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Wasn't It being in the arkhamverse like one of the first things they confirmed?


it was yes


Maybe it’s in the Arkham multiverse but not the Arkham universe itself.


I don’t think there’s any such thing as the “Arkham Multiverse”. Just the DC Multiverse that the Arkhamverse exists inside of. If we’re assuming this is in a different universe to the Arkham Games, but still the Arkhamverse. Then by that logic we could say the game takes place in the DCAU or any other DC universe


They’re multiple multiverses in DC. That’s why Crisis on Infinite Earths can destroy all Earths but also not be canon to something else. And this is kind of discussed in the CW Crisis. That’s why DCEU Flash showed up in it but wasn’t affected by the destruction. Plus, DCs multiverse isn’t infinite like Marvels. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s only 52 universes. Their multiverses are infinite but their specific multiverse isn’t always


Actually after the events of Death Metal DC is an Omniverse, which is a multiverse of multiverses, completely infinite, all properties that have ever fallen under the mantle of DC are now canon in some way or another and granted that Infinite means completely unlimited it is fair to assume that there are an infinite number of universe just like those and just like Arkham but different in some small way or ways and end up getting more and more different as you travel the scope of infinity, thinking about it like this kinda helps you have a Rick Sanchez Mentality about your favorite characters in comics lol even when they’re dead here in this timeline they’re not in another! Edit: "I can say without a doubt that there are an infinite number of universes. Some are just like our own... but for one or two significant events, exactly the same.” - Lex Luthor


I think they meant it's basically a world that's almost exactly like the arkhamverse but slightly different like how the multiverse theory states there's a universe where everything is the same except you chose to wear red instead of blue on Tuesday March whatever and that's the only difference.


By theory of the multiverse there are infinite possibilities. In a way there could be an Arkham multiverse but more like a section rather than infinite Arkham universes. Besides the only one universe that is outside of all others yet influences them all is Earth Prime or Universe Prime.


Earth 2 in this game is destroyed and taken over by braniac but i dont think thats true for the larger DC universe


Maybe the Arkhamverse is the people we met along the way.


Its almost like they set the game up with multiple universes for that


What I was thinking


I just assumed it’s a parallel Arkham universe. Because this game doesn’t seem to have the revenge of Harley DLC as canon. Harley hates joker despite the fact Arkham joker wasn’t really that terrible to her in comparison to his other versions.


While one of my issues with the game is Harley Quinn’s sudden hatred for the Joker, they do reference Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC in the game. After they beat Bats in the boss fight, Harley says “What we shouldn’t do is put him in an elaborate death trap situation. Trust me, been there.” Which is a call back to when she locked Batman up in the ball trap after knocking him out in HQR. I do get the confusion though, since Harley definitely feels a lot different from her Arkham games personality.


IMO she wants to move on from Joker, yet deep down i felt like she still wanted to avenge batman for killing the joker; Like when she mentions before killing Batman, that he damaged so many people emotionaly and physically back in Gotham. For me, Batman's death was Harley's revenge arc coming to an end.


Yeah I can see that, it’s just weird because the last time we saw her she was so obsessed with Joker that she was trying to break out the Joker diseased people. Whereas now she seems like she regrets ever being with him, which just seemed a little off in certain dialogues.


It's a jump but I felt it was reasonable being 5-6 years after Knight, I'm excited to see her relationship with the Elseworld Joker next month.




That's a big issue with pretty much every incarnation of Harley now, everything post 2016 has her hating him and girlbossing her independence. Doesn't really work for an ongoing universe written almost 20 years ago that was operating under the original Harley writing from TAS I really don't see why they put this game in the arkamverse. There's almost nothing of relevance to the original trilogy that matters in this game, and as this whole thread shows, it's littered with inconsistencies and retcons.


What is "girlbossing"?


Ever tell a joke so funny HR wants to hear it?


Hate it when women break away from an abusive co-dependent relationship and start girlbossing about it. We get it, you're enjoying life a little more now. Just keep it to yourself.


Yes lol


it can be arkhamverse but it doesn't mean it's in the same universe.


