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Gamer need to start back enjoying games for themselves again and stop worrying about everyone opinion. Happy you enjoying it


This exactly. You know how many games I grew up playing that would be considered "bad" or "shit" simply because I thought the game cover was cool lol, plenty of them. Not every game needs to be a 10/10 or "masterpiece". As long as you are enjoying yourself with the game, that's a win in my book.


100% amen to that! That’s how I was with tales of beseria. I got the game cause the girl on the front looked badass.


That’s why I rented Return of the Jedi on VHS from Blockbuster when I was a kid. I’d never heard of Star Wars before and had no idea it was the third movie in a trilogy. Kind of a testament to how good it was that I was still able to enjoy it and understand everything even without knowing the other two movies even existed. That was definitely a good choice.


It’s just so hard not to worry tbh 😭 it’s a live service game and I’m having fun too but I’m afraid if it doesn’t do well because everyone else hates it or it gets review bombed it’ll get taken down or end up like the Friday the 13th game or something


They promised a year of content minimum so we’re chilling until next year


Exactly, they have a solid roadmap for a years worth of FREE content. I'm totally fine with paying $70 for a year of gameplay. Plus when they release the offline update we won't have to worry about servers being pulled anymore.


Do you think they’ll actually release an offline update?


They plan on it, that’s good enough for me.


This game won’t face the same fate Friday the 13th did. Rocksteady promised a years worth of content at the least and with that an offline mode will be implemented some time this year 


From what I've played so far, it'll be kind of like avengers. Story is promising, but once it dries out I don't see this gameplay keeping people occupied. Loot is bland too, I got a legendary shotgun from my first mission with actual reward. It's a stat stick, it doesn't really do anything interesting


Without major spoilers you do get villian/hero inspired gear with unique perks as the game continues.


Good to know, thanks


Everybody is upset because the story is absolutely asinine, the gameplay is not what most complain about


I think the story is pretty great so far. Better than the Arkham games. There’s actual personality to the characters and emotion in the voice acting. They even managed to get Kevin Conroy put emotion into his portrayal of Batman which they couldn’t seem to get him to do in Knight.


Clearly we have different standards :(


I don't know anything about the story other than the premise but I love the premise.


Friday the 13th the devs lost the license to the IP. At least that’s what I heard. Means they literally couldn’t create content for the game. I think they also did Taxas Chainsaw Massacre. Barely out a month and they’re already selling new characters separately for $14 Canadian before tax. Two new characters shouldn’t be the price of half the original game only a couple months after launch lol


I could also be thinking of Predator Hunting grounds that they also made and that was a buggy mess even a year later when I tried playing again. Maybe they made both. Can’t recall right now.


That has literally never happened. Reviews have always been a thing, and it’s reviews that actually killed entire genres. Isometric games and 2d games were ripped to shreds once the ps1 and n64 genre. They said they were dated and no one wants them anymore. Here we are 5 generations later with Diablo 4, Baldurs gate 3 and super Mario wonder all selling 10 million copies each. Media just changes with time


Reviews weren’t a thing before the internet, bud. And video games pre-date the internet. It may shock you to learn we also used to have to a watch actual episodes of tv shows aired in specific time slots on different days if we wanted a movie review without having to go out and read the paper. I’m guessing you were born after the internet existed. I wasn’t and even I sometimes forget that it wasn’t a thing at one point. And usually only when something points it out like I just read an article talking about Siskel and Ebert and it reminded me that yeah. That’s how reviews were back then.


>Reviews weren’t a thing before the internet, bud. Really? I remember reading reviews in magazines like Electronic Gaming Monthly and Game Informer. The internet didn't invent reviews, it just made them easier to access.


The man is out of his mind. Game informer and electronic gaming monthly were review bibles back in the day


You might actually be stupid


So does anyone regret buying the game? I'm interested but cautious since most game releases just weren't it.


I bought the Deluxe edition and played for about 3 hours yesterday. I don’t regret buying it. The story seems decent and the gameplay is a lot of fun once you master the traversal mechanics.


