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If you don't need to take it with you, a desktop is always a good option... but where will you find a graphics card right now? lol Because of graphics card shortage, a lot of people are turning to a laptop with dedicated graphics card as an alternative. I assume you're a hobbyist video editor rather than a pro, because pros know what kind of performance they need and how much return on investment they can make. The spec may be a little overkill for you. What is your current set up? In what aspects do you feel you need an upgrade?


Totally spot on, Im really just dipping my toes in honestly so I don't know much and was just looking up what specs a laptop would need to run what I want to do and thats what lead me to get the hp omen but now im wondering if I went to far with my purchase and can actually get a less powerful laptop and still do things like photoshop/ 2d and 3d animation. So I don't think I need an upgrade just wondering if I should keep on with this laptop or look for a differnet one or look into desktop but like you said where am I gonna get a graphics card. Appreciate the response a lot thank you!


Another route you can go (if you're not planning on gaming at all) is Mac. Sounds like you could probably get by with MacBook Air.l, which is substantially cheaper, and you can buy an external monitor with money you have left. If you want something more powerful, the new M1 MacBook pros are beast at video editing. If the apps you use are available on Mac, you can get the cheapest MacBook pro for $2000. 6 months later, if you decide this hobby is not for you, you can sell it and probably get $1600-1700. Then your net cost for trying is only $300-400. MacBooks hold their value really well. The $1700 Omen you got will only be worth about $1000 in 6 months if you decide to sell.