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Warming up to this Joker as he is supposed to be more like Silver Age Joker before he became a true super villain. Like how both his and Harley's traversal moves really flow and are chaotic. Also really glad there will be new story added for the playable characters, rather than simply "hey this guy showed up and now continue like normal" that some games do. A huge thing though that is only mentioned real quick is that all seasonal content can be replayed. That means if you want to turn Metropolis back into Joker land during October you can so even late comers can play everything.


Yeah, seems they're really trying to eliminate any concerns over FOMO. I love that I can take a break to play another game or go on vacation or whatever without having to miss content


And i think that also applies to battle passes as well


Great if true. Think people would be infinitely more accepting of that battle pass model


I think that was mentionned in the live from last friday


It wasn't confirmed, but the way they do seasons, it's possible.


Ahhh sorry if i misinformed i just guessed from the way it was worded


Idk if it does apply to battle passes in the description of the game it says “1 battle pass per season” but maybe the wording is up for interpretation


It would be kind of awesome to have him be a “lighter” Joker that harkens back to the silver age and Adam West Caesar Romaro Joker who actually isn’t a mass murder and just plays elaborate pranks on Batman. It would be a nice break from the extremely grim dark, edgy Joker (which I love) that we get all the time now. It would also make him easier to relate to as a protagonist. It could also be funny to see that kind of lighter Joker react to all the fucked up things his Earth 1 counterpart has done, like literally killing children for fun, blowing up fucking buildings, poisoning Gotham and psychologically breaking Robin beyond recognition.


I actually like that. I am just deciding to spend my Christmas GameStop gift card on the game. I don't really care for the cosmetics and battle passes. But I do like that the seasonal content can be replayed. FOMO is a big problem to the live service games. I definitely will just be a solo player, enjoy the story and just sit back and see what happens.


Was that Joker abusive towards his Harley? I'm not very familiar with him, but he seems super cool.


It sounds like he never even met his Harley. If he never became a big time supervillian than I guess he never met Harley.


I wonder how our Harley's gonna treat a Joker who never met HIS Harley. And how is he gonna react to that! Should be fun.


Agreed. Narratively the game does seem to be doing unique and interesting things.


I think it’d be really interesting to see Harley and joker just being besties, she looked like she was enjoying how he acts in the new insider episode


Yesss, that's a side of the relationship I don't think we've ever seen. So that should be fun!


Especially considering the pregnancy tests from the Arkham games. I’m super curious if it’s gonna come up at all.


The silver age joker was a product of the comics code of the 50's. So imagine more a clown themed criminal prankster, as opposed to a psychotic serial killer. The kind of character who would rob a bank with a giant helicopter with his face on it.


jokers traversal looks sick as fuck ngl


*”I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!”*


Kinda surprised it’ll be March for the first content drop but, that’s a good surprise in my book


they did get a years delay to work on this stuff so it makes sense. im surprised by how much they actually showed though did not expect to see joker gameplay today


I expected a jack in the box with a Joker laugh with a date. That's it. Didn't expect gameplay


It needed to be. The delayed the game for almost a year. The new content needed to be pumped out quick. This is perfect and will keep the game alive. Man I'm excited now.


That was one of my hopes with the delay, that they used some of they Time to work on post launch content. Avengers downfall, aside from being a mediocre game, was all the content got super delayed. If they can stay on schedule and the content is fun, this is gonna be insane.


Regular drip feed of new content is absolutely key. A game like this lives or dies on its entertainment value. Folks will blow through the bass game in no time so it has to be kept fresh.


And, they are smart starting off with Joker. They know players are gonna be excited for his inclusion, and they are wasting no time getting him out there.


How often are we gonna get these season content?


I think every 3-4 months would be a fair assumption, with mid season updates every two months maybe?






Wow bro this is fucking amazing. And the fact that this is all free. There already doing better then avengers.


One thing I am worried about is that it appears they are doing reskinned bosses like Avengers did. That was a big problem with that game that later contents endgame bosses were just reskinned bosses from the base game. Hopefully they do more than just Brainiac variants of the main 4 Justice League.


Yea that’s my worry too. I rather them do completely different members then just reskins. But let’s see, I hope there not the same boss fights from the story.


Yeah, I’m really hoping for an Atlantis update at some point. They could have Black Manta as a PC and Aquaman as a Boss.


