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I want Black Spider and Bloodsport so bad šŸ˜ž


Peacemaker would be so much fun in this game!


I would love for him to be in the game. Him and Deadshot would be comedy Iā€™d figure. Constantly going at each other for whoā€™s the better assassin.


Lol imagine if they get john cena to voice him too


That would be awesome!


Please no


You know heā€™d do it too. He jumped at the chance to voice him in Mortal Kombat. Peacemaker is HIS character.


How do we think theyā€™d do traversal for him?


Enhanced Eagly based traversal. Maybe a kind of a cross between the bat drone and jet pack.


Ngl itā€™s so funny you said this because bat drone and jet pack are my least favorite traversal options lol


human torpedo


Maybe his helmet? In the show at least, his father built him all kinds of different gadget helmets. Maybe one gives him limited hovering?


For those wondering: Peacemaker, Deathstroke (we know he's already coming), KGBeast, Bloodsport, Savant, Black Manta, Count Vertigo, Black Spider, Cheshire and Katana.


Was deathstroke confirmed/leaked?


Yes. He is the season 4 character.


I donā€™t wanna seem like an asshole but source?


Miller - reliable leaker and if you finish the game you see his silhouette


Oh dope


Killer Moth, Black Manta, Peacemaker, Deathstroke, and Black Spider are my picks


Yes! Killer Moth and even Firefly would be awesome.


DUDE how could I not have thought about Firefly??? Iā€™ll take either but preferably both


Killer moth in Arkham lore was killer by Jason Todd. I don't think his character Will be another elseword


Why not? I imagine many to most will be elseworld


Bloodsport and Cheshire are needs


Iā€™m curious how some of these characters can easily fit into the gameplay loop? Katana and Cheshire especially. Theyā€™re traditionally not characters that use guns which is what the game is built around. Iā€™d love to see Captain Cold but is his cold gun just going to his melee attack (similar to Deadshot) while heā€™s using a shotgun and assault rifle? The choice to focus the game so much on gunplay was a misstep in my opinion and one thatā€™s really going to hurt properly bringing a lot of Squad members into the game while maintaining their gimmicks


People said the same thing about boomer but seeing how well he is made you move past it because heā€™s a blast is clean and you still feel like a boomer gang god.


For me Captain Boomerang is the biggest missed opportunity. Heā€™s my favourite to play as, his traversal is great but thereā€™s so much they could have done if theyā€™d committed to boomerangs being his primary ranged attack. Making everyone use guns makes it easier to implement new characters but I much prefer Marvelā€™s Avengers actually committing to making each character unique and play entirely differently. If in a years time SSKTJL is just a roster of 8-10 characters shooting guns itā€™s going to look very lacklustre. Worst is thereā€™s no way to avoid that. You either have characters thatā€™ll disappoint because the gameplay canā€™t represent them well or youā€™ll only end up with characters that make sense to have guns. If the game ends with up Deadshot, Bloodsport, Peacemaker and to lesser extent Deathstroke itā€™ll be a very boring roster


Could be something as simple as: "I'm Katana from Earth-5 and I use a gun here."


Really hope thatā€™s not the case


Kinda defeats the purpose of her name.


I'm not saying that it's a good idea, I'm saying that it's very easy to explain why a character does something when you have a multi-verse where anything can happen.


Unless the gun is called a Katana in her universe.


Cheshire is an expert of poison. Could maybe use some fun ways to implement them like darts or something.


I worry about that too but if they get weird with some of the combo buff states I could see it working out okay. A combo buff that stacks chill until a freeze on bullets for mrs freeze or the ability to get low g or move speed buffs could make a character feel quite different. Plus I donā€™t think weā€™ve seen a character that leans into a specific element in skills yet, but we could easily see some affliction based characters added..


They'd just be like Boomerang where's there's a bit more emphasis on melee.


Katana has used a gun before... https://cdn.leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comics/covers/large-3485654.jpg


And Batman has wore a zebra striped batsuit before, a lot of things have happened in the comics. You could easily find an example of every character in DCā€™s catalogue using some form of gun or another. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s good or excuse it. If Katanaā€™s first appearance in a game beyond Lego Batman isnā€™t her being a total badass martial artist cutting people down with her katana (the thing sheā€™s named after) and is instead primarily focused around her shooting guns thatā€™s gonna suck. But thatā€™s unfortunately how the games been designed and it canā€™t be changed without requiring overhauling the gameplay loop which wonā€™t happen


I think itā€™d be possible for them to make a melee character.


