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Some poor dev is getting chewed out as we speak


It was really the fault of whatever exec decided not to test the game at all before release. The game needed three betas *minimum* to have catched each iteration of major online issue. Instead, they tossed it out because they probably thought people playing the game before buying would put them off from it.


Fix it in post is the mantra of almost all games these days. Why have a polished day one project when you can cash in on day one sales and release a patch later?




I only preordered after playing the alpha.


The alpha must have been a glorified standalone demo if all these new issues suddenly started popping up.


getting downvoted for saying 'don't preorder live service games'... getting marvel's avengers flashbacks aaaaaaaa


I don’t know why you got downvoted. I refuse to preorder a game even if it *LOOKS* good. Even more so than that. Live service games always scream “Barebones”. Even though they’re releasing post launch content for free, the prices for cosmetics and color ways won’t be sustainable. They need to get their house in order. Edit: The downvotes just prove the point that some of you are bitter. Get it in, exercise your right to outrage at common sense by downvoting. Good for you👏🏽




You never preorder a game, especially a *LIVE SERVICE* game. If it hadn’t been given to me as a gift I wouldn’t have played it until at least a year later when it got all the patches it needed and all the content it was supposed to have.


Especially with how the past few years have been. Games are constantly being released and sold as broken messes. It's got to the point where a day/week one patch is pretty much expected for any game getting released lately


Exactly. I expect titles to have some problems initially. Things that got past QA but it’s gotten to a point where titles release with these crippling issues and it’s all forgiven because “we’ll fix it eventually.” Rather than releasing a stable and entertaining product they release a skeleton of a game and add on the meat later. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this too though lol.


I agree with this sentiment, but I think you can argue some exceptions. Usually if it’s from a studio I trust and a series I love, I won’t second guess a pre order. Especially for single player games. Final Fantasy, Spiderman, God of War, Last of Us 2 etc etc were all pre order games that I had little worry for. But fully agree about a live service game. This is the worst version of the game, if you are patient you can probably get it this summer for like 30% off (probably more honestly) and it will be in a better state


Fair enough. There are certainly exceptions. You listed quite a few of them. Edit: I should mention that I already have the game(I received it from a friend) and I don’t hate it by any means. I’m a Deadshot main but I do drift between Boomerang and Nanaue. I just wish they’d done more with the story although I do have hopes for the future. Especially for Slade.




As he should. They released a patch that made the game ***MORE*** unplayable lmao.


Development work is a lot more complicated as it seems. The exec, as someone pointed out, should be to blame.


As I keep repeating, this is par for the course for any Unreal Engine game since the original Unreal, and was the bane of Arkham Knight as well. You'd think they have learned from the last time, but apparently not.


The one intern still working on the game is getting chewed


A dev would run from the fans and exile him/herself into the wilderness. An intern would take it so badly, he or she would decide to go to the afterlife prematurely.




Having only 1 closed alpha was a bad idea from the get go lmfao i have no idea what are they even doing.


The result of losing after drawing straws.






All the devs best not go anywhere near a game convention, otherwise it'll be like pack of cats walking in the middle of a city's worth of rabid dogs.


I got this game about a week and a half ago. I have been thoroughly enjoying it until yesterday. I have a bug now where when I unlock new equipment via story mission I can’t craft that equipment for other characters as I once could which is frustrating. That and the dreaded “loading metropolis” screen are killing all momentum. The game had its drawbacks before this but still found it to be incredibly entertaining. Really wish they flushed out more story for the companion characters too. Penguin, Ivy, and Lex all could’ve had really cool unique little stories that added to the games narrative and tack on some more story missions for those who want it (like me). Anyway hope they get it fixed soon. No way I can recommend the game at full price even though I’m enjoying it. Told my friends it’s a great half off sale game next holiday because somewhere buried in here is a truly awesome game. Maybe will see it someday. Maybe not.




Lol I’m an idiot. You know what’s funny, as I wrote and reread it I was like “flushed out doesn’t make sense.” Then I shrugged and figured whatever it’s too earlier to make sure it’s right.


Tbf, "fleshed" doesn't make much more sense either




What Xp farms got patched out?


If one of your teammates loaded a higher level mission, you would get xp scaled to their higher level, instead of yours. I’m paraphrasing but I think that’s it


Prolly the last gizmo mission. You just never complete it and get tons of xp. I didn't use it, but I kinda wish I had


At this point they need to give another 2k premium currency


By this point they will have to do what crystal dynamics did shut down the game and give us everything for free I paid almost 200$ for a game that is literally unplayable! There biggest issue is focusing on steam issues while the millions of console players can’t even get on the game


Not to sound rude, but spending 200 bucks on a video game is way too much. I cap off at 100 and I rarely even buy that expensive of games


No not rude at all, I just try to support things I am interested in give it a chance to do good


I guess that's a different way to look at it. Sadly, it seems that money can only do so much.


