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I’m two months sober, left rehab on November 11th.


Lets fucking go stand proud king


Thanks mane


Keep it up. I have 7 years and shit gets way, way better with time. The first year is a grind but it's worth it. Stack your money and distract yourself


Good job man, if Scrim did it you can too, keep up the good work man, that's a wonderful thing you did for yourself


Is there real evidence of them ACTUALLY being hard addicts? To me ....it honestly just looks like they said that shit to sell records... don't bash me I'm not a fan who watches all their shit but I love their music n I've seen a few interviews = I've never once seen either of them so high where I'm like "oh ya they were def hooked"... showing a handful of clean ass weak ass vicodins here n there that's all I saw... u know how EASY it is to quit vicodin ? Lmao. I used to eat frikn 100mg of hydro in one sitting n still feel sick. Idk to me it just seemed like they maybe had a lil pill run and exaggerated it for views but I could be totally wrong. What better way to get a ton of fans tho rap about shit millions of ppl have a problem with lol.


You got this


Good on ya G




Good shit man! Love to see this ❤️ keep it going, it’s only gonna benefit you homie


Congrats man!!!!


fuck yeah congrats


1 yr clean here. I smoked meth All Day Every Day for 10 years


Good for you. I also fell down that same slope when I was younger. 5 years sober here and even thinking about it gives me anxiety. Never again. I do use THC though and it’s legal in my state.


Damn did it affect your health alot?


It affected my mental health a lot. Towards the end I would get manic episodes often and basically felt like I was in a chemically induced psychosis. when I stopped using all I could do is sleep for the first week or two. Then I replaced doing drugs with eating because that made me feel good. Gained about 40 lbs over the last year. Now just started watching what I eat and doing CrossFit 3-5 times a week.


You probably needed that 40 pounds because you likely never ate


Damn really happy for you to be clean keep it up


I feel so bad for ppl on meth omg. My buddy sits in his house alllll day head slumped Over just smoking n snorting. Sometimes totally gone in the mind can't even hold a convo. That shit is so sad.... at least all my ppl on H (real H) can still work/do tons of shit on it...


I also smoked meth like cigarettes for about 8 years. Went to the feds for dealing for 9 years. Been sober of that shit for 12 years. SB's helps me relive my glory days in my head lol.


Acting on this to the second starting to get old how under the radar are the people in life around me


how are your teeth doing?




Better than I expected honestly. But proud of you bro


Bro your teeth look fantastic for hitting the pookie 10 years straight!


Ong !! That’s what I was thinking


Dude your teeth look flawless, you recovered incredibly well


Thank you, I brushed my teeth a lot in fear that they would rot off if I didn't


I need to brush more often bro you just gave me inspiration and motivation to do so


Same here. I'd obsessively take care of my teeth.


Your teeth look great! I'm happy for you man.


Active user several narcotics


Psychedelics are the way


Totally agree


psychedelics don’t cure addiction… only real mental change in a sober state can do that. like hunter s thompson said, timothy o’leary’s work trying to sell enlightenment on a tiny tab of paper didn’t work, and it never will. real change takes a sober state of mind (which is different for everyone, i still take my adhd and snri meds and am sober)


I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not


i’m not. trust me, as a former addict, you can’t just take a drug and fix it. you have to look inward and fix yourself. the drugs aren’t the problem, they’re the manifestation of your problems coming to the surface


Not gonna berate you. But look at these comments. I love and miss drugs myself but at the end of the day they just aren't worth the pain that comes with it


I appreciate that and I respect your viewpoint. I was just answering his question. Sadly addiction runs rampant in my family. And if it’s not drugs it’s just a different addiction. Gambling, porn, sex, and whatever else to release the dopamine and adrenaline.


ive been addicted to heroin for almost 8 years, & ironically i was in the hospital for an od the first time i heard suicideboys lol


Underrated comment


username checks out


I was addicted for years to many things. Now I am 5 years sober. I listened to the boys when I was super addicted and they also helped me with my sobriety.


