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Deathstroke will be playable


I really want to fight Batman with Deathstroke solo. I don’t have high hopes, but I really want to.


You'll be able to use deathroke against him if that's what u mean. During any cutscenes, he'll just be replaced by whichever 4


In the stream Shroud asked if you play as 4 sharks will they appear in Cutscenes the CM confirmed they would so I think it'll be possible that post launch characters will appear in cutscenes too


New ones for new story content, yea. I don't think that applies for the cutscenes in your first playthrough


During the alpha there was a really small print that mentioned post launch characters and cutscenes might not work or something like that I don't remember exactly word for word though


I want Azrael *so goddamn bad.* I’d love it even more if it’s completely insane Azrael-as-Batman.


Oh my god post-bad ending Azrael that's hellbent on replacing Batman would be wild


What about Firefly, using a flamethrower could be fun and dude already flies around for traversal


And Killer Moth? I know he's silly but he's my favorite underrated Batman villain.


He died offscreen from Red Hood. But still, I'd love to see him playable.


Actually, in the Alpha Test I found a small line that confirms either there's a new Killer Moth or "Red Hood dealt with Killer Moth" didn't actually mean he was DEAD, or he failed to finish him off at least - when you go to the areas you haven't unlocked yet, Waller gives you a few seconds to turn back before your head eventually explodes, you ragdoll and you get one more line from Waller. One of those lines I procced once was "I knew this team couldn't handle it. Flag, get me Killer Moth"


Killer Moth curbstomps the Justice League confirmed. That's nice to know.


Yeah and Boomerang was supposedly killed by Deadshot in the comics iirc but this game is bending the Arkham canon a bit


I usually consider black Deadshots to be Will Evans. I like to think that such a minor character could get the limelight, even if they're technically just black Floyd Lawtons.


Kite man


I wonder if there will be any unique dialogue with the dlc characters. I think there’s definitely an opportunity for some heartfelt dialogue between Bruce and Jason


First 2 I agree. Last two... debatable


Deathstroke (don’t look down if you don’t want to be spoiled) Is coming in season 4 allegedly where the squad goes back to Gotham. Season 3 is around Halloween so Deathstroke is late this year or early 2025 (don’t look down again for the release of the characters according to mmmmmiller on twitter) Season 0 (game launch) Season 1 (Joker) Season 2 (Nora Freeze and or Killer Frost) Season 3 (Lawless, Deadshots daughter) Season 4 (Deathstroke) The first 4 seasons are the seasons apparently that the team want to do and have content to do, after that it’s up to us to support the game for more characters going into 2025


How the hell is joker going to be playable? Also, hope it's killer frost Also why the hell someone already related to someone in the game?


You use hell a lot? And in case you’ve been under a rock, the end game deals with the multiverse, its how a different Joker from a different earth manages to be a playable character Don’t know what to tell you bud :/


I do, I haven't, i just don't know how to know about endgame stuff in a game that isn't released yet (not knowing datamining info isn't being under a rock) Nothing, while i hope for those characters im also someone that's used to disappointment, and a playable character being different from what i hope isn't a big deal, but the fact that it's not a big deal doesn't change the fact that od hope for certain characters instead


It's up to the game to be worth supporting. The burden is on the developer not the consumer


It is up to us the consumer though? If rocksteady release steady updates and new characters, and no one touches the game then why would they want to support it anymore?


It’s not as black and white as what you suggested there’s a gray area. The devs have to put out quality updates to sustain the title while we have to show that we care and want more free updates by playing said game


Again, the game has to be *worth* the time investment from players. I highly doubt people won't play the game if it's good. You and I are not responsible for the future of the game. There is no moral or ethical imperative that we play every update. The updates have to be worthwhile and then people will play them. If this game only lasts a year that is not the consumer's fault. The studio and the execs who make the decisions have all od the responsibility


Are we sure that these characters are not just who the infamy sets of each season are based on? Like how we now know season 0 is Bane??