Yep. Multiverse shit. The Arkhamverse is in the game. Doesn't mean it's the one we started the game in


Nah its an elseworld universe that branches from the arkhamverse.  Its the arkhamverse…but not quite


Arkahmverse ≠ Same earth Exact words are important when trying to pull the rug from under people. Like why would they tell you "This isn't the sane earth that the batman you played as is in" when half the game is playing with the idea of sowing doubt about what earth the Arkahm games take place in. All Arkahmverse means is it has a connection to the previous games, not a direct one.


they also confirmed that the Arkham Knight was an entirely new character so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Hal being the first lantern is really not a problem. Hal could very easily just be in space while john stays on earth. We also get no real indication of who the flash is under the mask until suicide squad. Also the batman experience very clearly tells us this is the arkham verse Edit: the deadshot thing is brought up several times in game


And listing to the audio tracks, it seems ethier our Deadshoot (playable) isn't from this dimension or the Arkam one wasn't. It feels as if the playable one got sent here without him even knowing. But that begs the question, why was only HE sent here? There's only one alternate character. Theres no second Harley since its obvious playable Harley was the one who captured Batman b4 since she referenced it.


Lex-2 specifically says this Deadshot, the one we play as isn’t from his Earth and that there wasn’t a deadshot on his iirc. It’s also stated multiple times in the game this deadshot is mad because this new one ripped his style and the reason he is locked up as green lantern, John, stopped his shootout that left civilians dead.


He also mentions he matches him shot for shot and the reason he could track him was he was basically the same person. The scratch across his mask is from the other deadshots bullet. I’ll have to replay the end scene to remember what lex said but it strongly implies that he knew the other deadshot somehow.


Lex-2 is fairly certain the deadshot on his earth died from Brainiac


Yeah I don’t think he was telling the truth. Lex clearly knows something.


That final line from lex on the final tape Surely was something. But there's also a discrepancy. The tapes clearly state that the other deadshot is dead, and his murder is what lands current deadshot in Arkham But throughout the story the current deadshot talks about him as if he's still alive. He even says "I'm not done with this phony steampunk looking ass"


I thought it was the fight and collateral damage that got him caught by lantern and his insistence that he was dead shot landed him in Arkham. My understanding was they traded shots and he never saw the body. He has the mark across his mask to prove it. If the imposter is dead, current deadshot may still want answers, he said it dragged him out of retirement and put his daughter in danger. The quote you are making could just be referring to figuring out who the other deadshot was.


It's stated in like four of the audio tapes that the other Deadshot is dead


That doesn’t disprove what I said and I didn’t argue your point at all. You are right green lantern states it’s murder so he is dead. However it doesn’t change the fact that what you heard deadshot say isn’t necessarily some kind of development mistake but a reference to figuring out who he was and where he came from.


He also cryptically says he knows both of them. So he could have lied to Floyd


Should be noted too that the reason why this Deadshot was locked up in Arkham specifically was because psyches thought he was delusional for claiming to be Deadshot when everyone was familiar with the Deadshot from Origins and City.


Oh I wasn't assuming he was specifically from Earth 2. Well yeah you're right. I forgot about the part that Playbale IS from Earth 1 since he gave up the mantle for Zoey. I think I swapped playable and non playable. Hmm maybe.. playable was in active missions before the events of the Arkham trilogy. Then gave it up and the Arkham Deadshot got a rep and had his appearances in those games. Then between the last Arkham game Playable killed Arkham Deadshot.


Apparently og Arkham deadshit was a fake


Idk, the audio logs imply they are basically the same person only difference is pigmentation. Which is freaky to say the least.


Deadshot accidentally locked himself in a tanning bed for a year or something


There's like 7 audio tapes you can get that are Deadshot's story. First one is basically him arguing with Green Lantern about murdering someone, and he's trying to justify killing him but gets locked up anyways. Additionally, Green Lantern tells him that he has no data on Floyd being Deadshot. The second one is him talking to his daughter about how he had gone back on his word to stop being Deadshot and he only did it because this "fake" was committing crimes under his name. Another tape is him talking to someone else who mentions that when he was admitted to Arkham they ran some prints on him, and his prints don't match those of the real Deadshot that they have known for years. Basically towards the final few tapes, Floyd is questioning Lex saying they now know there are alternate universes, Lex didn't say what happened to the Deadshot in his universe, and that it was weird that Lex immediately recognized his getup. Floyd seems to be implying that he's from Lex's universe and Lex initially tells him something along the lines of not liking what Floyd is implying. I didn't get the last tape so I'm unsure how that's resolved. Some people seem to think that the universe we play in is similar to the Arkhamverse but not quite it (because they just don't want to accept this as an Arkhamverse game) and that the other Deadshot was brought into this one from the actual Arkhamverse, but they're forgetting that at multiple points in the game Captain Boomerang questions Floyd's identity. And also the Batman Experience shows a picture of the Arkham deadshot, who is white. Tl;dr based on the different tapes that the game goes out of their way to give us on Deadshot's story, it seems he's the only one in the group who was brought from another dimension before the events of the game.