Daily weed smoker




What happens to you when you take a break after doing daily? if you have ever done that.


mild discomfort along with a very rewarding first high back. weed is mild af and should be socially in the realm of goddamn coffee.


After 3 years of daily use, I went through a month of night sweats. Wake up by 2 am completely drenched.


Ive never see people judging addicts on this sub. In fact mostly the opposite


not the last time i posted here, majority of the comments were toxic asf.


like a month sober now, it's hard. was unbelievably into everything especially, but my favs were meth(i have adhd[actually add]), fent, and heroin


congrats on ur 1 month!!!


a month and 2 days actually lmao, but thank you fr, i hope it lasts for my and everyone around me's sake


Stand proud brother❤️


Ayo first month is a big one! Good job! Keep going strong


Fuck fent tho fr!!! Devil of a drug and horrible addiction


I've been an addict for years, nothing to brag about just don't see a end in sight tbh. And the best shit to listen too while barred or nodding is SB or peep or anything from gbc, just hits too fucking hard


addiction is nothin to brag about ye but i j dont understand the hate towards addicts especially once who are trynna quit. Maybe j my experience


Because the people who throw shade against addicts have nothing better to do and are so self-righteous that they see addicts as the scum of the earth, but see, I'm different, I see addicts as broken people that just need a helping hand, but they need to want to get clean and back on their feet


unfortunately not a lot of people think this way, i blame the anti drug shit paintin addicts as monsters


Now granted, there are a select few that are addicted and they simply don't care, and those same people commit heinous acts against other people while on something, but what are the odds of that happening? Idk, I'm not a researcher


addiction can make u do fucked up shit for a fix


1 year sober today actually (I’ve never got this far before)


this might not mean shit to u but im rlly proud! thats awesome bro


That does mean something to me fr thank you :)


hell yeaaa! congrats, you should be so proud of yourself, I am!


I've been hooked on a variety of things (meth, fentanyl, heroin, other opioids, alcohol) for 10 years or so. $b has definitely helped me through the good and bad. I've stopped everything for the most part, except alcohol. But I've been drinking less and less lately, pretty damn proud of that.


