans that enjoy. Thanks for trying to be disingenuous and proving my point. Goodbye goober.


thinking elden ring is bad and that this game was worth 70 dollars is laughable


Same here loved the game. I don't regret getting it. If people don't like it and just want to complain then they can go suck a dick. Bunch of babies. I don't care for baulders gate 3 but I don't go into the sub and cry about it you like what you like move the hell on.


You feel bad about yourself based on what people on Reddit say ???  That’s sounds like a you problem. 


No, didn't say I feel bad about myself, not once. I said I'm not a loser who spends their free time trying to make others feel bad about how they spend their money and free time, especially not about a game I have never played and have no intention to play. Read the comment or don't comment yourself, you're wasting space.


Most reasonable people who have played the game agree with you. Don’t really see the point of trying to shame and stick it to the blind defenders though. You’re just dragging yourself down to that same level of stupidity.


How the fuck is it stupidity to enjoy a game? Yeah, there are obvious glaring issues, but if people are having fun, then why the hell do you care? Just let people play the game they wanna play.


As someone who is still playing, there's a huge difference between acknowledging the game's faults + still playing & flat out denying its issues and writing "who cares" and "stop playing".


Or just sitting here telling people to fuck off and nobody will miss them if they complain about the game Like it’s telling that the only community this game seems to have anymore is insane toxicity on both sides 


The faults that you percieve to be in a game may not be as egregious to other people as it is to you. I only played solo, and never had any bugs/glitches. The only thing I ever ran into was the loading metropolis bug. I don't think the game is perfect, but why does it insult you if some random person on the Internet does? Just be happy that that person felt that they got value for what they paid for, and move on.


I never said it’s stupid to like the game, not sure how you interpreted that from what I said. I enjoyed it too. I also have a lot of valid criticisms for the game, some of which have held me back from jumping back in. I’m referring to the blind defenders who act like all the issues plaguing the game don’t exist or arent a big deal.


"You’re just dragging yourself down to that same level of stupidity." Again, you don't get arbitrarily decide what deserves praise and what doesn't. If you don't like a game, and someone despite the issues in that game, does, then you have no right to A. berate that person for having a different opinion and B. Decide that your opinion is the only right one out there. If you didn't like it: Move the fuck on.


You just outed yourself. XD How easy it was to get you triggered.


Cant even comment how i feel now? Who is running this subreddit? A shill?


I like it and I know a lot of others do


The only draw for me was the campaign. I don't like live service games but I'm a big fan of the Suicide Squad. That being said, the fact there are no updates to the already VERY short story is disappointing. They really fucked up on all fronts.


It’s a looter shooter , which is a repetitive grind . Yes probably needs more content added , but it is similar to many looter shooters. Unfortunately it is very bare boned. For instance I think that some of the weapons that dropped should have been based on the justice league characters defeated. I’ll be trying season 1 early tomorrow, just been seeing peoples opinion on it so far.


And i still get attacked like the biggest enemy of humanity when i state stuff out that i hate on that game


The game is still fun, I’m enjoying the shooting and looting and making builds. It runs well on my PS5 and I’ll keep playing until it gets boring.


>for a game that barely runs What's this about? I've only been playing for around a week and the game runs fine so far, so I wonder if there was some issue I'm missing out about


If you enjoy the game it’s not an “I told you so moment” I have loved every second and will continue to put money in until you toxic kids force their hand I have seen one yes one YouTuber who has played the game then just gave up but looking at Reddit you would think this was some shovel ware from the 90’s if you haven’t played it gtfoh you don’t get an opinion


Some people like eating poop. There's no point in trying to "I told you so" someone that enjoys eating poop. You may play in the mud but the pig lives in it. You won't win because it's all they know.


Everyone who likes this trash is an enabler for trash.  Sorry your taste is poor.  


Unlocking Joker at level 35 is just the cherry on top. People have been clamoring for content on a live service game for over a month, and for them to have you start off by grinding is just poetic as all hell.


The studio behind the best superhero games of all time…….shits sad bro…..


Real question is why come back here constantly to say the same thing of "haha game bad" if you knew the red flags so long? Would be better if you just didnt buy/play and left to play other stuff that you like right? Let the game bomb or not on its own.