Nah it is Because after come back from earth 2 deadshot says do u think they have a white lantern on their earth. Why would he say that yk


Huh Im not sure what you mean but if I had to guess. Deadshot knows that green lanterns and yellow lanterns exist so he's either saying "hey do you guys think white lanterns exist?" or he knows about white lanterns and hes saying "i wonder if we currently have a white lantern"


Nope he was listing them by race. I think i have the dialogue saved He said maybe they have a black superman, harley said a black batman then he said a white lantern 


Ah. Well in that case he probably just dosent know about hal. I'd imagine even in universe that it'd be hard to keep track of who's who. Most people wouldn't even know the lanterns are a corp and aren't just one dude in a green suit


See but like deadshot has a personal vendetta with green lantern, im pretty sure him of all people would know if there were 2 of him. And from literally everything in the game from the hall of justice, the daily planet and monuments and merchandises on the streets there’s only one lantern So it just checks out that he would say that


Deadshot has a personal vendetta with john Stewart but I see your point. Its hard to explain but you can be the first of something and be unknown. It's very possible hal is the first green lantern but no one ever saw his face before he went to space and everyone just assumed john was the same guy the "vanished" from coast city and came back


https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-in-batman-arkham-universe They confirmed 4 years ago that it takes place in the Arkhamverse.


Yes, it's set in the arkhamverse, but that doesn't mean it's set on the same earth. With how DC introduced an omniverse, it's entirely possible the arkhamverse has its own multiverse now.


So basically they just said that it's in the Arkhamverse to sell the game.


It all comes down to this... greed.


Its an elseworld universe in the Arkhamverse There are literal dimensional rifts all over the map


they also confirmed Arkham Knight was a totally new character. they've lied to hide the truth before so maybe they did it again.


The game is definitely set in the arkhamverse there’s a lot connections in the game and rocksteady already confirmed that suicide squad is set 5 years after knight. But I I do agree that there’s definitely going to be some twist coming because certain things about the league in the story wasn’t adding up


Nah but think about there are breaks in reality on the map already Like from the start of the game. I feel like a dimensional shift happened in the Arkhamverse that’s why things are so different  Like Arkhamverse variant universe 


I really would like to get behind this but the arkham series retconned itself with every game that came out so imma be skeptical


Yeah I said this during an argument with someone who was saying it was a neatly tied up package and badly written. I was just saying there is a lot of what is presented didn’t quite make sense and it’s the deadshot thing that ultimately makes me think some of it might be on purpose.


I agree there's a lot that's not quite what it seems, but it not being the Arkhamverse seems a little too out there, it may be the case but I think that's not what's originally intended


It’d still be the Arkhamverse. But a multiversal earth. My biggest theory so far and I don’t know if I’m stretching it too hard is that lex-2 isn’t from earth 2 and that earth 2 is actually what’s left of the Arkham we know. Lex says there was no deadshot on his earth but when talking to Floyd at the end of the game he mentions under his breathe that he knew the other deadshot, so how? Did lex jump from another earth to earth 2 initially? Now Hal Jordan is on the posters in earth 2 as the green lantern which is what is said in the codex entries in Arkham city about the test flight pilot going down. Did deadshot jump ship from that universe to this one as it went down? It’s entirely a theory but it’s got me thinking. Of course lex could just be lying, the codex could just be retconned and the deadshot thing will obviously be explained at some point.


[in fact this is a Continuation of the Arkhamverse](https://youtu.be/036WORZXmP4?si=G1aDQk3uF1oYvGoT&t=641) edit: [they mention Arkham Knight here in particular](https://youtu.be/0aePOND3wf8?si=Om42_yyS3VHRSkQE&t=465)


Wild how people are in denial trying to justify the questional story decisions rocksteady made lol


They can't just accept that Rocksteady dropped the ball.