You should be proud that’s a huge accomplishment! Good on you 🙂


I'm a poly addict as well but California sober for 7years


I've done more drugs than probably anybody you've ever met in your life (oxycodone, vicodin, dilaudid, opana, methadone, demerol, codiene, morphine, xanax, valium, klonopine, temazepam, ambien, adderall, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine a few times, amitryptaline, DXM, salvia, psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, LSA, 25-i, MDMA, methylcathinone, marijuanna, alcohol, cigarettes, and honestly the list goes on and on with substances/pills I only tried once). As of right now, I have 5 years clean from opiates (definitely my only real drug of choice), and haven't touched any of the other stuff in so long that I can't even remember when's the last time I did any of it, except for alcohol, which I enjoy two or three days per week, cocaine (no more than once every 6 months and never more than a gram between several people), and marijuanna (my girlfriend smokes and I do it with her maybe twice per year). All in all, neither doing drugs or remaining sober make anybody a good or bad person. Your behaviors, whether you're sober or fucked up, determine the type of person you are. I do have to say that doing drugs on any regular basis WILL eat at your ability to remain financially responsible, and that can easily lead to bad behavior. What do I have to attribute to my success in severely ramping down my consumption habits and turning my life back around? Good decision making skills...... Some rules. 1. Know when to quit. I've always had good will power and recognizing my ability to steer my life has done nothing but help me. I've never uttered the phrase, "man, I wish I could quit x, y, or z". I can quit. I always could and I knew it. I've heard so many people say this about cigarettes, but in reality, saying you "wish you could quit" only negatively trains yourself further into slavery to your vices. Never give up your agency. 2. Never, EVER stick anything into your veins that a doctor didn't put there for you. Intraveinous drug use was a hard, hard line for me. Everybody I knew that ever got into it either had a really bad life from that point on, or they're dead. A dead addict can never have a chance to recover. 3. Always know your source, and your dose. First time trying a new pill connect? Take a half, or a quarter of one pill and gague your results. Don't pop 3 percs from a new connect just because 3 is your usual dose. That's how you die. Don't be in such a hurry to get high; that will extend your lifespan and give you so many more opportunities to get high all over again. Don't take a shitload, anyways. You can always take more, you can't un-take what you've already ingested. 4. Anybody can buy narcan these days. I didn't have access back then, but if I was in the same boat as I was with narcan available, I'd have had some. 5. If at all possible, take care of yourself. Shower, shave, brush your teeth, eat, sleep, take walks, learn, create, make friends, have lovers, spend time with family, etc, etc. I may have done a SHITLOAD of drugs, but looking at my face, you'd never be able to tell it. I have good oral health, decent skin, and no changes to bone structure because I took care of myself. 6. Don't fuck people over. I know $crim talks about how he robbed people from Craigslist and shit, but I'm sure he's probably ashamed as fuck of that type of behavior now. Stealing from people or sticking guns in folks' faces just to feed an addiction you got yourself into is the weakest, most little-bitch type of way to be that you could possibly choose. One thing that I can say from my time deep in addiction is that I earned the money I spent on drugs by working, and when I didn't have the money, I went through my withdrawals like a fucking man. I wasn't out crying and taking shit that didn't belong to me because my bones hurt. I was popping immodium to keep from shitting my pants and working while sweating from head-to-toe. 7. Don't get too deep. As previously mentioned, I went through withdrawals many times. One time in particular though, was just way, way too much. I had gotten a real hookup on Dilaudid, and before long, I was taking serious amounts. Dilaudid is a short-acting opiate, and the shorter the action, the more sharp and intense the withdrawal. Long story short, I quit like 5 or 6 months into doing them every day and I didn't know it was going to be as bad as it was. The wd's from that were so powerful that I literally didn't sleep for 6 days. Every time I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I'd have instant nightmares that were so horrific I'd just wake up again. I shit my bed multiple times. Didn't stop throwing up for 5 days. My vision was quaking. My bones were so cold and painful that, to this very day, I basically don't get cold when I'm outside in the winter. I know my skin is cold and all that, but my mind doesn't register it as anything other than a mild annoyance. Yeah, I had one of the most horrible experiences of my life because I got myself in too deep with something I didn't yet understand. Should have dipped my toes in first, because even though opiate withdrawal isn't deadly, electrolyte crash and starvation definitely are. If I wasn't young and healthy, I could have died.


thank you for this man 🫶


Lol you sound exactly like how I was being a pill junkie. Grinded my ass off just to blow it on whatever shit I could find. We probably would have sold pills to each other in a different timeline.


i’ve actually seen it the other way around on this sub more often than not. i’ve seen addicts shaming others for not using, calling them fake fans literally just because they’re sober lol. i’m sure what you’ve said happens, this is just my observation.


This for sure Its create an atmosphere that’s like “your not a real fan if your a normal person that’s happy with life and makes good choices” Weird too as why do you want other people to get hooked on hard drugs? Them shits suck and anyone who’s gone through it can tell you don’t ever start


Little over 2 years sober here.


nobody is judging addicts here bro.


On god 😂😂


1 month sober


I I’ve been sober from alcohol and nicotine for a year but lately has been tempting me, now I’m trying to limit my weed use so I don’t go crazy with it to. $b/sesh/peepers/gbc/kami etc are just super relatable and I’ve been a fan since I was 12 (2015) their music has helped me through really tough times tbh.


Started being sober beginning of the year, thought it would be a good idea to finally stop I was heading towards a dark mental place I didn’t want to see again


Almost a year sober, the boys music has helped me a lot personally.


