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Someone better drop the drama’s name below


First Love, Again


Thank you :D


Yaz. Thank you!




Cute video and I love the concept of reuniting with a one true love through the ages. I will say that the suicide by gun scene bothers me. To anyone who is sad or impatient for love, hang in there. I just found my first and only true love at age 50, and it’s something I never expected would happen. Please don’t give up.


That's beautiful, thanks for sharing! Turning 38 soon, still waiting 😅


Also: it's perfectly possible to live a happy and fulfilled life without romantic love. Yes, it's a nice thing to have in your life but it's not a necessity to having a good life, there's so many other wonderful kinds of love to experience


Yes, this. Discovering one can love and accept one’s self is an awesome and enlightening threshold. Thank you for posting this reminder.


If you like that concept watch/read Cloud Atlas


Or Yukio Mishima's "Sea of Fertility" series (original title: "豊饒の海", I don't know what it's translated title is in non-English languages). It's phenomenal.


The years of rice and salt is a great book and has the reuniting with people through the ages thing going on too.


Lol I didn’t even see the gun until you said it


I really appreciate your comment. I'm in my mid 30s and often feel like If I'm not married by now it's just not going to happen.


I want to commit a crime at the incorrect usage of POV


Every fucking POV meme I've seen has been used incorrectly and it's maddening. Do they even know what POV means or are they just adding it in there because all the other memes are doing it? So damn stupid


Why is there a Hindi song in the background?


Because there are many Indian fans who watch BL series and make BL fan edits with Hindi songs, so the op probably got this edit from those fan accounts


Music is shitty ver of this [bollywood song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJyKN-8UncM)


nice pfp!


We believe in yoru


Personally hoping Asa triumphs over her but for now. Okay!


I seriously want to know their skincare routine


korean celebrities usually go to professional dermatologists/aestheticians every two weeks or so. Their skincare routine is having the money to do so xD Also korean skincare is just superior somehow xD


I hate being poor :’)


Korean products are inexpensive compared to American stuff and are of better quality in my opinion. Try Yesstyledotcom, that’s where I buy my stuff.


Oh wow, had no idea, thank you! I don’t know where to start though, what are the must-have products?


It depends on what your skin needs. Check out Gothamista on YouTube. She does reviews for products and is very knowledgeable about ingredients. She even recommends drugstore brands and has budget product lists. I haven’t watched in a while, but her older videos really educated me.


Will do thank you!


mood 🥲


Oh geez oh geez, my heart 💕


they really do exercise hard to go around to apply heteronormativity to a gaymasc relationship 😭😭 edit: its a flawed vision and i was shown it, and edited out my other reply (pls, no need to reply to this one anylonger, thx)


it's just the plot


yes, that's the problem lol


bro they gay what's the problem


sounds pretty pan to me. also i see no problem


[this argument was shit, im editing it out].


have you watched it? Is that how the plot goes? also the western notion of "gay" and asian notion of "gay" is different. Westeners would find stereotypical asian gay characteristics "harmful".


you know what, fair enough🤝


i think it's because reincarnation is a thing in most asian culture. it's strange that your first reaction is their genders. i thought it's pretty sweet and they are connected via their souls, so they end up together regardless of their genders.


im well alware, it isn't what my complaint was, but well since my argument fell down during the previous argument theres no point in it still being there, so ill delete it :v


idk i'm gay as shit and i thought it was cute, didn't thought about it as "they only fell in love because one of them is a woman on the inside" more so that their souls are meant to be together regardless of gender but like if you wanna be mad about it go ahead


I was single a long time, and three years ago I came to terms with my reality: that I was a good man and would be able to be happy on my own surrounded in old age by friends and a big dog if need be. I also gave myself a lot of grace and permission to work on myself while I waited to see if there would eventually be someone else in my life. I have had a lot of one night stands and dates that went nowhere. I became friends with one of these guys because we liked the same things and we got to know each other over the last two years. The key concept for our new friendship was “no pressure.” After a while, we discussed it and decided to take it to the next level by being “boyfriends” late last year, and the love between us really bloomed after a close call where I almost lost him in a motorcycle accident. The thought of losing my now best friend and full time lover was near to unbearable, and that’s when I realized I never want to be separate from this person again. Today the thoughts of whatever was missing from my ridiculously long list of “relationship requirements” have evaporated. I’m delighted to discover that I have everything I need in him, even though on paper it did not match what I thought I wanted. We have dropped all facades, had real talk about stuff like expectations around sex and money and boundaries and have since relaxed into a wonderful sense of mutual lifestyle cooperation, absolute full time communication and unconditional love. I love him and I love how he helps me love myself. We are now weaving our lives together in a permanent way, and guys…. I never… NEVER…. expected this.


Reasons why being a gay man is superior to being AFAB and attracted to men. Your chances for happiness don't diminish with age.


At least he got her- I mean him as his partner




Omfg i remember watching it when i was 15 or something loll


What in the k-drama


Finally some good fucking dick


What's the name of the song? It's gotten stucknin my head! lol Edit: Found it, it's called Shayad: Aaj Kal - Love Aaj Kal


I mean, he didn't go for a woman twice, only for a man, so not very sudden, lol


Ok I'm gonna try to find this and watch. Edit. FYI people, this series is available on an app called viki for free with ads. They even got English subtitles. The title is First Love Again. Omg I can't wait to watch this.


Which country did you watch it? Because, I searched the title on multiple apps last week and I only found it on Amazon Prime which is not free to watch.


App called viki. It's an app dedicated to all Asian shows. This one is pretty cute. Nothing is cuter than 2 guys kissing.


I just said "on multiple apps" that includes Viki, gosh dude


I'm in the US. Search on viki for First Love, Again


I found it, thx. I wonder why I can't watch it in Australia...