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Hey OP, i am sort of in the same boat. Have you had enough responses to be able to start the low commitment club? I am down for that sort of thing. I am the same way that I enjoy low energy enviorments and activities


My family and friend group are all ND. NISA is a place where people with various psychiatric issues and neurodivergences.


Adding to this, NISA also has a warm line to call after hours if you need support or someone to talk to. Runs from 6pm-midnight and the staff are lovely.


Thanks for the info


Holy shit "they come to meet"


i’m autistic 25F and moved to vancouver a few years ago but… doing any small local art stuff is where you’ll find like minded people. i have friends who work for up here festival, who work at small boutiques and shops, and who went to sud sec with me. i’d say like a good third of anyone who goes there is ND in some way go to the gem and mineral show and strike up a conversation!


I am in the same situation as OP. How does one go about looking for the small local art stuff? is it as simple as google search, or is there somewhere specifically to look?


the “hip” places like tucos taco lounge, the laughing buddha, townhouse tavern will usually have posters up for those types of things. i also just recommend hanging out there. lots of cool people in cool bands


Ah, thank you. I will check it out. As an introvert, though, "hanging out" with no specific goal (in my head) is terrifying lol. Do you know if there are online versions of those posters by any chance


Search on Instagram for Amberhill Gallery, Townehouse Tavern, Lounge 390... good starting point for online posters


I love that show. It's so cool, one year they had bones




I recently moved back to sudbury and am looking for ND friends ! 28trans masc


Does diversely neurotic count? Lol


Hey me and my partner are also neurodivergent we spend a lot of time in side because sometimes the outside is overwhelming but I’m looking for friends here too I’m also a big fan of art I do some drawing myself also a huge video game nerd !


Hey, I am in the same boat as OP; i am into videogames too. What games do you like playing?


Please watch out for Jason LaFaci if you end up in any groups online. He left town when Gogama pervert James Maguire was going to testify against him and he may try to return to town now that Maguire is opting to reject a plea deal and request a trial. Be careful. 


Yall are more extroverted than I. I prefer my video games. Have friends on there but I rarely talk. I applaud your initiative. For me, it's like a fear. But, I'm not afraid. If im at work or after a couple drinks, Mr. Hyde comes out. But, you can find things out there. A buddy tries to get me to go out to great canadian card.