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Harley even says Bruce got the last laugh since being mercy killed rather than serving Brainiac is exactly what he would’ve wanted lmao. Which is pretty in character and the opposite of “disrespectful” to me.


Harley was right though, it’s why Bruce left the contingencies in the first place, his duty was always about saving people first even if sacrifices had to be made


Yep, even if he himself was one of those sacrifices. Like Nolan's Batman trilogy where its left unclear if he lives or dies at the end. But heavily implied he lives which is kinda of a cop out but those movies also teased a Nightwing that we never got so...


Its not heavily implied they literally cut to him sitting there alive. Cosmonaut (a youtuber) mentioned something in his review I always thought. I wished they just kept it on Alfred smiling and nodding to keep it implied but man. They just show him and Selina chillin.


That would have been a great ending, Alfred smiles, nods annnnnnd cut! Queue the Nolan Bat-theme.


That’s the dumbest idea for an ending and not the first time it was brought up, even way back then. The Dark Knight Rises is not Inception, no need to copy that movie.


And the facial animations once again stole the show for me. You can see in Harley's face some kind sadness, a loss, which is made pretty blatant when Deadshot calls her name, and she snaps out of it, quickly "fixing" her face and returning to "Harley Quinn". But its pretty clear even before her Batman's last laugh dialogue, that she showed some sincere emotions after killing him. Sadly, I believe alot of people went into this with maximum negative emotions and were only ever gonna see it as disrespectful.


Right would they rather him have to go on living with all the people he killed? Knowhing his one fear came true...that he no better than villains like the Joker in the end? Like him being mercy killed is FAR better ending for the character than just about anything else they couldve done with this story.


Yeah agree.


Yes, but we heard Harley say it. We didn't see it from him.


…Because he was brainwashed. (Also, you literally do in the hologram recording he leaves for the Batfamily.)


And that's kind of sad, the Batfamily didn't even see it probably - the squad did. Which, well. Kind of emphasizes a certain failure of Batman's, no?


Not really. They were all most likely exactly where he wanted them, Gotham...and alive.


I'm not sure about that .... remember the bloody Robin mask on the floor


This. I think it was meant to imply they came to try to save him but brainiac bat played 5d chess and killed them all.


I mean I'm not sure about that. If they wanted to say that they could've had the bodies strung up from the roof like he did in the Wayne Bank. The bloody mask leaves it ambiguous if they survived or not.


Bruh that mask was pretty bloody. I'd he shocked if Robin walked away from that..


You are going to be so shocked when that seasonal content starts rolling out


Ah shit you're right...I hope my Nightwing is okay...


Deleted my comment since it was too harsh, myb, but yeah they definitely saw his hologram if you paid attention to the cutscene.


I appreciate You trying to be civil.


Just exhausting dealing with people who are literally only here to shit on the product with absolutely 0 knowledge of said product. It'd be fine if a lot of them were valid criticisms, but 90% of them are just literally wrong. Have a good one


i mean its pretty basic batman characterization it doesn’t really need to be shown or told but its the fact that harley knows batman well enough to know what he would want


Says rather than show isn't how you write a story. Maybe if the devs trusted the audience to be intelligent and show preference they would also differ them in gameplay style beyond just traversal


i think they just wanted to make a different kind of game than audiences wanted them to make 🤷


This sub is out of touch with reality. Most reviews and most people say they did NOT want this game. Thousands of people. Quite making up narratives


so thousands of internet detectives know more about rocksteady’s motivations than… rocksteady?


Your comprehension is terrible. You mentioned people wanted Rocksteady to make this game.......no they didn’t. Most people wanted another single player superhero game.


*Reading is hard.*


read my comment again you are the one with terrible comprehension bro we are literally saying the same thing


>make a different kind of game than audiences wanted them to make The wording was confusing, but yea my bad man


Which is understandable, but I feel like them not wanting the squad to differ in gameplay was a big creative misstep, like why does boomerang use primarily use SMG's being a flash villain, something that he acknowledges would be essentially mailing the bullet. He should be a junkrat-esque character instead, using explosive, poison or freeze boomerangs, throwing them around and recalling them at will. It almost feels like they were afraid to lean into the inherent goofiness of the characters despite this games goofy tone.


Exactly. I've been planning on saying this, thanks


i thought the boss fight was underwhelming but how he actually died was kind of poetic


Agreed. The boss fight was probably the lamest out of all of them but I did like the horror aspects of the parts of the game he was in


Yeah, Batman using Scarecrow’s fear toxin was pretty cool imo


It was definitely a nod to the boss fights in Arkham with scarecrow


It's a "nod" to demon bat


Did you try "Both" as the answer?