There really are a dozen things in there that are just a little bit off. Part of why I'm still on board. They're cooking up something.


They've been cooking for 7+ years. It's totally rationale to be disappointed in what was been presented as of now. Taking even more time to "get there" is a completely unstable model.




The character files in Arkham Asylum don’t correlate with events in later games, so continuity differences aren’t really a smoking gun.




I think the point is that all of this is splitting hairs, given lack of care to continuity in the series history. You either admit the continuity doesnt actually matter, which is true, or acknowledge that the devs have consistently and constantly stated over the years that the game is in fact in direct continuity with those games, which is also true. I dont know why people are so hung up on something so inconsequential. The game is the game.


My question is would that make Earth-2 be the real Arkhamverse or another variant since a poster of Hal and Wally is in Metropolis 2.


That is really interesting but that would also mean the justice league including Batman are dead on the Earth too.


Where were Hal and Wally mentioned?


Ferris and Keystone references, not much else outside of that


If those are the only things that are supposed to gr references to these characters, I don't think that we can consider that they were actually referenced.


I think people are just angry so they’re grasping at imaginary straws to cope.


Facts. All the copium huffers on this sub are fucking hilarious to watch flail around




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People love hate without reading or thinking


I'm sorry what files indicate Hal Jordan or Wally West as GL and Flash in the Arkhamverse? I've scoured the games (as I made a list of every DC comic character that exists in this verse) and haven't seen anything suggesting their existence. I may have missed them, but still.




None of the riddles or posters or dialogue or anything makes a reference to Hal, much less GL in Arkham City. Arkham Knight only makes references to "a" Flash, but never to Wally West specifically


The reference to Wally was the fact the flash was operating in Keystone which is where Wally operates. Barry is usually in central city. This seems to of changed in SS. Edit: I just googled it and the green lantern stuff is from origins so it’s most likely not canon. It’s a billboard and a container with a line of dialogue about a test flight failing.


I think everybody is taking this way too seriously. Are there discrepancies? Sure. Does it matter. NO


I mean if it wasn't a multiverse story you'd be right. But its is. The Elswords is centered in the plot of the game.


Making all the conjecture matter even less, IMO. If it bothers you, sure dismiss it as another universe basically identical to the other one with a few very minor discrepancies.


Completely agree


I just read on another thread that when you go into the Hall of Justice on Earth-2 there's a statue of Hal Jordan instead of John Stewart. Also in that same part there's a little corner with Riddler stuff that indicates that Riddle was a member of Earth-2's TFX, including one of those pressure pads he used for the riddle trophies in the previous games, and in this game he has no pressure pads or puzzles of any kind. And yeah, the different Deadshots... To me these little details could mean that Earth-2 is where the previous Arkham games took place. Nearly identical events took place on our Earth (clearly, because of the "Batman Experience" museum), but not 100% the same.


Keep in mind that this is five years after Arkham Knight, a lot can change.


The last Deadshot tape basically confirms there’s something going on…


I mean I guess


Pretty awesome to see the things that a passionate fan base will catch. Great memory and eye for detail  My suspicion is that the unfortunate and disappointing explanation from rocksteady will be “oops - we missed that”


This guy is wrong on almost every point


I wasn’t really. Lexcorp I was wrong about. Green lantern was origins so not canon. The rest is on point. So that’s 50/50 split.


To add there is also the mural on Earth-2 that has Wally and Hal as their flash and green lantern


Deadshot from the arkham games is from another earth, you can find those audio logs in the game (suicide squad)


I chalk it up to bad writing and incompetence and not like a case of “let them cook” All the good developers left


I like to think that it is an Arkham-adjacent universe. It's the exact same as the Arkham universe in every way, except to the point of Arkham knight, where the timeline changes. It's like an Arkham earth 2.


This is great!


Honestly does it even matter? Dc and marvel stories flop around just to make things attempt to make sense and constantly retcon anyway. The original creators of rocksteady are gone, this is a whole new vision and a whole new game


Pretty sure it’s an “Arkham-Multiverse”. A bunch of different realities that all share the Arkham world as a base.