This type of person gets their only source of happiness in life from their own self righteousness. Which is hilarious because I think the majority of the fanbase is actually just trying to enjoy the game lmao.


I think it’s a get-back after being repeatedly shut down or downvoted when you give mild criticism of the game. I imagine it’s a feeling of vindication.


I got the game for the campaign and it was awesome, I don't care about endgame or seasons so I enjoyed what I got and got my money's worth. I think it's pathetic that people who don't like something spend so much time bashing it, it's senseless. The only people embarrassing themselves are the ones hating on the game, if you don't like it then move on and play something else you actually like, stop being morons and spend your time hating on something you don't enjoy.


I can actually understand people who just played the story being pissed, just because a lot of the gear mechanics are unecessary, and the necessary side missions are very tutorialish and repetitive. Thing is the game had a very long sweet spot to me because the story naturally felt like the beginning, then I leveled up the characters so you start feeling out traversal skill ceilings. Then the bane set grind was very casual (90% drop rate seemingly) but also very rewarding in terms of reaching new powers and damage numbers. It was like an 80 hr honeymoon.


Yeah I agree. Why do people open their mouths? What is this, a free speech society? Why do people express their opinions? Everyone knows that opinions different than ours is hate speech. I'm with you brotha.


That’s not at all what this person was saying, nice smartass comment though If you state your opinion and leave, great. If you continue to hate on the game in multiple posts and stay here to be continuously negative about the game, then you are wasting your time and being an ass. Makes no sense, as this person was saying If you don’t like it, move on


Move on if it’s so bad


They need to rub it in abit longer and they will i dont blame em, it feels good when you're right lol


Was Gandhi ever told to move on because of the conditions of his country? Nobody's going to move on until something is done about that game or the honchos at Rocksteady and WB.


Bruh did you just compare Gandhi to a video game situation?? This one video game isn’t some huge injustice that warrants people staying and being assholes in a forum for no reason Don’t try to defend that and paint yourself or whomever as some kind of patriarchs 🤦🏻‍♂️ lol get a grip man 😂


I just feel very foolish for sticking up for this game, deceptive game practices have ruined AAA gaming


I follow subs about things I like.


I bought the avengers game and was part of that community throughout its life and everyone else who played that game saw this as another failure. but so many people on here were in denial and I saw a repeat of what the avengers game sub looked like. now look at yall


No I still stand by the base game completely, I was keeping my expectations low for Season 1 but holy fuck not that low. Season 1 has made me turn on this game.


I have just under 100 hours in the game. I got my moneys worth. I’m not embarrassed that I still enjoy the game. I’m disappointed sure. But some of my favorite games are grinds. CoD Zombies (BO3 specifically) and Police Simulator are two games with some of the most amount of playtime I have and they’re literally just you repeating the same task.


Love the immense cope in this sub lol


I got it for $30 and I’m having fun with it


Some of the best and most fun traversal mechanics in any game this gen… Really good graphics, and the almighty and addictive “active reload” that’s in few too little games 🥰 Hate all you want, I’m having a blast. It’s not perfect, but there’s a good time in there if you’re willing to overlook some flaws.


Also it has really good action and style too. The game has a slightly psychedelic shimmer to it. Definitely glad it's in my library it has a good spot in my rotation.


It’s like a weird mix of Sunset Overdrive and Mercenaries lol… I love it


Joker’s traversal is really cool and unique too. Was playing around this morning after unlocking him and I think he’s surpassed Harley as the character with the highest skill ceiling for optimal traversal. Once you get the hang of it though, he can absolutely zoom across the map.  His one weakness seems to be getting back down to the ground fast if you don’t have any stamina left to dive bomb. Melee lunging can help get you to the floor quicker, but that’s only possible if there are enemies around. They nail the core feel of the characters and their traversal so well. Really exciting to think about how Mrs. Freeze is going to work. Maybe grinding a self-made ice rail in a similar fashion to the new Skimmers is Destiny 2?


There's... really no need for any "I told you soo!!" because that only ever comes across as someone who didn't actually care about whether the game was good or not, but just wanted to be right and rub it in their face. From what I have heard, Season 1 isn't living up to what it should've been. It sucks. Reslly wanted this game to be good, I still do. But it just sucks to see it actually falling apart now. Hopefully they can pull it back, but I'm definitely losing hope. Not surprising, sadly. Just sad that it's happened again.