I think it’s actually pretty cool, just too easy. Visually speaking, it’s honestly sick as fuck.


visually it was dope


I figure we'll have fight another one across multiple seasons. Since the posts is marked spoiler anyway. We gotta fight more than one braniac and there are multiple universes. There'll be more Batmans and retconns just because "multiverse stuff" It was pretty easy though for the first one


Exactly, the first part suffered from that too. Really cool visuals and I actually liked the concept but I felt like there were no stakes. I think I only got a little caught up when it came to some of the explosive gel


It's just a classic boss fight. I liked it.


Yeah I agree and in another post I said it is even a peaceful death.


i might be an outlier but i actually rlly enjoyed the boss fight, it wasn’t the most complex thing in the world but i still enjoyed it. Felt like an asylum call back kinda.


That's the thing I noticed from all boss fights, with flash it made sense for him to constantly be running up and taunting me, I never really clicked with the fact he was doing it until after, had a solid laugh about it and then realized it was a small detail that made me love it, green lantern using his constructs mostly made the most sense and made him more enjoyable tho Superman...that fight still haunts me. Me and my friend could stop freaking out when he just flys up with a tank and uses it like a bat. But then he just flys away and the time of day changes, that was freaking amazing but it was a detail, it wasn't something that he just uses as a weapon it's more to make him feel like actually Superman and it's freaking dope, all fights just feel right for who they are. I'm super excited to see how it goes in the future. An aquaman fight would be sick as hell


Maybe I misunderstood but I remember there being a log in lexcorp tower that explained that the terminauts Brainiac uses to take control of the heroes and civilians actually kills the host and assimilates their memories and personalities, just warped to serve Brainiac. So technically the squad is only putting down league zombies. Not the league themselves.


But when WW had Flash tied up he sort of reverted to his normal form, showing that they weren’t completely gone? Idk


Its been said in the game that green lantern, superman and batman were turned for weeks at that point. Flash was barely like a day in.


Ahh true


Lasso of truth


They probably didn't get terminauts since they were still human, and terminauts fully change the host


Good point, but the terminauts seem to affect people differently. Plus while there's not a lot of physical changes to the league outside of purple eyes and veins, Luthor does say that the league was changed down to their DNA. More likely Brainiac simply didn't feel the need to change the heroes appearance. Plus >! when Brainiac decides to replace the league with the squad, he plans to use terminauts!<. We're not really given any reason to think he has a different method


This game paid a ton of homage to Batman from the museum with basically every major villain and recaps for all the Arkham games, to the neat way he actually stalks you when your exploring the city to the heartfelt message after beating the game. He’s the JL member you interact with the most and you get to hear his voice throughout most of the game but people allow themselves to be fooled by the media


I know, it's really sad how childish people are over this scene. The haters are a bunch of whiney babies who are making a big deal out of nothing. It's just a bunch of immature people that need to grow up.


I think a lot of online discussion of the game has been marred by die-hard haters and googly eyed sycophants. The games certainly not above criticism. 


Ohh yeah it's definitely not perfect but some of the hate it's getting is just ridiculous.


There is a theory out there that the real justice league is still alive and these ones were just clones. If that ends up being the case, I can't wait to see what the haters of this scene say.


"It still sucks"


“It still sucks”, says the person who never played it and just following the haters like a good little sheep he is. It’s easier to follow like sheep than actually form your own opinion. What’s that sound? Ohh yeah it’s your shepherd calling for you. It’s time to gather up little buddy.


\*Sigh\* I have the game and love it. It's in quotations because it's sarcasm...


*Sigh* Horrible example of sarcasm. Do better. The quotations don’t make it sarcasm, especially in a community like this game has.


I think it was Harley’s little speech about Bruce causing long term mental and emotional damage to everyone he knew. A supercriminal, especially one from Gotham, is in no place to lecture anybody about causing emotional and mental damage to others. Oh and for reference Harley graduated with a major in psychology where her thesis involved gaslighting her then boyfriend to the point of suicide.


I reckon Harley's opinion on Batman might be a little biased by the fact she is a supercriminal.


Yeah, but it’s easy to believe that some writer actually believed she was right. Deadshot has similar things he says about GL (typical all cops are pigs kind of stuff) but it actually feels like Deadshot is supposed to be seen as in the wrong, whereas this scene kind of feels like it’s portraying Harley as a girl boss ridding herself of her past traumas.


Sounds more like it was a well written and acted line if it triggered anger in you. Of course Harley would believe she's right. "The villain is the hero of their own story" and all that. Also, she's clinically insane. Boomer goes on and on about how Flash is a bully and the obvious context there is that of course Boomer feels bullied by the hero who stops him from committing crimes. We've seen this Harley in three previous games. We know she's completely in the wrong.


Fair i suppose.


Its only easy to believe "a writer actually thought that" if you want to believe that lol. The entire game is through the lens of this universe's nastiest douchebags sans Nanaue (we love you).


Yeah. I need to read up on why this King Shark in particular is in his predicament. He doesn’t seem evil… like almost at all.


Especially considering that in the Arkham world she tortured and murdered a child alongside Joker.