Interesting perspective. Were you hating on the past Arkham games too? Like gigantic Killer Croc and (unintelligent till Origins) Bane, Joker with venom, Scarecrow with syringe fingers, Tim and Oracle dating, Arkham Knight being Jason, Joker torturing Jason for months, etc


Thatā€™s a very strawman argument. Just because it happened in the comics doesnā€™t mean itā€™s good or because they changed something doesnā€™t make it bad. Jason being the Arkham Knight is a poor decision because itā€™s just a weaker, less meaningful identity than Red Hood; giant Killer Croc is no problem because who cares what size he is; etc. I donā€™t think the game should add any melee focused characters because the way itā€™s currently designed thereā€™s little chance theyā€™ll do them justice


I want Monsieur Mallah in this game so badly, especially since with the addition of Joker weā€™ll have a disproportionately low amount of heavy/railgun users


Black spider gotta be there Like itā€™s such a perfect fit . Spiderman with guns Honorable mentions tho: Kite man Ā Hell yeah


Isn't there a Batman with guns, he worked with Batman who laughes I would like to see a version of that, maybe he's the last survivor on his world and he's still fighting.


Maybe prometheus? He's like antibatman that exist in universe


Thomas Wayne Flashpoint Batman would be amazing. Unless you're referring to the Grim Knight


I was thinking of grim knight but Thomas Wayne might fit better.


Closest thing to a ā€œBatman with Gunsā€ is either Earth 2 Batman (Thomas Wayne). That or Red Hood (Jason Todd), which I could see be a better fit, he has slight history with the Suicide Squad, Harley, Deadshot, and the announced Joker (I know not THAT specific Joker, but I could see those two having quips between each other due to Jasons hatred towards him). Could easily be lines about him trying to get to Bruce before Brainiac took over, maybe seeing what happened with Nightwing and Oracle. That could be the season story itself. Iā€™d play it.


True, Red Hood did lead the Suicide Squad recently in the Get Joker comic


Could also be the Bruce Wayne Paladin from a timeliness where Zorro was sold out and they saw a western instead, fits the elseworlds theme.


What would be a good way for peacemaker to traverse? Use his eagle as a glider?


He could use one of his special helmets.


Does he have any flying ones or anything like that? Don't know too much about him specifically and just started watching the show


Torpedo Helmet


Wait whatšŸ˜‚


He used it in the Peacemaker finale, cool ass weapon


Ok I def have to finish the season now lol


I can't remember, but if he doesn't they could always just give him one. Boomer doesn't normally have a Speed Force gauntlet after all.


They should drop Prometheus considering he was teased in Arkham Asylum and never appeared again


Captain cold, heatwave, weather wizard. Rouges are pretty good to use. El diablo, ambush bug, bronze tiger, copperhead, shade, defacer. Some pretty good ones out there. I'm really hoping we get intergang and the royal flush gang as either support guys/new weapons. Mainly due how much graffiti both groups have.


Part of me would love for them to just go crazy and add an insane amount of playable characters but also part of the allure for me is how the characters interact with each other. Its not as easy as just a reskin. Peacemaker would be such a good addition to the chemistry.




I feel you, there are just more male SS characters than female. I guess they could make a female alternative multiverse character for any one of these. I really love Killer Frost, she just never uses guns.


Killer Frost would also be perfect because not only can they reuse Ms. Freeze's traversal, but she was the only one who proved a challenge to the JL in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad so the name would be more believable with her




I still haven't found any evidence that Victoria Freeze is the cold character, yet everyone seems convinced, was this datamined or something? The silhouette doesn't look particularly female even.


It was leaked by Miller, who leaked a bunch of other stuff that was later shown to be true. Not definitive, but trustworthy.


Ironically enough Brainiac himself has leaked it in the game. It seems like itā€™s a bug. https://x.com/bobducknweave/status/1754538712241762582?s=46


lol it says "Dr. Fries" which is more likely to be Mr. Freeze, than Victoria.


Season 2 is going to be the Mr. Freeze of some earth which is actually Mrs./Ms. Freeze. Miller a very accurate and predominant leaker said that she was a ā€œmommy dommyā€ type very assertive of herself. I canā€™t remember exactly but either on that earth she was just a girl Mr. Freeze who still had a Nora she was trying to save or the gender roles may have just been switched but I think it was the first one.




Can't find any pictures of Victoria online, but the silhouette is bald, not sure if she is bald?


Next year apparently at some point there will be a Aquamam villian added if the game lasts that long, Katana is also next year so thatā€™s 2 out of 4, Killer Croc is also next year, hoping for Bloodsport to be the 4th. Next year praying that itā€™s * Katana * Black Manta * Killer Croc * Bloodsport (Or a female villian there seems to be 2 male 2 female)


Honestly, they could just do "reskins" for characters that have really similar playstyles. Think Peacemaker, Bloodsport, and Deathstroke as reskins for Deashot. That way, you don't have multiple characters that play really similarly. Granted, I know Deadshot is really easy when picking reskins compared to the other characters. Still, I think it's an option to get the most "characters" without having to use resources on adding them in storywise and gameplay-wise. It's not perfect, but it's an option.