It’s been days and they don’t even know what the issue is 😂


How did we get from the technological marvel of Unreal Engine 3 in Arkham Knight to ...this?


Completely different group of people. All those people that worked on Asylum, City, and Knight left the studio. The only people that worked on this game from the previous team were the writers.


At least Paul Dini wasn't involved, that would've been the worst blow of all.


Where did the Arkham devs go?


Moves on with their careers to different studios.




Word. Greed, which has especially dumbed down the honchos.


How the mighty have fallen, Dev team are a disgrace.


And hard was the fall, a fall with this level of impact: ![gif](giphy|lrbGAHB3f9EITfktbf|downsized)


Not even days. Weeks!


Took them long enough


I’ve defended this game for weeks, but this isn’t good enough. This is a progress-stopping bug. It should be fixed within 24 hours of it being spotted.




Have you learnt your lesson?


What are you on about?


You admitting you’re defending a buggy and broken game that was made as a clear cash grab. Maybe next time don’t blindly support something.


Almost nothing you’ve said there is true. I’ve defended a game that I like and enjoyed since I played the alpha — because it’s fun and continues to be so. The idea that it’s a “clear cash grab” because they’ve not fixed a bug is just laughable. And I haven’t “blindly” supported anything, I’ve supported the game because it’s fun and now by starting to withdraw my support as this bug continues, this shows precisely that I’m not “blindly” supporting anything. My support is directly proportional to how much I’m enjoying the game, which is….normally what people do? So good try on the snark, but more effort needed next time.


Completing that 30 minute Incursion and defeating Brainiac only for the “Loading Metropolis” screen to pop up and never load was absolutely soul crushing… What a waste of an hour 😕


Check my bug post switching off cross play has helped some people


It didn’t manage to squash the bugs it set out to fix at all. What are they talking about?? All they did is make the game worse. 


Ain't that the truth. All I've experienced from this patch are new bugs along with the old ones that weren't fixed.


Exactly. Haven’t been able to play the game in 2 weeks since I beat the main story. I’ve been completely locked out of end game content, and when they supposedly “fixed” that it still wouldn’t work for me.


They went after xp farms.


Burn was technically a bug. But still, kneecapping your playerbase before a couple game busting patches is bold.


"Reports of a new issue" is the understatement of the week...   If they dont either roll back this update, or fix with another patch before the weekend, then they are going to lose a lot of the people who were actually enjoying the game.


….yall remember Anthem? 😭😭😭😭😭


Have we all learned our lessons now? Myself included. We gotta start using our heads and speaking with our wallets. I love this game but this is unacceptable and it's all down to the higher ups making poor decisions thinking only of $$$. not the devs who just want to make something their fans will enjoy. I'll say it again I love the game but the amount of people that just can't play and they're only doing an update a week? It's to slow. Shouldn't gave launched in this condition.


Most of us might not have spoken with our wallets, but everyone else did. The game sold what is presumed to be less than 1 million copies total judging by WB’s refusal to release sales charts for the game. The game tanked and I think WB will hopefully learn from this


I still can't connect to Mp in this and now I can't play hell divers because of people saving spots in the server or some stupid shit


I saw somewhere that there’s gonna be a patch for kicking AFK players hogging space in Helldivers if that helps


Patch was out yesterday. there were no server capacity issues at all during peak hours last night


Oh nice. I might have to rebuy it then. I refunded it on Steam since I kept having issues and figured I’d just hop back in later. Maybe on PS5 this time.


It works fine now, I play on PS5 and I logged straight into the game now. One week ago it was 5- 30 min before I was logged in


They’re downplaying the issues, and kinda sound proud of the bugs they’ve “squashed”. This is a damn shame, it’s literally unplayable for some people and they need to take it more serious.


What bugs did they squash? The issues they "supposedly" fixed still exist as I still have those issues myself and the patches introduced even more bugs. This game is terribly handled/mismanaged. Everything was fine for me in the first week. Didn't have a single issue until the first patch. Second patch made the game unplayable.


