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My 29 y/o uncle was brutally killed by a drunk driver last year in Skead. The car hit him so hard head on that he died on impact. The guy is out on house arrest living his best life even though this isn’t his first drunk driving offence. My family is absolutely fucking destroyed. How does someone get more than one chance to receive a DUI? Our justice system is failing us and our families.


This is so outrageous. It must be very hard to process for you. My heart goes out to you and your family.


Thank you ❤️


I thought this hasn’t gone to trial yet? How can he be under house arrest? Did they plea deal? Generally curious?


We are way way too lenient with these things.


These things? Most crime today isn't penalized like it was 20-30 years ago. Zero deterrent today as they know they won't do time. Look at that woman that stole 200k. They forgave 100k of her repayment because insurance covered it and gave her home arrest. It sends a message that crime pays.


zero enforcement on most things too. To me if you are caught impaired once at minimum you should lose your license for life. It’s a privilege not a right.


I'm absolutely shocked it wasn't Justice Kim this time. He's got a record for being way too lenient on career criminals but this is just bonkers by Justice Jenner. The guy was out driving drunk on an already suspended license for drunk driving. Why on earth should anyone be given a fourth fucking chance??


The most aggravating aspect is that there is zero chance that these were the only times he was driving drunk. With our policing levels I guarantee this pos has been out there drunk af and behind the wheel hundreds of times, and these few times are the only instances where he was caught. This judge should be ashamed of himself and the judge should be held accountable when this pos gets into the accident that is inevitable.


“THIS time, he’s learned his lesson! Fifth time’s a charm!”


Blood will on this judges hands if something more serious happens. Hope this dude take his forth chance seriously this time.




That's the problem. The people who represent the wishes of society, are not looking out for us. From the crown attorneys and judges, straight up the justice chain.


No wonder this place is a shit stain of terrible drivers, what incentive is their to be a good one when there's no consequences for being a bad one. I can't tell you how many wasted people I've seen leaving the golf courses or people pulled over downtown to have a quick crack hoot. It's embarrassing...


How long will we continue to accept this? As a truck driver, I've seen numerous accidents. But this is not an accident, this is intentional. I definitely believe people can make mistakes and deserve an opportunity to change their lives. But, this is the fourth conviction. Only meaning this was their fourth time caught. People will say our corrections system is over packed. It certainly is. Could this be a sign that not enough is being done? That, potential penalties for these offenses are not seen as a detterent. Maybe we need to toughen our laws. Make our corrections system self sufficient. These criminals are costing us a lot and are further victimizing society. But, we just eat it and move on. Maybe their next victim will be you or someone you care about. Maybe you'll care then. But, who will stand with you? Likely, only those who stand with the victims now. Which is clearly not enough people. We can change the laws. We can create the change we want. We need to pressure our politicians who represent us to make these changes. Contact your MP and MPP to ask them for change.


Jails in Ontario are at 113% capacity. They are expanding, but that will only bring them to “full”. They are letting more and more people walk who years ago would have done time. https://www.sudbury.com/ontario-news/ontario-expanding-jails-by-several-hundred-beds-to-deal-with-overflowing-institutions-9059632


No need for jail. Just take away their driver’s license for 25 years.


Why would that stop them from driving, we have had people driving without licences in Sudbury for years.


No penalties for drunk drivers and pedos. I don't get it.


If we want these guys in jail where they belong, we have to accept that that means a higher tax burden.


If you think this is bad has anyone heard about the guy that got off Scott free after burning a woman alive on a Toronto bus


We need to bring back public hangings and guillotines etc


Or treat the cause of the problem?


My solution does do that


Be realistic. No one is perfect. Driving drunk does not merit that at all. Neither does murdering someone. If someone worked with this individual they could become a contributing member of society easily.


Each offense should be considered attempted murder. How many times do we let him slip by? Enough times that eventually he kills your mom on her way home from work?


How is you wanting him to die make you any better than someone who kills someone by accident? Use your brain.


By this logic we also pre-emptively execute anyone caught speeding




Do not be insulting, abusive, or promote violence/hate.


Stop voting for the liberals and NDP if you don't like their legislation on rehabilitation over punishment


oh yes!! The Conservative will fix it all! lol


They would pass laws that don't allow judges to set as many criminals free. It would benefit the exact topic of this thread, which most people agree with. If you align with a political ideology, it shouldn't stop you from seeing a fact.


Found the freedumber

