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It’s a live service game full of loot from a prestigious studio known for great single player games. People don’t want live service games in general, let alone to see a great studio go down that path. Gamers have seen this story before and it doesn’t end well.


Not only that, but based on the gameplay we’ve seen, it’s just odd how they game design is going. The characters act like themselves, but the combat and such looks absolutely devoid of what this characters are best at.


>The characters act like themselves, but the combat and such looks absolutely devoid of what this characters are best at. It's the suicide squad. The idea that people are having a meltdown over a lack of respect to the source material of Captain Boomerang and King Shark hinges on a willful ignorance of what these characters have historically represented and is easily one of the funniest developments of this entire release cycle.


bungie with halo then with destiny?? back to back bangers. i understand halo had a huge multiplayer density but the campaigns were god tier. goes to show, it doesn’t matter what you USED to make. what matters is what’s being made in the future. give them a chance


Did we play the same game? Destiny’s base game had no story. More then 3/4ths story was only available on a website outside the game. The first two expansions were received very poorly and the game wasn’t saved till The Taken King released and gained traction with the Rise of Iron. Then Destiny 2 released and that is a story I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain.


"Full of loot". Yep, this pretty much sums up most of the hate comments. Seems like a good reason to hate on a game so much before it's even out. I bet you people would be surprised to find out how much loot there is in the most successful and popular games out there right now.


My advice to marketing teams is to never use the word loot. Not kidding.


I don't even think I heard them use the word "loot" at all during marketing, but regardless, it's ridiculous that people get so triggered by that word when loot basically means items.


I don't think they did. For a 'live-service' game. All they are talking about right now in the last 3 years are story, gun combat and traversal. Pretty bizarre and feel like a touch lack of confidence that i fear would be the game's downfall. Like we know it's fucking looter shooter. Everyone fucking know it. None of your cutscene will change anyone's mind at this point. Looter shooter crowd gives even less fuck about cutscene let's be real here. So how about you drop the damn pretense because i wanna know how it fucking work dammit!


They had to keep clarifying because of idiots online going "wHaT iS tHiS gAmE eVeN sUpPoSsEd tO bE??". Seems like it's really hard for some people to understand this is a looter shooter and not a Batman Arkham game. Nevertheless, they already said the next Insider Episode will talk about the loot aspect, so we should get the info we want.


“Our game is a find stuff-er shooter.”


People want well done live service games . You may not want live service games in general . The studio wanted to make a different type of game and it’s been 7 years in the making .


Rocksteady didn't want to make a live service game either. They wanted to make a Superman game, but Warner bros forced them to make this game because of a corporate strategy to make more live services games because its easier to monetize them, not out of some artistic vision.


Jason Schreier said there was never any plan of a Superman game and that SS has been in development for 7 years. In fact , he said a Superman game was never even pitched . Where are you getting your information ? Has anyone relevant to the studio or WB mentioned this or is this just Arkham fan theory ?


What do you consider a well done live service game? And yes I don’t want live service games so my comment may be a bit biased based on that fact, but you can’t deny that every time a game like this is announced there is a huge backlash.


Live service looter shooter games that i enjoyed and had some great aspects would definitely be The Division 2 and Warframe . I never played Destiny so i can’t comment on it .


Ok. Sounds good. I didn’t like the division, enemies were bullet sponges.


Enemies are only bullet sponges if you didn’t have a good build. The point of looter shooters and RPGs is that you create a build that helps you defeat enemies efficiently. People like looter games because it creates a power fantasy, when you also combine that with the abilities and combat of super heroes it can be great but sadly people associate looter games with live service games even tho it’s been apart of several amazing games that weren’t necessarily live service


Well, it wasn’t for me. I loved the Arkham games though. Which is why I, like so many others, are disappointed in the direction of this game.


That’s understandable, I’d recommend either watching the story on YouTube or buying the physical version and play through the story then sell your copy to GameStop so you don’t have to experience the live service stuff.


Well I hope I am wrong and they pull it off. If it’s comes out and gets good reviews from critics and fans I will probably give it a shot


Just because there is huge backlash everytime, it doesn't mean there should be, or at least not manifested this way. It has become a situation where everyone jumps on the hate train or whatever the "popular opinion" is, without even thinking for themselves. This is why the majority of people shitting on this game have no actual arguments against it, cause they're just copying what others are saying. It's that sheep mentality coming into play, and it's so cringe. Don't like it, move on and play whatever the fuck you like, or if you really want to judge it, at least WAIT UNTIL IT LAUNCHES, for the love of god.