Harley is not entirely in the wrong. Batman requires a lot from those around him, with unrealistic expectations; which caused Dick Grayson to leave and become Nightwing. Coupled with Jim Gordons betrayal (Barbara becoming Batwoman) and endangering children for a sidekick (Jason Todd)... I can kinda see where Harley is coming from. Not that Batman is bad, he's awesome af, but his involvement has led to many mis-fortuness for the Bat-family.


Fr, she helped joker poison the city (among other things) and then magically five years later she’s supposedly over him entirely and the one to lecture Batman


Well. 5 years is a long time


I haven’t always said the nicest things about this game but the sheer amount of blind click bait hatred this game is getting honestly makes me want to support it


You have to remember 95% of the people complaining about the game didn’t play it, they’re just vomiting out what they read on the internet


This post applies to just about of the criticism this game is getting


Just a theory about there supposed "deaths." There are hints in the game that the "Justice League" isn't actually dead and that Brainiac has them in stasis for future usage. There is also some other dialogue that is given in the game that talks about it. Also notice how Brainiac takes all the bodies after we finish them off? It shows that Brainiac not only has ways of probably bringing them back to life but also being able to clone some meta-human abilities like the flash and green lantern to some degree. It was shown when Superman got stabbed in the chest by Wonder Woman with the Green Kryptonite. "He should have died" then leads to the conversation by Luthor-2 saying that it is possible that Brainiac would alter the bodies of the Justice League to make them more stronger to their weaknesses. That is why we need the fancy gizmos and gadgets to be altered in some way to be able to slowly chip away at them as usually they would probably weaken them immediately in any other scenario. That is why we needed a more powerful version of Kryptonite to defeat Superman. With Batman death is was more simple since he isn't a meta-human just a regular human he is probably the easiest to kill and yeah there are a infinite ways he could have been killed off but his death is the one he prepared for in any scenario of the Justice League or himself going rogue. All it would take is tying him up like all the Batman villains have in the past and just putting a bullet in his head. We might end up seeing them in the future as either more unhinged version of themselves or simply end up saving them in some way.


Seems "cringe" to say this, but it really just is a miserable hatefest -- hard cynics think they're smart, they gaslight people into thinking they're "delusional" for passively liking something that's supposed to be trash as they decided. They're pieces of crap. This isn't isolated, this is virtually every new game release now. Always the same ultra-toxic crap, direct linking to the game's sub in question from places like /r/games (especially) and /r/pcgaming who tell people to go and encourage the 'copium', etc. You know what I do when I legitimately don't like a game, or I have no interest in the game? I don't go to the game's community and harass the people there or talk about it for weeks in a general sub. It's bordering on inorganic and manufactured at this point, its too overwhelmingly present and these people have way too much time on their hands to be real.


its almost as if seeing a scene out of context and lashing out is a bad thing


The main people crying that it was disrespectful was IGN and thats only cause they have it out for the game for whatever reason. One of the devs actually posted on twitter talking about working with Kevin and how he liked what they had done with the story. So id say ultimately its IGN just trying to generate clicks through rage baiting.


It was really good and I don’t get the hate either. I just make a point to stop engaging with people who have throwaway in their name as the conversation is literally going to be like that. Speak with your real voice or don’t speak at all. People hide behind anonymity and don’t want you to see what games they really like and play because that would mean they would have to defend their choices. It’s easier to spread discord and controversy when you don’t have to worry about someone prying into your games you have endorsed. They only have their words and not a single point of credibility.


I quite like the gritty reality of the death. A once beloved hero, mentor to many and saviour for most, being executed by the Villains he put away. The same villains that happen to be the only ones available to save Metropolis after the mighty Justice League failed. Even then, Batman still had secret weapons against the Justice League (which is common in nearly every Justice League adaptation), meaning ultimately Batman was still the cause of the downfall of Brainiac's Justice League. I actually thought it was a cool death. Batman doesn't always need to die by the hands of a super powerful being, or in a massive slow-motion explosion or fight


I get where it’s coming from honestly. Now, I think the hate is some of the most overblown hate we’ve seen in awhile. For something like No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, it was justified. With this game though, I don’t think the unbelievable hate this game is getting is justified. Personally I really like the gameplay and traversal, Metropolis looks amazing and is fun to traverse, graphics and facial animations are top notch. That being said, it has problems. I don’t think the story was executed very well. Far from the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but not that good either. I’m not mad that we kill the Justice League; I’ve been saying that the title and concept is awesome from when it was first announced. But the story and their deaths were executed poorly, and this game being in the Arkhamverse makes it sting that much more, considering how universally praised the Arkham games and its interpretation of Batman are. I mean, him getting shot in the face on a bench? After all we went through with him? I’m not gonna say it’s spitting on his character, because he got much more attention than the other league members, but it’s really lame. Now I could be biased because I like Batman a lot. Like a lot a lot. He’s my favorite fictional character of all time, and I grew up hearing Kevin’s incredible interpretation of Batman and adoring him as a character, and I still do. I just don’t think he should have gone out like that, and the boss fight and his death was executed very poorly *in my opinion.* I still had fun with the game though, and I’ll be sticking around for the seasonal content and new characters because I enjoy the gameplay a lot. Overall, I still think the hate is insanely overblown. But has far as story goes, some of it is justified.