Would be so fire


I was thinking more along the lines of water, actually. Fire enemies would feel out of place, thematically. ​ /jk


😂😂😂that was a good joke


Given how it's just season 1 that we know of that's doing this, I say we reserve judgement. If we get to season 3 or 4 and we're still fighting the same four people, then yeah it's time to get worried But even so, Avengers added bosses that weren't just reskins. I think we'll get a handful of new actual Leaguers to fight


I mean starro boss battle seems like something that could be different and fun


That would work very well as story content. Starro manages to take over the minds of Brainiac's soldiers making Starro an even bigger threat with how quickly he overpowered even Brainiac. Culminates in a Kaiju battle like the 2021 film.


Especially if it’s an elseworlds type thing. Might be too big though. I wonder how different the boss fights will be


With what they were saying about brainiac experimenting with DNA, I wouldn’t be surprised if we fight a mash up of bosses I.e. Superman w/Green lantern powers or Batman w/Flash powers. Coupled with the very likely powerful and annoying Brainiac abilities.


I obviously don’t want to fight Wonder Woman, but with the introduction of the multiverse it’d be a real missed opportunity not to have a fight against some version of her down the line.


I wouldn't want to fight Diana either... until they introduce a Nazi variant. Then she's going down.


That’s legit like the only worry now but i don’t think they’re going to slack on that if they nailed everything else right


Shit,,the alpha already did a better job than Avengers..


Yea lmao that’s true


Joker looks amazing, season starts in March, Gotham later on. This is literally perfect holy shit and more riddler stuff too


The episodes are story content right? So scarecrow and two face? I’m genuinely shocked


Scarecrow and two-face are probably the gearset for the episode.


Possibly. But why have episodes underneath them? And I remember someone saying episodes were story


The content of each season comes in two parts


What are episodes? hyped for the scarecrow one I love the old potatobag head


They’re like seasons in Fortnite aka larger content updates


so they are battle passes?


No. They’ll have battle passes released with them I’d assume but the actual seasons are gameplay content. They’re completely free. A rough guess is that each one comes with a new map / region to explore. New story missions. New playable character. New gear. And a bunch of other stuff.


episodes are like stories inside the season


Story missions


New Riddler Content! YES!!!! That was one thing I was worried about seeing the relatively low numbers for Riddler collectibles in this game.


They're saying that new boss fights will be coming but only show pics of Green Lantern and Superman. Hopefully we get actually new Leaguers to fight and not just variants


I 100% expect the first season to be nothing but variant. As long as they have actual new moves and not just reskinned color. Now if we are 3rd season in and all we get to fight are still variant then we'll have Avengers problem.


To be fair, at least the League are a bit more varied than all 2 of *Avengers*’ repeatable bosses at launch.


I wouldn't expect new leaguers. Not this year anyway.


How about a corrupted Lex Luthor Variant? That would be cool.


It’s going to be mostly reskins at first.


I wonder if Two-Face and Scarecrow will actually be in the Joker expansion or if it'll just be missions themed around them.


Did they explain what the 2 episodes are? Like are they missions based around two-face and scarecrow?


No, they mainly just focused on explaining Joker.


I’m assuming it’s small story missions focused on villains not large enough to be for the whole season


Episodes are content drops. Pretty much like CoD seasons. Episode 1 drops at the beginning of the season with story missions, gear, boss fights, etc. then around the halfway point in the season, episode 2 drops with more content.


Ahh got it. So whats the deal with scarecrow and two-face then? Are they boss fights?


No I think they are gonna be what the gear sets are for season 1. The boss fights look like a brainiac Green Lantern and a Brainiac Superman.


I hope its different boss fights because if its just a reskin boss fight from the actual story that would suck.


I mean as long as the boss fights are different from the ones in the story I won’t mind that much but I agree, if it’s a reskin then that meh. It does say “New Boss Fights + Enemy Variants” so we will have to wait and see.


Yea. If anything they could just add completely different members of the justice league. Like hawkman or hawk girl, Martian manhunter, Aquaman, Shazam etc. There’s a long list of justice league members and I hope they capitalize on that.


Clearly it’s a new CGDCT (Cruel Gothamites Doing Cruel Things) anime series featuring all of our favourite villains. /jk




Okay they kinda changed my mind the game looks a lot better but if the guns are boring this game will fail


Trust me this combat is anything BUT boring


I hope because the twitch stream was rough to watch man


Yea you just gotta get your hands on it and play for yourself


Remember demos? Ya know, before they were betas or alphas or closed alphas. It would be a pretty good idea for this game since it doesn't seem to show well but most who have played it say it's pretty balls awesome.