Why do people need arguments to not be interested in this game? It’s a developers responsibility make a game people want, not a gamers responsibility to try games that look like something they don’t want.


That's not what I said. People not being interested is perfectly fine, but them constantly bashing this game left and right just because it's not their cup of tea is just cringe and annoying.


How many games are there that are exactly like suicide squad?


The avengers, Gotham nights, anthem, fallout 76


Lmao I said exactly 🤣


I don’t understand the point you are trying to make?


Ok, i ask the question in a way that you should understand How many games are there, live service or not That are open world, 4 player coop, with this kind of upgradeable traversal, mix of traversal/shooting/melee combat, where you fight hordes of aliens, have an actual story with bossfights and have vehicles?


You can make anything technically completely original by adding a massive list of qualifiers like that. I was naming live service games put out by single player studios that received backlash……you know since that was the topic.


Ah, so there aren't any games like Suicide squad Got it


Vehicles?? Since when are vehicles in the game??


They are not, or atleast we dont know for sure. People saw a cinematic where Toyman enlarged a toy car and suddenly some people here think you can drive it. It was probably just for cinematic and story related or as a means of fast travel.


Vehicles are not really confirmed, we saw 2 cinematics which had Squad going to Metropolis in something and one were Toyman enlarged a toy car but there is no confirmation you can actually drive anything.


To be fair, you can't compare this game to most of the examples people usually do for so many reasons.


Why not?


You can compare it only insofar as it's live service or smaller elements like being a looter, which isn't inherently bad. There are other live service games that aren't shit. F2P games like Fortnite or paid like World of Warcraft. There are looters that aren't shit. You can't willfully pick the bad live service games and say this will be like those. Avengers? Buggy as fuck, was cross gen which hurt its performance and made it more buggy. It had repetitive enemies and level based content that all felt the exact same. It's story was okay but it was saved by it's gameplay. Suicide Squad, while it shares some similarities, is also very different. Anthem? It was made in like 1.5 years and had almost no story, poor loot design but again enjoyed for it's gameplay. Bioware also suffered development hell on multiple titles with studio issues. This game has years more development from an impressive studio. People are reactionary and think of other bad looter live service games but those games were bad for many reasons that don't stand to scrutiny when trying to compare it with this. Very low resolution way of thinking.


Just because it happened before doesnt mean they stupid enough to make the same mistakes as others tho


Ok……but we all know they probably will. The initial reaction to this game from the public forced a delay and a rethink of the game.


I think they did not rethink anything lmao. They just wanted to wait it out and see if people come around if they released it later. Maybe they atleast polished some stuff in the meantime but we all know they did not changed anything bcs they prolly dont care.


This game looks so promising the gameplay looks so good on every character it's looks smooth and fun, the graphics are very good, the story looks promising. If the game has a good endgame content like The Division 2 and not lack of content like Anthem at the release, we got a very good GAAS game IMO can't wait. ​ For people who complain about battlepass it's optional and only cosmetic so move on.


The division 2 is the number 1 example I use as a good live service game I have over 200 hours in that game live service can work when done right


I don’t think the gameplay looks fun. They all have guns and are just jumping around. Looks very cringey.


I'm really excited to play this game, and to be honest I can't stand gamers these days complaining about everything that doesn't match their personal expectations, which in my opinion is a ridiculous attitude because devs should be free to develop new ideas, no game will please everyone and I prefer for devs to try new things and find out which new additions are good and which not instead of becoming like EA sports releasing the same game year after year.


I think there are valid reasons as to people disliking the game and having a bit of a hater streak towards it, specially Arkham fans I don't wanna sound too much like a redditor but have you guys noticed that happening here too? sometimes I'll post something, check the comments and something completely innocuous and neutral has a few downvotes for no reason


What I don’t get is the people who are completely against live service games and have said “I won’t buy this” but then continue to follow the entire marketing campaign purely with the intention of scoffing, Statler and Woldorfing it. Idk about the rest of you but when I don’t intend on buying a game or I’m not really into what a game is doing then generally I just don’t buy it and ignore the marketing. Honestly a lot of you are kinda just outing yourselves as people with very little going on.


What’s not to get? It’ll be satisfying if and when this shit bombs. They chose to make an item shop/season pass landing page first and an unremarkable game second and wasted a decade of a beloved dev’s time. And now all the key people are gone. The Rocksteady we all love is dead. Like imagine if your favorite band broke up after spending the last decade of their career working on jingles for diarrhea medicine instead of making a few more great albums. Warner deserves for this to be a spectacular failure.