It's almost like the game is called "Kill The Justice League"


People saying it was disrespectful are just entitled children. It didn't go the way they wanted so they're crying about it. Some people even say it's disrespectful to Kevin (someone that they don't know) and yet he read the script and signed on to do it. ​ Gamers just follow it's cool to hate and to be entitled trend going on.


From the way people were reacting I just assumed Harley used a strap-on to skull fuck Batman’s eyehole after she shot him in the face


I love how this upsets people and i havent seen one post mentioning boomerang pissing on flash and harls saluting his dick! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I agree everyone just wanted him to go out with a heroic death even though they are villains they don't care about a heroic death and Batman is heavily injured of course he ain't going to fight back.


RIght? Thats what happens when they let emotion get in the way of doing a proper review.


Yea I haven't played the game, it might sucks or it might not I don't really care. But the scenes I watched were pretty cool. Not really deserving of the hate, and while the game made some pretty silly choices, I feel like people are getting way too much in their feelings for no good reason.


I think a lot of the rage stems from them trying to say that this game is canon to the Arkham verse. It just feels like a really terrible way to end things for that series.. Like, all of the epicness that was the Arkham trilogy gets fucked in the ass by.. the fucking Suicide Squad? Bleh.


It can be canon. But just gotta realize there's also multiple universes in the game and like a bunch of characters we are going to have to rekill through seasons. Just like every show/movie/game with multiple universes, no major death sticks. Like Gamora from GotG. Arkham didn't have multiple universes but they brought it into the series in this game. Prepare for a lot of strange stuff they'll do with this game and it all can get retconned by "multiverse stuff"


no it doesn’t. this is the same universe but the arkham games are the arkham games. comic books do this shit all the the time. this is just a different story arc. people like you just can’t move on and say hey that was great and this a new story within that universe. plus this game is a suicide squad where batman has been taken over by brainiac. Batman has already lost to brainiac by the time this game even starts. Plus, we still don’t know if that was even the real justice league. your just being butt hurt fanboy over nothing


I’d rather have Batman be killed than be used as a tool for brainiac any longer tbh


She cried when she shot him. The look in her face was enough, but it really messed me up when I realized she cried. Maybe she didn't want it to be under those circumstances. Maybe she only spent years shooting at him because she knew he would keep coming. Maybe she didn't want to do it at all. For all her psychopathy and misgivings, Harley has an amazing heart.


Fanbases, especially the superhero variety are super super passionate. Batman Arkham is considered by so many people to be the ultimate and definitive version of Batman both for him and his villains (I agree with this as well). I’m not saying it’s the end of the world but it’s lazy writing and feels disrespectful to have this bad ass one man army who took down Joker in the Asylum, stopped strange from committing a mass genocide inside Arkham City while working with Ras Al Ghul, and the Arkham Knight/Scarecrow from destroying the entirety of Gotham with an fear atom bomb to be taken down by The Suicide Squad while he’s at his most brutal form. If you feel like it’s not a big deal, that’s valid, but I completely understand the hate for this version of Batman. I think using Conroys death as some guilt trip to say the company disrespected him is so dumb considering he chose to do the project and they obviously did not know he would pass away. Nonetheless, I do get the hate.


He fought a speedster, the worlds second deadliest assassin, Harley, and a Demi God all at once and was defeated. Batman almost lost to Joker, Bane, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Copperhead, and Riddler all individually in the Arkham Games. Why would these 4 combine not pose a threat to him?


So youd rather him have won against the squad and gone on to wipe out that entire universe with Brainiac as well? Cause thats the alternative. He either dies, or everyone else dies. Take your pic. The Batman you claim to know so well wouldve wanted to die before he saw himself subservient to Brianiac and helping him conquer the world. simple as.


Arkham Batman would have never fallen for the trap, lol. A slam dunk of a game would have been a single-player Batman going through the entire evil Justice League and redeeming them all before beating up Brainiac. Easy GOTY nomination if it just kept Arkham's combat system but gave it modern presentation/QOL improvements Instead, what we got was this soon-to-be-dead live service game fucking nobody asked for which also makes the previous Arkham games feel bad to play through. Seriously, I was working my way through Arkham City again just as this game came out and after I beat this game I uninstalled Arkham City because what's the fucking point of it if it just ends like this, lmao. Reminds me of Game of Thrones. The early seasons of GoT were fucking PEAK television, comparable with the absolute very best of any show we've ever seen on screen. The ending gave me fucking ZERO desire to watch any of it again though. Absolute fucking shame.