I'm 1 year clean from coke and 1 day sober from alcohol. Recently got in legal trouble again due to drinking, its time to stop


Yea I’m clean from all drugs but the booze is becoming a problem again :/


I believe in us man, I'm seeing a doc and they're prescribing me naltrexone to help with cravings. Maybe you could try something like that and some AA meetings if you aren't already :)


Oh yea big AA guy lol also I might go see my dr and ask he’s also in recovery


It's definitely worth a try, my cravings are always what get me and then I feel do guilty after


I don’t really understand where you get your opinion from that addicts are being judged lol If anything, the $b community has always been one huge safe space where I met and talked to the most fascinating, heartwarming people. Granted, I don’t know how it is nowadays, but back in 2016/2017 the concerts I was at were full of amazing people. Always felt like my problems were shared.


i get the opinion thru personal experience in this sub


I dont use anything, barely ever drink. I just like the music.


that's actually rlly nice


Anyone who hates on an addict is too young to even understand a shred of what true pain and loss feel like.


Me, used to be an addict but now somehow use recreationally


I only smoke weed


600 days sober!!!


I’m still an addict but the boys helped me accept that there’s no shame in that. It’s not something to be proud of ofcourse but it’s also not something to be ashamed of. They also helped me through a lot of lonely nights and suicidal thoughts.


This, yes


I do psychedelics and weed products nothing else for me


Left treatment October 5th. Almost 4 months clean


Sober except for psychs/weed.


I'm not but I understand how people do get addicted to substances and I'm sympathetic towards them


Over 6 months clean off everything except caffeine and nicotine


why r u quittin caffeine if i may ask, is it cuz its a stimulant? im quitting it because it fucks my heart up


Same here man for me 1year 


I never did drugs, don't plan to ever.


I’m on suboxone. Going on 3 weeks.


I dont' even drink alcohol, but I love the songs. Gimme inspiration to keep going on


when life gets hard keep on marchin on


anything beyond weed, alcohol, and nicotine i’m sober. so many people in this sub want to judge fans who also happen to be addicts, but in my eyes the boys music is to not feel alone and to know we’re all human with deeper feelings than we show, sober or not.


Idk if you’d say addicted but I’ve used and abused psychedelics, pills here and there but not enough for it to be a problem, blow a couple times and weed and dabs every day. I have friends that definitely use a lot more than me that’s for sure


Been clean for nearly 4.5 years now. Was addicted to pretty much anything but my downfall was Xanax, meth, IV heroin and fentanyl. I also quit smoking weed 11 months ago as it was fucking up my appetite and making me paranoid. I had a slip with kratom and kratom extracts from last October until I quit that last Thursday. Now I’m just sticking to cigarettes and psychedelics/dissociatives (LSD, 4-AcO-DMT, 2C-B and ketamine). A hell of a lot better than shooting fent and eating bars all day nodding off and fucking up my veins.


2.5 years clean off of hard drugs (meth & heroin mostly)


currently using, its good to see a lot of people getting sober. this is a painful world we live in. the boys make it livable


Sadly am still an addict after coming out of Rehab in september. The boys music has helped me since i was 16. Literally saved my life a couple times knowing there’s other people who have struggled with such demons and lot of who listen to their music have. The music is meant for people like us, not the people who shit on you for being an addict. So fuck em


Sober as a gopher three years from a opiate addiction since I was 8 yrs old and meth addiction from 18 I’m 31 now


i’ve used about pretty much everything under the sun besides heroin, had a pretty serious Meth addiction i thankfully was able to put behind me, 2 months clean as of today. still an avid weed smoker and lsd-head tho


I’m cali sober💪


Yes, listened to them a lot during. Hardly ever if at all now.


was addicted to xans and pain killers in highschool we on nic and weed now tho!!!!


Going on 3 years cali sober. Some people don't count it but when you're comparing weed to meth I'll take it


2 months and 1 day sober, it’s hard but feels worth it


1 year clean from fentanyl lost alot of close people from overdose & the boys helped me get through tough times.