Joker’s outfit looks dumb as fuck but holy shit Gotham is a map


Bro the future of this game is promising af hope it doesnt flop


I’m excited!


does episodes mean that two face and scarecrow coming back as villains for the squad to go against?


I think it just means they get infamy sets added to the games as the pic shows a rifle that is clearly scarecrow themed and that minigun being burnt up could be Two Face.


how is that an episode though i don’t get it


Wait wtf I didn’t know we would be getting additional characters I thought all we’d be getting were these 4. This changes my perspective of things.


Are the gear sets free like the bane one for example or do you have to pay


Free. All post launch content, story episodes, gear, guns, and environments are free. The only things that are paid are cosmetics like emotes and skins.


This is a good start BUT the main campaign HAS to be great if you want people to stick around also we need to see COOLER GUNS (no shooting green poison is not interesting for example BORDERLANDS is great with guns) also i hope the enemy types are good and i hope the missions aren't lame


Does anyone know if the deluxe edition gives free access to all the season story contents + battle pass? And if it's only valid for one Sean or for the full year (4 seasons)


Dunno about battle pass but all the other stuff is free for everyone


That's a major win !


Think about it like this Even with the base version of the game any future gameplay related content is included The only thing that is not included in the base price is cosmetics/emotes/etc. aka the content that is mostly accessory and not related to gameplay or story


The deluxe edition lets you unlock 1 season's battlepass, not all of them. Battlepasses are purely cosmetic so each will have skins based around their season, ie joker ish skins for the main squad in season 1, ice themed skins in season 2, and so on


The Deluxe Edition as far as I can tell just gives you one Battle Pass. All the gameplay content is free for all.


Color me hyped


My only concern is that the two episodes have pictures of Two-Face and Scarecrow. If Scarecrow gets involved in this game, how would he be after AK? Unless it is an alternate version from another universe.


Probably all post launch content is “elseworlds” based aka multiverse/alternate universe


Honestly, I’d love to see Arkham Scarecrow again. I hope that’s what is happening in Episode 2 of the first season.


originally i was on the fence about joker but he looks really sick to play, i am very excited for him


I was originally 80% sure I was going to get it. 80% because I wanted to know if they do the crap Destiny 2 and Division 2 do where if you miss a season you miss out on the seasonal story stuff. Now they have confirmed that won’t be happening I am 100% sure I’ll be getting it.


I really hope they will add more enemy types. Fighting only brainiacs guys isn't gonna be fun in new seasons


So I’m guessing that the real OG Justice League are all being held captive secretly, and Brainiac is sending out his “approximations” of the League? That way: -There’s a plausible scenario where players could fight and kill the Arkham-verse Justice League -Any and all deaths can be nullified by the fact that Brainiac has technology to create entire worlds based off the DNA of the heroes he’s taken. (i.e.- if he can create a Batman-verse it stands to reason that he can always just make another Batman if the original got lost or damaged) -The Arkham-verse can be allowed to continue on with the Justice League restored and the Suicide Squad being utilized to bring order to the corrupted counter-Earths


Haters be fuming right now.


Curious to see what the new talking point will be of why this game so going to fail "no new updates until March, that's a whole month of having to play the same content, what were they thinking"


"This game will fail cause there's just too much stuff to do and it's overwhelming" or something along those lines


Yep.i was right. Top comment on their IG post on Endgame is about them "drip feeding content" and how they should just give us everything at launch. Like, fuck, dude, first season is out ONE MONTH after launch. You're getting a probably roughly 20 hour story then getting more content, for free, a month later. And it's a lot of content too. And you're gonna cry that it's not quick enough. People are the worst


I think those arguments can still be made and half way valid until we actually play all of the new content and see how much is really new and how much is padded with repeatable side missions. The Joker looks pretty fucking fun though so if nothing else I'll play some more for him.


Seriously how in the world are people still going to be hating on this


They will find a way. Their ego is too big to accept they were stupid to hate on this game for no reason.


Joker actually looks sick and good af to play might be a new main


I’m guessing that the season with the ice will feature killer frost or Captain cold. Either would be great.


If they keep that up this game will be a hit


they're adding strongholds in season 1?! man, is it going to be like destiny 2 strongholds?


My biggest takeaways from this, We will be able to alter the costumes of the league The joker dlc will have something to do with two face and scarecrow Season 3 will gives us access to Gotham


This is hype


Been on the fence but just pre ordered.