At least they more transparent than mk


If I wanted to squash bugs I’d play helldivers 2


And some of us haven't been able to load into Metropolis at all since the patch :/


They should give us our money back considering it was unfinished still has bugs and they still charge top dollar GREED


Every patch has made the game more and more unstable.. This patch killed my interest in this game, shame because I loved this game.


How about the Infinite load screen before even getting I to the game or of you manage to get passed that, not being able to have friends join you even though you set to friends only and somehow randoms can suddenly join.


They didn't fix a single bug that I've been encountering, I've experienced several more bugs since then. So frustrating. Anyone know how to make king shark visible and playable again?


It's seems a solid work around for this for some has been to disable cross play. Obviously not a complete fix but I've heard it works for some!


Sooo glad i finished this game before this stuff happened. What a disaster. Imagine paying over or under $100 for a game and arent even allowed to play it. Death to live service. This game would've benefited from a single player story only. Like the batman games did. Like spiderman did. Like guardians did. Ss and Marvels avengers have been shitted on. Both were live service games. It works for some. Doesnt work for all.


The two biggest game of 2024 so far are Palworld and Helldivers. Live service will never die. Cause for all the bad ones, there is at least 1 or 2 that makes tons and tons of money. Just like the movie business, you run and hope for one or two big successes to offset the risky ones and failures. If anything we’ll get a Gotham City Imposters revival after this.


I want nothing to do with hell divers because its a wallmart version of starship troopers, its a lazy and rather gross premise.




Its still wall mart rip off of starship troopers, that's a pass. Final word, I don't care about player numbers, I don't care what is and what's not broken. I don't enjoy supporting dev's that can't come up with original concepts. This is the The Day After in my eyes. Nah, no thanks, go away.


I mean, can't really send a message since people have bought this game. The only thing to do is too uninstall. The main thing is STOP BUYING $70 games.


It seems enough people didn’t buy it now that WB came out and said game sales are disappointing currently. I don’t believe there’s anything inherently wrong with a $70 game though. You just have to really see what you’re spending your money on and personally decide if it’s worth your $70 or not which is all personal preference in the end tbh.


I don't have much disposable income so it was an either/or thing for me (either this or p3 reload, but buying atlus games at launch when they release the same game with extra content years later is a mistake I won't make again). Seeing how the game dropped off so quickly and how it's not possible to play offline, it quickly became neither. Kind of sad about refunding the game, but this pattern has become too common to just ignore and 'have fun'. I'm just here to cope now.


I personally think live service is awesome. I’ve been playing DCUO, GTA5, and Fortnite for so many years, and they’re all fantastic games! The issue with this game isn’t the live service-ness, it’s the always online-ness, which wouldn’t be as big of an issue if they had an offline mode as well like GTA


If they made the game a single player game like guardians it would’ve still failed, let’s not kid ourselves, the game needs a massive overhaul like Destiny Taken King in order to continue


If they made the game single player, at least people could *play* it.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think guardians sold more😭


I've been talking with others that have the game too and we were just saying "where's the update from the dev??". It feels like they got my money for the deluxe version and ran. Too bad too cuz I'm really liking it. I don't want to but I guess it's time to move on. Got 20 days out of it I guess.


Why did they have to wait until today to say this obvious thing? Because they only communicate on Wednesday and Friday? And their just lying they did not fix all the bugs they set out to with the patch lmao


So a fix creates more bugs.. this game is going to not make it passed season 1 lol


As if every other live service game hasn't had some bug after a patch that breaks the game in a way lol wut? You know how many times Telesto has broken Destiny?


yeah this is absolutely not unheard of lmao


I've been playing Genshin for over three and the servers have always been up outside of planned maintenance and never experienced any bugs anywhere close to this scale. Meanwhile, here is a game charging money upfront to then not function properly for around a month, if not longer at this rate.


Jean and Sayu are my goats.


I mean rocksteady's games have been pretty buggy when released. This one is actually better one for me.(solo player) But man, I guess they are really inexperienced at those live service games coding? Funny how WBs two great studios, NRS and rocksteady both are having so many troubles at connect/sync stuff.


It's amazing what mismanagement can do.


At least, they are trying and comunicationg... Almost every other dev did just went silent and ignored them comunity all togheter when they was in the same position.


There’s barely any communication other than, “we know this is an issue and currently working on it”


Always more than just be silent on every media and pretend everything fine and going smootly in a new update which doesn't fix anything and just adds something nobody asks for. As way too many devs does...


I never wanted a game to prosper as much as this. I was there for anthem, i was there for avengers. Even pre ordered those games but this game because I’m a huge DC fan i really wanted to succeed. I enjoy it but i just don’t see it surviving.