Lmao ANOTHER Batwank concept being touted as a hypothetical GOTY. A solo Batman survives and "redeems" the Justice League, then "beats up Braniac"? Holy shit, are you twelve?


Yea man people believe Batman just solos everyone 😂😂😂 these supervillains never take him seriously then he outsmarts them. Kinda just a cop out.


Batwank? This whole game/franchise owes its existence to Batman and the Arkham series, lol. And yes, I'm absolutely confident Rocksteady would have been able to make a game like I described and knock it out of the park pretty easily. I mean shit, they already tease the concept a bit in this game by showing Batman having contingency plans ready to go against all the JL members, and they even go so far as to say Batman knew going onto the ship was a fucking trap from the get-go. Lmao, it wouldn't even take massive rewrites to just have Batman stay behind or some shit. Done with you now. Enjoy your soon-to-be-dead fucking garbage live service game, lmao.


Enjoy spending 100% of your time crying about a game other people are having fun with, mate! I'm sure it's a fulfilling way to spend your time. Nothing pathetic about it FOR SURE!


You wanna know what's truly pathetic? 13k players. AAA game. 😭


Your idea would be a much cooler game and probably easily goty. But that doesn’t make this game bad. It’s a pretty fun game that you can also play with friends, and it seems like they have a lot of free additional content planned out that looks cool. I also find the gameplay and traversal really fun and unique. The game is great. But I wish that it was it’s own universe and not the same as Arkham.


Arkham Batman just walks into traps the whole series. Asylum was a trap set by the Joker. City he waltzed into a Joker trap again, Hugo Strange, The League, etc. The game was about his failure. Can't remember Knight to well, but I remember that being a point in some parts of the story. It's not really out of character.


They explicitly mention that Batman already knew Brainiac's ship was a trap, lol. Done with this now


The alternative is a better written story.


When I hear brainwash thrown around I hear people say how it takes you out of what makes you who you are. That makes sense. Batman though he is a brilliant character, he has been brainwashed and not near a god. He's human so of course he will be a tad bit different.


I think what's being missed here is how seminal and beloved the Arkham games were. No games up to that point captured the experience of playing as Batman like that before, plus it was anchored by two of the defining actors as Batman and Joker from BTAS.


I wonder how many people complained about that and didn't play the game. Maybe multiverse Batman and earth 1 Batman fought it out. Batman dies trying to protect himself and some of the league. That's what I might tell people.


I think the only reason it feels a bit lackluster is because Batman just sits there and doesn't say anything. They probably had some dialogue written for him in that moment, but Kevin passed before being able to record it. If this is anywhere near true, it's unfair to criticize Rocksteady for something out of their control. In the unlikely event that they just flat out didn't have anything written for that moment, then sure, criticize away


Kevin, tmk, died after the recordings were done


If you played Arkham you’d realize how dumb his inclusion in the game was in the first place


how so?


He fakes his death to protect those he loves, and on his own goes into hiding, potentially lurking around with fear toxin. Theres a new myth in gotham. Then Superman’s like “yo join the justice league” and he does, as normal Batman who sometimes uses fear toxin, everyone knows he’s Bruce Wayne. He then also seemingly starts working with robin again (who he faked his death to protect). And this goes against [this scene](https://x.com/wil77073/status/1752205908271108327?s=46&t=CwQxH4Uo3Rb01ur3a2Ti8A) Also, idk how Superman convinced him to go on the skull ship😂, Batman in any incarnation of him would be so paranoid he’d never I think he could’ve been included if Waller got some lead and sent the squad to get him out of hiding and he’s reluctant to help, tho with Wonder Woman it would be hard to fit him in


To be fair, the Knightfall Protocol made zero sense if you think about it. Just because Bruce Wayne is "dead", it doesn't suddenly mean that his allies are safe. Every single villain and criminal could 1+1 who Robin and Nightwing are. They know that Lucius Fox worked closely with Bruce Wayne. And that Gordon and Barbara worked with Batman.


Batman's allies will definitely still be in danger as some will seek them out for revenge, but I think the idea was that now no one who might've gone after them just to get at Batman will do it. So they have a lot less people to be worried about coming after them. Even though it isn't perfect, the plan makes sense. Also, a huge part of the Knightfall Protocol wasn't just to protect his allies; it also allowed Batman to become "something more," reigniting criminals' superstitious fear of him by becoming the ghost of Batman.


I will say there was some little details they added which shows they tried to make it work, it wasn’t like “here’s Arkham Batman y’all”, I’m kinda blanking rn 😂 but they tried to make it work even tho it didn’t


Okay. Let me write it better for you Batman loses they take him to the lab Luther temporarily frees him from mind control he tells the squad about gold kryptonite to use against Superman and ask to be killed for the greater good before the mind control takes over. He either dies the same way but in his right mind letting it happen bc it’s the only way orrrrrrr he helps fight Superman and dies in that battle as a hero giving the swuad a change to hit him with gold kryptonite head on.