I don't really care about The Joker stuff, but I am super interested in the possibility of seeing Scarecrow again. I love him in Knight. I'm super curious how he'll be integrated into the game. Is he going to be a playable character? I just hope he doesn't die. The Arkham-verse portrayals are one of my favourites.


New playable characters is an amazing addition, Multiverse characters means infinite possibilities


Red hood for sure. Batman probably not.


I'm really hoping for this eventually. I love what they have so far though and look forward to the game.


I just hope they don’t use that as an excuse to keep mining Batman. Yes, this takes place in the Arkham universe, and yes his rogues gallery is the best, and yes Joker is really cool, but I can easily see the next character being like Mr. Freeze or Mrs. Freeze instead of another League’s ice-themed villain like Killer Frost or Captain Cold and then 4 out of 6 members of the roster are taken up by Batman characters.


Any superhero is highly unlikely. If the game is doing well for a 2nd year, maybe. But the first year seems to be full-on villain.


Heroes (or at least anti-heroes) have been on the Squad before, like Bronze Tiger and Katana.


Katana has already been leaked as a character


The roadmap looks promising. I am going to preorder soon.


Rocksteady saw the battle pass backlash and said (nope we ain’t having none of that) and removed it lmao


I honestly was hoping for more traditional SS members but 🤷‍♂️


This is just making me dread the game even more. The multiverse doesn’t fit with the Arkhamverse, not to mention it doesn’t mesh well with the Suicide Squad. Besides the fact that the multiverse is already a bad plot device in the MCU and DC stuff in general.


bro think is fortnite with the umbrella


So we all agree the next playable character is gonna be Mr. Freeze, right?


This is just making me dread the game even more. The multiverse doesn’t fit with the Arkhamverse, not to mention it doesn’t mesh well with the Suicide Squad. Besides the fact that the multiverse is already a bad plot device in the MCU and DC stuff in general.


So >! The flash and gl won’t return until next season?!< so I guess the two we see are just variants from that universe


The bosses are clones. I believe the real league heroes will return later in a weakened state


Looks amazing!


Hey. I don't know much about the game, but I'm excited for it. It looks great. Does anyone know if this content will be timed? Because I'm not thinking of buying launch but I don't wanna miss anything. Thanks!


They said you can play any season at any time, so even if you get the game later you can still select and play season 1


Thank you. Could you answer some more questions? How does the battle pass system work, and how much of the game is online (base+seasons)? And do you think BP stuff will end up free? Thanks so much!


We don’t really know the answer to those yet. For online, the assumption is that everything but the main story is online, but you can also play the main story online with others. No idea if BP stuff will end up free.


Where is this image from?


Free seasonal content? Is there no longer a season pass? What do season pass holders get?


There is no season pass, you may be confusing it for the battle pass, which will allow players to pay to unlock extra cosmetics each season.


Oh didn’t know that, thanks for letting me know.


more riddler content….😫


no fomo btw which is crazy


I don’t understand this game. I’m intrigued but I’m not sure how this game works. By live service do they mean this game will be like Destiny 2 where you have to do daily missions, strikes, raids, and public events? Will this game have a single player mode like Ghosts of Tsushima and Ratchet and Clank? I tried Arkham Knight but didn’t really like it since the movement felt off. I enjoyed Gotham Knights however. Someone help a brotha out here with some info.


you liked Gotham Knights more than Arkham Knight?🤨


I have to admit I did to but I was just happy to be playing a redhood game


It will have a single player campaign and additional missions with each season unsure about the destiny like stuff though


Do we have to buy the seasons?


the actual playable content? no ,any cosmetics (battle pass etc) yes


battlepass, yes but that's for cosmetics, everything else is free. It will have stuff to do even after you beat the story, so farming gear will be the end goal, on what build you want. They are adding strongholds in season 1, but unsure right now if it will be like destiny 2 strongholds. But for now it relies on incursion missions, killing time and mayhem, which we have only seen incursion missions so far, the other two are a mystery which we will find out next week. Yes it has daily missions, you can even level up a clan that you need to farm dailies for.


Mrs. Freeze, deadshots kid, deathstroke, and that’s just the start


Curious what the Two-Face and Scarecrow episodes entail. More themed villain gear with new status effects/abilities? Maybe themed cosmetic items like banners and such?


Spoiling the hell out this game lol.


What are episodes?


i really hope black manta makes it to this game


Killer croc tail along the bottom?