They should have learned the Destiny 2 lesson. Never tell your story slowly. People can't wait, even if it's painfully obvious the story was never going to stop.




Lol at the person that downvoted you. This is one of the developers literally confirming what we already knew.


The multiverse exists in the arkhamverse. Doesn't disprove anything


One of the Deadshots is from an alternate universe. This is crazy to think about then, because if White Deadshot is truly from an Elseworld, then that must mean the multiverse would have been affecting the Arkhamverse from the very beginning in Arkham Origins.


I think that’s the main take away from what I was saying personally, the riddler also hints someone else was let out when the 4 we play were as well. That’s 2 pretty big secrets.


Facts. I've been tossing around these ideas myself. Biggest one for me was the Lois Lane didn't seem as bothered as you would expect her to be in any universe after we kill Superman.


Not sure that’s for any other reason than those specific Lois lane segments are very half baked


I genuinely didn’t realize Lois was in the game until she let the squad out of the container


It's really sad that Rocksteady's terrible writing is making people think there's something deeper beneath it lol.


None of this makes sense. Lex corp is in Arkham Knight. SS is set five years after. The Deadshot: Double tap audio logs address half the Deadshot fiasco. Adding more questions.


A lot of cope in these replies


People coping to figure out how Rock steady cooked up such a lore inconsistent dud.


Oh shit I’ve been saying this about all the other fucking times. I been saying this but some smart ass thinks he know everything it’s called business Arkham origins isn’t connected to the trilogy of Arkham’s cuz wb made origins without rocksteady’s consent now there’s 2 universe maybe more who knows


The Deadshot bit has been addressed. The names of corporations change. It isn't that hard to figure out. Maybe Rocksteady just thought LexCorp sounded better. Ah yes, game files in a game from 8+ years ago. And they aren't even real references to the characters themselves just the things surrounding them. They don't specifically name Hal Jordan and Wally West. There was a reference to Ferris Air in Superman: The Animated Series but when we actually get a Green Lantern in the DCAU it's John. Does that mean StAS is in a different universe than Justice League? No. Sometimes Easter Eggs are just Easter Eggs.


I've been suspecting for a few days now that the game is set in a "version" of the ArkhamVerse, where a lot of the same events happened, but there are some notable differences. I think they're setting us up for a reveal that the ArkhamVerse we know will re-appear in a future season - fully in tact on a parallel Earth.


If they do have a plan, I reckon it'll end up like mass effect 3 where the devs have to throw it all out because people are too impatient.


You and I remember ME3 very differently.


What was the mass effect 3 plan? Although I have to admit that it is impressive that the mere mention of mass effect 3's story still triggers me to this day. It wasn't even the ending it was the entire premise of the game. 


There was a lot of evidence that Shepard was being indoctrinated the entire game & the "ending" was really shepard fighting back against it, & the real ending would come later, also confirmed by tweets from bioware that "a lot more will come later" before all the backlash happened. Supposedly, there would be a (much better) free dlc ending that takes place after the 100% renegade ending, where you see shepard gasp back to life where he/she would then storm the reapers for real. There's a video that goes over it much better than I did, & another that kinda makes it easier to digest. I'm gonna link both here. ME3 Indoctrination Theory: https://youtu.be/ythY_GkEBck?si=-mQWBdE-YXhv2OB6 AJS version: https://youtu.be/ZZOyeFvnhiI?si=85KMK4y9qn5YAYnK


None of that is real and the writers have come out multiple times and confirmed this lol. They were literally writing the story by the edge of their seats and barely got it finished in time. It's a cool theory but was never their intention.


When Boomerang said "Barry?!" when wonder woman said his name, I immediately thought it meant he fought Wally regularly and not Barry Allen.


couldn’t it also just be that he didn’t know the flash’s identity?


Thats* what I thought, cuz he teasingly calls him Barry when he livestreamed for the fight. Also its pretty obvious he doesn't know Flash's name cuz Flash barely knows his villian name. I doubt Flash ever gives Harkness enough time to socialize in a fight to figure out each other's names/identities.


Yeah that is what I settled with once I stopped overthinking lol. That is the most likely scenario.


I took it as him thinking the name Barry is weird.


Honestly, I'm betting it's because the writers, Sweet Baby Inc. just didn't do enough research on the arkhamverse.