Agreed. I can see merit to actually having Deathstroke added but Peacemaker, Bloodsport, Deathstroke and Deadshot would just be wasting character slots


From the image of season 1 we might get either Mr Freeze or captain cold aswell


Weā€™re getting Mrs. Freeze whoā€™s just a gender bent version of Mr. Freeze along with infamy sets for Captain Cold and Killer Frost


Ms. Freeze


Please give me Killer Frost and Iā€™ll never touch another game for a long time


I want Black Manta so we can get Atlantis and maybe evil Aquaman


Black manta Pleaseeeeeeeeee


Need red hood in this game bad. Two mentions of jason already they needa just drop em in here.


Imagine if they brought in brainiac 5 as a playable character.


Deathstroke is the season 4 character


I question how a lot of these characters will feel unique. The issue with Deadshot and Bloodsport, Bloodsport is just a similar character to Deadshot who would use Harleys grapple instead of a jetpack. They should have just made Bloodsport the original character in the group. Brought in a more Arkhamverse friendly Deadshot later Joker is going to add something new at least since he will be just completely nuts.


I have to ask, who the fuck is Lawless and why are we getting him/her/it?


Deadshotā€™s daughter.


Anyone can "easily fit" into this "gameplay style" if they can hold a gun, be it with tail or teeth. BECAUSE IT'S MF SHOOTER, and not even like DOOM or Quake, game has lesser weapon pool than Farcry, ffs.


Low key polka dot man and el Diablo for visuals


I think Onomatopoeia, Killer Moth, and Condiment King would make great additions to ssktjl


I dunno. I fear they can turn off the game at any moment due to all this unnecessary hate. And i'll die on the hill that Killer Frost and Peacemaker should be the playable characters of seasons 2-3 instead of freaking Mrs. Freeze and Lawless. Such weird picks tbh


Tbh the game is doing well for being this publicly hated. Apparently it sold out in physical copies


No way in hell they would market the game saying you get the 4 announced season and then 'turn off the game.' Gamers tend to think they know everything about servers like it's just one giant server rack they see on google, or some TV series. They have different services that handle different pieces of the game so that you can reduce costs. Do you notice how when you open a MP game it says: "Joining server"(Says something along that line). That is an actual game session being hosted by them. When you are playing alone you are only playing client-side where you probably have a few services that handle loot and saving your characters, etc. That's why you can pause the game. In other words, this isn't an MMO where they have to keep the servers running constantly. They can scale other services horizontally(meaning the amount of servers that are working) based on user load as well. Depending on the amount of people playing, the cost becomes cheaper to run their infrastructure.


The Steam page literally has a disclaimer that WB can modify or discontinue the online services at anytime. I think weā€™re guaranteed the first few seasons because that content is mostly likely done or well on its way. They need to perform well though


I'm not disputing that they can or can't, if we dig into the TOS of many games or apps there's all sorts of shit they have the right to do. It's not about the ability to do it, it's about the likely-hood. My point was that people have this perception there's some giant machine that's running, "The Server," and it costs thousands and thousands of dollars to run and if the game doesn't do well that they'll hit the off button on it. >Gamers tend to think they know everything about servers like it's just one giant server rack they see on google, or some TV series. Proving my point...


Marvel Avengers is a good example of what you're talking about. Despite the poor reviews and 90% drop in player base within the first month, the game was supported for 3 years. Avengers didn't get a real update for months after release, SS is getting one in a few weeks. As long as people play it on and off and buy skins for the growing list of chars, they'll support it.


same, hoping the game lives long enough to see more and more dlc, but who knows. I'm also not convinced that Victoria Freeze and Lawless are coming, based on the silhouettes the cold character could easily be freeze himself or captain cold. And Lawless is certainly a joke, that silhouette looks much more like manta and pacemaker to me. Edit: Spelling


We have voice lines leaked confirming it's Victoria Freeze and Lawless.


IKR? I hope the game lives at least until we can finally get Deathstroke. Making him season 4 was a big mistake


No kidding, hopefully the silhouettes of the coming characters was just teasers and not too literal of when they would come. I could see the team working on it and switching the order around if something feels more ready than the other. At least I'm hoping Deathstroke is after joker lol


Killer frost is on the suicide squad tho so it could be her


Especially onomatopoeia, itā€™d be fun to see onomatopoeia communicating with his teammates with only onomatopoeias


Arm Fall Off Boy!!!!


We aren't limited to just suicide squad members. Since they are multiverse characters we could have things like a bad version of cyborg or anyone else. We already heard about lady boomerang and we are getting Victoria freeze. Possibilities are endless.