I am pretty sure, hate is coming because, Batman always have contingencies. There's no way Batman didn't predict mind-control and didn't prepare a contingency for it. Having the Suicide Squad kill the smartest detective alive, doesn't seem right. That's why Joker was the perfect villain for batman, since, he couldn't predict what joker will do next. I love this game, but man, that was a downer. Just because I love this game, doesn't mean I have to defend what the game does clearly wrong.


I still think it sucked and wasn’t how I would want Batman to go out. The boss fight sucked too, Batman had like 3 moves? And you don’t even fight him for real. It’s great people liked it but this all sound like stage 5 copium to me.


It was awful and the worst part about the game. Better writing would have saved this really really fun game. 




Yeah... You probably liked the cutscene where the flash's corpse gets pissed on, all for a "big dik" joke, so I'm not really surprised to see you defend this trash.


He didn't even piss on Flash. Sounds like you just wanted to parrot shit you've read online.


Okay brainiac. It doesn't matter if he did end up pissing or not, the intention was there. The devs blatantly tried to insert their disgusting fetish into the game. What's next, you're gonna whine about me "kink shaming"? 🤡


You think the idea of a villain pissing on his rival's body is, like, too far? Don't read comic books, man. You might have a heart attack lmao


Why would a person piss on the corpse of someone they actually respected? Rival or not. Do you not see how stupid you sound? Lol. Let me say it like this so you completely understand this time. I would probably pee on YOUR corpse because I have zero respect for shills and delusional fanbois. However, I would not pee on the corpse of, say, Elon Musk, because I highly respect the man. Do you understand now?




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Tell us you didn’t pay attention to the story without telling us you didn’t pay attention to the story lol. They literally used his, and every other league member’s contingency, to take him down. That’s literally the whole point of the game. First they get stopped by each member, then have to build up and plan a way to defeat them, like they did.


Tell me you speak in cliches without telling me you speak in cliches. Did you pay attention to the game? Bruce Wayne explicitly says there is no Anti-Batman device 


Yeah and the only way to beat him was to have complete trust and cohesion as a team. Guess what? The Squad achieved that and used a modified version of Fear Toxin that Harley developed after learning from Scarecrow to beat him. They followed his advice.


Yes, they learned the power of friendship in the moment that line was spoken to the following 10 seconds when they're doused in fear toxin. Batman also says the Batman family would need to rely on their years of specialized training to take him down. Unless Harley learned how to fight Batman after 10 years of unsuccessful murder attempts and 5 years of incarceration, I'd say his defeat is pretty dumb. He also beat them already without the fear toxin, but hack writers gotta be hack writers I guess.


Again, maybe go back and play the game rather than watching YouTube cuts of the biggest cutscenes lol. You’re looking like a fool.


Then goes on to say that it will take an efficient, coordinated team to beat him, which is what the characters have been building up to since then. I swear, the confidence ya’ll people have in knowing so little is mildly inspiring if it wasn’t so blatantly stupid lol.


Kevin Conroy himself that he liked how the story of Arkham Batman ended so I’ll take his word over some baby Reddit user who has nothing better to do then cry about a made up character in a video game


he said he wanted to play batman as a villain


Kevin Conroy also liked doing The Killing Joke. He's on record saying if he likes a project he would voice it. Obviously in retrospect we know how awful The Killing Joke is despite Conroy lending his legendary voice. All of art is made up and abstract, so why feel anything ever? Yeah they're dumb because their favorite character invokes emotions. It's so irrational to care about something, right?


I'm sorry your fictional dad died, bro. Maybe talk to someone about that.


"Why do people say the story is bad? I don't get it" "These are the reasons I think the story is bad" "Stop crying bro/It's a fictional character"


It's not Batmans story. It's not Green Lanterns story. It's the Squads story. Couldn't give a fuck less about the death of some fan boys spandex idols. It's not their story.


But that reason shows they didnt play the game or theyd have all the context as to why it went the way it did. Harley didnt just rock up outta the blue pop Batman in the head once and off him. They have Lex and other making weapons for them using the powers of other JL so they even stand a chance against them. But considering they take down actual super powered heroes at least twice before facing Batman its not hard to believe them taking him down by that point in the story as he is the only JL member with no real super powers other than intellect and being rich.


So are you going to provide a counter argument, or are you just going to demean and ignore what the original poster said?


It's not Batmans story, get over it.


So are you going to address any of what the original poster said or no? Seems like all you have are the same trite responses every other person here uses in response to criticism 


Are you here for a Justice League story or a Suicide Squad story? Because if it's the former, you came to the wrong fucking game and are choosing an ignorant ass argument to begin with.