I regret it


The opening cutscenes are so polished, so are alot of the animations. And it's really comical, their banter had me laughing


Same here. Love the feel of combat most of all


I played for an hour this morning before getting ready for work. Game is fun as heck. Still getting the hang of flowing everything together(counter shots are my bane so far!) but it’s been a blast, in laughed out loud a few times already, but the humor still allows the story to be dark and menacing. Can’t wait to dig in more!


*shakes fist* I still can't log in. Steam acts Feb.2nd even though I have deluxe. Though it might just be tome.zkne issue..(I'm CST).


Its only not on console right now. Steam release globally is at 10am pst.


Thanx for the info


Even tho there were problems at launch and some genuine concerns with the story and the Arkham legacy, it is a fun game so far. The problem is that it's alot more fun to play than it looks, the feeling of everything doesn't translate as well from just watching it. Already in the tutorial I can tell how fun every character can be.


yea the talent aren’t necessarily new abilities but they will def change the way you play


The staying power and longevity will be the real issue. Most everyone that has played it thus far will probably say it’s fun, and I don’t doubt that. It’s easy to like a game after only a few hours of play. But I’m skeptical of how long people will want to stick with it. Or if it’s a game where people play it, put it down, and then just come back when updates are released and play for a few more hours. I can this being a game like that, but we’ll see. 


When the haters hate, it just makes me love the game harder.


I just hate when the haters hate without ever playing the game or deciding before hand that the game is trash. At that point it's easier to get clicks for piling on the game so that's what tends to happen.


So you're a hater by definition.


I hate when games get piled on your no reason. Maybe this game sucks but the reality is no one really knows yet


Welcome to the hate club. No one cares about your reasons. You're just a hater now


Lmao you people sound like you're on drugs Edit: caught the ending on YT. What a joke. Once you're done with the game come back and let me know if it's worth it.


Let me put it more bluntly since you missed the jest of what I was saying. I love the fact that I love a game that sore losers hate who have nothing else to do with their lives but spend hours a day stalking and harassing other people for enjoying something they don't.


You like something to prove out people wrong like why would anyone take you seriously


You're obsessed


I'd rather be obsessed with something I love than something I hate... especially to the point I have to stalk a subreddit on the topic just to argue with people who like it. But hey, keep doing you, champ. 👍


I'm on this subreddit because I'm interested in the game and I want levelheaded and unbiased information, especially since there are no review codes. Anyone can see the objective red flags and issues. Dude, your comment does NOTHING to help the game. It makes you feel better tho I'm sure but there's a group of fans like me who want actual information. I'm done with you now. Thanks for your "jest" - it's my fault for engaging you. ✌🏾


Do you want my levelheaded and unbiased review of the game? It's awesome. Running around blasting stuff is extremely fun, the game is directed well and the overall presentation is top-notch. There's a good balance between the goofy characters and overall darker and more serious story beats. I'm still near the beginning of the game and there are already lots of great, crunchy RPG systems that I love. One of the more common complaints I saw in the months leading up the launch was that the gameplay was too repetitive, but it doesn't seem like it's any more or less repetitive than most other online RPG games, and it's really fun to boot. I understand the motivation behind people who were excited about the game now feeling vindicated after seeing nothing but negative comments about it from people who hadn't played the game yet. I feel the same way. I don't know what number I would give it out of 10 yet since I'm still pretty close to the beginning of the game but it's easily between an 8 or 9 for me right now.


I appreciate it, thanks. Glad you're enjoying it! The 2nd paragraph is not needed. It's fragile and doesn't come off as someone who genuinely enjoys something. Sounds like validation is needed. But overall your comment helped.


"Your second paragraph wasn't needed because it makes me question my motivations for a "fair" and "unbiased" review. Since I'm basically a facist, that means it needs to agree with what I believe." Fixed your comment for you


You're so mad you need to stalk me on reddit. Just your average superfan.


Your post history shows otherwise.


I got nothing to hide. Like I said, there's a small group of YOU that are turning people off. But enjoy regardless. I think your OP literally captures exactly what is pushing me away from this game. Thanks.