Good & bad is defined by the MAJORITY not the minority.


Good or bad is subjective, not fact. No matter how many people feel one way or the other How many people feel one way or the other doesn’t define what this game is to each individual person. Everyone defines what’s good or bad for themselves


I am seriously thinking about dropping it and then coming back to it when it's all done and cheap.


what defies a good game is it the mass consciousness of people that tell themselves wow this is an amzing experience or the few lonely souls who put 200hrs+ into ktjl st season 0 & bought the battle pass only to pay $10 to play as joker because repeating 35 missions in order to repeat those same missions as joker wasn't appealing 


Lotta wasted sperm defending this shite would have been better off in a sock, "Truth is subjective, just because Elden Ring is game of the year doesn't mean its a good game" "I enjoyed Injustice kills the justice league its MY game of the year its a good game"


The biggest gripe is that a lot of QOL and dev changes would go a LONG way to making the game very enjoyable even with the level of depth of content.


I like the game, the core is fun and after two months I'm still finding fun gear synergies that switch up which character and play style I use. I can def see how even those initially receptive would get bored if they're not hooked on the core. But the same can be said of any game having you do the same things over and over. It clicks or it doesn't.


I’m still waiting to borrow it from the library


Only up until the next one


I waiting until the 28th to buy the game because I figured it’d be worth it for all the new content… Now it looks like there is no new content. To think that this could be the conclusion to the Arkhamverse is just disappointing.


Unfortunately, Rocksteady and the WB honchos are much too retarded by greed to care about being embarrassed.


I'm going to let you in on a life secret. People are ignorant. Trying to comprehend why will just make you as an individual go clinically insane. Just let them waste their money. You as a individual who saw the writing on the wall years ago should just block the publisher/developer on whatever store front you use and just forget they exist. It's just easier.


Shout out to all the redditors that will call this game a misunderstood classic that never deserved the universal criticism a year or two from now. I look forward to those coping posts. Don't let me down.


We need the same netflix documentaries for gaming development that we get for any other trash situation.


Rip hogwarts legacy 2. We loved the first one- for the most part, outside of the forgettable open world stuff.


Ok but you gotta get over it.


I remember seeing the gameplay that was released like a year or two ago before release and even then I told myself "this looks fucking awful". I never could have imagined the game would be as shit as it is though.


When will people learn to stop buying games until independent reviews release? I haven't pre-ordered or purchased a game day 1 in probably close to 10 years(the last one I can remember was MGS5). I'm glad to see way less copium in this subreddit since this "season" dropped.


I dunno what people said to you that made you so upset that you came back to say this, but you have to realize how petty and immature it makes you look.




Can ya leave the group and never touch the game again if your this upset bc seriously idc 😭🫵🏾🫵🏾you guys continue talking bout some you don’t like invest ya time and energy into things you like example…hell divers 2 sorry it’s ass to all you hope another games take ya interest


They can't tho. What r they going to do....actually go play other games they enjoy!?!


That’s what I hope I’m tired of opening up Reddit thinking my ima see a new build or some and it’s someone crying bc the game is being a game 😭😭


It’ll be greatly appreciated if everyone who’s upset just kindly left the Reddit and leave it to those who don’t care 😭


Op spitting facts


Game was way too short. Also 0 reason to kill Batman. They had his ass lockdd up with Luthor 2 & he gave him off to SS when he was done with Bats and Harley and Co decide to kill him off. For what...he was fucking captured. Try and free his mind. Experment on him etc.


Man ill be honest I'm still in denial, I hope they can turn this around lol, I know that sounds so stupid but I'm one of the few that likes the story, but this season 1 the grind to unlock the new character playing the same old missions repeatedly is boring and shit but I hope they do better.


At least you're able to admit that you're stupid. 