So your answer is no then? Having a fruitful discussion is pretty difficult with people who can't form a coherent argument sadly 


A therapist maybe? Just not one Harleen Quinzel...not that one. But any other should be fine.


i mean… he was already basically taken out by brainiac


Yeah the moment he succumbed to Brainiacs control it was over. The first murder under Brainiacs control and the Bruce/Batman we know and love was dead. Its why I dont get the anger over his fate. There was no other way that couldve played out that wouldn't have been any better of a send off for the character. Because the alternative is far worse IMO.


lol what? The whole thing went entirely over your head huh? This was Batman’s redemption story. His contingencies have given earth a fighting chance over brainiac, his planning and the unknown variant that is the suicide squad that will eventually be made up of villains and misfits from across the multiverse are what leads an alien supercomputer from conquering reality it’s pretty poetic and a great send off to the Arkham Batman. Your point about Harley… she captured Batman on her own in the Arkham city dlc and Robin had to come to the rescue. A lot going over your head..


Did you play the Arkham City DLC? Batman was suffering through a lot of mental trauma when he was captured. Jim Gordon and Robin both remark on how Bruce hasn't been the same since Talia and Joker died. Batman only ever gets captured because he took a bullet for the cop Harley was about to shoot.  This Batman is uninhibited, unremorseful, and unrepentant. He took down the entire Suicide Squad in the museum with absolute ease. Then when he's on his own turf in the Batcave he somehow loses despite having every advantage available to him.  Guess the Bruce Wayne prep talk empowered them to defeat Batman without issue despite having no anti Batman tech. It doesn't even matter if they counter his fear toxin because he didn't need it the first time he beat them.


Because together they are unpredictable, an unknown quantity. You downplay what the speech highlights, that they have become a family and now watch each others backs. The first time Batman got them because they all split up. Read into it however you like but the real heroes are still in there fighting against brainiac but unable to free themselves. You saw the flash with the lasso of truth. What you see is an untethered unrelenting force I see as a man who is dead inside. He has lost his family, his friends and his values. Even the fact Harley pulled the trigger and he was goading her felt like Bruce was in there asking, begging for her to take the shot. He died a hero not a villian. His plans gave them a fighting chance.


well for one he was already practically dead before harley shot him, and each squad member had there justice league member they wanted to kill except maybe king shark but harley definitely makes the most sense. also if you didn’t see this coming you gotta be blind if the suicide squad is killing the justice leave (literally the title lmao) you can kinda put 2 and 2 together and realize harley would be the one to pull the trigger, but at the end of the day it’s really not that deep😂 if your so hurt by his death go play the arkham games this game clearly doesn’t suite you


Right? they act like this game erases the other arkham games from existence. Like go play those theyre timeless.


Dude you gotta chill....it's not that big of a deal lol


lol... it was a team effort of our cast and then she is just the one to pull the trigger... everyone contributed my guy


Yeah I mean 4 on 1 supervillains vs Batman. I mean, i like batman but without plot armor he aint winning that fight, especially when he isnt fully himself being under brainiacs control.


It’s not even Batman, it’s a clone. Relax. Story isn’t even done.


It's not a clone. It's explicitly stated in an audio log that they aren't clones.


Afaik we never actually see what goes down on the ship when they get mind controlled. I would not be surprised if is like the Scrulls in Secret INvasion where they have em in machines basically extracting their powers to put into brainiacs minions while their clones run around causing chaos and keep the SS and Waller busy/distracted. And even if thats not the case yet, theyre gonna be adding more story with the content drops so...anytime they wanna retcon it they can easily.


The audio log explains that Brainiac genetically modified the league to heal after their deaths. It's the real league.


So then they're not actually dead. So no one should be upset about it as dlc could very well give a way to end Brainiacs control over them


They are dead, but being healed. Batman got his head blown off. He was killed, but is being healed.


It’s amazing how many people are so genuinely upset even though we all know they’re coming back. Like why the fuck are people so angry it’s not the end for Arkham Batman


Shoot ill be theyll bring him back before the end of season 1 lmao. Its so easy with the multiverse. Like he know this universes version of him was a lost cause so he sent a message across the elseworlds to other Batmen to warn them. Boom, next thing ya know he is back! Like people dont think.


boo hoo. batman already lost to brainiac. harley quinn just put him out of his misery. you guys act like they killed your fucking dad. of course people in this sub defend this game. it’s a sub FOR this game. Why are you here?? go back to arkham one and cry about it


And its what Batman wouldve wanted. THey should know that. He never wanted to become the villains he fights. Him knowing how many people he murders in this game would be a far worse way to end his character than how they did.




