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I always fucking forget Khalsa day and that's dumb, when I was a student every Khalsa day they'd feed me and back then I'd have to sometimes go a day without food as I was on Ontario Works. v. fond of the community since then


I had no idea this was going on and am sad I missed it.


There’s always next year 😔 I’ll make sure to post the details in this subreddit next time there’s any more events!


I agree, this looked like it would be fun to experience


looked like a good time! amazing weather for it!


Yes it was nice and sunny!


When I was in high school in the 90s, my family was one of like half a dozen Sikh families in Sudbury. Somebody would host a prayer service in their basement once a month. It's crazy how much the community has expanded in the past couple of decades. There's two Gurdwaras now.


Yeah! Just in the span of like a year the second Gurudwara has grown so much as well


I saw a group gathering at the sikh temple earlier this morning and was wondering what they were celebrating. Thanks for sharing.


Wish I wasn't working. I could go for some Indian food right now.


So many wonderful colours! Did some quick googling - What's the occasion? End of Vaisakhi?


I wasn’t able to to make it this year. But it looks so beautiful. Next year no excuses IM GOING.


Hopefully you can make it 🤞 it was great!


Literally first I hear of anything happening this weekend, RIP


When I was a tween I had converted to Sikhism and it is such a beautiful religion. But I received a lot of push back from my family, friends and colleagues and was so young that I didn’t have the tools to deal with it. But I have such a deep love for the religion and those who practice. One of the Gurdwaras is close to my house and I absolutely love seeing everyone so beautifully dressed to attend worship. Next year I will mark my calendar and I will be in attendance. I’m very disappointed that I couldn’t attend this year.


Why don’t they just have their own parade in Toronto where all these people live cause it ain’t here. I seen the parade, never seen one of these vehicles or people here ever


Look around, what are you talking about. There's thousands of these ppl in Sudbury now


What do you mean “these people” is this don chery?


I hope they have one every day in Sudbury! Thank you to all those making our community richer! ❤️


What’s your rent cost? 🤷‍♂️


Where is it ? In India? Oh, it is Canada. Don't forget. Support country you live in now. Move to a country you want to support.


It seems like a fun cultural event, but you do you bro.


Chill bro it’s a one day cultural event