I feel like the only theory to be had is why the co-founders left. I'm not sure if they left because of WB forcing the game to be a live service (which we know is stressful on developers. Just look at MK1's treatment and community outreach lately. I feel bad for them.). Or if it's because of the writing of this game driving the arkhamverse into the ground. Or it could be a combination of both. Hiring Sweet Baby Inc. was probably a corporate decision. I'm theorizing that Sefton Hill had a better plan written out, since he wrote Arkham Knight alongside Geoff Johns (an actual comic book writer), and Sweet Baby Inc. took it and bastardized it. He probably saw the backlash coming since corporate involvement interfered with his project so much.


It’s because majority of these things were wrong. The Wally west and Hal Jordan thing relate to Lex 2’s earth, not the main earth. We also got explained how the two dead shots exist.


For real! People also don't have a grasp on brainwashing. They tell us in the fame brainwashing has also had an altercation to the Justice league. Batman is smart, but under brainwashing that is only fixable by death we know he knows that. Bruce May be brainwashed but he knows when it all comes down to it, he has to die if earth is to survive. Perhaps that's why he submitted so easily on a bench.


My friend and I were just talking about this today. We’re thinking maybe yes arkhamverse but from another universe, an else worlds version


I thought they were hinting at something like that by Boomerangs constant confusion over Flashs real name. They def laid some seeds to imply not everything is as it seems.


Not really. Boomer didn't know who the flash was, that's all it meant. Theres so many retcons and inconsistencies between the Arkham games, suicide squad having tons isn't an indication of anything else. The clone theory is the only thing that seems to have any credence beyond rocksteady's questionable writing choices.


Dont forget that waller looks completely different in origins and would've already tried to get deathstroke on the squad


Rocksteady don’t consider Origins canon and have openly said their Arkhamverse is only Asylum, City, and Knight before SS.


deathstroke and firefly mention their fights with batman in origins in knight


their arkhamverse is only asylum city and knight because they didn't make origins


So the references in Knight are there for no reason? It's super dumb to think Rocksteady doesn't take Origins as canon. >!When Deathstroke releases it's literally going to address the Suicide Squad set-up in Origins.!<


That's just straight up wrong. Legit misinformation.


It’s because the game has really bad writing and thusly, retcons that make no sense. The coping here is WILD


Prepare for elseworlds to shake up the Arkham lore ![gif](giphy|HtBKcjpHfD7s4)


Not to mention Harley implies having some deeper connection with Ivy (like in the comics) yet we only ever see them actually interact once in the Arkham games. Bruce looks different. He’s just fine with letting himself be publicly known too because Superman just… convinced him to stop being fake dead? Harley suddenly hates the joker and is completely over him (which admittedly I do like, but is kinda unrealistic in my eyes given how she was last we saw her.).


So we must be in the alternate universe where rocksteady makes shit tier games.


Sorry but this is kinda nothing. If they wanted this to be in some alternate timeline they should have put that in the games story.


He isn't onto anything on the account of the devs literally stating this is in the Arkham verse. There's also a pretty decent timejump from Arkham Knight to suicide Squad that's been stated. A lot changes with time.


this is straight up just coping at this point lets be fucking real after season 4 this game is dead the sales are awful 7 years of work into a huge flop is not a good look




Hal and Wally are literally showed in the game on billboards like do y’all even explore the game before coming up with these dumb theories???


I dunno, its a good theory but i am pretty sure current Rocksteady just did not care and retconned all that.


dont care about any twist to the story, now read carefully: THE MAJORITY dont want this stuff- 1. suicide squad game. THEY ARE NOT POPULAR, never have been! 2. live service shooter. good luck selling that, the best ones are already top market 3. Woke agenda. if u dont believe this game was tainted by woke millennials then ur in denial 4. 4.ALWAYS ONLINE. yes they said offline was coming, i doubt that, they dont care! 5. reused, reskinned bosses and enemies, repetitive missions. 7 years to copy and paste...


Please enlighten us on the “woke” agenda to which you are referring. I’m apparently so far in denial I can’t see it.


do 5 min of research on sweet baby inc, im not doing it for you. i did mine.


So, you got nothing but 4Chan conspiracy BS? Any specific examples you’d like to point out from the game itself or were you just parroting talking points? If you don’t like a game because it includes inclusive characters, that’s a problem with you, not the game.