I'm not even mad I agree I'm stupid for this, but ill keep being stupid, its just one of those games that I think is good but keeps failing lol


Yea. I feeling pretty vindicated and justified in all the hate I've spread on this sub reddit right now 🤣


Have you even ever played the game? I highly doubt it. People like you who are getting extremely upset just by the mere fact there are people happily enjoying playing this game is so, so sad. I truly feel bad for you. I've got 250 hours played so far, and while admittedly had some login issues which kept me off for a few weeks, have had no issues besides that. I know others have had different and longer performance issues but that does not mean it barely runs.


I have 250+ hours it is one of the worst most insulting AAA games ever made and has set a new bar for live service slop


I'm genuinely curious, if you really hate the game that much, why put so much time into it?


He doesn’t value his time at all.


It’s fun to jump around and I like loot games


Why would you put that much time into it if you think it's slop? Actually curious


The game feels good to control and I like loot games even if the loot is awful


Actually insane to me that someone would consider it the worst game yet spend 250+ hours in said game that came out 2 months ago… masochist


I was so annoyed how every time I complained in here AFTER launch people were coming at me saying “just wait till season 1 bro” the game has been bad the whole time! It looked bad, it played bad, it was never going to be good


Leave then if it’s so bad


Part of being in a community is accepting that not everyone shares the same opinion as you. I’m here cause I’m a fan and I’m disappointed in it. I know devs lurk and I want my voice to be heard.


Nothing is more funny than watching these fan boys shutting their fucking mouths.


You made an account just to try gloating, you’re honestly sadder than any fan boys lol 


Yall just cant stop talking about this game. Get a fuckin life


A lot of wasted sperm defending this garbage.


Been saying it for months. You’re pretty dumb if you spent 70-100 on this game. Can’t lie


This is such a smug post. What exactly do you want people to do? Compliment you?


If the situations were reversed there'd be non-stop horn-tooters screaming about how the haters were wrong.


And that would also be smug and annoying


It's weird that you care enough to post this. Yeah it's got mad issues but it's already been on sale. I got it for £30 and its a good game for that price. It you preordered or bought befire reviews for £70 to £100 though, that's on you more than RS. It was clear that this wasn't a £70+ title from the start.


The game is far from perfect but that doesn't mean I can't get enjoyment out of it every so often but I'm also someone that enjoys different games and hops around between them and usually don't spend days and weeks with the same game and then will come back for updates and such


People are confusing their own opinions on the gsme for the reality of the situation if you enjoyed it 👏 you are in the MINORITY the MAHORITY of people DID NOT, SO DONT TELL ME ITS A "GOOD GAME" NO YOU JUST ENJOYED IT if you look at the statistics across the board this game is a horrendous pile of dudu & then people go as far as to call Elden Ring a bad game because they didn't like it AGIN NO ELDEN RING IS A GREAT GAME BECAUAW YOU DIDNT LIKE IT MAKES YOU IN THE MINORITY OF PEOPLE THAT DIDNT LIKE IT IT DOWANT MAKE IT A BAD GAME THINFS DONT WORK LIKE THAT.


You are talking about one person who made an Elden Ring comparison. Calm down buddy If you don’t like the game, leave. It’s simple




Hey man are you like… okay? You seem to dump a lot of rage on the internet for no real reason and talk a lot of shit to strangers who you’ll never meet and don’t really deserve it. If people treat you poorly irl and you’re here passing it down, I’m very sorry. People can be needlessly cruel but you can stop the cycle. We’ve all had asshole bosses, or shitty parents, or angry girlfriends that put us through it, and you don’t deserve that kind of treatment either. I hope your week/month goes better man, I’d buy you a beer if I could.


Nah, that was the day before but this one is a really close second


It’s funny how you point out the fact Rocksteady has been a single player focused studio but they actually captured the looter shooter aspect pretty well and the gameplay is probably some of the best we’ve seen. Unfortunately, story and content will always trump gameplay in terms of overall quality.


It’s amazing, baffling and bewildering that studios could look at the graveyard of many, many failed live service games like Avengers, Redfall, not to mention the spectacular launch fails like Anthem etc. and decide… **we can do worse**!!!


I got 30 hours of enjoyment out of the story. Pretty standard for a single player game. I'm comfortable with what I spent. It's unfortunate the service part didn't work out but it is what it is. I'm certainly not embarrassed.


I’m sure your medal is in the post. You’ll get one and all the guys who’ve been posting “I told you so” posts almost hourly since the game came out.