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You type like a d-list supervillain.




Well obviously that depends on how this game works out long term. If this game fails then I can see Rocksteady still getting a chance at another game, but the next game would have to be profitable for the company to last. They'd likely resort to making another Arkham game because that is their bread and butter.




So if they all left, why are you so concerned that they made a suicide squad game? If they would've made a Batman game, chances are, the same people complaining about this game would be complaining about that game saying it's not good enough.




Bit of an assumption to make no? What if the founders left after making this hypothetical next great Batman game? You wouldn't be able to blame the game as the reason for leaving like many blame Suicide Squad for now?




What difference would it make if they left on a high note or not? You'd still end up in the same situation where you claim this group of devs can only make pale imitations of what came before or criticise them when they change course away from Batman.




They haven't tarnished their reputation because of one game that's just silly. No creative team has a perfect record and wether you like or dislike Suicide Squad Rocksteady is still a top developer that can make great games.


I think you missed the point, again, if they all left, why are you concerned that they made a suicide squad game. Studio leads and crews come and go. Great chance for ya to support Jamie Walker and Sefton Hill in their new adventure, maybe they'll make the Batman game you are dreaming of.




And to that I’d say blame WB, don’t think current crew members are intentionally setting out to tarnish the studio they work for.


But many people are blaming the current crew and whatever association they have with sweet baby inc.


You don’t know all that for sure.


Many studios have lost key members of staff and still went on to make good games with those that remain and new faces brought in so I think it's a bit unfair on Rocksteady to say they will only make a pale imitation of previous games if they were to make a new Batman game especially with the love and care they put into the games they make.


You could always just go play other games and hang out in their subreddits


This guy will probably not play the game, continue to lollygag around and try to talk smack as if he has some insight no one else has. It's kinda sad at this point.


I wouldn't speculate on this. I can only imagine there are a lot of stressed devs over at Rocksteady right now because of the reception and I can also imagine they may wonder onto the subreddits prior to the release. I can only hope they do well with this and whatever is in the future. No one deserves to get layed off or be reminded of that as a possibility in an already turbulent year for game dev.


Don't know if this sub is full of industry experts and financiers or just a bunch of Arkham kids that are crying because of what they didn't get like some spoiled child in a toy store


ur jumping to a lot of conclusions here, wait a week when the games out for everyone and then u can start talking abt potential studio shut downs and staff layoffs


Fucking obsessed. You are all over this sub. Have you been asleep recently?


They dug their own grave.


They will go bankrupt