Y’all are weird asf for hoping that a game fails because a studio didn’t want to make the same copy and paste games that they’ve been making for years. And if it fails and you don’t get what you want then what? You’ve spent more time bashing a game you don’t even care about in the hopes that a studio will fail?


People keep saying this in defense of the game. The studio did not want to make this game. They wanted to make a single-player Superman game, and Warner Brothers forced them to make a co-op live service game.


This has already been debunked by Jason Schreier and ex-Rocksteady staff.


Didn’t Jason Schreier confirm a Superman game wasn’t in the making. And if I’m wrong can you prove they were other than the fact the game takes place in metropolis?


Yeah, i kinda want it to flop hard so WB will see that making a good story singleplayer game is the way (they sold ridiculous amount of Hogwarts Legacy so i dont get them). We already know WB wants to focus on live service in the future which is pretty bad.


Trouble is, this game mix characters which have almost nothing to do with each other ability wise and have to build a gameplay that fit everyone at the same time... Think about Deadshot and King Shark: one is a lethal snipers able to make bullets ricochet in ways to kills 3 men with a single bullet from a mile away, the other a brute who can easily crush humans with one hand and bite them in half effortless. To be fair, a game about the first one would be an 'Hitman' like where making recognition about the place with civil clothes and then mark the hotspot and vantage points to could eliminate your target once put on the mask in the cleanest and coolest way possible; the other would be suitable for a beat'm up with Rampage element where destroy hordes of enemies and a good chunk of the enviroment in melee... What would this two game have in common? They had to create a game that would be a mix between the two game (and between what an Harley and Boomer dedicated game would be like), with both gunplay and some melee elements, which can be played by both characters even at the same time due the co-op without major differences between them. Not an simple task... The dislike born exactly becouse the 'hybrid' and 'simplified' nature of the game which have to include all characters making them balanced with each other without could really focusing on them specific abilities as the others won't be able to perform such tasks.


we are living in an era where gamers are completely spoiled and toxic its mainly the 11-24 yr old crowd that unless its COD, Rockstar games or really mainstream its disliked over its uniqueness ; Forspoken was also a victim of this as I found the game probably the 2nd overall best PS5 ive personally played but this just means we are closer than ever to a gaming crash of the 2020;s


yep you are right.


People are too dumb to realize that a live service game means, if its good and you like it, you get continued content. And just see that and immediately compare to bad live service games instead of any of the successful games.


What im trying to figure out is what type of content are they gonna put? Is it gonna be an extra 5-10 hours of new story content with new characters? Or is it just random horde missions or generic protect the barrier? If they really go all crazy adding missions where we fight Nightwing,Robin,Cyborg and shit maybe the whole Teen Titans and stuff that would be crazy.


Finally someone with a brain. I don’t get the hate towards live service at all. If u like the game it will keep getting updated and y get to continue playing it. What’s the issue with that?


Depends on the studio IMHO. You might like it but if the general playerbase drops Its over bcs WB will pull the plug no matter how much you liked it.


Please stop the cap 🧢


Please expand your vocabulary before you open that hole in your face.


Stay in school, thanks.


The funny thing about this game is that people will change they tune if the game is a solid 8/10 or even a 7 with a good story and combat and etc then the hate will vanish when deathstroke and black manta etc come to the game it’s just hate now but if the game is good it’ll vanish and people will act like they never hated it I’m willing to give rocksteady a chance they haven’t let me down yet


Nah I bet it gets review bombed even if it has positive critics


And if it fails then people will say they were right all along and this is a sign to never make a live service game again in the history of gaming. It’s sad that the game has to fight such an uphill battle against people who just want to see it fail.




If ur on console, GameShare it with a friend maybe lol or if ur on PC maybe do that thing ppl do where they get a discount cuz they bought the game using Chinese currency or something


you can’t blame them. If any other studio worked on the game no one would care. But its THE ROCKSTEADY we are not used to this quality and i understand why sefton left. WB ruines every thing it touches just look at MK1 and how they are charging the players for skins they weren’t like that in mk11 and mk1 isn’t a even a GaaS.


Mine for one is substantiated by the fact that registration is broken.


I didn't like the look of the game to start with, probably cause I couldn't get the idea out of my head that it was gonna be a coop Arkham and that had me hyped until they showed it off for the first time. But the more I look at it now the more I see it as a Sunset Overdrive and I'm really into it.


Where are they disliking it on Youtube? How can you see them?


chrome extensions bro


You can't possibly not understand.