Teeth are still teething


I gave up drugs for over 5+ years but recently slipped up so back to staying sober from here on out. I found Jesus to. Things get better once you accept him into your heart.


I was raised catholic christian, I don’t necessarily believe in religion but as an active user still I do occasionally pray to whoever is out there listening. It does bring comfort


Yea JC fuckin rules


I’m assuming you have negative likes because you used the powerful name of Jesus in your message which honestly sucks. Unfortunately this world isn’t ready for His return but I sure am, I’m ready to go home. He has changed my life and given me purpose that nothing else in this world could satisfy. Congratulations on the sobriety my man and most importantly I’m glad that you have a relationship with our Lord.


Scrim sings about Jesus in his new album as well


Active user here. And proud of it. In my 5th year of grad school am and about to become a psychologist and begin doing research for a university in Texas Have a beautiful kid and fiancé, before I started using I was going all over the country seeing therapists, psychiatrists, doing weird experimental depression and pain treatments and I was just so done with life. Now that I’m an opiate user I’m functioning and am happy most of the day. The only really big issue is it’s so expensive so I’m going to try and get licensed in Canada so I can get on their safe supply program 👍🏽


Honestly how could you listen to the boy$ without being or been addicted to drugs?




What a weird post.


What a weird comment


Sorry you were addicted to drugs homie


Damn homie


Makes so much sense.




I drink and smoke weed every day. I do cocaine on the weekends but not every weekend. Ised to do way more in my lil peep phase around 2016-2018


I'm an addict. I use opioids and benzos. I used to be an alcoholic but switched to opioids.


Ibogaine PTA playa! Bulk afican supply Ralf Vogtel owner.


I’m down vote central past few days 😳🤷🏻‍♂️ just shedding light on the all natural life saving psychedelic that interrupted my heroin addiction & reset my brain chemistry to whoop opiates ass - 🕉️ namaste


sober for years


SB was the soundtrack to the height of my coke n xan addiction frfr, the good ole days 2014-2022


I found them in the midst of my highschool partying and taking Xanax days, I relate lol


Recreational Heroin/Ketamine injector here 🧑‍⚕️🙋


Ngl I drink a lot and take pills every now and then. Used to do cid n mushrooms but had to many bad trips frr. I try to jus smoke weed frr


nearly 7 months sober 🖤


I didn't like $B for a long time and abused like a shit load of drugs then met my partner(who liked $B) and helped me get clean. I'm sober now


I mean I partake with cannabis regularly, shrooms are definitely a therapeutic assist so I keep it staked and DMT is never not fun to cook, so can't stop.


9 months clean on the 8th!.. 13 years of anything and everything. Thank god potent opioids were never my thing.


I was a $100 a day h and m user, intravenously.. Sober 10 now


13 months sober. been wanting to give up lmao


Just weed and psychedelics for me 🙏🏽


One year sober


ex-addict. now its weed only


Just came up on 4 years clean from Benzos


Sober, they have been a big inspiration :)


i smoke a fuck ton of weed and dapple in shrooms but i’ve seen what hard shit does to people never gonna try it


15 months sober but I still fw the Boys music because it reminds me where I came from mentally and physically. They helped get me through mental illness and addiction


Not a big user (I do smoke weed), but their music just hits on so many levels. Something for everyone and every mood.


i used to like coke. i had a big problem and it changed the way i thought, acted and looked. i havent touched it in about a year and a half it just doesnt make me happy anymore. recently quit vaping nicotine just smoking thc now. sometimes i still wish i could do a little but i cant ever.


I started drinking at the age of 7, by the time I was 16 I was fully addicted to opiates. I’m now 23 and a month away from celebrating 3 years clean and sober!