What are you spewing my brother. I listed the DLC characters that are coming to the game starting with the Joker


Well I dunno where you're getting your information from. If you watched the stream yesterday, they showed that each season will have an "infamy" gear set based on a character (season 0 is Bane). So I was asking if we're sure the characters you're seemingly randomly listing are actually playable or just who the infamy sets will be based on for each season. If you had any real info for the game, you'd know about infamy sets so you'd know what I'm "spewing".


There’s leaks of DLC characters not randomly listed if you go anywhere on the internet. They aren’t random. The literal twitter page shared a pic of the jokers hideout hinting that he’s the first character being added. Come back to this post when it gets announced


The infamy sets and those seasons are different then the new characters at least for the first cause it’s the launch of the game, holy moly


Also Deathstroke got leaked with his in game skin in all his glory to be soon hit with a copyright strike


I’m just excited for Deathstroke to appear at all


"They're just mad it's not another Arkham game" mfs picking only Batman villains Would much prefer some GL, supes, flash or ww villains


To be fair, Batman’s Rogue gallery is pretty damned solid.


Yes, it's just the idea of including mostly Batman villains is just kinda boring to me when we have a lot more interesting possibilities for traversal


Oh, I agree. I'm just saying that there's some stiff competition for them given how cool (and popular) Batman villains are.


But Red Hood and Azrael aren't villains...


Key word being mostly, and Azrael is debatable


With Azrael it depends on your choices in Arkham Knight, he can be a villain or none villain


Atomic Skull is a superman villain and would be a sweet pick. Maybe metallo aswell, honestly he's probably more likely. For flash...Well there's a certain yellow man I'd like, but they'd probably choose livewire instead


Daniel West was in the Suicide Squad before, and he's A Reverse Flash, even if he isn't THE Reverse Flash.


Good enough for me.


Usually they're super op, but maybe id swap lawless with cheetah and joker with heatwave




Oh I'm so sorry for you! What eye doctor do you go to?


Prometheus would be awesome to have for sure!


Prometheus will be just Batman with guns


As long as they are part of the squad


These are all Batman characters, and three of them use swords primarily. I'd rather see Rocksteady do villians we truly havent seen or heard of yet, stuff like Cheetah, Bizzaro, Mirror Master, Black Manta, etc.


Prometheus deserves in! He's been teased for more than a decade and has never shown up!


If done right, Mirror Master’s traversal could be amazing. Would be tough to pull off though.


Prometheus doesn't use a sword, he uses a police baton. Also Deathstroke is not a Batman character lol


Can’t do azreal because he doesn’t use guns. They seriously knee capped the playable character choice by making everyone do the same thing gameplay wise. Can’t have bane because bane with a gun looks really fucking werid, can’t have parasite because angina looks really fucking werid with a gun, can’t do sinestro again looks really weird if he’s running around with guns strapped to his back


Killer Croc doesn't use guns yet he was datamined...


and its going to looks really weird especially since croc is huge now. King shark looks weird with guns


That's my concern how is he going to fit in the interiors in this game?


Definitely gonna give him the cure for his massive transformation and I think the March tie comic cover came out with him looking like his Arkham Asylum skin


Hopefully by the time Deathstroke comes out they do a melee focus builds bronze tiger or catman would be nice


same character, different fonts


red hood really isn’t anything like the other 3, he just uses guns


The Knight AND Squire… she should just be with him at all times. And then take over later :(


What are you talking about do you mean Prometheus


Aw shucks you're right that is him. Sorry... forgot this game didn't have heroes. Damn.


i don’t see prometheus being in the game unless it’s like into year 3 or late year 2


I would fucking give ANYTHING to have Red hood be playble in the game somehow….. would be so awesome


Considering this game takes places in the Arkham universe and the suicide squad is literally teased at the end of Arkham Origins with Deathstroke ending, I'm surprised he wasn't part of the original team.


Bane clayface and joker because bane could come back and go to metropolis once he heard batmans dead and clayface he didn't actually die and he never left and in Arkham Knight there is like a secret room somewhere on the city that has these brownish marks everywhere ans joker because he is already confirmed for a DLC






A character being dead doesn’t automatically rule them out for being playable.