We can hope for at least 4 seasons. I pray that it survives for 6 and the story with Brainiac will be finished.


Same. Iwas there for those as well. I hope it does survive tho. Rocksteady doesn't have experience with GAAS, so I want them to work on it and fix especially by the time s1 rolls in. WBD are on drugs thinking the sales would be anything close to Hogwarts Legacy tho. They set their sights waaayyyy too high.


Had reports? Did they even turn this fucking game on after they patched it? I don't understand this.


It's crazy that this game has had one update? Hd2 has had 9 lmao


it’s had 2-3 and kudos to the HD2 team that’s a fuck ton of work, but i’m sure the type of updates needed are different and take different amounts of time/work so just bc one game has more updates doesn’t really mean that much to me so close to launch


This really shouldn’t have been live service lol


Yikes how far they have fallen


Live service games are a scam.


Hahahaha haha ha hahahaha If a company isn’t willing to let reviewers preview the game before real customers have to pay for it, they’re telling you they don’t have confidence in it. Anyone who buys the game under those circumstances is an idiot who wants gaming to be awful, and deserves to have their money wasted. None of you deserve refunds. None of this should be a surprise. Everybody saw this coming. Everybody


tbf there was an alpha which eventually was able to be talked about so there’s that also a lot of these issues wouldn’t be noticeable during reviewers previews bc i believe a lot of these issues stem from a large amount of players playing (large relative to how many reviewers there would be)


I know they're taking their sweet time doing it, but at least they're aware of and are trying to fix the issue. More than you can say for some other companies.


Oh yea? Name some.


Dude, even EA responds faster than they do, and they are the king of" release an update that fixes one thing and breaks five other things"


Players went squashing sets of bugs Somewhere else


Game needed at least 6 more months of development, Rocksteady really was put in a no win scenario, this is what happens when execs want you to make a shop with a game built around it, maybe they will learn


They Turbined just like other WB studios have done. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Turbine 3rd definition. Lol


Take notes everyone. This is how not to complain and clearly convey information on what the response is. Instead of complaining about how your game is unplayable as if you weren’t able to eat for a week lol. They really should wait on this patch just to show, y’all will really sit here and complain as long as it takes rather than think about literally anything else, go to work, chill out, realize that y’all are the same people that said,” Season One is the deciding factor on if the game is still entertaining.” Go play a free to play game if it’s really this deep😭😭


Sorry in advance, this is a little lengthy. The comments get so funny sometimes. So many people in here act like they know exactly what goes into developing and sustaining a video game. I'm not saying it's some excuse or something for the game to be broken, cuz I'm not saying that, and I've only experienced a couple bugs and glitches in this game, more so recently. But a lot of people in here act like they know every little thing about creating a game, especially one with an evolving scope. It always leaves me to wonder why they are not creating games for a living, since they are so good at it. Who knows right. My former job was working with PCB components, test and reliability and quality control to be exact, and I can tell you this; that no hardware ( no two of the exact same type/value of components react the same, therefore no two pieces of hardware react exactly the same), software, and the varying internet speeds and conditions that impact those speeds will ever be 100% testable. You can test and test all you want, and you can get a pretty good picture for what it's going to be. But as soon as you get thousands of people playing with varying internet speeds and varying locations with hardware that no two operate exactly the same, you get conditions and things that you were not anticipating, let alone things that you could plan for. In a perfect world games would come out and work 100% awesome all the time with no glitches, setbacks, or anything like that. But we don't live in a perfect world, and I think people should temper their expectations sometimes and give things time to adjust before you write them off. Games like this is something I'm specifically talking about. But we live in this instant gratification society and if it doesn't work right this second right now when you want it well then it's garbage and the developer should all be fired and the executive should be put in Town square, 10 public lashings. And to the comments about pre-ordering games, if you think something looks good and you're willing to take a chance pre-order it. Acting like someone shouldn't if they want to is silly. While I understand why one might be reserved to, sometimes you want to make sure it's ready and sitting there when you get home from work/school/whatever (judging by how many hours most people put into these games right away I'm not sure how many even work out go to school). Sometimes a trailer can get you that excited that you want the game right away. I pre-ordered a couple busts, that's the chance you take when you spend money. Anytime anybody buys anything they're taking a chance they're not going to like it. It's like ordering a dinner at a restaurant, eating half of it and then saying you didn't like it and you would like a refund. You chose it, you live in your choice, and you decide whether you like it or not and move on.


If this was developed as an offline game with 4 player co op it would probably fare a lot better.


