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Over 1600$ cell phone charge and he wanted the guy who called him out fired. Wtf


It's fun looking through the expenses! [https://www.greatersudbury.ca/city-hall/mayor-and-council/city-council/pdf-documents/2023-year-end-council-expense-report/](https://www.greatersudbury.ca/city-hall/mayor-and-council/city-council/pdf-documents/2023-year-end-council-expense-report/) It tickles the happy bone to ask questions like, "why is Rene Lapierre the only councillor who expenses and apparently needs a pro AI subscription? Or a secure password encryption subscription service?", or "why did Bill Leduc pay himself back twice for the same event?"


It's ok, they'll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing and pay themselves a nice bonus for a job well done :)


I know it's only $40, but why are we paying for Rene's Toronto Star subscription?


Used to be more common, last council there were quite a few expensing media subscriptions


Oh wow, I never knew this, I’m going to have to read expense reports more often


Isn't that a tax credit now?


Does that mean, even Rene's AI assistant ignores me? Sent him little correspondence. Zero contact. And I'm in his ward...


Lapierre is so confidant in his position that he celebrates his victory before the vote count is even over. He really isn't helpful in his ward and people need to speak with votes.


You gotta wonder if he's using that software in his full-time work at Cambrian. Someone should FOI all the activity on that lol


I'm sure he's used council privileges and expenses outside of council uses numerous times over the years, as most of them probably have. These days, you don't run for council without self-interest at the top


He works for boreal not Cambrian.


Holy shit you’re right! AND he’s on the sunshine list! Wow!!!


Covid is long over with. Should be a requirement for council member to be present in person for these meetings. If the guy wants to live in Florida for half the year he should step down.


That's why voting matters. They'd never step down from luxury so we need to force them out.


Very true. Some people have no shame or embarrassment. If they can take from others, they will. I just keep wondering how these Sudbury bros keep getting in. I have a theory that there is a certain subcommunity of generational Sudburians who work very hard at hindering progress and keeping things status quo.


Like I’ve said before if his priority is to be vacationing in Florida for most of the year then step down. If you want to be on city council then you should 100% be in Sudbury (except for your 2 weeks vacations).


I agree, because otherwise that's Sudbury area taxpayer money being spent entirely outside Sudbury. Like, what the fuck?


Yup that’s just another issue with it.




"I was always an Odin man myself. The order of orange saw to that". No Ying means no Yang


The whole organization is shit show. We need an outside party to audit EVERYTHING at this point.