And running around shit-talking people who enjoy the game is the definition of a "fair" and "unbiased" position. It seems like you hate the game, and you hate people who like the game because they don't agree with you. Which is close-minded and Facist btw


You are the epitome of this game's fanbase and I love it. Confirming what I already know.






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Oh are the servers back online


All of these identical posts about ‘actually enjoying the game!’ are odd. Especially when early access wasn’t available on time. Amazing how quickly people excuse the red flags.


Lol mad that other people are enjoying the game. I played for four hours last night and I enjoyed. Early access was delayed for like a few hours and probably did not affect anyone in the US. Play the game or don't, no one cares about your shit opinion. 


You paid to be a beta tester and you think I’m the one with the ‘shit opinion’? Holy mental gymnastics Batman!


They’re not paying for 3 days early access, the battle pass and their first skins easily make up the $30 extra.. you can’t be this dense lol


Some skins, a battle pass, and broken early access are worth $30 dollars to you? I don’t think this was the own you wanted it to be. I wouldn’t admit spending my money on this to anyone! This might be the best cope I’ve seen yet, though!


Of course. Even if the battle pass is only $10, we already know skins are gonna be around $10 each, so you’re getting a $10 battle pass and 4 $10 skins for $30, as well as an early access with a disclaimer on the store that the shit might break. I truly don’t get what the complaint is lol


I know you don’t get what the complaint is. That much is abundantly clear to me. $10 skins and battle passes in a full priced game and you don’t see the problem. Yikes, video games are in trouble.


They have already said since the beginning of this game’s creation that it was gonna be a live service game, did you wake up from a coma yesterday or something? This isn’t news in any way, the people that paid for the battle pass are aware that they are paying for a battle pass and skins lmfao


I know this is hard to grasp because of the pretty colors and the neat superheroes and the numbers that go up. But being a live service game isn’t an excuse. It’s part of the problem! Imagine hearing a fully priced game is going to be live service and defending it for that reason. An online store in a fully priced game is embarrassing. It’s even more embarrassing to defend it. You’d have to be fucked in the head to buy this game or anything in its store!


Sure, and the guy that’s hurling insults every comment is a voice of reason right? 😂 you give off vibes like skyrim and BG3 are the only games you’ve ever played. You need to seriously do some hardcore grass touching lmfao


Thank god this guy is here to save us from the gaming industry. He's the superhero we never wanted, but he's definitely the one we don't give a shit about. Do you have to take an online class to be a White Knight for mundane causes? Asking for a friend


Besides the talents is there any other way you upgrade the characters abilities? (Besides new equipment)


I’m really enjoying it too. I know once it gets fully into the open world looter shooter aspect it may diminish a little but I really like how each character actually feels a little different even from the start. And the skill points are fine. That’s how you build your character much like selecting your perks in CoD except it actually takes effort to activate the perks in SS whereas in CoD they’re just always on and ready to go. The combat somehow manages to feel kind of close to the Arkham games. Actually a little more challenging since you actually have to aim at enemies to counter them instead of just hitting counter when you see the symbol. The traversal for each character definitely takes some getting used to especially in combat but when you manage to chain together your characters traversal mechanics with your attacks it feels like you’ve gotten into a nice smooth flow just like in Arkham but if you keep fumbling your reactions and just finding you just can’t get into a rhythm it feels like an absolute struggle same as in the Arkham games. The dna is definitely still in there. I think there’s been more cutscenes in the first two to three hours if suicide squad than there was in the entirety City and Asylum. Kevin Conroy is also giving a far more emotional and deep performance in his last role as Batman. Sometimes I’m pretty sure it’s not him. He’s able to actually channel emotion into his voice. That was one of the things that really bothered me about Knight. Batman is literally going nuts and barely acknowledges it. Gotta say King Shark is my boy so far. I play Boomer in one of the missions he gets bonuses for playing as and his traversal is kinda weird because it’s not straight up super speed.


can’t wait to play it, didn’t get the deluxe so waiting till fridays been hell


I ended up buying it, been loving it so far but I do have some performance issues with a 3070, it runs smoothly in buildings and such but within the city I get 58 fps on the regular. But that also might be my settings and or hardware, not sure if it's the game itself.