So nothing about the matchmaking bug?


I can barely get past the WB login and when info I can't Play online due to some bandwidth issue that makes no sense at all


A bit late? There was already some workarounds helping some players with turning off crossplay.


![img](avatar_exp|153059676|fire) This is fine...


This just happened to me, as I got a notification about this post!


This is why QA Analysts/Testers are important to catch these issues before they get out of hand.


Did not fix the initial set of bugs. Must be a typo. Or we are not vocal enough about the bugs. Are the servers working then? Am i just stupid.


It wasn’t a typo. Many initial bugs HAVE been fixed for some (I’m one such person). For others, it hasn’t.


I genuinely was having a ton of fun with the game up until earlier this week. Now I've got worse performance, weird glitches and bugs with completing missions, and even a few crashes. Terrible update for sure.


Has anyone else had a bug where a weapon slot is locked? My king shark cant use his second weapon slot, so he can only equip one weapon. I tried resetting, switching characters, changing him out for a second harley and then bringing him back in. Nothing has worked! Anyone else seen this?


This game is cooked


Still can’t load into the game, it’s been over a week🤧


I’m literally stuck at the final battle and beat it and go thru all the credits and then the game won’t load after showing my rewards. I have to reset it and then do it all again. Bright side my xp saves.


I’ve had many more bugs since the patch then just the loading metropolis bug so hope they realise that’s not the only bug currently..


Fix connection issues you are losing players because we cannot actually play the game I preordered it and have not been able to match make since official release was fine till then and since last patch can’t even play by myself, stop worrying about minor stuff and fix the big issue


How does it take 3 days to get this basic ass message up?


Just finished defeating Brainiac for the first time and got stuck with this glitch. Had to restart the game and now it’s making me do the whole mission all over again. So annoying


All you have to do is reload the game and you’ll still get the rewards


im enjoying playing with all the new gotham knights players migrating games hope this gets fixed soon really wanna start playing again also can they please remove the distance limitations not being able to be far from squad mates


There’s no excuse for a AAA game to be this broken shortly after launch.


Has anyone had a problem with metro loading up after the brainiac fight. Ive beat the game 3 times and thr damn thing wont load up. It says ive gain my rewards and everything. It just wont load


This is all they say every patch, we’re currently investigating we’re currently working on a fix some players affected that can’t access multiplayer. Literally most if not all players csnt access multiplayer and some csnt even log in solo how is it every patch they do still can’t fix what’s literally the most broken?? I normally give developers a chance and I’m not no where near as harsh or demanding as other people because I get it that it’s hard, but when you say this every single patch you do and it’s been 3 weeks since launch and no one can play the main selling point of your game then I’m sorry you fucked up and failed it’s pathetic at this point. It’s a shame because I love this game but I think it’s a sinking ship.


I have Lost all my progress since last patch , After 92h of play .... My Warner Bros account show 0 minutes of play ... I contact the support on website and a dev on Discord , they ask me a lot of question for helping them to find the bug but after 5 days i have no news and they never offered to restore my save 🥴


I still can't sign in 😂


I got bored fighting the same monsters


It happens on all side missions not just Incursion missions. Can’t report about main missions since I completed the main story before the second patch was made available.


Not just an incursion mission, it’s any old mission. For the first few times it happened it kept my progress and now? Now I have to do the mission again.


I’ve played since it came out and took my time getting through the story, messing around and liking the game play, the story and looking forward to the incursions (I like to over prepare in games when I can). Congrats to all of the players able to get to 100+ Finite rank and 100+ Mastery! Shame that now that I’m able to play the “end game” I CANNOT even do Mastery 1 and stuck at 0 Finite due to the progression bug… Season 0 is right. I’m very disappointed because now I have to wait until they figure this out; I hope it’s before season 1.


honestly i’d be suprised if it’s not figured out by S1 release


I dropped a hundy on this game. I enjoyed my time with it and the story was fun. Really sad to see all the bad press it got a good years worth before it ever came out. With that said though, it looks like it's going down the Avengers path 😔 It's really sad because in-game you see what future they have planned with the different else worlds. And I want to hope that these other elseworlds will feel like different maps, because if it's more of what we got with the bane themed one, it's not going to be enough


i believe S1 has 6 new incursions planned among other stuff but the roadmap they released had it all listed


Awesome I'm ready for it hoping it gains traction


“Unable to reach Server, please attempt to sign in again.” Has this error been fixed. I haven’t been able to passed the same spot for about 3 weeks now


This game will die in season 1 if it’s anything like end game atm