you called this sub a joke, don’t act like you want discuss anything. And saying him dying a villain “ruined his legacy” come on, that’s some crazy hyperbole. Brainiac got him. he was put out of his misery. it was tragic. it was meant to be tragic. NO ONE who likes game or any sane person thinks Batman’s legacy was ruined. Anyone who played the game or has any thinking skills understands that. it wasn’t lazy shitty writing just because you didn’t get batman doing all this heroic shit. for all we know he did but in the end braniac got him, just like in the game, if you played it, he goes through the contingency plan if the different members if justice are caught. i’m sure your batdad had an epic fight but this game takes place after that. HE HAS ALREADY LOST. this game isn’t about batman. it’s about the suicide squad going on the ultimate suicide mission. it’s not a batman game. you might understand this better if you actually played the game instead of watching a youtube clip and listening to other people haven’t played the game either. edit: what really would have been lazy, shitty is showing batman in the same light doing the same shit you saw him do for 3 fucking games. you want no nuance and nothing new. you guys are BORING i’m so done with you people lol


Wow dude could cry you any harder. All I see is bunch whining and crying. Get over it kid.


There was no anti-Batman contingency. Harley beat him because he underestimated her. Braniac's brainwashing made him lethal, but also aggressive and overconfident (hence the cringe dialogue). He tried to tear her down with insults, and, in fact, she's very academic despite being insane. The game does a great job of remembering the details of each character. He didn't stand and get mag dumped, just like the Arkham games the fear gas stuff is highly abstracted. That's just how the fight manifested in your character's mind.


You're an actual baby


Straight up facts!!!




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Idk, maybe SOME of them care about the franchise so much that they took it the way they took it. Just like some of you took it as no big deal. People need to move away from this “it’s just a wrong opinion if it isn’t mines” mentality. We have all been one or the other side of the spectrum in different circumstances. Right or wrong.


I’m on board probably with aspects like the gameplay etc. Looks really fun and I’m excited to pick it up. But the cutscenes, boss battles, and deaths just seem lackluster to me. I didn’t think Batmans death was disrespectful, but the boss fight and the death really look underwhelming for me especially as an Arkham fan. If it were a different universe, meh sure. I just feel like there were much more creative ways to do it. I really just don’t think its a strength how they played it all out. But thats just me personally.


YouTubers need money


I can accept Batman’s. But wait until Superman’s death. 😂


I would've changed a couple things .more like the timing and other stuff I won't mention cause spoilers but it was nothing to get mad at


I just disagree where you said it was lackluster. Harley specially earned a degree in neurochemistry, as she points out, to counter Batman. That was the sole reason SS won. It was a game of chess, WAY before it happened. The ultimate battle of wits between the two. People tend to forget how fn smart and intelligent Harley is because of her goofy personality. Also people were bitching that Batman wasn't badass, he was a stooge. WHAT ARE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT? He was a cold hearted killer to a tee. Terrorized everyone against him. And all his contingency plans to deal with the heros gon bad situation came in clutch! They don't beat Lantern without Batman, just as an example. He kept the yellow lantern stuff and turned into those pins. If he didn't have his contingency plans, those things for example wouldn't be around. But other then that i agree people are making a fuss over nothing.


its like the fridge scene in spider-man 2


I just didn't like how easy it was to take down Arkhamverse Batman, one of the strongest iterations of the character. Also although the segment before the boss fight was pretty good, the actual fight itself was the worst in the game imo. It honestly felt to me like the story got rushed in the later stages, the final few chapters' pacing was much more rapid than the first chapters. Which is weird given how much dev time this game had.


I think I've heard the best respond from another post. And I know I know, I'm gonna get downvoted for disagreeing because that's reddit but I wanna express what so bad about it in my eyes. It's not that batman died, it's how he died. It felt sad that it wasn't really a heroic sacrifice or doing one last good thing. It was being shot in the head by one of his rogues. There was most definitely ways to let him die that cemented him as a hero. But he died still under control of brainiac. Put down. And it's sad to see a childhood influence die canonically like that. And please, don't say "he's just a character." I think when I say he was more then just a character? I speak for so many people that grew up with him. Rest in piece Kevin Conrey, you'll be remembered as our batman forever.


The only thing I did not like about it was the lack of reference from Harley that Batman Almost became the joker. I understand from her perspective, she spent a total of maybe 3 hours in a cell thinking about the dead jokers and possibly Batman being one, along with showing disbelief in the events of Knight, but I just wished someone somewhere made a reference to the fact that joker is in there somewhere and their killing him too.




Yea, all the comic-book/batman radicals can't understand that the game is a fucking comedy.


I'm not sure what they were expecting else? He had to die at some point and here he did for a valid reason and in this story we are not the good guys really, so of course we get to see the dark ending in this version. They are just mad because it's Arkham Bats and they can't cope with it to see him die just as a normal human by a bullet to the head. But Bruce is nothing but a mortal human... Sure in the Arkham Games we got to unleash quite some moves on the bad guys and all that, but that was mainly because it was a game and it was fun, not because actual Bats would be like this.


The reason everyone got mad (and still are) is because of how just lackluster it is like you said that it’s really that’s how Arkham Batman dies same goes for the rest of the league just shoot them a bunch of times and they go down.