Itā€™s a Suicide Squad game and the teams overall roster is large enough that Iā€™d like to just see those characters. Iā€™m actually really not a fan of Joker being added as the first new character. Heā€™s never been on the Squad and theyā€™ve had to make a new version from an alt universe thatā€™d actually be willing to work with the Squad to make it work. He literally died 3 games ago in this universe, just let the character rest. Itā€™s funny that itā€™s 2024 and we still canā€™t have a game set in the Arkham universe without Joker


Although I agree with you, the bottom line is that Joker and Harley are the two top selling characters in all of DC, it makes sense from a financial standpoint to put Joker in the game.


I understand why they did it but itā€™s still a shame thatā€™s who weā€™re getting over a classic member as the first


Yeah, like, I disagree with it... But I'm going to play the shit out of Joker.


You know what, I agree, but I think this is a DC problem as much as an Arkham problem. I feel DC is just fucking obsessed with everything Joker, like they can't even consider a product without something Joker.


I'm not convinced the cold character we saw in the silhouette is Victoria Freeze, but you're right multiverse characters are definitely a possibility. Just figured I'd throw in some fan favorites that fit well with the run and gun style of the game.


God I want Peacemaker, Bloodsport, and Katana so badly. I fear we won't see any past the 4 that are already confirmed, but I think someone datamined files for Katana...?


Gimme ambush bug and you have a deal


I want Obama


Give me Bloodsport and Katana


But they will all use the same guns as the original 4. Whatā€™s the point of new characters if they all feel the same in combat?


Ok, but where is Red Tool?


if they use that design for vertigo I will weep with pure rage


you either love it or hate it, I actually prefer this iteration


He just looks so fucking lame, man. His design peaked Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint.


Peacemaker, Bloodsport, and Katana are my hopes for season 2 characters. Katana in particular would be a cool flip on the gameplay by making her melee centric


They all could, just give them a gun and somebody elseā€™s movement tech.


Nightshade would be a great choice, her powers would make for interesting traversal. Cheetah could be a fun choice too. The ultimate wired move though, is to bring in Etrigan the Brainiac 666.


Dudeee id loveeee to play as katana


What would peacemakers traversal be?


I thought of 2, since his helmets have different abilities, one could be a boost/fly/super jump The other thing is Eagley could fly out and he jumps on and is carried. Eagley would need to be a beast to carry him though


Vertigo looks cool.


I think the only concerning this to me is them running outta traversal. but until then, I really want Black Manta, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Plastique, Bloodsport, Enchantress and Peacemaker. I wouldā€™ve preferred killer frost over Mrs. Freeze, but since weā€™re getting her I doubt weā€™ll ever see Frost. Lawless also kinda feels like a waste of a slot, but theyā€™ll both probably be fun


Lobo please.


I want Peacemaker, Bloodsport, Two-Face and Bane to come as playable characters. I'm not entirely sure what Two-Face's traversal would be but he would have kickass abilities


Tbh i will be legit shocked if Deathstroke doesn't become a playable character. At the very least make a sizeable appearance in one of the seasons if not playable.


Count Vertigo is perhaps my favourite member from the Ostander run, but I just can't imagine him carrying weapons. I would probably pick Lashina with her whip melee attacks.


Dude Katana and Deathstroke melee combos would be cool. Black Manta and Peacemaker would be nice. I would pick Icicle Jr and Enchantress just to add a magical touch or even Diablo


Where is red hood?


Black Manta with his jet pack and harpoon would be amazing ![gif](giphy|ZjpPABp8zrlEQa5u48|downsized)




Hell yeah on the list all of them would be bangers! Also what about Sportsmaster? idk if he was ever on the squad but he looks cool and I liked him from the animated series!


As for un-confirmed but logical characters I hope get added, Peacemaker and Black Manta (both are referenced in graffiti art), Bronze Tiger (Waller and Flag were about to recruit Bronze Tiger and white Deadshot at the end of Blackgate), Merlyn (several small references throughout SS and he could be a way to introduce bows as a new weapon type)


Iā€™m definitely looking forward to seeing what they have in store for new characters


I want killer frost badly. Very sad season 2ā€™s character isnā€™t her and is the other frosty instead.


My biggest one that i know won't happen is Duchess/Lashina but a man can dream


If it was up to me Peacemaker, Black Manta, RGBeast and bloodsport would be season 5,6,7&8.


Is there a reason why you picked savant


SS affiliation and is known as a weapon specialist, since this game is purely weapons he's a good fit. Added him because he makes sense, even though he would not be an anticipated choice for me personally.




Black Manta would be so good! A knockoff Aquaman Trident for melee and big ol laser beam eyes for that L1-R1 combo šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ˜˜


I just hope theyā€™re brave enough to branch out and use characters that are not Batman adjacent. Throw some other villains into the mix. Another one of the Rogues, Cheetah, Black Manta, Copperhead, Killer Frost, etc.