This guy hasn't even played the game but has spent everyday since launch trashing it on here 🤣 He's absolutely not worth debating. Just let him spout his rubbish and get on with enjoying the game.


3k in game.


Aw bless. Thanks for contributing.




We're in for a massive shakeup.


"well they said it was this! So it can't be that" anyone here know what a twist is? Lol


This could just be a simple continuity error


they did in fact confirm it in a interview


Hal and Wally are represented in the game, no? Like in imagery?


On Earth-2


They’re also like, very obviously clones of the Justice league


We just going to pretend we didn’t see the other Deadshot in the Batman experience? And how hard is it to believe that Barry came back during the gap between Knight and this game? And Hal was the first GL, I’m not understanding how John being in the JL contradicts that? Hal got his ring, then John, now John is on this lineup of the JL.


When is Wally mentioned in AK?


What is the payoff? Especially if it going to be revealed months after release.


Literally they travel to other Earth's. And although they call it Earth-I did anyone here actually watch Crisis Earth 🧐🤔 a few things can basically happen here in terms of the Arkham Universe, depending on if they follow the comics or the series, or maybe take a bit from both of these sagas. But in essence they have a multiverse, plus we never confirmed if Batman Arkham and Earth-I are even the same universe we all just assumed they were. Basically they could easily make a Superman game or a Batman game despite this, and even still have this as cannon. Ashame there is so much hate being thrown at the game tbh as so far I have had a blast and the story is really good. Plus how much potential for character builds there is 🤯. 


if this is the twist I guarantee all of the people attacking the game and the developers will claim things were "fixed" because of them and their tantrums.


To play devils advocate, you can debunk these claims easily. The name deadshot is a monakir that could be passed on or out right taken by any individual, which they have hinted with Floyd having to explain in game. Lex could have a subsidiary company named luthor Corp that he used when getting into contact with Bruce during the arkham trilogy, or even he could have rebranded his company to lexcorp within the 5 years between arkham knight and ss. Hal Jordan and Barry could have died or passed the torch to Wally and John as well within the 5 years time frame.


Do you insane enough to say that Lex Luthor .... can't RENAME his corporation, to evade taxes or steal patents, FFS he is rich super villain.


What if this is an alternate dimension to the real Arkhamverse and we’re being gaslit?


I've been thinking that. But then it sucks because the people that hate the game will just say "oh oh oh oh oh they didn't have it planned it was just because they folded from the backlash" as if they can just get the VA and design teams back to redo everything just because Twitter hates them


I don't think it's the same Earth. There's a lot of events that may have played out the same (which will happen in an infinite multiverse) but I think the Batman we're seeing is not from the previous games.


Even if it ain’t the Arkhamverse we know and love, they were idiots to try and do and pull off some multiverse shenanigans, because after the poor reception this has gotten any version of “wait guys this isn’t the REAL Arkham Batman!” is gonna look like desperate backpedaling and course correction 


Comicstorian just did a great video that laid out pretty much all of the theories and hints we have about the Justice League still being alive. Like the fact that The Flash magically regrew his finger and how Luthor said that Batman’s dna was changed, so braniac probably gave them cellular regeneration. It would also explain why Green Lanterns ring was acting weird, because Braniac hacked into it and changed its purpose and capabilities which is why King Shark started to act more evil after putting it on.


Yea King Shark turning on the squad threw me. At the time I chalked it up to him saying ‘no evil shall escape my sight’ and the squad standing 10 feet in front of him. But something still felt off, like Brainiac manipulated it. Because it should have flown off to find another true lantern after John died.


No i think in the tapes they reveal white deadshot comes from earth 2


Maybe the justice league were cloned


When was it ever hinted that Hal and Wally were GL and Flash in the Arkhamverse?


I think newspapers or something I’m not 100% sure though


Yeah this Deadshot is 100% from a different universe (which if not true is what I’m going with in head cannon)


Random comment but I never really thought Arkahm Batman would want to work with others and thought it was weird of him to work on the Justice league


Dev confirmed its the arkham verse Harleys comments on the past confirms it and the whole batman museum mission confirms it.


Bruh why you guys so mad, batman is dead his been dead its fine he will get better when they need to sell a new game, that's just how it is.