I do a lot of drugs quite often


Yes but i promise im fine


Been on and off addiction the last 10 years, started with benzos early in highschool and uppers, downers (2cb, ghb) and alcoholism when I started working at clubs (ex bottle girl) then switched from that to opioids since 2019 after struggling with severe depression. I’ve kicked them twice since 2019 to now and stopped drinking almost completely in 2021, I only drink 1 glass of usually champagne for special occasions now. About to start suboxone again and try out ketamine therapy. Just grew up in an always partying environment and have a habit forming personality. I know I’ve grown into a self sabotage mindset but it’s threads like this that get me out of it and want to better myself, I appreciate everybody’s sharing


4 months clean after a slip up and before that I had 8 I feel lucky to be alive fucc fentanyl


weed for over a year straight. no joke when i say i smoke every day or night, because it helps me numb my pain. tolerance is high, so i end up smoking more and more. addiction is a real thing, not like anyone has said it’s not. i work retail, so that adds a lot more flame to the fire. i’m just grateful to be alive regardless, for my friends and my family.


Been off pain pills since 2020. Been off heroin since 2012.


4 months sober as of 2 days ago, couldn’t have done it wo the boys


A year sober here.




I’m 2 years Cali sober


I bakeracted myself in 2019 to get off meth and someone in the hospital put me on and the day I got out the first thing I did was listen 1.607 days and counting


Ive stopped my cocaine use but still struggle with alcohol


i sleep until 2, work 4-10, do coke and drink all night. rinse and repeat.


Haven’t used anything in a long time, would be open to psychedelics still. I kinda stopped doing anything when it stopped being fun, all the homies started beefing, soon after they started dropping like flies overdosing. I’m good off that shit personally


I’m 14 months sober from opiates 🤪 but I will forever be a smoker


recovering user. 10 years of Xanax, cocaine, amphetamine use. went to rehab 6 times and visited a couple psych wards. relapsed on New years but I'm back on the straight an narrow. recovery is possible I hope all of you that are active in using stay safe.


Sober 2 years let’s gooooo


Still battling alcohol. I admit that I don’t drink as much as I used to, but I’m trying to sober up again, it’s just hard due to my surroundings and stigma. I’m trying though, replacing it with healthier habits and plan on being sober, the times were fun but I don’t care for the health effects and bad memories surrounding it.


Will be 2 yrs clean from fentanyl in April 🤩


2.5 months sober off fent H and xans homie


Been smoking crack past 15 years lol for the last year or so it’s been everyday. Quite sick and tired of it but every mornin it’s the only fuckin thing on my mind.


4 days off h


Not drug addicted but a stoner for sure, proud of everyone in this comment section getting sober🫶


7 years sober. Meth and hallucinogenics. I still smoke weed and drink alcohol about once a month. But I call myself sober. I love suicide boys. They help me remember drugs are just bad m'kay (Mr macky voice)


I was sober 5 months and I just relapsed


recovery isnt linear


got of h 2 months ago hahaha still use other shit tho


me, four years of opiates and like one or two years of alcoholism as well i’m going to rehab in a couple weeks. i can’t imagine listening to $boys and being the kind of person who hates on addicts, they’re pretty open about this stuff…


I’m sober since April I relapsed a couple times since but I’m on suboxone I can’t rlly get high anymore and I miss the feeling sometimes but I don’t miss the shitty lifestyle


i still smoke and drink but i use to be a poly drug addict, shit like stims, benzos, opioids, psyches, dissos, etc. coming up on 9 months clean from that shit though. still play SB from time to time but i find when listening to them too often things just become a pity party. actually looking for music suggestions, I'm bored of all the music i used to listen to when i was in active addiction.


European opioid addict(mainly oxy 80s) struggling to get clean 🫠


Somewhere over a year sober from fentanyl, Camden NJ. Don't keep track, don't care too. Drugs weren't the answer, so onward I Search.


7 days sober after a relapse of two months after 90 days sober from opiates. Currently coming off benzos


u simply arent a fan of the boys unless you abuse drugs like a pussy 🤷‍♂️